A Mother’s Place

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《A Mother’s Place》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《A Mother’s Place(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、AMothersPlaceDonnaGamacheDiscuss1.What roles do mothers play in the family?2.What will you do after you quarrel with your mother?About the AuthorDonnaGamache , was born inMinnedosa(明尼多萨), Manitoba(马尼托巴) in 1994 and she is a writer and teacher from Macgregor(马格雷戈). She received a bachelor(学士) of Arts

2、 degree form the University of Manitoba. She has taught language arts and social studies fulltime at thesecondary level and has worked as an elementary and secondary substitute(代替) teacher.She specializes in fiction, especially for children. She has published a book for children,Spruce Woods Adventu

3、re(云杉森林历险记), as well as many short stories for both children and adults. Her poetry has been printed in Prairie Messenger, Western People and Our Family, and has won honorable mentions in the CAA poetry contest.AWARDS Manitoba Winner, Canadian Authors Association Millennium Anthology, 1999.First Pri

4、ze, Winners Circle fiction contest, Canadian Authors Association, 1999.Second Prize, Canadian Authors Association (Manitoba) non-fiction contest, 1994.Donna has also received honorable mention in several Canadian Authors Association (Manitoba) short story and poetry contests and two Toronto Sunday S

5、tar fiction contests. A mother named Dorothy feels that she is getting old and doubts her place in the family. She thinks that she was redundant in the house, Dorothy decides to leave but her son and daughter-in-law convinces her that she is welcomed and needed.OrganizationText Comprehension1.Text A

6、nalysis and main ideavPart one:para1-para2 Moms mood vPart two:para3-para18 Moms solution for the argumentvPart three:para19-para33 Sons solution for the argumentvPart four:para34-para37 Breaking the iceText comprehension2.QuestionvHow did Dorothy feel about herself at the beginning of the story?vWh

7、y did Dorothy think herself redundant(多余的)? Can you give me some example?vAfter reading what do you think of Tims way of solving the problem?Answerv1.She felt herself old and lonelyv2.1Jenny did every housework 2she noticed Jennys glance in the direction of her own bed-room 3the kitchen is too small

8、 for two men all the timeImportant sentences&Language notes1.TherainstillfellinasilentgraysheetwhenDorothyopenedherbedroomcurtainstopeeroutside.(P1,L1) Sheet: a large moving mass of fire and water. Rain in a sheet/in sheets =rain heavily Peer: look closely or carefully at sth. eg. 她从帘子后面凝视着邻居们。 She

9、peered at the neighbors from behind the curtain. 2.Andusuallysheactedyoungerthanheryears,ifanything.(P2,L3) Ifanything : if there is any difference 如果有什么不同的话 (如果有什么不同的话,就是从她平日里的举止行动看不出她的实际年龄。) eg.如果有区别的话,我新的工作比以前的更差。 If anything, my new job is worse than my old one .3.Sheneedntbothertodrivethetracto

10、ranymore. (P2,L6) Bothertodo 费心去做 eg.很多人如今不费心举办婚礼了。 Lots of people dont bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.4.Shedknownitlastnight,ofcourse,afterthe blowupwithJenny,Timswife.(P3,L2) Blowupwith sb. : be angry with sb. (当然,昨晚与蒂姆的妻子詹妮吵架之后,她就已经知道是为什么了。)5. Dorothyarguedthattheclosestgarde

11、npatchneededfallowing. (P4,L3) Patch:(尤指种菜用的)小块土地 Fallowing:n. 休耕制;休闲地 (多萝西认为,屋子旁边的那块园地应该空着 。)6.Dorothystumpedofftobedat8.30p.m.,feelingoldandlonely,andmissingSteveasshehadntmissedhimforalongtime.(P4,L4) Stumpoff : walk in a noisy, heavy way, especially because you are angry. 脚步笨重,沉重 As: as if 虚拟语气

12、(于是多萝西晚上八点半就气冲冲地上床了,感到苍老无力,孤立无助,从来没有这么想念过史蒂夫。) 7.TimandJennys babywasdueintwomonths,andlastweekJennystoppedworkingatthepotatoplant.(P10,L1) Beduein/on :在到期;预期 eg.结果预期于月底揭晓。 The results are due at the end of the month. Potatoplant:n.potato factory(蒂姆和詹妮的孩子还有两个月就要出世了。上个星期,詹妮辞去了土豆加工厂的工作。) 8.Notthatanyt

13、hinghadbeensaidtothateffect.(P13,L1)Tothat/thiseffect:说了说了话,表达了话,表达了意思意思with that/this meaning or information.eg.他话里带着叫我出去的意思。 He told me to get out, or words to that effect. (引申为:事情还没到那个地步。)Understanding VocabularyvDrought draut n. lack of rainvDownpour daunp: n. heavy fall of rainvRelinquish rilik

14、wi v. give up 放弃;让渡vRedundant ridndnt not neededvReconvert ,ri:knv:t vt. convert back vBending bendi stooping 屈服Have A Break !v9.A few yards away ,the lilacs hung heavy in the rain.v几码远处,丁香花在雨里沉甸甸的挂在枝上。vYard :n.院子;庭院vn.码(长度单位) lilac :n.紫丁香花紫丁香花lalk 10. Tim made a dash for the house ,splashing throug

15、h large puddles as he ran. 蒂姆正往房子这边跑过来,身后边溅起大滩的雨水。 dash 猛冲 d puddle 积水pdl splash 溅起 spl.11.shed have her say first 她要掌握发言权。 have ones say 表示意见12.though her mind was churning when she went to bed . 尽管去睡觉时她心里还难过着。 churn tn 翻腾13. Dorothy closed her mouth, the wind gone from her sails for a moment. 多萝西闭

16、着嘴,好象帆一时没了风一样,不知道说什么好了。 v v14.Around here ,I wont be needed anymore. More than that . In this house ,Im in the way. 家里没人需要我了。不止如此,在这座房子里,我碍手碍脚了。” in the way 在路上; 挡道的v15. and a life of your own without your mother always looking over your shoulder.v你们过自己的生活,不用我整天在后面盯着你们vBe looking over your shoulder

17、小心提防v16. He looked so much like Steve when he set his chin in that determined way. 他看上去真象史蒂夫,那样坚毅地昂着下巴。Understanding VocabularyvPasture 牧场 Poplar 白杨vCreek 小溪 grunt 喃喃道 vgrove 小树林 trailer 车拖活动住屋vMoisture 水分CharactervThrough the whole story, we can have a clear plot about the figures in the article.vN

18、ow let us discuss the characters of the whole story.CharactervThis article has three people :mother , son and sons wife.vThe hero is the son and the heroine is the mother.vDifferent descriptions show the figures character.ReasonvThe backgroundvThe mothers thoughtsvThe attitude of her sons wifevThe c

19、ommunication between mother and sonMother vLove to complain vCommon but competentvInsist on strongvSentimental :easy to think too morevImportant vAlone vLove Son PiousnessLoveSensible Not a bad son Not good at communicationPaymoreattentiontoouroldmothersPutoneselfinonesshoes vallow oneself to see or experience something from someone elses point of view vDont do unto others what you dont want others do unto you . Do as you would be done by . (己所不欲,勿施于人)ThanksForWatching GroupMembersv朱朱雅雅文文v孙孙卫卫芳芳v谭谭亚亚欣欣v胡胡盟盟敏敏v冯冯文文婷婷v陈陈滢滢浇浇



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