外研版高中英语Module 6Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Read the text in “Cultural Corner”and finish the following tasks.True (T) or False (F)1Many youths think Steven Spielberg is the greatest American film director.()2At the age of 12 Spielberg completed his first 15minute home movie.()3Jaws is a film about a shark that ate people.()4Sp

2、ielberg won an Oscar for the film ET.The Extra Terrestrial. ()5Spielberg was successful all his life. ()答案:答案:1.T2.F3.T4.F5.F.Choose the best answers according to the text.1Spielberg is popular among _.Afilm directorsBAmericansCyoung people Dwesterners2Which of the following is not Spielbergs master

3、piece?AJaws. BSchindlers List.CJurassic Park. DAmblin.3Steven Spielbergs films are most successful because _.Ahe likes to use sharks and dinosaurs as the materials for filmsBhe is best at directing filmsChe knows how to entertain audience bestDthere is not a mistake in his films4Please arrange the f

4、ollowing sentences in an order according to the passage.aSpielberg produced a lot of famous films.bSpielberg is most famous.cSpielberg knows best how to get along in the film industry.dSpielberg showed his great talent in filming as a child.Aabcd BbcadCbdac Ddbac答案:答案:1.C2.D3.C4.C根据所根据所给词给词性及性及汉语释义汉

5、语释义写出写出单词单词1 adv.有有时时;偶;偶尔尔 adj.偶偶尔尔的;不的;不时时的的 n场场合,合,时时机机2 n戏剧戏剧 adj.戏剧戏剧的,的,戏剧戏剧性的性的3 n(小小说说、戏剧戏剧、电电影的影的)背景背景 v放放置,置,为为(小小说说、舞台等、舞台等)设设置背景置背景4 vi.争争论论 n争争论论;辩论辩论5 adj.有趣的;令人愉快的有趣的;令人愉快的v使快使快乐乐;使有;使有兴兴趣趣occasionallyoccasionaloccasiondramadramaticsettingsetargueargumententertainingentertain1occasion

6、ally adv.有有时时,偶,偶尔尔(一一)背背诵诵佳句培养佳句培养语语感感(教材原句教材原句)It has occasionally been done.偶偶尔尔做做这这件事。件事。(鲜鲜活例句活例句)He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.他解他解释说释说,他的,他的饮饮食控制得太食控制得太严严格了,以致不得不偶格了,以致不得不偶尔尔奖赏奖赏自己一下。自己一下。(二二)归纳归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点occasional adj.偶偶尔尔的,不的,不时时的,特殊

7、的,特殊场场合的合的occasion n. 场场合,合,时时机,机会机,机会on occasion 有有时时on .occasion 在在的的场场合合He spent five years in Paris, with occasional visits to some other cities in Europe.他在巴黎待了五年,偶他在巴黎待了五年,偶尔尔去欧洲其他几个城市看一看。去欧洲其他几个城市看一看。I met the famous star on several occasions.我在几次不同的我在几次不同的场场合合见过见过那位明星。那位明星。 , he has made sma

8、ll mistakes.他有他有时时犯点小犯点小错误错误。On occasion2argue v争争论论;主;主张张(一一)背背诵诵佳句培养佳句培养语语感感(鲜鲜活例句活例句)Im not going to argue with you tonight.我今晚不想与你争我今晚不想与你争辩辩。argue with sb.(about/over sth.)(就某事就某事)与某人争与某人争论论argue for/against sth. 提出理由提出理由赞赞成成/反反对对某事某事argue that 主主张张,认为认为argue sb.into/out of doing sth. 劝说劝说某人做某人

9、做/不做不做(二二)归纳归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点They argued with each other about where to spend their summer vacation.他他们们就去哪儿度假就去哪儿度假这这个个问题问题争争论论不休。不休。He argued the fiveday week.他他赞赞成成/反反对对一周上五天班。一周上五天班。We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.我我们劝说们劝说她不要去她不要去进进行行这样这样危危险险的旅行。的旅行。for/against3entertaining a

10、dj.有趣的;令人愉快的有趣的;令人愉快的(一一)背背诵诵佳句培养佳句培养语语感感(教材原句教材原句)Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are entertaining?你同意不同意广告会令人愉快你同意不同意广告会令人愉快这这一一说说法?法?(鲜鲜活例句活例句)His performance is very entertaining.他的表演很有趣。他的表演很有趣。(二二)归纳归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点entertain vt.使使娱乐娱乐,使,使欢乐欢乐;招待;款待;招待;款待entertain sb.to sth. 用用招待招待/款

