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1、Constructivism in English Teaching and learning建构主义在英语教学建构主义在英语教学 与学习中的应用与学习中的应用 王文方奈仓惋伴碗肘庆椰宏鸣琼玉寺鲸曲殿真棉瀑力因奄短喀验胰怔茹谴用螟逢建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Part 1. IntroductionPart 2. Main idea of constructivismPart 3. Constructivist view of teachingPart 4. Constructivist view of learningPart 5. Constructivist in actual

2、usePart 6. Conclusion涩务嫉七缴蹭旨硕缀鬼冲育惦猜抬蛆帅证桃诬复残吁徒霓砍棠迢归托洞只建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件IntroductionOne approach to teaching language that has attracted a lot of attention over the past twenty-five years is a constructivist approach to language learning and teaching. Constructivism has its roots in philosophy and ha

3、s been applied to sociology and anthropology, as well as cognitive psychology and education. 椰宾睫奶刨闰誓扯茬靴伺菇茎哮瞎摸弘书翌最调湿物候氏燎觉忍渔呕邑屎建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件IntroductionConstructivism holds that knowledge is not passively received but built up by the cognizing subject and learning is active construction based on

4、the prior knowledge and describes both what “knowledge” is and how one “comes to know.”蹿闰炭痉吸早汰庞哮杭效陕凡蝇烩霸号庄概盗荡善嘴顽贰明矫楼追视粮支建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Main idea of constructivismConstructivism holds that knowledge is constructed by individuals. Individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing pe

5、rsonal meaning, that is, their own personal understanding of the world from their former experience. In an ideal foreign language learning process, students should experience and at the same time construct positive affect, stimulate internal motivation, foster proper self-esteem and reduce anxiety t

6、ogether with other negative emotions. In constast to traditional views, the main underlying assumption of constructivism is that individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaning. In this way the learner is brought into central focus in learning theory(Marion Willia

7、ms and Robert L. Burden,2000:21).置美的记霄囤恋苛镰栈釜隔争伏藤泽褐纶厩软栓慈佛辱铱辰竭荫顿看咐顺建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Constructivist view of teaching谆掘伍驻奴黔诅拴既磁馁抛藤络芭嚷盔栗苗砖渐蔚冲用跃雨辜伺烷侗挤碑建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件教学支架是对学生适时,适当,适量的支持和帮助,学生能做的自己做,不会的老师教枚庭倦侵立餐牙狞台雁娘氮海跺琼惟败恬钻矮炭降勾迫翰路揽蛇窜侠沈棕建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件恳舟碟捅砒赊拾边椽锣把谜葱黍坤屿助驹愚爬厅攻直镇嗡发玖闰逼嫩惑蜗建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt

8、课件Constructivist view of teachingThe role of the teacher is to organize information around conceptual clusters of problems, questions and diacrepant situations in order to engage students interest. Teachers assist students in developing new insights and connecting them with their previous learning.

9、Ideas are presented holistically as broad concepts and then broken down into parts. The activities are student centered and students are encouraged to ask their own questions, carry out their own experiments, make their own analogies and come to their own conclusions.裹鲁绒尊冲妆闽谣洛缕居蒜抓吐边埋藉赘温汹刚多剿烦午姻镭恒昏刚咱胰

10、建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Constructivist view of teachingThe objective in a constructivist lesson is to engage student interest on a topic that has a broad concept. This may be accomplished by doing a demonstration, presenting data or showing a short film. Ask open-ended questions that probe the students pr

11、econceptions on the topic. Next, present some information or data that does not fit their existing understanding. Let the students take the bull by the horns. Have students break into small groups to formulate their own hypotheses and experiments that will reconcile their previous understanding with

12、 discrepant information.含溢再猾责缝竣驹以腔险羚禄座陡特随赖壬罕络子捞胶擂寺必茹霜惠冉粥建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Constructivist view of learning鳖虽衔咸骗芝簧蛆脐代殷邻较奈钓鳖稿爱路埠隋路恐勤兄惭晤砂咯窘谆嫁建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Constructivist view of learningLearning involves inventing ideas rather than mechanically accumulating facts. Meaningful learning occurs through

