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1、应用型大学英语综合教程一unitStillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextLanguage Skills DevelopmentLanguage in UseEnhancement of Language Abilities Unit 1Unit OneTable of Contents2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1 contentBackNextStarterText: Dont Let Anyone

2、 Steal Your DreamsWorking with words and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable ofContentsPart 1 Language Skills Development3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsBackNextHighlightsS:Asong:IhaveadreamL:MydreamR:Dontletanyonesteal

3、yourdreamsW: SimplesentencesInternet work:IntroducingHarvardUniversityPart 1 Language Skills Development4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBackNext1. StarterA. Read the lyrics of a song. Listen to the tape or the CD and sing in chorus. 51.What was Martin Luther Kings dream?2. What was Lincolns dream?3

4、. What is the speakers dream? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBackNextMartin Luther Kings dream was to have justice for all people.Lincolns dream was to set the slaves free.The speakers dream is to help those people who need help.B. Listen to a short passage entitled “My Dream” and answer the follow

5、ing questions.1. Starter6上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBackNextMy DreamDreamsarethewindforoursailsontheocean.Dreamskindleaflametoilluminateourdarkroads.Dreamsprotectourhearts.MartinLutherKinghadadreamitwastohavejusticeforallpeople.Lincolnhadadreamitwastosettheslavesfree.Theysoughttheirdreamsandfin

6、allymadethemcometrue.Ihaveadream,whichistohelpthosepeoplewhoneedhelp.Therearetoomanywarsanddisasters.About16,000peoplehavediedintheIraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because ofstarvation.Ihavedreams,youhavedreamsandtheyhavedreamstoo.Weshouldhelpthem.Weshouldsavetheirlivessothe

7、ycanpursuetheirowndreams.Asthelyricofasonggoes,“Wearetheoneswhomakeabrighterday,soletsstartgiving.”Well,thatsmydream,asimplebutmeaningfuldream.1. Starter7Warm Up2. Which of your former teachers impressed you most? Recall a story about you and your teacher and then share it with your classmates.BackN

8、ext1. Overall, how has your childhood affected the rest of your life?A. It has helped me become a mature, well-rounded individual.B. It gave me the skills I need to succeed in life.C. Its left me a little. unhinged.D. Im a serial killer.Text Lead-in上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 8BackNextText Lead-in上海交通大上海交通大学

9、学出版社出版社 Text OrganizationIntroductionPara._BodyParas._uParas._uParas._uParas._ConclusionPara._123467910Introductiontotheheroofthestory:MontyRoberts,whoownsahorseranch.Montyhadadreamofowningahorseranch,evenwhenhewasaseniorinhighschool.Montywroteapapertoexpresshisdream.Theteacherfailedhimandrequiredhi


11、hschool.Paras.2-3Monty wrote a papertoexpresshisdream.Paras.4-6The teacher failed himandrequiredhimtorewritethepaper.Paras.7-9Monty persevered in hisdreamuntilherealizedit.Dontletanyonestealyourdreams.Followyourheart,nomatterwhat.BackNextText Lead-in上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Text Organization10上海交通大上海交通大学学

12、出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 1 I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. Translation 不要让别人偷走你的梦想不要让别人偷走你的梦想1 1 我有个朋友叫蒙蒂罗伯兹,他在圣伊斯

13、德罗有个牧马场。他把住宅借给我举办募款活动,为问题青少年项目筹备基金。 ranch: 牧场e.g. He is dreaming of owning aranchinNorthAmerica.Note that a large ranch offershorsebackriding,rafting,fishing,andmountainbiketours;owningaranchmaybethelife-longdreamformanyAmericans.Meaning: He has allowed me tocollect funds to finance social servicesf

14、orthoseyoungpeoplewhoareindangerofgoingastray/becomingjuveniledelinquents(青少年犯罪分子). put on:1)举办(展览等);演出(戏剧)e.g. The gallery will put on anexhibition of his latest works thisweekend.2)穿上,戴上e.g. The fire suddenly broke out.She did not have the time to putsockson. fund-raising:筹募基金活动e.g.Acharitywalkisa

15、fund-raisingevent.Thefund-raisingcampaignwaskickedoffbyamillionaire. youth at risk programs: youth atriskreferstothoseyoungpeoplewhoare not properly looked after oreducated and have a tendency tocommit wrongdoings such as beingaddictedtoalcohol,drugs,andsoon.at risk:有危险,有风险e.g.If we go to war, innoc

16、entliveswillbeputatrisk.11上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text2 The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house.” It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track

17、to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boys high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. Translation上次我在那里时,他介绍我时这样说:“知道我为什么让杰克借用我的房子吗?”这要从一个男孩的故事说起。男孩

18、的父亲是位巡回驯马师,经常在不同的马厩、赛马场、农场和牧场之间来回奔波。因此,男孩的中学学业经常中断。读毕业班时,有一天老师让写一篇文章,讲述长大之后的理想。2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams BackNext go back to:追溯到,回到上来e.g. WheneverGrandmatalks,shealways likes to go back to heryoungerdays. itinerant: 巡回的,流动的e.g. ImcontemplatingtomakeanitinerantspeechalloverChina.Ther

19、eisageneraldebatenowadays about the problem ofitinerantworkers. from stable to stable: Note thatthe article before the countablenoun stable is omitted. Otherexamples,fromvictorytovictory,fromstarttofinish,fromcradletograve,etc. track: n. 1)C跑道e.g.Herunsaroundthetrackeverymorning.2)C,usu. pl.踪迹,足迹,痕迹

20、e.g. We followed his tracks in thesnowtoahut.3)C路,小径e.g.Wereachedthetemplethroughanunfrequentedmountaintrack.vt.跟在足迹后;跟踪e.g. The hunters tracked gamethroughtheforest. continually: 不停地,频繁地e.g.Thetelephonehasbeenringingcontinuallyintheofficeallmorning.Pay attention to the differencebetween continual a

21、nd continuous.Continual connotes an act that isrepeatedagainandagain(意味着可能 存 在 间 断 ) while continuousimplieslackofinterruptionintime,substance,orextent(含有在时间、物质或广度上没有间断的意思).12那晚他写了七张纸,描述他的梦想,那就是拥有一个属于自己的牧马场。他很详细地描写了他的梦想,甚至画了一张占地200英亩的马场的设计图,上面标有所有建筑物、马厩、跑道等的位置。在这个200英亩的梦想农场中他要建一个4000平方英尺的房子,并且画了一个详细

22、的平面图。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext3 That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then

