英语 Module 6 Animals in Danger课件

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《英语 Module 6 Animals in Danger课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语 Module 6 Animals in Danger课件(62页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Module 6 Animals in DangerModule 6 Animals in DangerPeriod 1Module 6Animals in DangerIntroduction ReadingIntroduction 1. Brainstorming(3m) Collect the words of the animals in English.Possible answers:cowhorsecattigermousesheeplionfoxdogcockhenduckgooseantmonkeypigrabbit tortoiseeagle

2、panda crocodileelephantwhale sharkantelopebutterflydeerLets see Lets see which group which group can win the can win the game!game!Introduction 2. Presentation (2m) Say something about these two animals. giant panda Siberian tiger Siberian tigerIntroduction 3. Reading (5m) Read the passage and find

3、out the answers to the question.(open answers)1.What do the giant panda and Siberian tiger have in common?2.What can we do to help them in their struggle for survival?Introduction 4. Vocabulary (3m) (part 2)Match the words in the box with their meanings.1.a type of animal or plant2.the place where a

4、n animal lives naturally3.protection, especially of natural things4.in danger5.a fight which lasts a long time6.an area of land where animals are protected7.dead (for a species, not a single animal)8.continuing to live9.living in a natural state, away from people10.wild animals1. 1.speciesspecies2.

5、2.habitathabitat3. 3.conservationconservation4. 4.endangeredendangered5. 5.strugglestruggle6. 6.reservereserve7. 7.extinctextinct8. 8.survivalsurvival9. 9.wildwild10.10.wildlifewildlifeIntroduction 5. Discussion (5m) Discuss the reasons why some animals are becoming extinct.1.They are killed for bod

6、y parts or food.2.People want them for pets.3.People have moved into their natural habitat.4.They are killed by pollution.5.They are killed by climate change. Discuss with your partner and put them in the Discuss with your partner and put them in the order of importance and explain why.order of impo

7、rtance and explain why.Reading 1. Prediction (5m) Look at the picture and guess what the passage is about.1.What is this species of animal in the picture?2.Where is it happening?3.What are these people in the picture?4.What is the passage about?Reading 2. Skimming (6m) Read and find out the main ide

8、a of each paragraph.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5JiesangJiesang SuonandajieSuonandajie gave his life to save gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope.the Tibetan antelope.A large number of antelopes have beenA large number of antelopes have been killed for their wool. kil

9、led for their wool.The business of antelope wool is illegal The business of antelope wool is illegal but it is not easy to be stopped.but it is not easy to be stopped.The Chinese government began to The Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes.take an active part i

10、n protecting the antelopes.Progress has been made in protecting Progress has been made in protecting the antelopes.the antelopes.Reading 3. Scanning (6m) Read again and do exercise 2 and 4 in the textbook.The key to Ex 2The key to Ex 4The key to Ex 41. 1.B B2. 2.B B3. 3.A A4. 4.C C5. 5.A A1. plateau

11、 1. plateau 2. shawl 2. shawl3. profit3. profit 4. herd 4. herd5. skin5. skin 6. ban 6. ban7. raid7. raid 8. confiscated 8. confiscated9. tough9. tough10. co-operation10. co-operationFill the proper words in the blanks.There used to be millions of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan _. But unfortunatel

12、y many _ killed them and skinned them on the spot for their wool, which is the _ material for a coat. Now the government begin to take an active part in _ the antelopes. Many poachers were caught and 300 vehicles _. Police are getting _ with the dealers. As a result, the antelope population has slow

13、ly begun to grow again.The writer tells us the facts about the _ antelope to make us realize the importance of protecting animalsPlateauPlateaupoacherspoachersidealidealprotectingprotectingconfiscatedconfiscatedtoughtoughendangeredendangeredReading 4. Practice (5m) Read and say what the numbers and

14、dates refer to.1.50,0002.$5,0003.19754.1385.2%6.3,0007.5,000 metres8.1997In your opinion, what should we Chinese people do to save the endangered Tibetan antelope?The key to the answers1.The number of antelopes left by the 1990s2.The price of a shawl made from Shatoosh.3.The year when the trade ban

15、on “Shatoosh” shawls was started.4.The number of “Shatoosh” shawls found in a London shop.5.The percentage of the antelope population those shawls represented.6.The number of poachers caught in 10 years.7.The height of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.8.The year when the antelope population started to gr

