英语课件:人教版必修三 Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the starsUnit4SectionⅡ

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1、Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points速效提能演练速效提能演练Unit 1重点难点探究重点难点探究 Section 重点难点探究重点难点探究1However, according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions.然然而而,一一种种普普遍遍为人人们所所接接受受的的理理论是是:宇宇宙宙起起源源于于一一次次“大大爆爆炸炸”,这次次大大爆爆炸炸将将物物质投投射射到到四面八方。四面八方。品

2、味经典品味经典When the police arrived,the crowd ran away in all directions.警察一到,人群就向四面八方跑开了。警察一到,人群就向四面八方跑开了。自我探究自我探究in all directions in every direction朝四面八方。朝四面八方。归纳拓展拓展(1)direction n方方向向;指指导;(通通常常作作复复数数)指指示示,命令,命令,说明明书(2)a sense of direction方向感方向感in/from the direction of.朝着朝着/来自来自方向方向under the direction

3、 of sb. under ones direction 在某人的指在某人的指导下下He has a good sense of direction.他的方向感很好。他的方向感很好。牛刀小牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)汤姆朝一个方向走,哈里姆朝一个方向走,哈里则朝另一个方向走。朝另一个方向走。Tom went off _ and Harry _.答案:答案:in one direction;in another(2)他在我的指他在我的指导下做下做这件事。件事。He did the work _.答案:答案:under my direction(3)请遵照此遵照此药的使用的使用说明。明。_ th

4、e use of the medicine.答案:答案:Follow the directions for(4)我我看看到到一一个个妇女女在在黑黑暗暗中中正正冲冲我我跑跑来来,我我还未未来得及来得及认出她,她就从她来的方向跑回去了。出她,她就从她来的方向跑回去了。I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction _.答案:答案:from which she had come2They were in time to

5、produce carbon,nitrogen,water vapour and other gases,which were to make the earths atmosphere.最最终产生生了了碳碳、氮氮气气、水水蒸蒸气气和和其其他他多多种种气气体体,从而形成了地球的大气从而形成了地球的大气层。品味品味经典典They caught the bus in time.他他们及及时赶上了汽赶上了汽车。The storm was in time to stop before the sports meeting.暴雨暴雨终于在运于在运动会开始前停了下来。会开始前停了下来。If you kee

6、p on,you will succeed in time.如果如果坚持下去,你持下去,你们总有一天会成功的。有一天会成功的。自我探究自我探究in time 及及时;终于;于;迟早早,总有一天。有一天。归纳拓展拓展ahead of time 提前,提早提前,提早all the time 一直;始一直;始终at a time 一次,每次;在一次,每次;在时候候atno time 决不决不at one time 一度;同一度;同时at the same time 同同时;尽管如此;尽管如此at times 有有时;偶;偶尔尔for the time being 暂时from time to tim

7、e 不不时地,地,间或或in no time 立即,立刻立即,立刻on time 按按时,准,准时kill time 消遣;消磨消遣;消磨时光光take ones time 不着急;慢慢来不着急;慢慢来牛刀小牛刀小试选用上述用上述词组完成句子完成句子(1)With five hungry children seated around the table,the food,disappeared _.(2)Its better to _ at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.(3)She would surely lose her place i

8、f she were not _ for the meeting that day.答答案案:(1)in no time(2)take your time(3)in time3What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.很很多多科科学学家家相相信信,由由于于地地球球上上长期期有有水水的的存存在在,使使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物地球得以把有害气体和

9、酸性物质溶解在海洋里。溶解在海洋里。品味经典品味经典Your smoking can be harmful to the health of your children.你吸烟会危及孩子的健康。你吸烟会危及孩子的健康。It is harmful to your heath to drink too much.过量量饮酒酒对你的身体有害。你的身体有害。自我探究自我探究harmful adj. 有害的有害的;造成;造成伤害的。害的。归纳拓展拓展be harmful to sb./sth. 对某人某人/某物有害某物有害harm n.& vt. 伤害,害,损害害 do harm to 对有害有害牛刀小

10、牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(2011年年杭杭州州高高一一检测改改编)不不要要做做任任何何对自自然然有有害的事,否害的事,否则我我们人人类就会就会过得不快得不快乐。Please dont _ our nature,or we humans will _ each other.答案:答案:do anything harmful to;have no fun with4These animals were different from all life forms in the past,because they gave birth to young baby animals and produce

11、d milk to feed them.这些些动物物不不同同于于以以往往所所有有的的生生命命形形式式,因因为它它们能从体内生能从体内生产出幼仔并出幼仔并给幼仔哺乳。幼仔哺乳。品味品味经典典Giving birth to a baby is a dreadful thing for the poor.生儿育女生儿育女对于于穷人来人来说是一件可怕的事情。是一件可怕的事情。This event gave birth to peace movement.这次事件引次事件引发了和平运了和平运动。自我探究自我探究give birth to(sb./sth.)产生生;分娩。;分娩。牛刀小牛刀小试完成句子完成

