高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》2-4Cultural Corner27张

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1、Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语1cheer1)n. 欢呼欢呼(可数名词可数名词);愉快;愉快Lets give three cheers for our teamtheyve won!让我们为我们队欢呼三声,他们赢了。让我们为我们队欢呼三声,他们赢了。2)vt. & vi.(1)(使使)快活;快活;(对对)欢呼欢呼The good news of our football t

2、eam winning the game cheered up everybody who heard it.我们足球队获胜的喜讯使每一个听到的人都感到高兴。我们足球队获胜的喜讯使每一个听到的人都感到高兴。The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field.球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)(常与常与on连用用)以以欢呼声激励;呼声激励;为加油加油The crowd cheered their favourite team on.观众众为自己支

3、持的球自己支持的球队欢呼加油。呼加油。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展cheer(sb.)up (使使)变得高兴;变得高兴;(使使)感到兴奋感到兴奋cheer for. 为为欢呼欢呼cheerful adj. 高兴的;快乐的高兴的;快乐的a cheerful look 高兴的神情高兴的神情She cheered up at the news.她听到这消息就高兴起来。她听到这消息就高兴起来。Cheer up! The news isnt too bad.振作起来!这消息还不算太坏。振作起来!这消息还不算太坏。Module 2 H

4、ighlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用The good news that the experiment succeeded_all the people in the office.AcomfortedBcheered upCexcited Dboth B and C答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2routine1)n. U, C常常规规,日日常常事事务务;(公公共共表表演演的的)一一套套固固定定舞舞步;一套舞蹈动作步;一套舞蹈动作Teachers in our school wil

5、l have a routine medical examination on Teachers Day.在教师节我们学校的教师进行常规的体检。在教师节我们学校的教师进行常规的体检。Follow me to go through a dance routine.跟我做一套舞蹈动作。跟我做一套舞蹈动作。2)adj.(一般只用作定语一般只用作定语)日常的;例行的;常规的日常的;例行的;常规的be on the routine patrol 执行例行巡逻执行例行巡逻a routine report/test/treatment 例例行行报报告告/定定期期测测验验/常常规疗法规疗法Module 2 H

6、ighlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展follow/break the(old)routine 墨守成规墨守成规/打破常规打破常规routinely adv. 日常地,常规地,例行地日常地,常规地,例行地routinize vt. 使使常规常规/惯例化惯例化routinization n. 常规常规/惯例化惯例化Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用My morning_includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over brea

7、kfast.Abrill BactionCregulation Droutine答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3course n.1)过程,经过过程,经过During the course of the next few minutes we will be serving tea and biscuits.下面我们用几分钟供应茶点。下面我们用几分钟供应茶点。The course of true love never did run smooth.真爱的道路是曲折的真爱的道路是曲折的(好事多磨好事多磨)。2)道路;路线道路;路

8、线A plane flew off course.飞机偏离了航线。飞机偏离了航线。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3)一道菜一道菜The next dish is the main course.下一道菜是主菜。下一道菜是主菜。4)课程程Ill take a course in French.我将修一我将修一门法法语课程。程。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展in the course of(during the course of) 在在过过程程中中;在在期间期间in cau

9、se of 正在正在keep a straight course 保持直航路线保持直航路线of course 自然;当然自然;当然run its course(take their course)(听听其其)自自然然发发展展;按按常规进行常规进行stay the course 坚持到底;不中途放弃坚持到底;不中途放弃Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析course & route这两个词都含有这两个词都含有“路线路线”之意。之意。1)course表表示示自自然然形形成成的的河河道道、星星星星运运行行的的轨轨道道等等,强强调调所所走

10、走道道路路的的方方向向,有有时时表表示示自自然然的的或或时时间间的的“进进程程”,有有时时表表示示有有始始有有终终的的“进进程程”,有有时时表表示示循循环环往往复复的的进进程,引申义可指方法、计划等。程,引申义可指方法、计划等。The stars move in their courses.星星沿轨道运行。星星沿轨道运行。Wars have influenced the course of history.战争影响了历史的进程。战争影响了历史的进程。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)route指指旅旅游游、行行军等等路路线;用用于于比比喻可