23、he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. Translation2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams in detail:详细地e.g.Hedescribedtherobberyindetailtous. diagram: 图解,图表e.g.Hepointedatthediagramtoillustratehispoint. location:.地点,位置,定位e.g. He indic

24、ated the location of thePersianGulfwithapenonthemap.The town is a good location for aweekendgetaway. detailed: 详细的,极注意细节的,详尽的e.g.Pleasesendadetailedresumtoourcompany.ShehasadetailedknowledgeofAmericanculture. Notethattheverbsitinthissentenceisusedinthesenseof“tobesituatedorlocated(坐落,处于或位于)”.e.g. Th

25、ehousesitsonahill.Thefarmsitsonthesideofthehill.Questions about Para. 313上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNextMontys dream was to own a horse ranch. 1. What was Montys dream? 2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 14上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext4 He put a great deal of his heart into the

26、 project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read: “See me after class.” 5 The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an F?” Translation他花了好大心血把文

27、章写完,第二天交给了老师。两天后他拿回了文章。见文章的第一页上打了一个又红又大的F,旁边还写了一行字:“下课后来见我。”这个满怀梦想的男孩下课后去见了老师,问道:“您为什么给我不及格?”2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams put ones heart into:全心全意投入,热心于e.g. He put his whole heart intothinking up ways to improve hiswork.Heart:中心,源泉;某人生存、情感及感情的重要中心或源泉 如:followyourheartMeaning:Hedevotedn

28、earlyallofhisenergiestotheassignmentandthenextdayhesubmittedittohisteacher. hand sth. in:提交,呈交,上交(尤指书面材料或失物)e.g. Shehandedinherresignation.Questions about Para. 4 TheletterFreferstoafailinggradeinschoolwork.15上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext Monty received an F on his paper.2. What was the scor

29、e Monty received for his paper?2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 16上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text 6 The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of mo

30、ney. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later youll have to pay large stud fees. Theres no way you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.” NextBack Translation老师说:

31、“对你这样的一个男孩来说,这个梦想是不现实的。你没有钱。你来自一个巡回驯马师的家庭,你没有背景。拥有一个牧马场需要大量的钱,你要买地,一开始得买繁殖用的马群,以后还得付高额的配种费。你不可能做到这些。”然后老师又加了一句,“如果你愿意重新写一篇目标比较现实的作文,我会重新考虑你的分数。”Meaning: Itisabsolutelyimpossibleforyoutosucceed./Youcanneverachieveyourgoal. 2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams Meaning: As you are such a youngboy

32、, you should not have this dreambecauseitwouldbeimpossibletorealizeit.Meaning: You do not have themeans to make your dream cometrue. unrealistic: 不切实际的,不实在的e.g. The most unrealistic thingaboutromanticfictionisthattheheroinealwaysmarriesMr.RightandtheheroalwaysmarriesMissRight. Questions about Para.

33、6 resource:n.1)资源e.g. We agreed to pool ourresources.2)天然资源e.g. If I may refer back to theproblemwediscussed,Ithinkweshall stress the conservation ofournaturalresources. original:a.1)原始的,最初的;原先的;最早的e.g. The originalpictureis in theBritishMuseum.TheIndiansaretheoriginalinhabitantsofNorthAmerica.2)新创的

34、,创新的,新颖的e.g. Hisdesignsarehighlyoriginal.Heisanoriginaldramatist. breeding:n.(为繁殖的)饲养 e.g. He enjoys the breeding ofhorses. stock: n.1)家畜;牲畜e.g. They wanttobuysomemorestockforbreeding.2)(商店、货栈等的)库存物,存货e.g.Yourordercanbesuppliedfromstock.3)供给,供应;储备量e.g.Stocksoffoodarerunninglow. fee:n.1)酬金,服务费e.g.Ith

35、oughttheaccountantsfeewasratherhigh.2)(加入组织或做某事付的)费用e.g.Ifyouwanttojoin,theresanentrancefeeof$20andanannualmembershipfeeof$10.Theychargeasmallregistrationfee. Notethatthewordwayheremeans“a method or manner of doingsomething(方法,手段等)”.e.g.Doitthisway.Also note that in American spokenEnglish no way is

36、used to expressemphaticnegation.e.g.Doyouthinkpeoplewillbelieveyouagainsinceyouhavemadesuchagrosslie?No way! rewrite:vt.重写;改写e.g.Irewrotethearticlebecauseitdoesnotaccordwithourpolicy. realistic: a.1)现实的,实事求是的e.g.Berealisticyoucantexpectabigsalaryateighteen.2)(文艺的)现实主义的,写实主义的e.g.Thisisarealisticnovel

37、aboutghettolife. reconsider:vt.重新考虑(某事物)e.g.Weregretthatweareunabletoreconsideryourcase.Ifhewereyou,hewouldreconsidermyproposal.17Because the teacher thought that his dream was unrealistic and there was no way for him to realize it. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text3. Why did Monty get that score?Next 4

38、. What did the teacher ask Monty to do when Monty came to see him after class?The teacher asked Monty to rewrite the paper with a more realistic goal, and said that he would reconsider Montys grade if he would do so. Back 2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 18男孩回到家后,冥思苦想了很长时间。他问他的父亲应该怎么做。父亲说:

39、“听着,儿子,你要自己拿主意。但这对你来说是个非常重要的决定。”上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext7 The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, “Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.” Notel

40、ookisnotusedasaverbhere,butasaninterjectionfordrawingattentionbeforesayingsomething,esp.whenoneisangryorimpatient(在说什么之前用以引起注意,尤其用于生气或不耐烦的时候)哎,喂.e.g. Look,Idontmindyouborrowingmycar,butyououghttoaskmefirst. make up ones mind on sth./to do sth.:下决心做某事e.g.Thisonelooksprettygood,butIdliketoseemorebefor

41、eImakeupmymind.Doyouhaveanyothersuggestions?Translation2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 19Meaning: The boy spent one wholeweek,thinkinghardaboutwhattodoaboutit,andintheendhehandedinthepaperwithoutanychanges. Meaning:Hesaidtohisteacherthathewouldnotgiveuphisdream/wouldpersevereinhisgoalinli

42、feeventhoughtheteacherfailedhim.男孩想了整整一个礼拜,最后又把原稿一字未改地交给了老师。他告诉老师说:“您可以保留这个F,但我将保留我的梦想。”上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text8 Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.” turn in:1)递交,上交e.g.Thes

43、oldierturnedinhisgunbeforeleavingthearmy.2)投案自首,告密e.g.Thecriminalturnedhimselfin.Therewouldbestrongincentivestoturnthewantedmanin.3)做出;生产,制造e.g. The student turns in a consistentperformanceeveryday. state:vt.陈述或说明(某事)e.g.Hestatedpositivelythathehadneverseentheman.Thebusmenhavestatedthatthestrikewill