11、待某人款待某人entertain sb.with sth. 用用使某人快使某人快乐乐entertainment n. 娱乐娱乐;招待,款待;招待,款待Our friends entertained us to dinner last night.昨晚我昨晚我们们的朋友的朋友设设宴招待了我宴招待了我们们。He entertained us for hours his stories and jokes.他既他既讲讲故事又故事又说说笑笑话话,把我,把我们们逗逗乐乐了好几个小了好几个小时时。A cinema is a place of .电电影院是影院是娱乐场娱乐场所。所。withentertain

12、ment1 two days每两天每两天2 the age of 在在岁时岁时3be set 以以为为背景背景4good you 干得好干得好5 a mistake 犯犯错误错误6 than 多于多于7from time time 有有时时8 the time 一直;从一直;从头头到尾到尾everyatinformakemoretoall1every two days每两天每两天(一一)背背诵诵佳句培养佳句培养语语感感(鲜鲜活例句活例句)The American people elect a president every four years.美国人民每四年美国人民每四年选举选举一任一任总统

13、总统。(二二)归纳归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点He comes to see his uncle every third week.他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。We have English lessons ; that is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.我我们们每隔一天上一次英每隔一天上一次英语课语课,就是在星期一、星期三和,就是在星期一、星期三和星期五。星期五。Trees should be planted .树应树应每每间间隔几米种一棵。隔几米种一棵。every other dayevery few metres2goo

14、d for you干得好!真不干得好!真不错错,真棒!,真棒!(用于祝用于祝贺贺某人某人)(一一)背背诵诵佳句培养佳句培养语语感感(教材原句教材原句) I won!我!我赢赢了!了! Good for you!干得好!干得好!(鲜鲜活例句活例句)He passed the College Entrance Exam.Good for him!他考上大学了。真棒!他考上大学了。真棒!be good for对对有益有益处处/好好处处be good at 擅擅长长be good to 对对友好友好/和善和善do good to 对对有好有好处处Its no good doing sth. 做某事没有

15、好做某事没有好处处(二二)归纳归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点More fruit and vegetables are good for ones health.更多的水果和蔬菜更多的水果和蔬菜对对人的健康有好人的健康有好处处。My friends were when I was ill.我生病我生病时时朋友朋友对对我关我关怀备怀备至。至。good to me1句型展示句型展示Ask a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is, and you may get the answer Steven

16、Spielberg.问问一下街上的年一下街上的年轻轻人:人:谁谁是美国最是美国最伟伟大的大的电电影影导导演?演?你可能得到的答案是史蒂文你可能得到的答案是史蒂文斯皮斯皮尔尔伯格。伯格。典例背典例背诵诵Follow the advice of the doctor, and youll be well very soon.听从医生的建听从医生的建议议,那么你很快就会好的。,那么你很快就会好的。2句型展示句型展示But it is generally agreed, that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understand

17、s the meaning of the word “entertainment”. 然而,人然而,人们们一致一致认为认为:他比:他比电电影史上的任何一个人影史上的任何一个人更懂得更懂得“娱乐娱乐”一一词词的含的含义义。典例背典例背诵诵It is agreed that the meeting should be held this Sunday.大家一致同意会大家一致同意会议应该议应该在在这这个星期天召开。个星期天召开。3句型展示句型展示Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾你曾为为看哪个

18、看哪个电视节电视节目而和家人争目而和家人争论过吗论过吗?典例背典例背诵诵There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know which to choose.这这两个之两个之间间没有任何区没有任何区别别,我确,我确实实不知道不知道该选择该选择哪一哪一个。个。类类似的似的结结构构还还有:有:It is believed that .人人们们相信相信It is said that . 据据说说It is reported that . 据据报报道道It is known that . 众所周知众所周知It is expected

19、 that . 人人们们期待期待It is reported that the film If You Are the One is popular with the young.据据报报道道电电影影非非诚诚勿勿扰扰很受青年人的很受青年人的欢欢迎。迎。(2)It is过过去分去分词词that .可以可以转换转换成成Sb./Sth.is过过去分去分词词to do。It is said that she will be all right in a few days.She all right in a few days.据据说说她她过过几天就会好的。几天就会好的。is said to beIt

20、is said that this book has been translated into many foreign languages.This book into many foreign languages.据据说这说这本本书书已被翻已被翻译译成成许许多外国多外国语语言。言。is said to have been translated(2)“疑疑问词问词不定式不定式”结结构中的疑构中的疑问词问词包括疑包括疑问问代代词词who,whom,what,which和疑和疑问问副副词词when,how,where等。此等。此结结构在句中可作主构在句中可作主语语、宾语宾语、表、表语语等。等。When to leave here is up to you.什么什么时时候离开候离开这这儿由你决定。儿由你决定。The question is your plan.问题问题是怎是怎样实样实施你的施你的计计划。划。how to carry out点津点津whether一一词词也可以与不定式也可以与不定式连连用。用。I didnt know him or not.我不知道我不知道该该不不该该相信他。相信他。whether to believe



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