外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件3

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外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件3_第1页
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《外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版三起五下Module 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house课件3(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、说一说说一说 春节活动春节活动guess Lantern riddles吃汤圆吃汤圆set off firecrackers放鞭炮放鞭炮shoot off fireworks放烟花放烟花see the coloured lights看彩灯看彩灯Watch CDs Who are they? Listen and look for diffrent听录音,找出两幅图片不同之处Many years ago许多年前There werent any buses.Now现在There are lots of buses and cars.Many years ago许多年前We lived in a s

2、mall house.Now现在We live in a big house.Module 1ChangeUnit1 We lived in a small house.表示表示过去过去 “有有”或或“没有没有”有。有。Therewas/were没有。没有。Therewasnt/werentQ:1.Who are the two girls?2.What are they talking about on TV? Q:1.Who are the man and the old woman?They are an old lady and an interviewer.Q:2.What are

3、they talking about on TV?They are talking about life.Old lady: Life was very different in China many years ago.grandmothergrandchildren火眼金睛辨真伪火眼金睛辨真伪1 Its a programme about China. ( )2 The old lady watches TV every day.( )3 There were many buses. ( )4 There werent any televisions. ( )5 The old lady

4、lived in a small house. ( )6 There are lots of cars and buses now. ( )7 The old lady lives in a small house. ( )TTFTTTFIlivedinasmallhousefouryearsago.Therewasanearthehouse.Iasmalldog.ItsnamewasBobby.NowIliveinabig.abigtreenearit.Ihavenow. Bobby is big now. 1.What programme did Lingling watch last n

5、ight?1.What programme did Lingling watch last night? A programme about China. A programme about China.2.What did the old lady talk about on television?2.What did the old lady talk about on television? She talked about her life many years ago. She talked about her life many years ago.3.What was the o

6、ld ladys life like many years ago?3.What was the old ladys life like many years ago? She cooked on a fire.She didnt have a television or She cooked on a fire.She didnt have a television or a radio.She didnt have a telephone.She worked in a radio.She didnt have a telephone.She worked in the fields.Sh

7、e couldt read or write.the fields.She couldt read or write.4.Who does Lingling miss?4.Who does Lingling miss? She misses her grandmother and Daming. She misses her grandmother and Daming. Dear_, I _ a television programme about _last _.An old lady _ about her _ many years _. She _ on a _.She _have a

8、 television _ a radio. She _ have a _. She _ in the _.She _ read _ write. I miss my _ _. I miss you ,too. I _ you are well. _Daming watched China night talked life ago cooked fire didnt or didnt t elephoneworked fields couldnt or grandmotherhope Lingling everywhere evrihw 到处到处stay stei 停留停留same seim

9、 相同的相同的circle s:kl 圆圈圆圈aeroplane rplein 飞机飞机other 其它的其它的一、写出下列动词的过去时。一、写出下列动词的过去时。一、写出下列动词的过去时。一、写出下列动词的过去时。 go are do have livego are do have live is watch talk write cook is watch talk write cook二、按要求填空。二、按要求填空。二、按要求填空。二、按要求填空。1.was (1.was (原形原形原形原形)_)_2.were (2.were (否定否定否定否定)_)_3.any (3.any (同义词

10、同义词同义词同义词)_)_4.lots of (4.lots of (同义词同义词同义词同义词)_)_5.change(5.change(现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词)_)_三、连词成句。三、连词成句。三、连词成句。三、连词成句。1.Sam,Amy ,still, and, in, Lingling, with, is ,England2.China, life, was, in ,different, very, ago, many, years3.small,in, house , lived, we, a 4.programme,a , I ,watched, about, Chin

11、a, television, last night.5.or, radio, television, she ,didnt , have, a, aHomework for today: 回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样。把结果下节课的生活有什么不一样。把结果下节课用英语告诉老师。用英语告诉老师。可用以下句型:可用以下句型:Therewerent-.Thereis/are-.Welived-.Welivein-.作文作文 My grandpa1.他的职业:他的职业:My grandpa was

12、 a 2.他的生活环境:他的生活环境:He lived in He cooked on 3.他的教育经历:他的教育经历:He could/couldnt4.社会社会 环境:环境:There werent any My grandpa My grandpa was a teacher many years ago. He teached Chinese. There werent any buses or cars. He walked to work. There werent any televisions or radios. He read books every night. He couldnt speak English. He didnt have enough food. He didnt have a telephone. But he was very happy. I want to be a teacher,too.



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