44、continueuntilgeneralagreementis reached about pay and workingconditions.2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams BackNextTranslationQuestions about Para. 820上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNextNo, he didnt. After having thought about it long and hard, Monty finally turned in the same paper, makin

45、g no changes at all. 5. Did Monty rewrite his paper? Monty said to his teacher, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.”6. What did Monty say to his teacher when he turned in the same paper after a week? 2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 21上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text9 Monty then turned

46、 to the assembled group and said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” (To be continued) 2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams BackNextTranslation assembl

47、e: vi./vt. 1)集合;聚集;收集e.g. If the fire-alarm goes, staffshouldassembleoutsidethebuilding.2)装配,安装e.g. It took me two hours toassemblethebicycle.Theworkerswhoassemblecarsworkveryskillfully. frame: vt.1)给画镶框e.g.Willyouframethispicture?2)(用文字)表达(某事);创作e.g. An examiner must frame hisquestionclearly.Thegov

48、ernmentisframinganewbilltocontrolgambling. fireplace:n.壁炉e.g.Booksandafireplacelentafeelingofwarmthtotheroom.说到这里,蒙蒂转向众人,说道:“我之所以告诉你们这个故事,是因为你们现在就坐在这个占地200英亩的牧马场中的4000平方英尺的房子里。那篇作文我一直保留到现在,它就镶在壁炉上方。”22他接着又说道:“下面是这个故事最为精彩的部分:两年前这位老师带领30个孩子到我的牧场来野营一周。走的时候,这位老师对我说:蒙蒂,现在我可以告诉你,当我是你的老师的时候,我可以说是专偷别人梦想的小偷。

49、那些年我偷走了不少孩子的梦想。幸运的是,你有足够的冲劲,没有放弃你的梦想。”上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textHe added, “The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week. When the teacher was leaving, he said, Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your te

50、acher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.” 2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams Questions about Para. 9BackNextTranslation camp out:野营,露营e.g. Theboyguidedmetothewoodswheremyfriendscam

51、pedout. something of: 在某种程度上;有几分e.g.Ourprofessorissomethingofaneccentric.Sheissomethingofanartist. gumption: n.勇气,决心e.g.Hesaniceenoughlad,buthedoesntseemtohavemuchgumption. give up on: 对不抱希望,对表示绝望e.g.Nevergiveuponyourdream!Markisyourfriend.Youshouldntgiveuponhimsoeasily.237. Why did the teacher say

52、that he was a dream stealer?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNextBecause Montys teacher had come to realize that he had been wrong when he gave Monty an F. By “a dream stealer” Montys teacher meant that he had intentionally or unintentionally destroyed a lot of dreams of the kids he taught. 2. Text:

53、 Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 24上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNextBecause he wanted to encourage the assembled group to keep and realize their dreams just as he had ever done. 10 Dont let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.8. Why did Monty tell the story to the assem

54、bled group? follow ones heart: 做自己想做的事情e.g. Im quitting my job and Imgoing to follow my heart. IvedecidedtomovetoRome.Translation千万别让任何人偷走你的梦想。无论发生什么,你都要坚持自己的梦想。Meaning: If you want to dosomething, you just do it as yourheart tells you to. It doesnt matterwhathappens. no matter what:无论什么e.g.Nomatter

55、whatyoumaydo,doitwell.2. Text: Dont Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 25 Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.Read the poem aloud and try to translate it into Chinese.Inter

56、action梦想梦想请紧握住梦想!因为一旦梦想覆灭,生命将如一只折翼的飞鸟,难再飞翔。请紧握住梦想!因为一旦梦想漂离,生命会是一片荒芜的旷野,冰雪满疆。 BackNext26( ) 1. put on a. the plan on the coming Christmas( ) 2. pay b. in a traffic jam( ) 3. sit c. a fund-raising party( ) 4. reconsider d. the various stories to form a collection 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1words&phrases

57、BackNext4. Working with words and phrases A. Find appropriate verbs or phrases (18) in the text which fit the items (ah). ceba27( ) 5. assemble e. a large yearly tuition ( ) 6. frame f. a glance at her watch ( ) 7. steal g. during the trip( ) 8. camp out h. the photo of the family 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社

58、 Focus1words&phrasesBackNextdhfg4. Working with words and phrases 28上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1words&phrasesBackNextB. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text.1. , the pilot survived the plane crash.2. He indicated the of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map. 3. Wont you

59、your decision to leave the club?Fortunatelylocationreconsider4. Working with words and phrases 4. The war the trade between the two countries.5. This is the painting, and these others are copies.6. The witness that she had never seen Mr. Smith before.interrupted originalstated29上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Fo

60、cus1discussionBackNext 5. Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students.Mind MapMind Mapdetermination gumption follow ones heartwork hard opportunity optimistic frustration give up30上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext1. Whats the most import

61、ant reason that Monty Roberts succeeded in translating his dream into a reality?His determination to keep and realize the dream. 5. Discussion HintsDetermined to keep and realize the dream.31上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext2. Do you think everyone who keeps his dream can realize it? Why o

62、r why not? I dont think everyone who keeps his dream can realize it. Determination is important for one to achieve his dream, but thats not the only factor leading to success. Chances are also very important. To realize the dream, one should also be hard-working and optimistic. He/She should not giv

63、e up when he/she meets with frustrations. 5. Discussion HintsNot everyone, hard-work, optimism and not giving in to frustrations also needed.32上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext3. If you have a big dream, what would you do to make it come true?First of all, Ill keep my dream no matter what

64、difficulties I will encounter. And then, Ill work hard to improve myself in every aspect and make good preparations for achieving my dream. When the opportunity comes, I should try to grasp it. 5. Discussion HintsKeep my dream, improve myself, make good preparations and grasp any opportunity.33上海交通大

65、上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNext6. Practice: interpreting When the teacher brought 30 kids to camp out on Montys ranch two summers ago, they had a conversation as follows. Interpret it into English with your partner.蒙蒂:蒙蒂:很高兴您能带孩子们来我的牧场野营。老师:老师:看到你今天拥有这么大的牧马场真为你高兴。蒙蒂:蒙蒂:谢谢!希望以后老师经常带孩子们来这里搞活动

66、。老师:老师:蒙蒂,还记得我让你写关于梦想的文章的事吗?蒙蒂:蒙蒂:当然记得,那篇文章我还一直保留着呢。ForReferenceAnswerClick Here34上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNextMonty: Im glad that you brought the kids to camp out on my ranch.Teacher: Im really happy that you own such a big horse ranch.Monty: Thanks. I hope you will often come here