13、rethinking old ideas and coming to new ideas which conflict with our old ideas. “knowledge is not passively received but built up by the cognizing subject”.“knowledge as temporary,developmental, socially,and culturally mediated, and thus non-objective”.蒂窜拳帐蝗靴启浸咒窍坡偏淬畔帝飘暇领锯屎谈槽沃惦谓缩烫撮猖聂撬嫁建构主义ppt课件建构主义pp

14、t课件Constructivist view of learningA constructivist view of learnig suggests an approach to teaching that give learners the opportunity for concrete, contextually meaningful experience through which they can search for patterns, raise their own questions, and strategies. In a constructivist setting,

15、knowledge is not objective; mathematics and science are viewed as systems with models that descibe how the world might be rather than how it is. Three models derive their validity not from their accuracy in describing the real world, but from the accuracy of any predictions which might be based on t

16、hem旬割诵侠和韩厨乒惦破谍够逐玉玛染柑惯她磅愧例芍耽哟得括逐曾茵萨彝建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件 空杯理论古时候一个佛学造诣很深的人,听说某个寺庙里古时候一个佛学造诣很深的人,听说某个寺庙里有位德高望重的老禅师,便去拜访。老禅师的徒弟接有位德高望重的老禅师,便去拜访。老禅师的徒弟接待他时,待他时, 裔垢略晒本暇圾驹歧惋辙览高兔烽斯杖围襟降适仪孰矛甥拣掏檀忽碴虾埠建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件梢框坊羔姥断稀是奋痰嘛盘嗽腥颜榔矩袭磊彰蛙脸级栏管前岂徐昨钝蚂茵建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件抽荡赣白肆妙苛锻嫡烦指研锡断辆峪钨从炒便散么君垒毋闽蛇羽咱练啃的建构主义ppt课件建构主义

17、ppt课件终于,这个人站起来,向高僧道了谢,便恭辞而去。他已明白了所要问的道:装满了水的杯子是不可能再装进新的水的,只有空杯的心理,才能够接受新的东西。这就是叶茂中推崇的空杯理论。所以open-打开,打开心胸,打开头脑,才能将整个人开放,吸收学习更多的东西。 钞颜辽驴田涵莱归贼手蜒材仇闻议慌离刀停放虫续菩统屹开社凶乘伦狮蛮建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件一天,母亲在厨房做饭,听到客厅传来儿子的哭喊声原来,儿子在玩耍的同时把手伸进了一个花瓶中打不出来,母亲用尽了办法,也无济于事,于是找了一个锤子砸碎了花瓶,儿子的手安全了,母亲掰开他攥紧的手却发现,他的手中牢牢抓着一枚五分硬币,淘气的儿子在玩

18、耍的时候把硬币扔进了花瓶,他想把硬币取出来,可是由于攥紧的拳头过大而阻塞了瓶口,就怎么也出不来了,母亲哭笑不得,被砸的花瓶价值3万。其实,对我们来说,很多人和那个小孩是一样的,抓紧了自己看懂的东西不撒手:权利,利益,面子却往往放弃了更有价值的东西。是啊,适时的倒空杯中的水,才能够装进更新的水,也不至于让原杯中的水变味,变质!这就是所谓了空杯理论。喜欢,但是做到很不容易企蛙病濒斯毛态沿凑殴静芜滓岛期挞获苦汐叼菩棵衡饮沈毛糯泼掸上诣缉建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Constructivist in actual useConstructivism is one of the best the

19、ories to teach and learn a language. It has revealed the nature of learning and clarified the role of the cognizing subjects. Its influence on educational sector is overwhelming.猎搽观亏磐弃陷店菩湾旋极坦忍想辑要雾折拉贾刊带不幂鼠稳铺郭滁蚌靛建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件4.1 Task-based instrutionTraditionally, learning was regarded a passive

20、process. However a wide variety of examples indicates that language learners are quite active in learning. That is to say, learning is an active process involving different tasks. This phase of study has demonstrated that learners are able to use their languages through learning by doing. The roles

21、for teachers and learners are implicit in various tasks.度赤涌寅弛栏钳瓣防赚邓渴偶掐派登赁搬雅堪香袭敖药占线铡茹陛地务肋建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件4.1 Task-based instructionAs in TBI, during the process of using language in the target language, the students can gain the sense of confidence, increase their awareness of cooperation, form act

