高中英语《Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China》课件2 外研版必修3.ppt

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1、1_ n职位职位2_ vt.强调强调3_ vi.辞职辞职4_ n状况;条件;环境状况;条件;环境5_ adj.平等的平等的_ adv.平等地平等地_ n平等平等6_ n重要;重要性重要;重要性_ adj.重要的重要的7_ n秩序秩序_ adj.有序的有序的8_ adj.有影响的有影响的_n& vt.影响影响positionstressresigncondition equal equally equalityimportanceimportant orderorderlyinfluentialinfluence预案预案9_ n诚实诚实_ adj.诚实的诚实的10_ n公正公正_ adj.公正的

2、公正的11_ n贡献贡献_ vt.贡献贡献12_ vt.发明发明_ n发明发明_ n发明家发明家13_ n争论;辩论;议论争论;辩论;议论_ v争论;辩论争论;辩论14_ n自由自由_ adj.自由的;空闲的;免费的自由的;空闲的;免费的honestyhonestjustice justcontributioncontributeinventinventioninventorargumentarguefreedomfree Jane holds a senior position in a large company . always stresses the importance of ho

3、nesty and justice,which has a great influence on her workmates.She makes great contributions to the development of the company.We are shocked to hear that she resigned because she was out of condition.简在一个大型公司任高级职位。她总是强调诚实和公正简在一个大型公司任高级职位。她总是强调诚实和公正的重要性,这对她的同事影响很大。她对公司的发展做的重要性,这对她的同事影响很大。她对公司的发展做出了很

4、大的贡献。听说她因为身体不好辞职我们很震惊。出了很大的贡献。听说她因为身体不好辞职我们很震惊。In ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to s_ explaining their p_. Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p_. Confuciuss t_ influenced society for more than 2000 years. Other important t_ included Mencius and Mozi. All th

5、ree teachers believed in the i_ of kindness and good government. Menciuss ideas were very similar to those of Confucius, but some of Mozis t_ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of w_ and believed that strong people should l_ weaker people.state philosophy philosophers teachings thin

6、kers importance teachings war look after Treat(对待对待) others in the way you want to be treated.You can learn from everyone.People are more important than rulers.Man is born good.All human beings are equal.We should love all human beings.己所不欲己所不欲, 勿施于人勿施于人.兼爱兼爱众生平等众生平等三人行必有我师。三人行必有我师。民为贵民为贵 君为轻君为轻人性本善

7、人性本善ConfuciusMenciusMozi【学情调查,情境导入学情调查,情境导入】PhilosopherPhilosopherConfuciusMenciusMozi学习目标学习目标:通过阅读孔子、孟子及墨子的主要思想,学习相关的英语词语及表达形式。学习重点:学习重点:通过学习学生能够熟练掌握所学内容,用英语介绍中国哲学家。学习难点:学习难点:熟悉三位哲学家的主要思 想,提高对中国传统文化的自豪感。学法指导:学法指导:借助字典等工具书,独立思考;组内讨论。 1.Confucius lived in a country where there was no war a long time

8、ago.3.Confucius believed that all men were equal4.Menciusteachings were very similar to Mozis. 5. Mencius resigned because the ruler didnt pay him.6. Mozi stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.7.Mozi considered that government was most important, but he hated the idea of war

9、.FFTFFF【问题展示,合作探究问题展示,合作探究】1. The Chinese people _for over 2,000 years. A. followed Confuciuss teachings B. influenced confucius2. Mencius believed that people are _ important than rulers. A. less B. more3. Mohism began _.A. in 476BC B. by Mozi4. Mozi did not agree with _ . A. kindness B. war 5. Men

10、cius had important government positions, _A. but Mozi did not B. and so did Mozi ABBBA6. Which is more important according to Mencius? A. people B. ruler?7. Which shows the right order of time when the three great thinkers lived? A.Confucius- Mencius -Mozi B.Mencius-Mozi-Confucius C. Confucius-Mozi-

11、Mencius D.Mozi- Mencius-Confucius8. From the text we can infer that_ A. Only in time of war could philosophers produce great teaching. B. It was not easy to find a state where people would follow the thinkers teaching. C. Great philosophers must have been born in poor families. D. Influential philos

12、ophers wouldnt agree with each otherConfuciusMenciusMozi Government is most important.We should love all human beings.The strong should look after the weak.Kindness, duty and order in society are very important.The reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.If the government is goo

13、d, then the people would be good. People are more important than rulers.Its bad that the government treat people badly.All human beings are equal.Suppose(设设想想) you were a king,whose thoughts would you adopt(采(采纳纳)? Why?合作合作小组小组1.At least four or five sentences to support your opinion.2. The followin

14、g useful expressions may help you:I agree with the Mozis idea, becauseI am for Confuciuss idea. The reason is thatI stand for Menciuss idea. That/This/It is becauseThe reason why I agree with/am for Confuciuss idea is that Show time请注意:1.思路清楚2.发音清晰准确3.没有语法错误4.语言表达流畅自然5.表情大方自然ConfuciusMozi MenciusLao

15、zi XunziZhuangziZengzi【达标训练,巩固提升达标训练,巩固提升】ConfuciusMenciusMozi Government is most important.We should love all human beings.The strong should look after the weak.Kindness, duty and order in society are very important.The reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.If the government

16、is good, then the people would be good. People are more important than rulers.Its bad that the government treat people badly.All human beings are equal.【知识梳理,归纳总结知识梳理,归纳总结】 Today we all together enjoy a great process of learning and exploring great thoughts from great people, we wish you can love ou

17、r country, love our country, cherish our culture cherish our culture and enrich ourselves.and enrich ourselves.预习目标预习目标:预习模块中重要知识点,完成相关练习。预习难点:预习难点:注意以下重点词汇和句型的应用1. But it was also a time where there were many great philosophers2.Mengzi was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to that of Conf

18、ucius. that是替代词,代替_ 3. His father died when he was young,and he was brought up by his mother4.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.【预习指导,新课链接预习指导,新课链接】找茬找茬He spent his last years prepare a book of his teaching called The Book of Mencius.preparingMenc

19、ius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.翻译句子翻译句子孟子认为,人之所以不同于动物,是孟子认为,人之所以不同于动物,是因为人性本善。因为人性本善。Para1:1. 同 处于战争状态 2. 强调 . 的重要性 4. 受影响Para2 1. 与相似2. 抚养 培育3. 听从某人建议4. 周游列国 Para 3: 1. 以 而闻名2. 在某些方面 某种程度上3. 结果4. 照顾 照料 请你领着大家从课文中找到这些短语:请你领着大家从课文中找到这些短语:翻译成英语:翻译成英语

20、:他强调了仁爱责任和社会秩序的他强调了仁爱责任和社会秩序的重要性。重要性。He sressed the importance of He sressed the importance of kindness,duty and order in kindness,duty and order in society.society. 改错并翻译改错并翻译But it was also time when there were many great philosophersa但那也是一个产生了许多哲学家的时期但那也是一个产生了许多哲学家的时期What are the thoughts of Menc

21、ius?The reason why man is different from animals is that man is goodIf the government is good, then the people would be good. People are more important than rulers.Its bad that the government treat people badly按照课文填空按照课文填空Mozi was very _ . His _ were similar to those of Confucius.As a result, he spent many years _ to find a state where people would follow his teachings.Mozi believed that all men were _.influentialbeliefstryingequal



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