67、with kids to put on activities.Teacher: Monty, do you remember that I asked you to write a paper about your dream?Monty: Of course, I still have that paper.6. Practice: interpreting 35上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNext老师:老师:很抱歉当时我给你不及格。蒙蒂:蒙蒂:哦,没有关系,其实我觉得那件事对我的启发很大。老师:老师:我做你的老师的时候,可以说是个偷梦想

68、的人,我偷了 很多孩子的梦想,幸好你有足够的勇气没能让我把你的 梦想偷走。蒙蒂:蒙蒂:我们每个人都应该坚持自己的梦想,只要我们坚定执着, 梦想总有一天会实现。老师:老师:再次祝贺你实现了自己的远大梦想! ForReferenceAnswerClick Here6. Practice: interpreting 36上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNextTeacher: I feel sorry for the F that I gave you.Monty: Oh, never mind. As a matter of fact, I lea

69、rned a lot from it.Teacher: When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours. Monty: Every one of us should keep his dream. Our dreams will come true one day as long as we have th

70、e determination.Teacher: Congratulations to you again on having achieved your big dream!6. Practice: interpreting 37上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNext7. Practice: translation A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions. 1.

71、He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. 2. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. 他把住宅借给我举办募款活动,为问题青少年项目筹备基金。在这个200英亩的梦想农场中他要建一个4000平方英尺的房子,并且画了一个详细的平面图。38上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出

72、版社 Focus1translationBackNext3. He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher.4. The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an F?”5. Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same

73、paper, making no changes at all. 他花了好大心血把文章写完,第二天交给了老师。这个满怀梦想的男孩下课后去见了老师,问道:“您为什么给我不及格?”男孩整整想了一个礼拜,最后又把原稿一字未改地交给了老师。7. Practice: translation 39上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNext1. (我重写了最后两段) to make my paper better.2. (如果你怀有不切实际的 期望), they will rarely be met.B. Complete the following sente

74、nces by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.I rewrote the last two paragraphs If you have unrealistic expectations 7. Practice: translation 40上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNext3. The club decided to _ (为问题青少年项目出一份力).4. The committee will (想方 设法筹措资金), but stops short

75、of an increase in taxes. 5. Would you please (详细地说明一 下主题)?take a hand in youth at risk programs use every means to raise money explain the theme in detail 7. Practice: translation 41上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext8. Practice: writing A. Write a summary of the text (max. 150 words), referrin

76、g to the outline below.Summary outline:1. Montys dream of owning a horse ranch; 2. His teachers discouragement to his dream;3. Montys determination to follow his dream;4. The teachers regret of stealing many kids dreams; 5. The moral of the story.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here42上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focu

77、s1writingBackNextReference answer:When in high school, Monty Roberts was asked to write a paper about his dream. In the paper, he described his dream that someday he would own a large horse ranch. His teacher gave him an “F”, saying that Montys dream was unrealistic. The teacher said that he would r

78、econsider his grade if Monty rewrote the paper. Monty thought hard about it for a week before he finally turned in the same paper. He said to his teacher, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.” Now Monty Roberts owns a 200-acre horse ranch in San Ysidro. Two summers ago, that same teacher visit

79、ed his farm with the kids he was teaching. Realizing that he had been wrong all along, he said to Monty that he had been something of a dream stealer. Dont let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what. 8. Practice: writing 43上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNextB. Basic sentenc

80、e writing techniques: understand and write simple sentences.1. a. Mrs. Simon went into the room. b. She placed the report on the desk. c. She started to make a telephone call.After going into the room and placing the report on the desk, Mrs. Simon started to make a telephone call.8. Practice: writin

81、g 44He returned to work many years later and found his boss in poor health.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext2. a. He returned to work. b. This was many years later. c. He found his boss in poor health.8. Practice: writing 45上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext3. a. Alice graduated from Ca

82、mbridge University. b. She graduated in June. c. She now works for Monty Roberts. d. She works in Sydney. e. She is a stock broker.Alice graduated from Cambridge University in June and now works for Monty Roberts as a stock broker in Sydney.8. Practice: writing 46上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBack

83、Next4. a. The plane was flying from New York to London. b. It had a crew of six. c. It had 98 passengers. d. Soon after leaving New York, the plane developed engine trouble.The plane, flying from New York to London with a crew of six and 98 passengers, developed engine trouble soon after leaving New

84、 York.8. Practice: writing 47上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext5. a. The secretary was very busy. b. She typed a letter. c. She typed it with great speed. d. The letter was for her boss.With great speed, the busy secretary typed a letter for her boss.8. Practice: writing 48上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 F

85、ocus1internetBackNext9. Surfing the Internet Go to http:/ or http:/www.news.harvard.edu/guide/intro/index.html to obtain information about Harvard University including its history, students at Harrard, tuition and financial aid, and the students housing system at Harvard, etc. On the basis of this,

86、prepare an oral presentation that you may use to give a general introduction to Harvard University to your classmates next class. ForReferenceAnswerClick Here49Reference answer:HarvardUniversityisaprivateuniversityinCambridge,Massachusetts,U.S.,andamemberoftheIvyLeague.Foundedin1636bythecolonialMass




90、of2008. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1internetBackNext9. Surfing the Internet 50上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 contentBackNext Dialogue: Freshman orientation week Pair work: talking about freshman orientation Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech Working with words Research project Listening-based writing Hig

91、hlightsTable of ContentsPart 2 Language in Use51上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2highlightsBackNext HighlightsR&L:Dialogue:FreshmanorientationweekS:TalkingaboutfreshmanorientationLanguagefortalkingaboutfreshmanorientationR:HarvardopeningceremonyspeechResearch project:Givingaspeechintroducingastudentorganiza

92、tionL&W: AcampaignspeechLanguageformakingacampaignspeechPart 2 Language in Use52Scarlett: Hey, Klein, do you want to hang out? Im craving ice cream.Klein: Cant right now. I signed up to be a for the new students what do you call them “ ”? Im on a panel of people giving presentations at 3:00.Scarlett

93、: OK. And yeah, its “freshmen”, usually. Although some people say that term is not PC. Thats why some universities like Yale call them “ ”. In the UK they call them “ ”.Klein: Well, theyre fresh, all right. My presentation is on _. So, what kind of _ did you have at your school in the States?上海交通大上海

94、交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2dialogueBackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation weekmentorfreshmenlibrary services, the computer lab, and email policiesorientationfreshpersonsfreshers53 Scarlett: I had several different people help me learn the ropes. Not long after I graduated from high school, I got an email

