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1、Words studyGlobal warmingUnit 4 1It is a rapid increase when _ to/with other natural pared1. We often compare children _ flowers.2. If you compare this dictionary _ that one, youll find many differences.3. _ with many women, she was very fortunate.4. _ this speech with the former one, I found that I

2、ve made great progress.toto/ withComparedComparing2It is a rapid increase _ most natural changes._, it is a rather rapid increase.It is a rapid increase when _ to/with other natural paredin comparison withBy comparison3 Please tell me how the accident_. I am still in the dark. A. came up B. came out

3、 C. came to D. came about走近,被提及走近,被提及出来,出来, 露出露出达到达到; 谈到,涉及谈到,涉及发生,造成发生,造成How has this come about? 造成,产生造成,产生4Some byproducts are called “greenhouse” gases, _ (其中最重其中最重要的要的) is carbon dioxide.Dr. Foster thinks that any trend _ the temperature increases by 5 degrees would lead to a catastrophe.It wil

4、l encourage a greater range of animals, _ (所有动物所有动物) will make life for human beings better.the most important one of whichin whichall of which高级定语从句高级定语从句 介词介词+which (指代物指代物)5 Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, _ carbon dioxide. Some byproducts of this process are called

5、 “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.高级定语从句高级定语从句 VS 独立主格结构独立主格结构the most important one being6 The accident _ the death of two passengers. A. resulted from B. resulted inThe burning of the fossil fuels has resulted in this increase in carbon.导致:导致:contribute to; lea

6、d to7 Any damage _ carelessness must be paid by the borrower.A. resulting from B. resulted fromB.C. resulting in D. resulted inThe burning of the fossil fuels has resulted in this increase in carbon.result from: 因因而起而起8So how high will the temperature increase _?1.For the first winter things went sm

7、oothly enough.2.The black hair was going grey.3.I hear the bells going.4.How does this poem go?go进行,进展进行,进展变得变得响了响了是是.样子的样子的怎么说的怎么说的9So how high will the temperature increase _?虽然他还没到虽然他还没到30岁,但他已经秃顶了。岁,但他已经秃顶了。He has already gone bald though he was only in his late twenties.我忘记了那首歌是怎么唱的。我忘记了那首歌是怎么唱

8、的。I forget totally how that song goes.go10Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature _ 5 degrees would be a catastrophe.byby: 按按计算;表增减的程度计算;表增减的程度He is paid by the day.鸡蛋是按打卖的。鸡蛋是按打卖的。The eggs are sold by the dozen.The production rose by two-fifths.我们以一球之差输了比赛。我们以一球之差输了比赛。We los

9、t the match by one goal.11We cant predict the climate well enough to know _.Im not sure _ with my project.我们必须决定该留下还是离开。我们必须决定该留下还是离开。We must decide whether to stay or leave.where to start疑问词疑问词(why除外除外)+不定式结构不定式结构what to expect121.我认为我们的会议总体上很成功。布朗教我认为我们的会议总体上很成功。布朗教授的报告很受欢迎。授的报告很受欢迎。2.I think our

10、conference was a great success _. Professor Browns _ was _.3.2. 能源的范围很广,有煤、石油、天然气、能源的范围很广,有煤、石油、天然气、水力、核能等等。水力、核能等等。4.There is _energy sources: coal, oil, natural gas, water power, nuclear power_. on the whole presentation well/warmly receiveda wide range ofand so on/ ,etc133. 既然你的自行车坏了,你可以用我的,只既然你的

11、自行车坏了,你可以用我的,只要你照顾好它。要你照顾好它。Since/Now (that) your bicycle is broken, you can use mine, _.4. 苏苏(Sue)常在附近店里买点吃的,在微波常在附近店里买点吃的,在微波炉里热热当午饭,喝一罐可乐让自己提提神,炉里热热当午饭,喝一罐可乐让自己提提神,然后再回到办公室。然后再回到办公室。Sue often buys food at the nearby store and heats it in the microwave oven for lunch. Then she drinks a can of coke