16、ow again.Reading 5. Discussion (5m) Discuss the following question. In your opinion, what should we Chinese people do to save the endangered Tibetan antelope?Homework- Task of this lessonTry to collect some information about the endangered animals in China and how they are protected, especially the

17、condition of antelopes in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Retell the story of Saving the Antelopes one by onePeriod 2Module 6Animals in DangerGrammarFunctionGrammar 1. Presentation. (5m) Look at the underlined clauses and find the function of the clauses.who refer towhere in whichwhichwhosepeoplepeoplea pla

18、cea placea situationa situationan animalan animalthe relationship the relationship between a thing and between a thing and its ownerits ownerGrammar 2. Practice. (15m) Do exercise 2,3,4 and 5 in the textbook.Keys to Ex 21.whose2.who3.which4.whose5.which6.whoKeys to Ex 3Keys to Ex 31. 1.whywhy2. 2.wh

19、erewhere3. 3.whenwhen4. 4.whenwhen5. 5.wherewhereKeys to Ex 41.in which2.to whom3.of whom4.for whichKeys to Ex 5Keys to Ex 51. where 2.whose1. where 2.whose3. which3. which 4.whose 4.whose5. which 6.which5. which 6.which7. who 8.which7. who 8.which9. when 10.why9. when 10.whyGrammar 3. Conclusion (1

20、5m) Ask students to make a conclusion of the use of attributive clauses.Two kinds of the attributive clause:1.限制性定语从句restrictive attributive clause(无逗号无逗号)2.非限制性定语从句non- restrictive attributive clause (有逗号有逗号)He doesnt like to wear clothes which/that made him very strange.He doesnt like to wear clot

21、hes ,which made him very strange.Xi hua who I met across in the street a few days ago has gone abroad. Xi hua ,who I met across in the street a few days ago has gone abroad.Attributive clause:定语从句定语从句被修饰的词:先行词被修饰的词:先行词引导定语从句的词:关系词引导定语从句的词:关系词关系词分为关系代词和关系副词两类关系词分为关系代词和关系副词两类,指代被指代被修饰的词(先行词)修饰的词(先行词),

22、并且在从句中充当成并且在从句中充当成分分.They have three houses.The three houses are built of stone.He is not a true man. He doest reach the Great Wall .They have three houses which/that are built of stone.He who doest reach the Great Wall is not a true man.关系词关系词指代指代充当充当成分成分关系关系代词代词thatthat人或物人或物主(宾)主(宾)(表)(表)whichwhi

23、ch物物主(宾)主(宾)whowho人人主(宾)主(宾)whomwhom人人主(宾)主(宾)whosewhose人或物人或物定语定语关系关系副词副词wherewhere地点地点状状whenwhen时间时间whywhy原因原因关系副词引导定语从句时,既引导定语从句,关系副词引导定语从句时,既引导定语从句,又在定语从句中充当状语。又在定语从句中充当状语。关系副词可转化为介词关系副词可转化为介词+关系代词关系代词(which)结结构。构。1、When指时间,在定语从句中充当时间状指时间,在定语从句中充当时间状语。语。 He told me the date when(on which) he joi

24、ned the Party.1949 was the year when(in which) the P.R.C. was founded.2、Where指地点,在定语从句中充当地点状指地点,在定语从句中充当地点状语。语。This is the place where(in which) we lived ten years ago.The hotel is the one where(at which) I stayed last month.3、Why指原因,在定语从句中充当原因状语。指原因,在定语从句中充当原因状语。I know the reason why(for which) she

25、 was so angry. 关系代词前介词关系代词前介词(介词介词which)的确定的确定1.根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系e.g. Is that the newspaper _which you often write articles? 2. 根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配根据从句中动词或形容词的习惯搭配e.g. Can you explain to me how to use these idioms _which Im not sure.3. 根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯根据先行词与介词的搭配习惯e.g. 1949 was the year _wh

26、ich the P.R.C. was founded.forforaboutaboutinin1.This is the car _which I bought last year. 2.This is the car _which I paid 100$.3.This is the car _which I spent 100$.4.This is the car _which I go to work every day.5.This is the car _ which I cant go to work.6.This is the car _which the old man was