95、 from a _ in my department. She was what we call a “ ”. Klein: You mean, like a mentor?Scarlett: Yeah, sort of. She asked me if I had any questions. We got together during freshman orientation week, and she walked me through what I needed to do.Klein: I think Chinese students need more advising in t

96、erms of how to set up bank accounts and how to manage their _.Scarlett: That makes sense. Different educational systems, I guess. I know a lot of people who never like working with any . You know? In any kind of learningyou get out of it what you put into it.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2dialogueBackNext

97、 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation weekjuniorpeer counseloradvisorsstudy time541. After a long, hot summer, freshmen have arrived to start college life. 漫长而炎热的夏天过后,新生开始了他们的大学生活。 freshman: n. C 新生;中学或大学一年级学生上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogue Notes to the Dialogue BackNextIn U.S. high schools andcolle

98、ges, freshman indicates afirst year student; sophomore, asecond year student; junior, athirdyearstudent;andsenior,afourth year student. In primaryschools, “Im in first grade.”indicates that the speaker is afirst year pupil and “Im insecond grade.” means that thespeakerisasecondyearpupil. 1. Dialogue

99、: Freshman orientation week552. As a senior, Klein is helping to instruct the incoming students. 作为一名毕业班的学生,克莱因在帮助指导新入学的学生。incoming: a.新来的;新选的;新任的e.g. the incoming president 3. Hey, Klein, do you want to hang out? Im craving ice cream. 嗨,克莱因,想不想去逛逛?我非常想吃冰淇淋。hang out: 闲逛e.g. They usually hang out in

100、the bar. crave: vt./vi.渴望,渴求某物e.g. I am craving (for) a drink. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week564. Cant right now. I signed up to be a mentor for the new studentswhat do you call them“freshmen”? 现在不行。我报了名要当新生的指导员,你怎么称呼他们,“freshmen”吗? sign up: 签字参与某事;

101、签字受雇 e.g. Please sign up who accept this advice. mentor: n. C 顾问;指导员 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNextNotethatthewordmentorisanexampleofthewayinwhichthegreat works of literature live onwithoutourknowingit.Thewordhas recently gained currency intheprofessionalworld,whereitisthoughttobeagoodi

102、deatohavea mentor, a wise and trustedcounselor, guiding ones career,preferablyintheupperreachesoftheorganization. 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week575. Im on a panel of people giving presentations at 3:00. 我加入了一个专门小组,下午三点钟要做报告。 panel: n. C专门小组;座谈小组 e.g. A panel discussion was held on pollution.

103、 presentation: n. C介绍;陈述 e.g. How can you prepare for a presentation? 6. Although some people say that term is not PC. 但有些人认为这个词从政治角度来说不正确。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialoguePC:politicalcorrectness(政治正确性).Thistermisintendedasaeuphemisticwayofsayingthingstoavoidbiasagainstacertaingroupofpeople. For in

104、stance, “mentallyretarded (低能)” is expressed as“mentallychallenged”and“chairman”shouldbechangedinto“chairperson”. 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation weekBackNext587. Thats why some universitieslike Yalecall them “freshpersons”. In the UK they call them “freshers”. 所以有 些 大 学 , 像 耶 鲁 大 学 , 称 他 们 为“fres

105、hpersons”,在英国叫做“freshers”。8. My presentation is on library services, the computer lab, and email policies. 我要讲的是有关图书馆服务、计算机实验室和电子邮件方面的制度。 Lab is a shortened form for laboratory (实验室). Email is formed by combining the initial letter of “electronic (电子)” with “mail”. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogue

106、BackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation weekBoth“freshperson”and“fresher” refer to a first-yearstudentinahighschool,college,oruniversity.For the same reason, someuniversitiesintheWestprefertoaddressthenewly-admittedstudents as “freshperson” or“fresher”toavoidsexualbias.599. So, what kind of orien

107、tation did you have at your school in the States? 你在美国念书时的新生入学教育周是怎样的? orientation: n. U介绍,针对新形势的介绍性指导e.g. orientation for incoming students 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation weekThe word is also known as“freshman orientation” or “newstudentweek”duringwhich

108、trainingisprovidedfornewstudents. Generally it is launchedoneweekaheadoftheofficialstartof the semester, covering variousaspects of college life, such ascollegecommunity,academicrequirements of the university,programsandresourcesforthenewstudents,etc.6010. I had several different people help me lear

109、n the ropes. 有好几个人帮我学会这些。learn the ropes: to learn to do something step by step 学会如何做某事In ancient times the mariners (水手) must, first of all, learn how to make knots or how to make use of ropes. Thus learn the ropes has gradually acquired the meaning of “learn to do something step by step”. 上海交通大上海交

110、通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week6111. She was what we call a “peer counselor”. 她就是我们所说的“同学顾问”。peer: n. C, usu. pl. 同龄人;(官阶、地位或功绩)同等的人Here it refers to a group of people of similar ages. “peer counselors” refers to those students who provide counseling to the

111、ir peers after they have received training. They are generally senior students and they give counseling to those in the same department. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week6212. We got together during freshman orientation week, and she walked me through

112、 what I needed to do. 在新生入学周我们聚到一起,然后她帮我梳理了一遍我需要做的事情。walk sb. through sth.: 帮助某人做某事e.g. “I cant figure out how to use the memory feature of my mobile phone.” “Here, Ill walk you through it.” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week6313. I think Chinese stude

113、nts need more advising in terms of how to set up bank accounts and how to manage their study time. 我认为中国学生在如何开设账户和组织学习时间方面需要更多的建议。in terms of: 在方面,根据,按照e.g. In terms of money, her loss was small. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week6414. I know a lot of

114、people who never liked working with any advisors. 我知道许多人从来不喜欢和指导员合作。advisor: n. C顾问,美 学生的指导老师e.g. They choose Mr. Wang as their advisor. 15. You know? In any kind of learningyou get out of it what you put into it. 你也知道,不管哪种学习,没有付出就没有回报。get out of sth. what you put into it: 也可以说 “you only get back wh

115、at you put in”,谚语,“付出多少就得到多少;不劳无获”。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: Freshman orientation week65上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairwork 2. Pair work: talking about freshman orientation If there is a freshman orientation week for you, what would you like to learn from it? Please ta

116、lk about the question with your partner and then create a dialogue concerning this question.Language for talking about freshman orientationI want to learn during the freshman orientation week.Id like to have a mentor who can give me some advice on what I need to do. I hope to have some lectures on l