11、可指指成成功功、犯犯罪等之路。罪等之路。The postman is in charge of this route.那个那个邮递员负责这条投条投递线路。路。We came by a longer route than usual.我我们走了一条比通常要走了一条比通常要长的路来的。的路来的。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用The new harbour is_construction.Ain course of Bin the course ofCduring the course of Dboth B and C答案:答案:

12、DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语1It was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading.直直到到20世世纪纪20年年代代,彩彩线线球球才才在在拉拉拉拉队队队队员员的的表表演演中中发挥重要作用。发挥重要作用。1)本本句句使使用用了了强强调调句句型型,“It was.that.”;强强调调部部分分是是not until结结构构。本本句句可可以

13、以表表达达为为“Pomoms didnt begin to play an important part in cheerleading until the 1920s.”或或者者“Not until the 1920s did pompoms begin to play an important part in cheerleading.”Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)play an important part in起重要作用。如:起重要作用。如:China plays an important part in maintainin

14、g world peace.中国在中国在维护世界和平中起着重要作用。世界和平中起着重要作用。The air arm plays an important part in modern warfare.空空军在在现代代战争中占很重要的地位。争中占很重要的地位。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展强强调调句句型型(“It is/was被被强强调调部部分分that句句子子”)使使用时应该注意以下几点:用时应该注意以下几点:1)此此句句型型只只用用于于现现在在时时态态和和过过去去时时态态,且且不不能能强强调调谓谓语成分。语成分。2)强强调

15、调时时间间状状语语和和地地点点状状语语时时后后面面不不能能用用when/where引出其余成分,必须要用引出其余成分,必须要用that引出。引出。3)强强调调not until结结构构时时,将将此此结结构构置置于于it is/was.that句句型中,型中,that后接肯定式。后接肯定式。4)强调句型变一般疑问句将强调句型变一般疑问句将be的形式提前置于句首。的形式提前置于句首。5)变特殊疑问句句型,将被强调的疑问句置于句首。变特殊疑问句句型,将被强调的疑问句置于句首。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接(1)(2010福福 建建

16、 )The girl had hardly rung the bell _the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. Abefore BuntilCas Dsince解解析析:考考查连词。had hardly done sth. before/when表表示示 “一一 就就 ”。 又又 如如 : We had hardly started before/when it began to rain.我我们刚出出发,就开始下雨。,就开始下雨。答案:答案:AModule 2 Highlights of M

17、y Senior Year外研版英语(2)(2009江江西西)It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when; then B. not; untilC. not until; that D. only; when解解析析:考考查了了“notuntil”句句式式在在强强调句句中中的的用用法法。在在强强调句句中中对until引引导的的时间状状语从从句句进行行强强调时,not也也应一一块提前。提前。答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My

18、Senior Year外研版英语(3)(2008重重庆庆)It was not until midnight_they reached the camp site.AthatBwhenCwhileDas解解析析:本本题主主要要考考查强强调句句的的用用法法。句句意意为:“他他们直直到到午午夜夜才才到到达达营地地”。当当until midnight用用于于It is/was.that.强强调句句时,前前面面须加加not,构构成成not until midnight,后后边再再加加that。而且。而且that不能不能换用用when, while, as等。等。答案:答案:AModule 2 High

19、lights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用It was in New Zealand_Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.Athat BhowCwhich Dwhen答案:答案:AModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2To be a cheerleader is to play a very important part in your school.成为拉拉队队员就意味着在学校里有举足轻重的地位。成为拉拉队队员就意味着在学校里有举足轻重的地位。本本句句出出现现了了两两个个不不定定式式短短语

20、语,to be a cheerleader是是不不定定式式短短语语作作主主语语,to play a very important part作作表表语语。动动词词不不定定式式作作主主语语表表示示比比较较具具体体的的意意义义,经经常常与与特特定定的的动动作作或或执执行行者者联联系系起起来来。句句子子主主语语是是不不定定式式(表表示示条条件件),表表语语也是不定式也是不定式(表示结果表示结果)。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语To see is to believe.眼眼见为实。To work means to earn a living.工作就是

21、工作就是为了生活。了生活。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用The patient was warned_oily food after the operation.Ato eat not Beating notCnot to eat Dnot eating答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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