27、knocked down.7.This is the car _which a boy threw a stone.8.This is the car _which we talked .9.This is the car _which the window was broken -forforononininwithoutwithoutbybyatataboutaboutofofFunction 1. Presentation (5m) Give some facts and show your concern.Today there are only about 1,000 Siberia

28、n tigers left.It is reported that there are only 200-300 Northern bald ibises left.It is said that 12,000 animal species are now in danger.What do you feel when you read this?What do you feel when you read this?Function 2. Practice (5m) Point out the expressions of concern.It is really upsetting.Im

29、very worried aboutIm concerned aboutWe really should do more forMake more sentences to show your concern to Make more sentences to show your concern to the animals in dangerthe animals in dangerHomework - Task of the lessonHave a revision of the grammar-the attributive clauses and do more practice.P

30、eriod 3Module 6Animals in DangerVocabulary and ListeningEveryday EnglishSpeakingVocabulary and Listening 1. Matching(5m) Match the description with the photos.Red WolfBroadheadedBroadheaded SnakeSnakeCheckerspotCheckerspot ButterflyButterflyBald EagleBald Eagle1234Vocabulary and Listening 2. Vocabul

31、ary(3m) Guess the meaning of the words and put them in the right place.1.An _ is a small animal with six legs. Some have wings.2.An _ is an animal which drinks its mothers milk when it is young.3.An _ has cold blood and lays eggs.4.An _ has warm blood and lays eggs.birdinsectmammalreptileinsectinsec

32、tmammalmammalreptilereptilebirdbirdVocabulary and Listening 3. Brainstorming(3m) Add some more words to each list.birdinsectmammalreptileeaglebutterflywolfsnakehawk, hawk, swan, swan, duck, duck, sparrow, sparrow, swallow, swallow, kingfisher, kingfisher, thrush, thrush, gull,gull,fly, wasp, fly, wa

33、sp, bee, bee, moth, moth, beetle,beetle,lion, tiger, lion, tiger, panda, panda, deer, fox, deer, fox, mouse, mouse, rat,rat,lizard, lizard, gecko, gecko, crocodile,crocodile,Vocabulary and Listening 4. Predication(5m) Look at the picture in your textbook and predict the answers to the following ques

34、tions.(open answers)1.What is the name of the nature reserve in South Africa?2.What animals will the volunteer talk about?3.What was William Norris job?Vocabulary and Listening 5. Listening(10m) Listen and find the answers to exercise 5 and 6 in your textbook.Keys:1.On the Tembe Nature Reserve in So

35、uth Africa.2.3 months.3.About 2504.Lions.5.Almost every night.6.Yes, he does.Complete the page from Williams Diary.April 13thToday I saw _female lions attack a _ . It was very exciting. The _ was hurt, but it started to _. The lions were surprised and in the end they just _. It s a pity I didnt have

36、 my _.twotwowild pigwild pigpigpigfightfightwent awaywent awaycameracameraEveryday English (3m) Choose the correct meanings.1.To keep an eye on something means _.2.A terrible din is _.3.If you go for someone you _.4.Its a pity means _.watch it carefullywatch it carefullya loud noisea loud noiseattac

37、k themattack themIm sorryIm sorryMake some sentences with the expressions in pink.Make some sentences with the expressions in pink.Speaking -1. Brainstorming(3m) Name some endangered animals.Speaking -2. Discussion(8m) Talk about the animals in danger.Follow these steps:1.Decide which animals to tal

38、k.2.Identify the problem and express concern.3.Think of the ways to help the animals. more lawsmore police more volunteers more information more reservesSpeaking - 3. Presentation(6m) Give a report of your discussion. Act as one of the roles below and give a report of your discussion of the endanger

39、ed animal and call on people to protect the animals in danger.1.News reporter2.A volunteer3.A clerk working in the reserves4.A government officialHomework Task of the lessonFind more information about the volunteering work in animal protection.Find some information about the animals living condition

40、s in your local zoo.Period 4Module 6Animals in DangerReading and WritingCultural CornerReading and Writing 1. Reading (5m) Read the form and find out what animals they are.It is the worlds biggest land animal; a fully grown adult can weigh five tons.It can be found in part of Siberia and Northeast C

41、hina.They feed mostly on insects and small reptiles, but also eat fish and frogs.The population is supposed to be less than 5,000; some experts believe the figure could be nearer 2,000African African ElephantElephantSiberian Siberian TigerTigerNorthern Northern Bald IbisBald IbisBlue Blue WhaleWhale