117、ibrary services, the computer lab, and email policies.I hope to have some people help me learn the ropes at college.Id like to have someone walk me through what I need to do.I need advising in terms of how to set up bank accounts and how to manage my study time.Learning ForReferenceAnswerClick HereB

118、ackNext66Student A: Do you know well have a freshman orientation week? Student B: Yes. What do you expect to learn from it?Student A: I hope to have some lectures on library services, the computer lab, and email policies. How about you?Student B: Id like to learn how to set up bank accounts and how

119、to manage my study time.Student A: Yes, thats important. How to choose courses is also what I want to learn from it.Student B: Mmm, as a freshman, I think I have a lot to learn. Therefore, Id like to have someone walk me through what I need to do.Student A: That sounds good. It will be better if we

120、can have a mentor to give us some advice on what we need to do. Student B: Anyway, freshman orientation week is necessary for us. Hope it will be of great help to us.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairworkBackNext 2. Pair work: talking about freshman orientation 671. What type of students are they in thi

121、s class? 2. Why are the students in this class remarkable?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech They are mostly freshmen of the Class of 2006 at Harvard University. There are also some transfer students. This class is a truly remarkable group of people.Becau

122、se the students in this class include professional musicians and successful entrepreneurs, published scientists and poets, star athletes and dedicated social service providers, speakers of more than a dozen languages, and experts in countless areas. Read the text and answer the following questions.

123、683. What is the first week for the freshman called? 4. What is the most important thing about Harvard? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech Freshman week or freshman orientation week.The most important thing about Harvard is that it is a center for the dev

124、elopment and transmission of new and original thoughts and ideas.695. What advice does Prof. Summers offer while the students choose courses that cohere and follow a program towards their objective?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech Prof. Summers advises

125、students to follow their passion but not their calculation. They should do or pursue what captures their imagination while they choose courses that cohere and follow a program towards their objective.706. How can the students maximize their learning?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3. Text: Ha

126、rvard Opening Ceremony Speech They can maximize their learning if they take advantage of the diversity of the Harvard community, reaching out to people from very different backgrounds than their own.7. What are the suggestions given to the students by Prof. Summers?Follow your passions, take advanta

127、ge of the faculty, learn how to learn, and learn from each other. 71哈佛校长寄语新生哈佛校长寄语新生介绍介绍 1 欢迎2006级同学来到哈佛学习,我特别要欢迎转学前来的同学和你们的家人,今晚和我们欢聚一堂。 2 我这个校长也才刚当满一年,我很能体会你们此时此刻的心情。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNextIntroduction 1 Welcome to the women and men of the Class of 2006 and welcome to the Harvard ex

128、perience that awaits you. I would also like to extend a special welcome to the transfer students and their families who are here with us this evening. 2 Having just finished my freshman year as President I can recall how you must feel. Translation 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech extend: vt.

129、 提供,给予e.g. The president extended awarmwelcometohim. transfer:n.U,C转移e.g. This footballer wants atransfertoanotherteam. recall: vt.1)回忆(某物或某人);记起e.g.Icantrecallhisname.2)(从某处)召回某物或某人e.g.Theauto-makersrecalledalotofcarsthatwereunsafe.72上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 text 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony

130、Speech transfer student: 转校生Related terms:graduate student (or postgraduate student) overseas student returned student foreign/visa/international student undergraduate government-supported student commoner intern exchange student BackNext73 3 我们这个年级的同学确实都出类拔萃。在你们当中,有职业音乐家和成功的企业家,有知名的科学家和诗人、杰出的运动员和真诚

131、的社会服务工作者,有擅长十多种语言的人才和各个领域的专家。你们每一位都很出色,每一位都颇具潜力。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3 This class is a truly remarkable group of peopleyou include professional musicians and successful entrepreneurs, published scientists and poets, star athletes and dedicated social service providers, speakers of

132、 more than a dozen languages, and experts in countless areas. Every one of you has stood out and every one of you has great potential. Translation 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech stand out:引人注目,脱颖而出e.g. Our daughter is a greatdancer;shestandsoutabovetherest. potential:n.U潜力,潜能e.g.Shehasacti

133、ngpotential,butsheneedstraining.74 4 我在读你们的入学申请作文时,不禁想起了牛顿和爱因斯坦,他们对物理学领域的思考主要是在二十几岁的时候。不过,不要给自己太多的压力,好好享受新生入学周剩下的时间,然后再开始拼搏。 5 但这并不是说大家应该感觉有压力,你们都是这儿的一分子,必将各得其所。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 4 Reading your admissions essays, I was reminded that Newton and Einstein did most of their thinking

134、 about physics in their twenties. However, you dont have to put too much pressure on yourselfenjoy the rest of Freshman Week and then get cracking. 5 But that is not to say anyone should ever feel intimidated. Everyone here belongs, and everyone will find their place. Translation 3. Text: Harvard Op

135、ening Ceremony Speech admission:n. C,U(会场、俱乐部、学校等的)进入许可e.g. AdmissiontoBritishuniversitiesdependsonexaminationresults. put pressure on: 加压于,对施加压力e.g. Thebankputpressureonthecompanytoreduceitsborrowings. FreshmanWeek:新生指导活动周也 叫 “freshmanorientationweek”或“new student week”,为新生提供的培训,通常是正式开课前一周,内容包括大学生活

136、的各个方面,如大学所在社区的情况、学校有哪些学术要求、有哪些项目以及学校提供给新生哪些资源等等。 get cracking:立即大干起来e.g. If we get cracking wellfinishmowingthelawnbythetimethepubopens.75上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech admissions essay: The admissions essay is written by an applicant to a graduate sc

137、hool in response to an assignment posed in the graduate application. Graduate programs will often assign specific topics that applicants must address in their essays. Sometimes they ask for an “autobiographical statement” in which the applicant discusses his or her life, experiences, and goals. The

138、admissions essay is sometimes referred to as a personal statement. The graduate admissions essay is a critical part of the graduate application because it is through this essay that applicants can speak directly to the committee and demonstrate their unique eligibility for the program.76 6 6 研究结果表明,

139、大多数哈佛新生刚入校的时候,都认为自己在班上属于中等偏下水平,可是到了毕业的时候,研究结果又表明,大多数学生又都认为他们属于中等偏上水平。哈佛总有办法让学生知道如何打破一般规律,能在这样的地方学习,你们当然是幸运的。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 6 Surveys find that most Harvard freshmen think they are in the bottom half of their class when they arrive. By the time they leave here, surveys find th

140、at most Harvard seniors feel they are in the top half. You are all certainly lucky to be at a place that somehow manages to teach its students how to repeal the basic rules of statistics. Translation 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech somehow: ad.1)以某种方式;通过某种途径e.g. Wemuststophimfromseeingherso