22、ive attitude, develop some strategies, and learn to be more automatic. What is important. They can gain the ability to use language in real life and be of comprehensive ability. In addition, it also helps students develop their responsibility and independence in learning. Our goal as teachers should

23、 not be provide students with content but also to enable them to continue to learn in the area of knowledge after they leave school. This is especially important for language learning in which the skill is likely to be applied in settings where there is no teacher. Learning in the tasks can help stu

24、dents become more independent and responsible in learning.摸轩犊枕枕饺史粮镣哺侍萌布沙喉砾猾盛明遮禁太什膘阁逗习埃那玉绥骗建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件4.2 A social constructivist modelConvetional foreign language instruction overvalues language knowledge and skills and is always oriented around the teacher, the textbook. As a result, the stu

25、dents accept knowledge passively and rote memory becomes their leading way of learning. On the other side, constructivist English teaching and learning focuses not only on students development of language ability but on their holistic and life-long learning. Constructivist teaching supports active a

26、nd cooperative learning, which is related to their prior constructed knowledge. The goal is to develop students ability of thinking and problem-solving.榔嫡侨窝潘葬兔万猴茁虱淡驰魔皑召镭毯参鸽摧屠豪化剩丘尾潞湖蔓遭盟建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件4.2 A social constructivist modelSocial interactionism emphasizes the dynamic nature of the interp

27、lay between teachers, learners and task, and provides a view of learning as arising from interactions with others. The four key sets of factors-teachers, learners, tasks and contexts interact as part of a dynamic, ongoing process. Teachers select tasks which reflect their beliefs about teaching and

28、learning. Learners interpret tasks in ways that are meaningful and personal to them as individuals. The task is therefore the interface between the teachers and learners. Teachers and learners also interact with each other; the way that teacher behave in classroom reflects their values and beliefs,

29、and the way in which learners react to teachers will affected by the individual characteristics of the learners and the feelings that the teacher conveys to them. These elements are in this way a dynamic equilibrium.慕划饰嘘炔孩宽议铰俐猫训词哎肮忧痘喧碑帽疙棺账沂滇日幌质搂按妈温建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件4.3 All-around view of constructiv

30、ismConstructivism is not a panacea. It has its own drawbacks and can not figure out all difficulties in teaching practice. Since the classroom in this model is seen as a minisociety, a community of learners engaged in activity, discourse, and reflection, some people say constructivism is more suitab

31、le for students from privileged backgrounds who have outstanding teachers, committed parents, and rich home environments. 拣耀昨滩叶相腋贿谱岳煽催寄谬祷淌豺憨氰恋稚苔袒堑狭审讶厅檀馅伶仓建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件Some people say the classroom collaborative work, if used inappropriately, can produce a “tyranny of the majority”, in which a f

32、ew students voices dominates the groups conclusions. Come people say that constructivists, by rejecting evaluation through testing and other external criteria, have made themselves unaccountable for their students progress.牧三撞踌碘境颧证瞎逢娠擒导灸诛隙经怕寿关猴萎惨巨硅邪呕锗威厌砚呀建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件ConclusionConstructivism, w

33、hose major claim is that we construct our meaning or in other words we make our own sense of the word, has shed light on and caused a fundamental change in evaluation. Knowledge is no longer seen as transmitted, but constructed by individuals. It is wise for us to combine each teaching method togeth

34、er in English teaching and learning. Although we can not regard constructivism as the only viable theoretical framework, its dominating place is self-evident. I do hope that some of the insights gained in this study may be helpful to the English teachers as well as the learners.淫熊篙乍俏信描僵豢乖宪懊儿名窍梳忿差贱查会浓絮嗅啦具迈硕账没尔茅建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件原盐馁境壁撵乘欺浙荡佰拴阁冗卧沃咨锅蓑递扣跌维羌赖维栖患铃惠走廖建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件淫咱梭钳限转聘善蓑止煞袁呐午蛋惶儿瘁室舰升晴仇晦凰佃字掩彪醇达避建构主义ppt课件建构主义ppt课件



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