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1、Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and ExpressionsNew Words and Expressionsamusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的 experience n. 经历 wave v. 招手 lift n. 搭便车 reply v. 回答 language n. 语言 journey n. 旅行 By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Ne

2、w Words and Expressionsamusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的 这个故事好搞笑!The story is very amusing.amused adj. 感到好笑的I am / feel amused at the story. amuse v. 使发笑,使愉快 The story amused me. amusing 近义词:Interestingfunny By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and Expressionsexperience n. 经历;经验 n. 经历(可数,指具体的经历) 一次搞笑的/令人激动的/不同的

3、经历An amusing / exciting /different experience这是她首次国外旅游的经历。(experience of doing)It is her first experience of travelling abroad. n. 经验、体验(不可数,指抽象的经验) 你有教学的经验么?Do you have any experience of teaching?我的工作经验还不够。I dont have enough working experience. By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and Expressionsw

4、ave v. 招手wave to sb. 向某人招手wave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手再见他看见我们时,向我们挥了挥手.He waved to us when he saw us. vt. 挥动,摇动wave a hand, a flag at sb向某人招手 摇旗子他们挥着国旗,欢迎我们。They waved the national flag and welcomed us.By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and ExpressionsLift n. 便车take a bus/taxi/lift 乘公共汽车/乘出租汽车/搭便车 I

5、want to take a lift. 我想搭个便车。He gave me a lift. 他让我搭便车。他给我搭便车。 vt. 举起,抬起 lift sth up妈妈,我看不见。把我抱起来!Mummy, I cant see. Lift me up.这桌子被抬起,放进货车里去了。The desk was lifted up and was put into the truck.Lift sth up, put A into B By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and Expressionsreply vi. 回答,回复他生气地回答,“不行。”He

6、 replied angrily, “No way!”回信reply to the letteranswer the letterreply 和 answer 的异同意思基本一样,都可以作名词搭配不同,reply to sth, answer sth.n. 回答,回复请您尽快回答。(immediate)I request an immediate reply. An immediate reply is requested. By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and Expressionslanguage Cn. 语言 你使用哪一种语言?Which l

7、anguage do you speak/use?你懂得几种语言?How many languages do you know?第一语言,第二语言mother tongue 母语(口语中用) My mother tongue is Chinese. By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012New Words and Expressionsjourney n. 旅行 journey n. 所有的旅行,偏重于陆地旅行 2 hours journey;3 days journey(三天路程) 搭配:去旅行go on a journey travel / travelling n. 旅

8、游(一般用语)trip n. 短距离旅行 (时间或距离上较短) tour n. 游玩,环游By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012ListeningPracticeLesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012LISTENINGPRACTICE(1)Main IdeaLesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012LIST

9、ENINGPRACTICE(2)Fill in the blankListening PracticeIhadanamusingexperiencelastyear.AfterIhadleftasmallvillageinthesouthofFrance,Idroveontothenexttown.Ontheway,ayoungmanwavedtome.Istoppedandheaskedmeforalift.Assoonashehadgotintothecar,IsaidgoodmorningtohiminFrenchandherepliedinthesamelanguage.Apartfr

10、omafewwords,IdonotknowanyFrenchatall.Neitherofusspokeduringthejourney.Ihadnearlyreachedthetown,whentheyoungmansuddenlysaid,veryslowly,DoyouspeakEnglish?AsIsoonlearnt,hewasEnglishhimself!By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012LISTENINGPRACTICE(3)Q & ALi

11、stening Practice1Whatdidyouhavelastyear?2WhatpartofFrancewereyouin?3Hadyoubeeninasmallvillage?4Wheredidyoudriveonto?5Whowavedtoyouontheway?6Whatdidheaskyoufor?7Whendidyousaygoodmorningtohim?8Whatlanguagedidyouspeak?9DidyourpassengerreplyinFrench?10HowmanywordsofFrenchdoyouknow?11Didyouspeaktohimduri

12、ngthejourney?12Whendidhesuddenlysaysomething?13Whatdidheaskyou?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28st, 2012TEXTSTUDYTEXT STUDYIhadanamusingexperiencelastyear.Anyquestion?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYAfter I had left a small village in the south of

13、France, I drove on to the next town.hadleft为什么用过去完成时(过去的过去)?1.drive是过去的动作2.drive和leave这两个动作不是同时发生;在drove这个动作发生之前,leave已经发生。By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYAfter I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.a small village in the south of France叫做什么?意思?介宾短语作后置定