141、mehow.2)莫明其妙地,不知怎么地e.g.Somehow,IdontfeelIcantrusthim. repeal:vt.废除,撤销e.g.Thegranthasbeenrepealed. 77 7 7 在哈佛你们会逐渐学到很多东西和很多传统,但我相信,最最重要的是,我们所在的哈佛是一个中心,一个培养和传播新思想、新创见的中心。事实证明,世界上最重要的东西最终还是思想。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 7 There will be many things, many traditions that you will come to know,

142、 but what I believe is most important about this place we all find ourselves at is that it is a center for the development and transmission of new and original thoughts and ideas. And increasingly it is ideas that are ultimately most important in this world. Translation 3. Text: Harvard Opening Cere

143、mony Speech transmission: n.U传递,传播e.g. We apologize for the break intransmissionearlierintheprogram. ultimately: ad.最后,最终e.g. Ultimately they did get thepolicetocome.78美国大学的课程一般分为4大部分,第 一 部 分 为 必 修 课 The corecourses。 第 二 部 分 为 自 选 课 foundations,可选择的课程很多,但必须依照学校的基本要求。第三部分为专业必修课和选修课。第四部分为补充课,专业必修课加学校必

144、修课的学分,不一定就是可以毕业的学分,所以还要再上几门别的课,这时候可以选自己感兴趣的课。不少同学再修一个minor,或者再加一个学期,修doublemajors。建议建议 8 再过45个月,你们大多数人将毕业成为哈佛校友。在此期间,你们应如何去做才能满载而归呢? 9 威廉巴特勒叶芝说过:“教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。” 10 首先,听从你的心声,而不是你的心计。是的,你所选的课程应与你的目标具有一致性和连贯性,但最重要的是,你的所追所求要能发挥你的想象力。不要让任何东西挡住你的好奇心,阻止你做真正想做的事情。An alumna refers to a femalegraduate o

145、f a school, college oruniversity (女校友;女毕业生)anditspluralformisalumnae.An alumnus stands for a malegraduate of a school, college oruniversity (男校友;男毕业生)anditspluralformisalumni.But here in the text alumni isused to refer to both male andfemalegraduates.get sth. out of sth.: 从中获得(有益的东西)e.g.Howdoyougett

146、hemostoutofyourtimeandmagazine?calculation:n.1)U仔细分析,深思熟虑e.g. Youareoffinyourcalculation.2)U,C计算,统计,计算出来的结果e.g. Did I make any error in mycalculation?cohere:vi. (理论等)前后一致,有条理,连贯e.g. Thisisanargumentthatsimplyfailstocohere.pursue:vt.追求,继续从事e.g. She pursued the study ofEnglishforfiveyears.capture: vt.

147、引起(注意等)e.g.captureonesimagination/attention,etc上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNextAdvice8 In just 45 months most of you will be Harvard alumni . How can you get the most out of your time here? 9 It was William Butler Yeats who said, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a f

148、ire.” 10 First, follow your passion, not your calculation. Yes, you should choose courses that cohere and follow a program towards your objective, but most importantly, do or pursue what captures your imagination. Dont let anything stand in the way of your curiosity, of what you really want to do. T

149、ranslation 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech 79 11 不要排除任何可能性。对于在座的大部分人,在未来四年里,什么东西在哈佛最重要,你现在根本无法想象。 12 其次,记住,这里的教师随时准备帮助你。作为教师,我们最重要的职责莫过于为哈佛学子传道授业解惑了。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBack 11 Be open to every possibility. For most of you sitting in this place, four years from now what will have

150、 been most important at Harvard is something you do not now imagine. 12 Second, remember the faculty is here for you. There is no more important responsibility for any of us as members of the faculty than teaching and working with you, the students of Harvard College. Translation 3. Text: Harvard Op

151、ening Ceremony Speech be open to:对开放,有余地e.g.ThelibraryisopentoreaderseveryFriday.Next80上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 text 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech BackNext81上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 13 Do not be shy. At one time a sophomore knocked on the door of my office and said, “Prof.

152、Summers, that paper you wrote on unemployment is really pretty good, but it has a number of mistakes. Id like a job as a research assistant.” That led to a good relationship for both of us. 14 Third, learn how to learn. Any fact that you encounter in your studies now is not very likely to remain ver

153、y relevant and important over your whole career, unless of course you want to retire when you are 37. Translation 13 不要畏首畏尾。有一次,一位二年级学生来敲我办公室的门,他说:“萨莫斯教授,您那篇关于失业问题的论文写得太好了,但是里面有些错误。我想找份工作,做您的科研助理。”这件事使我俩成了朋友。 14 第三,要学会怎样学习。你们现在学习到的知识不一定会在你的整个职业生涯中都有用当然,除非你打算37岁就退休。 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony

154、Speech 8215 第四,要互相学习。如果你善于利用哈佛社团的多样性,善于和那些背景与你千差万别的人交朋友,你就会在学习中取得最大的收获。 16 总之,要追随你的激情,向你的老师学习,学会怎样学习,并且互相取长补短。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext15 Fourth, learn from each other. You will maximize that learning if you take advantage of the diversity of the Harvard Community, reaching out to peopl

155、e from very different backgrounds than your own. 16 Follow your passion, take advantage of the faculty, learn how to learn, and learn from each other. maximize: vt.最大化e.g.maximizeefficiency reach out to: 与交往接触;向伸出援助之手e.g. Onlinelearninghelpsusreachouttonewfriends.Reachouttosomebodyinneed.Translation

156、 3. Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech 83结束语结束语17 最后,我想对在座的一年级同学和他们的父母亲说几句话:18 从某些方面来说,今天确实标志着父母和孩子关系中一个阶段的结束,同时也代表着一个新阶段的开始,在这个阶段,父母与孩子之间的关系有所改变,但同样美满。19 同学们,经常给父母打打电话;家长们,你们也不要过于担心。20 祝2006级同学好运,祝你们成功!godspeed:n.U(祝愿)成功,平安e.g. To whomever reads this,Godspeedonyourjourney. Ifyouever decide to fo

157、llow in myfootsteps,lookmeup.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext Conclusion17 Let me say, in conclusion, to the first-years sitting here and their parents: 18 This day does, in some ways, mark the end of one stage in the relationship between parent and child. It also represents the beginning of a

158、 different and equally fulfilling stage in a relationship between child and parent. 19 Students, call home often. Parents, dont worry too much. 20 Good luck and Godspeed to the Class of 2006. fulfilling:a.令人高兴的,令人满意的e.g. He felt his work was not asfulfillingasitcouldbe. Translation 3. Text: Harvard