12、句子(1)信信不不信信由由你你,那那位位老老妇人人生生了了6个个孩孩子子,但但没没有一个活下来。有一个活下来。Believe it or not, the old lady _,but none survived.(2)对历史的研究孕育了社会科学。史的研究孕育了社会科学。_ the study of history_ the social sciences.答答案案:(1)gave birth to 6 babies(2)It was;that gave birth to5Thus they have,in their turn,become the most important animal

13、s on the planet.于是,它于是,它们接着成接着成为这个星球上最重要的个星球上最重要的动物。物。品味品味经典典This week I am to do the housework in my turn.这一周一周该我做家我做家务了。了。When it is in my turn,I am too excited to speak.当当轮到我到我时,我激,我激动得都得都说不出不出话来了。来了。自我探究自我探究in ones turn 轮到某人到某人;接着。;接着。归纳拓展拓展in turn 依次,依次,轮流;反之,反流;反之,反过来来by turns 轮流;交替地流;交替地take

14、turns to do sth. 轮流做某事流做某事 It is ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事到某人做某事They answered the teachers questions in turn.他他们依次回答老依次回答老师的的问题。We did the work by turns.我我们是是轮流做流做这项工作的。工作的。It is your turn to read the text.该轮到你到你读课文了。文了。We take turns to do the housework.我我们轮流做家流做家务。牛刀小牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)我我们是是轮流做流做这项工作

15、的。工作的。We did the work _.(2)那些女孩儿逐一那些女孩儿逐一报出自己的名字。出自己的名字。The girls called out their names _.(3)然后,他然后,他们接着去接着去营救困在大火中的人。救困在大火中的人。Then,they _ to save the people who were trapped in the big fire.答答案案:(1)by turns (2)in turn (3)were in their turn6They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphe

16、re, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.它它们把把过多多的的二二氧氧化化碳碳排排放放到到大大气气层中中,这使使地地球球上的上的热不能不能释放到太空中去。放到太空中去。品味经典品味经典We must prevent them from making trouble.我我们必必须防止他防止他们捣乱。乱。There was nothing to prevent her from doing so.什么也不能阻止她什么也不能阻止她这样做。做。自我探究自我探究prevent sb.from doing sth.使使(

17、某某人人)不不做做某某事事,阻阻止止(某某人人)做做某某事事,有有时from可可省省略略,而而构构成成prevent sb.doing sth.结构。构。归纳拓展拓展阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事prevent宾语( (from) ) doingstop宾语( (from) ) doingkeep宾语from doing注注意意:在在主主动语态中中prevent与与stop可可省省去去from,而而在在被被动语态里里from均均不不可可省省去去。keep sb./sth.from 中的中的from不能省略。不能省略。牛刀小牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)下雨使我下雨使我们不能踢足球了。不能踢足球了

18、。The rain _.(2)人人们采取行采取行动,防止了,防止了环境的境的恶化。化。People took measures and this _.答案:答案:(1)prevented us from playing football(2)prevented the environment from getting worse7How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.地地球球上上生生命命的的起起源源是是科科学学家家们难以以解解决决的的最最大大疑疑惑之一。

19、惑之一。品味经典品味经典Its quite a puzzle to us why he did that.他他为何那何那样做,我做,我们完全搞不懂。完全搞不懂。The question puzzled them.那个那个问题把他把他们难住了。住了。自我探究自我探究puzzle n迷迷,难题,困困惑惑vt.& vi.(使使)迷迷惑惑,(使使)为难。归纳拓展拓展be in a puzzle 感到困惑感到困惑puzzle about/over 苦苦思考苦苦思考puzzled adj.困惑的,迷惑不解的困惑的,迷惑不解的puzzling adj.令人迷惑不解的令人迷惑不解的牛刀小牛刀小试完成句子完成句

20、子(1)她她困困惑惑的的表表情情暗暗示示了了她她正正苦苦苦苦思思考考那那个个令令人人困困惑的数学惑的数学问题。The _ look on her face suggested she was _ the _ math problem.答案:答案:puzzled;puzzling over;puzzling(2)(2011年年长沙沙高高一一检测改改编)那那个个男男孩孩的的失失踪踪让警察很困惑。警察很困惑。The boys missing _.答案:答案:made the police puzzled8What it was to become was uncertain until betwee

21、n 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.随随后后它它会会变成成什什么么没没人人能能知知道道,直直到到3845亿年年前,前,这团尘埃才形成一个固体的球状物。埃才形成一个固体的球状物。句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析品味经典品味经典As a young man he didnt know he was to win world fame later on.年年轻时,他不知道自己日后会,他不知道自己日后会举世世闻名。名。He was to regret that decision for the