14、语,“在法国南部的一个小村庄”drive on 继续开往 副词on紧跟在动词后面时,表示“继 续”、“向前”意义He talked on and on. (让)我们继续(走)吧!Lets go on! By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYOn the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift.on the way to (Page ?)wave to sb. ask sb for sth 向某人要某物向妈妈要钱,向路人passer-by要面包向警察请求帮助征询老师

15、的意见(向老师征询意见)By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYAs soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.had got into 为什么用过去完成时?Get into 和 say 这两个动作不是同时发生,而是一前一后Say to sbIn + 语言 用某种语言(做某事)Speak + 语言 说某种语言用英语写信 用法语说再见 用俄语做ppt我用英语写了一本书。 这本书是用英语写的。B

16、y Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYAs soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. As soon as he I said and he replid As soon as 引导的结构叫做时间状语从句, 与When / While的结构类似。When / While 当的时候As soon as 一就,强调两个动作几乎是连在一起发生By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 201

17、2TEXT STUDYAs soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.他一进门,就立刻脱了上衣。As soon as he had entered the room, he took off his coat at once.我一接到电话,就立刻开车到了医院。As soon as I had received the phone call, I drove to hospital at once.By Roy Ouyang O

18、ct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYApart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.apart from 除以外 除了法语,我还懂英语。ApartfromFrench,IalsospeakEnglish.除了钱,我一无所有。Apartfrommoney,Ihavenothingatall.By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYApart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.not at all 一点都不,表强调 注意:n

19、ot要与谓语连用,atall通常置于句末。我一点都不喜欢这部电影。Idontlikethemovieatall.By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012TEXT STUDYNeither of us spoke during the journey.我们俩没有一个懂德语。我们俩都懂德语。我们三个都没有车。我们三个都有车。By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012两个两个三个或三个以上三个或三个以上全部肯定BothAll全部否定NeitherNone用法: of TEXT STUDYBy Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012I had nearly r

20、eached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English?这句话如何翻译?when :此时我刚一回到家,此时就开始下雨了。I had reached home, when it started to rain. I had reached home, when it started raining. reach + 地点 = get to +地点 = arrive at/in + 地点TEXT STUDYAs I soon learnt, he was English himself

21、!As+主语+动词,属于特殊的定语从句,“正如”As my mother said,As I heard,As I learntAs we (all) know, the New Concept English is very good. 众所周知的是, As I think, it is the coldest day in the year. As he said, English is easy to learn.正如妈妈所说,女人是一种危险的动物。正如新闻所说,他已经于凌晨两点钟逝世。As the news said, he had died at 2:00 early in the

22、morning. By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28st, 2012RetelltheStoryRetell the story1amusingexperience2left-smallvillage-southofFrance-drove3Ontheway-manwaved-me4stopped-asked-lift5into-car-goodmorning-French6He-samelanguage7fewwords-not-anyFrench-nexttown8N

23、either-spoke-journey9nearly-town-suddenly-speakEnglish?10learnt-EnglishhimselfBy Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28st, 2012SummaryWritingSummary WritingThewritergavealifttoayoungmaninthesouthofFrancelastyear.TheygreetedeachotherinFrench.Apartfromafewwords,th

24、ewriterdoesntspeakanyFrench.Theysatinsilence.Attheendofthejourneytheyoungmanasked,DoyouspeakEnglish?HewasEnglishhimself.By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28st, 2012KeyStructureKey Structure过去完成时结构:had + 过去分词(done) 表示:过去的过去过去完成时一定要以一个过去时态作铺垫,而且had done这个动作要发

25、生在这个过去动作之前。常用连词 when,after,as soon as,until等,以强调事件发生的先后先后次序次序。By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Key Structure过去完成时他一说出口,就后悔了。As soon as he _(say) this, he _ (regret) it.她去搭出租车的时候,已经开始下雨了。It _ (begin) to rain before she took a taxi.小孩子打碎玻璃之后,匆匆地跑了。After the children _(break) the window, they _ (run) away.他

26、吃完午饭,要了一个苹果。When he _ (finish) lunch, he _(ask) for an apple.By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28st, 2012SpecialDifficultiesSpecial Difficultiesask v. 问,询问;请求,要求,邀请 ask a question/ask sb. 问(问题)I asked (Mary) a question. They asked Tony to sing a song. They

27、asked her to spend the weekend with them. ask (sb) for (sth) 要,要求(某样东西) ask for the answer I asked for a cup of coffee, but they gave me a cup of tea. He never asks his friends for help. By Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012Lesson 14 Do you speak English?By Roy Ouyang Oct 28st, 2012THANK YOU Summary WritingBy Roy Ouyang Oct 28th, 2012EThank you!42



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