159、Opening Ceremony Speech mark:vt.标志e.g. The agreement marks a newphaseininternationalrelations.84上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working with wordsBackNext4. Working with words Complete the diagram below with campus terms in the text. freshmansophomorejuniorseniorprofessorlecturerresearchassistantransferal

160、umni85上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 research projectBackNext 5. Research project Issue/Event/Context: Suppose you are a member of an organization in Harvard and your organization would like to recruit some new members. Then five students work as a group representing one organization and try to give a sp

161、eech introducing your organization.Research Goal: To prepare an introductory speech about your organization.Research Method & Route: Search for Harvard organizations via the Internet (purpose, activities, history, etc.). Research Resources: Internet: http:/ ; http:/www.college.harvard.edu/student/or

162、ganizations.Result: Give a speech introducing your organization to attract more students to join.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here86Reference research result:KEA Student Program is an independent group that believes in leadership and student professional development. The primary purpose of this group is

163、to support education and improve conditions for all children, schools and teachers. Membership is open to any student interested in education. Events include professional development, community service, conferences, leadership roles, scholarships and outreach. Liability insurance is provided through

164、 the association with a paid membership. Website: http:/kea.org/studentprog. To join, pick up a new member green form in Room 133 Dickey Hall or in Room 128 Taylor Education Building.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 research projectBackNext 5. Research project 87上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNext 6. Lis

165、tening-based writing Listen to a campaign speech for chairman of the Student Union twice and complete the following notes according to what you have heard.Mind Mapcampaign n. 活动 announce v. 宣布,通告run for 竞选 advocate v. 主张,提倡 hinder v. 妨碍,阻碍advance v. 前进take innovative measures 采取创新的措施88上海交通大上海交通大学学出版

166、社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNext 6. Listening-based writing Language for making a campaign speech Im delighted to announce that I consider myself suitable for My experience can qualify me for My knowledge of can be helpful for If Im elected, I will I promise I can be expected to do I will cooperate with Lear

167、ning ForReferenceAnswerClick Here89上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNextA Campaign Speech Monty is running for the position of chairman of the Student Union. Monty considers himself suitable for this position because he is a diligent man with pleasant personality and a good team member. In addition,

168、 his work experience with the Student Union in the past two years will be helpful for the position. Monty promises to do the following if he is elected: He will cooperate well with his fellow members of the Union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, form

169、ing a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the Union a true assistance to students study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students. 6. Listening-based writing Reference Answer90上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNextGood evening, Ladies and Gentlemen:T

170、hank you for coming to this election campaign today. With the trust and complete support of my team, I am delighted to announce that I am running for chairman of the Student Union.As a diligent man with pleasant personality, I have always been considered a good team member. Meanwhile, as a big fan o

171、f sports I fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger. I possess strong determination to take firm steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. In addition, my work experience with the Student Union over the past two years will be extremely he

172、lpful to my future work here if I get elected. 6. Listening-based writing ContinueTapescript91上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNextA sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its values. If I am elected, I believe I

173、have the capability to lead the Union to advance in the right direction. I will cooperate well with my fellow members of the Union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the Union a true assistance

174、to students study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students.Thank you very much! 6. Listening-based writing 92上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3contentBackNext Get your pronunciation right Reading skills Table of ContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities93 1. The

175、re is a picture in front of a classroom. 2. The bus will be back in half an hour. 3. Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot? 4. Lots of eggs are in a basket. 5. Sorry to call you at this unexpected hour. 6. The doctor says I must take a couple of days off.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunci

176、ationBackNext 1. Get your pronunciation right A. Listen and practise, paying attention to the sound linking.94上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext B. Read the following aloud and pay attention to the linking of sounds. 1. Get your pronunciation right 1. The manager: Have the newspapers co

177、me yet? Head of the mailroom: Not yet.The manager: Whats up with the postal system anyway? How can the society make progress with this type of poor efficiency? Head of the mailroom: Dont worry about it. Maybe the papers will come this afternoon.The Manager: Now what am I going to do this morning?95上

178、海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext2. Diner: Whats the meaning of this fly in my soup?Waiter: I dont know, sir. Im a waiter, not a fortuneteller.Diner: Waiter, your finger is in my soup.Waiter: Thats all right. Its so used to the heat that I hardly noticed it. 1. Get your pronunciation ri

179、ght 96上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNextA peck of pickled peppers 1. Get your pronunciation right 3. Tongue Twister: Peter Piper Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked, If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, Where is the peck of

180、 pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?97上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 reading skills 2. Reading skills Fill in the blanks according to the passage.1.Anolderreadertendstounderstandwhathereadsmorequicklyandmoreautomatically,andhecanusehis_tofillininformationthatisnotclearlystatedinthetext.2.Agoodreaderusesva

181、riousreadingtechniqueswhichdependonthe_ofthematerial,the_ofreadingit,andthe readers own _ with thesubject.backgroundexperiencesBackNexttypeanddifficultypurposelanguagedevelopmentandfamiliarity98上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 reading skills3.Thethreemainkindsofreadingare_reading,_reading,and_reading.4.Stu

182、dy-typereadingusuallyrequiresthereaderto_tothetext.5.Surveyreadinginvolvescoveringalargeamountoftexttoget_ofitscontent.Thereadermayfirst_thematerialtounderstandthe_andthenlookfor_thatreinforcethepoint.BackNextrecreationalstudy-typesurveypaycloseattentionageneralideaskimmainpointdetails 2. Reading sk

183、ills 99上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 reading skills 2. Reading skills Reading Skills Development and Cultivation of Good Habits 阅读有技巧 习惯亦关键 阅读的技巧主要有:略读(Skimming):迅速浏览全文,初步了解文章大意和作者的意图。跳读(Skipping):为查找某一信息,将不相关的内容略过。信息定位(InformationLocation):根据阅读材料的印刷、排版、标点符号等特点快速找到目标信息的位置,没有信息定位技巧就无法进行有效的跳读和略读。猜测语义(DeducingMeaning):通过上下文对不熟悉或不确定的词义、句义等进行有依据的猜测。 阅读时如果一遇到生词就去查字典,就会影响阅读速度,如果跳过去不看,则会影响对文章的理解,因此,必须学会根据上下文猜测语义。 养成良好的阅读习惯:平时多朗读,多背诵精彩的文章或段落,以培养语感。 克服默读、点读或回读等不良阅读习惯,它们会影响阅读速度和对文章的理解。 BackNext100Thank you!应应 用用 型型 大大 学学 英英 语语 系系 列列 教教 程程



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