22、 rest of his life.他一定会他一定会为那个决定后悔余生。那个决定后悔余生。自我探究自我探究此此处“be不定式不定式”结构表示构表示注定注定会会发生的事。生的事。归纳拓展拓展“be不定式不定式”结构构还可以表示下列情形:可以表示下列情形:( (1) )表示事先安排或表示事先安排或计划要做的事;划要做的事;( (2) )表示表示“必必须”,相当于,相当于should和和ought to。The new rule is to be carried out very soon.这项新制度很快就要新制度很快就要实行。行。Mirror told me that she was to set

23、tle in China.米拉告米拉告诉我她要在中国定居。我她要在中国定居。You are to wait here until I return.你在你在这里等到我来。里等到我来。The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.这种种药饭后吃一天三次。后吃一天三次。牛刀小牛刀小试翻翻译句子句子(1)看看电视之前你必之前你必须做作做作业。_(2)他注定要成他注定要成为钢琴家。琴家。_答答 案案 : (1)You are to do your homework before you watch TV.(2)He was to b

24、ecome a pianist.9This produced a chain reaction,which made it possible for life to develop.这就就产生了一个生了一个连锁反反应,使生命的,使生命的发展成展成为可可能。能。品味经典品味经典The heavy rain made it impossible for us to arrive on time.大雨使我大雨使我们不可能准不可能准时到达。到达。Tina made it clear that she would leave the company.蒂娜明确表示她将离开蒂娜明确表示她将离开这家公司。家公

25、司。自我探究自我探究在在“make宾语宾补”结构构中中,当当make的的宾语是是动词不不定定式式或或that引引导的的从从句句等等时,常常用用it作作形形式式宾语,而把真正的,而把真正的宾语后置。后置。归纳拓展拓展与与make有有类似用法的似用法的动词有有consider,find,believe,imagine,feel,think等。等。I consider it reasonable to tell her beforehand.我我认为提前告提前告诉她是有道理的。她是有道理的。I find it impossible to make some change.我我发现要做出改要做出改变是

26、不可能的。是不可能的。I think it no use quarrelling with him.我我认为和他争吵是没有用的。和他争吵是没有用的。牛刀小牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)他很清楚地向我他很清楚地向我们表明他不想接那份工作。表明他不想接那份工作。He _ that _ take the job.(2)中中国国的的迅迅速速发展展使使学学中中文文在在全全世世界界变得得重重要要起起来。来。The rapid development of China _ across the world.(3)我我觉得我有得我有责任帮助你。任帮助你。I _ to help you.(4)(2011年年高高

27、考考山山东卷卷改改编)这两两个个小小女女孩孩如如此此相相像,以至于陌生人很像,以至于陌生人很难辨辨别出彼此。出彼此。The two girls are so alike that strangers _.答答案案:(1)made it clear to us;he didnt want to(2)makes it important to study Chinese(3)felt it my duty(4)find it difficult to tell one from the other译文助文助读HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTHNo one knows exact

28、ly how the earth began,as it happened so long ago.However,according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions.After that, atoms began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies.For several billion years after the “Big Bang”,the ear

29、th was still just a cloud of dust. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.It exploded loudly with fire and rock.They were in time to

30、 produce carbon,nitrogen,water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere.What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down,water began to appear on its surface.Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, unlike the earth, it had disappeared later.It was

31、not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.This produced a chain reaction,which made it possible for life to de

32、velop.Many millions of years later, the first extremely small plants began to appear on the surface of the water.They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen,which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish.Next,green plants began to grow on land.They wer

33、e followed in time by land animals.Some were insects.Others, called amphibians,were able to live on land as well as in the water. Later when the plants grew into forests,reptiles appeared for the first time.They produced young generally by laying eggs.After that,some huge animals,called dinosaurs, d

34、eveloped.They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years.However,65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs ended.Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.This disappearance made possible the rise of mammals on the earth. These animals were different from

35、all life forms in the past,because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.Finally about 2.6 million years ago some small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the earth.Thus they have,in their turn,become the most important animals on the p

36、lanet.But they are not looking after the earth very well.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.As a result of this,many scientists believe the earth may become too hot to live on.So whether life will continue on the e

37、arth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.地球上生命的起源地球上生命的起源没没有有人人确确切切知知道道地地球球是是怎怎样开开始始形形成成的的,因因为在在很很早早很很早早以以前前它它就就形形成成了了。然然而而,一一种种普普遍遍为人人们所所接接受受的的理理论是是:宇宇宙宙起起源源于于一一次次大大爆爆炸炸,这次次大大爆爆炸炸将将物物质投投射射到到四四面面八八方方。然然后后,原原子子开开始形成并始形成并结合成恒星和其他天体。合成恒星和其他天体。大大爆爆炸炸后后好好几几十十亿年








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