新概念英语第二册lesson 51课件(谷风讲课)

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1、Reward for virtue对美德的奖赏1沐风教资Read the text then answer the questions belowWhat did Hugh do when he decided to go on a diet?What did Hugh do when the writer entered his room?Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally(偶尔)?2沐风教资He worte out a long list of all the foods which were forbid

2、denHe led me into his room and hurriedly did a large parcel under his deskBecause the diet was too strict3沐风教资reward N 报酬 奖赏 酬谢 赏金He reveived a medal in reward for his success他得到块奖牌做为对成功的奖赏He worked hard without any reward他努力工作,没有回报V 给予报酬Is this how you reward me for my help?You will be rewarded wit

3、h all your effortsI will reward you later4沐风教资有美德的男人a man of virtue诚实是一种美德Honesty is a virtuelead a life of virtue 过着高尚的生活5沐风教资diet go on a diet / be on a diet 节食put on weight / gain weightlose weighta blanced diet 均衡饮食我最近在节食I was on a diet recently吃多不运动会增肥Eating too much without exercises will put

4、on your weight6沐风教资forbid(forbade forbidden)forbid+N / doing吸烟在这所大楼时被禁止的smoking is forbidden in this buildingforbid sb to do sth 阻止某人做某事我爸爸阻止我看电视My father forbade me to watch TVforbidden V N 被禁止的forbidden fruit 禁果forbidden ground 禁区 7沐风教资hurriedly adv.hurry v / hurried adj / hurried advHe hurried ho

5、me He hurried to schoolhurry to + 地点 匆忙赶到某地He hurried back to his officeHe hurried into the carHe hurried home8沐风教资embarrass 使。尴尬,难堪embarrass sb你的话使他很尴尬Your words embarrassed him a lot你是想让我难看吗Are you trying to embarrass me?Dont embarrass them by asking personal questions不要问个人问题使他们难堪embarrassed 感到尴尬的

6、,难堪的embarrassing 令人难堪的She was embarrassed by his loud laughter9沐风教资guilt guilty guiltlyi feel guilty about .对你的意外我感到内疚I feel guilty about your accidenti feel guilty because.考试没考好让我内疚I fell guilty because I failed the exam10沐风教资strictbe strict in sth 对。事情很挑剔。要求多He is strict in songsbe strict with sb

7、对。要求严格He is strict with his sonbe strict in ones work 对某人工作要求严格be strict in ones study 对某人学习要求严格首先你必须对自己要求严格first of all , you must be strict with yourself严格的老师 a strict teacher .严格的规定 strict rules11沐风教资occasionallyoccasion 场合 机会occasional 偶尔on this occasion / that occasion 在这种场合,那种场合我没有机会说英语I dont

8、have the occasion to speak English他又几次机会上台He has few occasions to get on stage12沐风教资things it means a particular state of affairs ;a situationHow are things going?=how is it going?=how are you?=whats up。so .that 如此。以至。雨下的这么大以至于我过不去街The rain is so heavy that i cant go across the steetI was so tired t

9、hat I fell asleep in few secondsdecide to do 决定做某事他决定帮我他决定买个新手机他决定买套公寓他决定两年后结婚13沐风教资write out 详细的写出 、列出write out a checkwirte out a listwirte out a list of namesfoods; fruits; fishes.14沐风教资includ and containinclude 包括,(作为整体的一部分)主语是人或物 这个价格含税The price includes the tax英国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士The United Kingdom in

10、cludes Northern Ireland and Wales这个乐队演奏过很多歌曲,包括我一些我的最爱The band played many songs, including(介词) some of my favourites.我买了很多食物,包括牛奶,土司面包,鸡蛋和香肠。I bought a lot of foods which include milk, toast, eggs and sausage.15沐风教资contain 包含,容纳 。(在某个容器或物体内)不能用于进行时那个箱子包含就的信件That box contains old letters= There are

11、old letters in that box这个房间可容纳700人The room can contain 700 people这个阅览室可容纳4000本书The reading room contain 4000 books大厅可以容纳200人。The hall can contain two hundred people. 16沐风教资pay sb a visit/ pay a visit to sb拜访某人,看望某人我昨天去看了我的姐姐I paid a visit to my sister yesterday我的前女友说要来看我,让我很尴尬。My ex-girfriend said s

12、he would pay me a visit, that embarrass me我要去拜访校长他昨天去拜访了他的好朋友17沐风教资as.as ever.和以往一样你和以前一样漂亮JIM 和以前一样努力Jim works as hard as ever他还是和以前一样愚蠢He is still as stupid as ever不要关注他的话,因为和以前一样无聊Dont pay attention to his words , because it is as boring as ever我会像以前一样那么照顾你I will take care of you as much as ever1

13、8沐风教资it was obvious that .很明显他在撒谎it was obvious that he was lying很明显他没写作业it was obvious that he didnt do his homework很明显火车不能停下来it was obvious that the train cant stop很明显我没听他的意见it was obvious that I didnt follow his advice19沐风教资 双宾语yesterday i paid him a visitThen he showed me the contents of the par

14、celgive sb sth / give sth to sb给某人xx东西pass sb sth / pass sth to sb递给某人xx东西bring ,ask, buy, fetch, sell, teach, tell20沐风教资别忘了给我带樱桃Dont foget to bring me cherry他把护照递给了乘客He passed the passenger passport你能替我问她下面的这些问题吗Could ask her the following questions for me?我妈妈给我取了一盒子巧克力My mom fetched me a box of chocalate那个大约27岁的高个子男孩卖毒品That tall boy who is about 27 years old sells drug刘长亮每周三都交我们英语Chirs teaches us English every Wednesday告诉他这个消息Tell him the news告诉他下个暑假我准备拜访他Tell him that I want to pay him a visit next Summer vocation21沐风教资



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