12、 to _herself and returns to the office.so long as you take care of itrefresh refreshing 令人清新的,提神的令人清新的,提神的145. 我代表学校感谢史密斯先生作为学者、工我代表学校感谢史密斯先生作为学者、工程师和教育家所做的工作。程师和教育家所做的工作。I would like to express my _ to Mr Smith _ the school for his work as a _, an engineer and an _.6. 她反对战争、反对凶残地对待动物以及种她反对战争、反对凶残地对

13、待动物以及种族主义等等,她怀有拯救所有生物的使命感。族主义等等,她怀有拯救所有生物的使命感。She _ war, cruelty to animals, racism and so on with a _ to help all living things.gratitudeon behalf ofscholareducatoris opposed tocommitment157. 他的方案顺利通过了,大多数与会代表都他的方案顺利通过了,大多数与会代表都赞同他的方案。赞同他的方案。His programme has been _ smoothly because _ the represent

14、atives in the conference _ it.8. 近年来这一地区冬天的气温趋于上升,其近年来这一地区冬天的气温趋于上升,其中大气污染是导致这一结果的一个主要原因。中大气污染是导致这一结果的一个主要原因。These years, the winter temperature in this region_, and one of the main reasons which have _ is the air pollution.approvedthe majority ofsubscribed to/ are in favor oftends to go upresulted

15、in this consequence169. 他对我们国家的主要贡献在于提出了控制他对我们国家的主要贡献在于提出了控制人口增长的建议。人口增长的建议。His main contribution to our country is the proposal on_.10. 会议主席声明尽管出席会议的人在某些会议主席声明尽管出席会议的人在某些方面有意见分歧方面有意见分歧,但在环保方面的想法是一致的但在环保方面的想法是一致的。The chairman of the conference _ that though the people at present are _ on some issues

16、, they _ each other on environmental protection.controlling population growthstatedin disagreementagree with /are in agreement with1711. 外层空间是否存在生命,这仍然是个外层空间是否存在生命,这仍然是个谜。谜。The _ of life in _ is still a mystery.12. 专家称全球气温有上升的趋势。专家称全球气温有上升的趋势。Experts said that the _ temperature would show a _ to inc

17、rease.existenceouter space global tendencyhave/show a tendency to do sth.18强调句型强调句型191. 基本句型:基本句型:It is / was +强调部分强调部分 + that / who/whom +句子剩余部分句子剩余部分2. 强调句的一般疑问句句型:强调句的一般疑问句句型:Is / Was it +强调部分强调部分 +that / who + 句子剩余部分句子剩余部分?3. 强调句的特殊疑问句句型:强调句的特殊疑问句句型:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 +is/was it +that /who?201. 基本句型:基本句

18、型:2. 强调句的一般疑问句句型:强调句的一般疑问句句型:3. 强调句的特殊疑问句句型:强调句的特殊疑问句句型:我遇到的是我遇到的是她她。It was her that/who/whom I met.你开始工作是在八点吗?你开始工作是在八点吗?Is it at 8 oclock that you begin to work?他他为什么没有出什么没有出现?Why was it that he didnt show up?21被强调部分是被强调部分是: :主语,宾语,状语主语,宾语,状语It is / was +被强调部分被强调部分 + that /who /whom +句子剩余部分句子剩余部分句

19、子句子谓语谓语 的强调手段的强调手段:do / does / did + 动词原形动词原形22我的确相信他是老实人。我的确相信他是老实人。他们昨天的确去看过你,但没见到你。他们昨天的确去看过你,但没见到你。I do believe that he is an honest man.They did go to see you yesterday, but failed to meet you. 232. It was in this village _ I was bought up. A. where B. that C. on which D. which1. It was this vi

20、llage _ I was brought up. A. where B. that C. on which D. which典型例题分析:典型例题分析:243. It was 1969_ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.A. that B. when 4. It was in 1969 _ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.A. that B. when典型例题分析:典型例题分析:25典型例题分析:典型例题分析:-When did

21、he write his first novel?- It was in 1979 _ he was in middle school. A. when B. that26典型例题分析:典型例题分析:-When was it that the exhibition was held?-It was on May 5 _ it was held. Awhen B. that27典型例题分析:典型例题分析:-When was it that the exhibition was held?-It was on May 5 _ the famous ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan was honored _ it was held. Awhen; that Bthat; when Cwhen; what Dthat; that28



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