42、Reading and Writing 2. Dialogue (5m) Read the form and ask and answer.Talk about these animals and find more information.You may do like this:A: What kind of animal is the Siberian tiger?B: It is the largest member of cat family.A: Where can Siberian tigers be found?B: It can be found in Siberia of

43、Russia and parts of Northeast China. Reading and Writing 3. Writing (10m) Read the description and find how it is organized.What animal?-give a description of the appearanceWhere to live?-the habitatWhat to eat?- the foodWhy in danger?-the reasons How many left?-the facts or resultsCultural Corner 1

44、. Prediction (5m) Look at the title and the pictures and predict the answers.1.What does WWF stand for?2.What kind of work does WWF do?Cultural Corner 2. Reading (8m) Read the passage and answer the questions.1.Whats the aim of the WWF when it was founded?2.Does the organization always have the same

45、 focus of attention?3.When did the WWF set up an office in Beijing?To protect the natural habitats of wild animals in To protect the natural habitats of wild animals in danger of extinction.danger of extinction.No.No.In 1995.In 1995.Cultural Corner 3. Scanning (8m) Read again and decide the followin

46、g statements are True or False1.The WWF was founded in Switzerland in the year 1961.2.Peter Scott was both a painter and a naturalist.3.At present the organization has branches in 130 countries.4.The WWF only pays attention to protecting wild animals in danger.5.It was Dr George Shaller who set up a

47、n office of WWF in Beijing.6.Saving the panda is one of the projects that the WWF is carrying out in China.FTFFFTCultural Corner 4. Role play (5m) Ask students to do the role-play and give an interview.Four students a group to have an interview, talking about how to save the endangered animals. A: a

48、n official working for the branch of the WWF in China B: a volunteer working for the WWF C: a reporter from CRI D: a reporter from CCTVHomework Task of the lessonWrite a passage of a certain kind of endangered animal, its description, habitat, numbers left and the way to save it must be included.附语言

49、点讲解1.Thanks to scientists hard work, the number of the pandas living in the wild has increased to about 1,590. thanks to 多亏,由于 because of, as a result of, eg, Thanks to the firefighters, people were saved in the fire.2.Every year thousands of wild animals and plants become extinct. extinct adj. (生物等

50、)已灭绝,已绝种的 This kind of elephant has been extinct for a long time.3. More than 12,000 animal species are now in danger. in danger 在危险中,濒危 eg, This kind of tiger is in danger. He is in great danger of failing the entrance examination. It is _ to go into the deep forest, for the snakes may make you _.

51、A. dangerous; dangerous B. dangerous, in danger C. in danger ; dangerous D. in danger; in dangerB B4. On a freezing cold day in January 1994, freezing adj. 极冷的, 冷淡的 frozen adj. 被冰冻的, 结冰的,冷漠的 freezing point, a freezing machine, frozen food, in frozen silence 5. Although surprised, the poachers had an

52、 advantage-they were more of them. although surprised- although they were surprised at the shout6. He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope. give one life to为献身, 把一生献给7.The animals are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India, on the spot当场,在现场, 立刻 Anyone breaking the rules will be

53、asked to leave on the spot. When the fighting started, policemen and reporters were soon on the spot. 8. But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people. come into fashion 成为时尚9. The small group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers who come from all over the

54、country, and who are ready for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000 metres. 此句包含了三个定语从句10. Meanwhile, in those countries where the shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers. get/ be tough with sb. 对某人强硬起来, 对某人毫不妥协 The government will get tough with the people who avoid paying t

55、axes.11. be / feel concerned about/ for / over sth. 关心, 担心某事,对某事关注12.keep an eye on 照看13.go for someone 向某人进攻14.on the brink of 在边缘15.stand for 代表16.have an effect on 对有影响附 : 定语从句高考题1. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success. A. for whichB. at which C. in whic

56、h D. on which2. George Orwell, _ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. A. the real name B. what his real nameB. his real name D. whose real nameC CD D3._ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress. A. ItB. As C. That D. What4.American women u

57、sually identify their best friend as someone _ they can talk frequently. A. who B. as C. about which D. with whomB BD D5. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which6. There are two buildings, _ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of which C. the larger one that D. the larger of whichA AD D



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