高中英语人教版必修5课件【福建专用】Unit 3《Life in the future》单元盘点

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1、Unit 3Life in the future词语词语串串串串练练I am taking up a job in a company as an accountant.In fact,previous to my entering the company,I took a course which trained and guided me a lot as how to become a good accountant.Unit 3Life in the futureTherefore,I am very confident and optimistic about my job and

2、believe that I can manage it very well.My coworkers are very kind and warmhearted,who often help me a lot to find the settlement to the difficult problem when I am uncertain about it.Unit 3Life in the futureAll the workers are hardworking with their best to speed up their work so as to finish it ahe

3、ad of time,although the boss never presses us too much.And to my great delight,the surroundings of this company are very pleasant and picturesque.In a word,Unit 3Life in the futureI have a good impression of this company and I am very satisfied with my present job in that it can make us workers work

4、 in a relaxing and efficient way.And as time goes by,I believe I can not only make quick adjustments to my job but also perform very well,even though I lack some experience.Unit 3Life in the future我现在正在一家公司从事会计的工作。事实我现在正在一家公司从事会计的工作。事实上,在我进入这家公司前,我曾经参加过指上,在我进入这家公司前,我曾经参加过指导我如何成为一名合格的会计的课程。因此,导我如何成为一

5、名合格的会计的课程。因此,我对这份工作很有信心也很乐观。我坚信我我对这份工作很有信心也很乐观。我坚信我可以做好这份工作的。可以做好这份工作的。Unit 3Life in the future我的同事都很好也很热心,当我对一些疑难我的同事都很好也很热心,当我对一些疑难问题拿不准而找不到它们的解决方法时,他问题拿不准而找不到它们的解决方法时,他们会给予我非常大的帮助。所有的工人都尽们会给予我非常大的帮助。所有的工人都尽自己的最大努力加速工作进程,以便能够提自己的最大努力加速工作进程,以便能够提前完成任务,尽管老板从来都不会给我们施前完成任务,尽管老板从来都不会给我们施加太多的压力。令我非常高兴的是

6、,这家公加太多的压力。令我非常高兴的是,这家公司环境宜人,风景如画。司环境宜人,风景如画。Unit 3Life in the future总而言之,我对我们公司的印象非常好,并且对总而言之,我对我们公司的印象非常好,并且对目前的工作非常满意,因为我们的公司可以让员目前的工作非常满意,因为我们的公司可以让员工在一种放松而高效的氛围中工作。所以,随着工在一种放松而高效的氛围中工作。所以,随着时间的流失,尽管我经验不足,我相信我会很快时间的流失,尽管我经验不足,我相信我会很快适应自己的工作并且做得很好。适应自己的工作并且做得很好。Unit 3Life in the future高考对对碰高考对对碰链

7、接一与接一与take有关的短有关的短语(教教材材原原句句P17)I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.Unit 3Life in the future高考例证高考例证(2011高考陕西卷高考陕西卷)Some insects_the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.Atake inBtake offCtake on Dtake outUnit 3Life in the future选选C。句意:为了保护自己,有些昆虫

8、会呈。句意:为了保护自己,有些昆虫会呈现出与它们周围环境一样的颜色。现出与它们周围环境一样的颜色。take on是是“呈现出呈现出”之意,符合语境;之意,符合语境;take in意为意为“吸收;欺骗吸收;欺骗”;take off意为意为“起飞;脱下起飞;脱下”;take out意为意为“取出取出”。Unit 3Life in the future链接二接二speed up(教教 材材 原原 句句 P20)When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up, we pressed down hard on the driving pedal and

9、bent over in the direction we wanted to go.Unit 3Life in the future高考例证高考例证(2011高考山东卷高考山东卷)They are broadening the bridge to_ the flow of traffic.Aput off Bspeed up Cturn on Dwork out选B。句句意意:他他们正正拓拓宽桥面面来来加加快快车流流速速度度。speed up是是“加加速速”之之意意,符符合合语境境。put off意意为“拖拖延延”,turn on意意为“打打开开”,work out意意为“解决,制定出解决,

10、制定出”。Unit 3Life in the future链接三接三optimistic (教教材材原原句句P19)Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future.Unit 3Life in the future高考例证高考例证(2010高考安徽卷高考安徽卷)_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.AS

11、hy and cautious BSensitive and thoughtful CHonest and confident DLighthearted and optimistic,Unit 3Life in the future选选D。句意:豁达而乐观使她成为了能用自。句意:豁达而乐观使她成为了能用自己的微笑把阳光传递给他人的那种女人。己的微笑把阳光传递给他人的那种女人。optimistic意为意为“乐观的乐观的”, lighthearted意意为为“快乐的快乐的”,与后面的语境相吻合。,与后面的语境相吻合。A项意项意为为“害羞而且谨慎的害羞而且谨慎的”;B项意为项意为“敏感而且深敏感而

12、且深沉的沉的”;C项意为项意为“诚实而且自信的诚实而且自信的”。Unit 3Life in the future链接四接四lack(教教材材原原句句P18)Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.高考例高考例证(2010高高 考考 福福 建建 卷卷 )More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities_space.Ain search of Bin place of Cfor lack of Dfor fear ofUnit 3Life in the future选选C。句意:大城市里因为缺少空间而建起。句意:大城市里因为缺少空间而建起了越来越多的高层建筑。了越来越多的高层建筑。for lack of是是“因为因为缺少缺少”之意,符合语境。之意,符合语境。in search of意意为为“为了寻找为了寻找”;in place of意为意为“代替代替”;for fear of意为意为“因为害怕因为害怕”。Unit 3Life in the future同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全Unit 3Life in the future同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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