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1、精彩练习九年级英语Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷时间:时间:90分钟满分:分钟满分:120分分听力听力 ( (共四节,满分共四节,满分30分分) )一第一节第一节 听句子,选图片听句子,选图片(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,满分分,满分5分分)( )1. ( )2. CB( )3. ( )4. ( )5. 第3 页Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷ACB第4 页听力材料听力材料1I like hamburgers for breakfast.2My father likes Chinese food.3Jason doesnt like carrots.4Marys birthd

2、ay is next week.5Cindy is a tennis star.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第二节第二节 听句子,选答语听句子,选答语(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,满分分,满分5分分)( )6.A.What about you?BMe, too.CThat sounds great. ( )7.A.He likes apples. BShe likes pears. CYes, he does.( )8.A.Yes, she is.BYes, she does.CYes, please.( )9.A.His shirt is blue. BIts black.C

3、He likes red.( )10.A.Sounds great. BTheyre burgers.CDo you like burgers?第5 页BABCAUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第6 页听力材料听力材料6I like pears and bananas very much.7What does your brother like?8Does Lucy like carrots?9What color does he like?10Lets eat burgers for lunch.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第三节第三节 听短对话,回答问题听短对话,回答问题(共共

4、5小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,满分分,满分10分分)( )11.What does the girl like?ABananas. BApples.CPears.( )12.What does the boy like for breakfast? ATomatoes and hamburgers.BTomatoes and bananas.CBananas and hamburgers.( )13.Which meal does the boy like fruit for? ABreakfast. BLunch.CDinner.第7 页ACBUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )14

5、.What does the boy think is healthy?AVegetables. BFruit.CHamburgers. ( )15.Where is the boys breakfast?AOn the blue table.BOn the red table.COn the white table.第8 页ABUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第9 页听力材料听力材料11M: Do you like bananas?W: Yeah, very much.M: What about apples and pears?W: Well, I dont like them ver

6、y much.12W: Bill, lets have tomatoes and hamburgers for breakfast.M: I dont like tomatoes. I like bananas.13W: Do you like fruit for breakfast?M: No, I like eggs and salad for breakfast. I like some fruit for lunch.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第10 页14W: Does your sister like hamburgers?M: Yes, she likes them v

7、ery much. But I dont like hamburgers. I like vegetables. They are healthy.15W: Hi, Peter! Is this your breakfast on the blue table?M: No, its my brothers. My breakfast is on the red table.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第四节第四节 听长对话或独白,回答问题听长对话或独白,回答问题(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,满分分,满分10分分)听一段对话,回答第听一段对话,回答第16至第至第17小题。对话读两

8、遍。小题。对话读两遍。( )16.What does the woman want to have for lunch?AHamburgers. BSalad.CEggs.( )17.What fruit does the man like?AStrawberries and bananas.BApples and bananas.CPears and strawberries. 第11 页BAUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第12 页听力材料听力材料W: Bill, lets have salad for lunch.M: OK. I like fruit and vegetables.

9、W: Do you like carrots?M: No, I dont.W: I like them very much. Do you like tomatoes?M: Yes, I do. What fruit do you like?W: Bananas, pears, apples and strawberries. Do you like them?M: I dont like apples or pears.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷听一段独白,回答第听一段独白,回答第18至第至第20小题。独白读两遍。小题。独白读两遍。( )18.What does the speak

10、er often have for breakfast?ASome bread and an egg.BSome milk and bread.CSome eggs and milk.( )19.Where does the speaker have lunch?AAt home. BAt school.CAt a restaurant.( )20.Who does the speaker go out to eat with?AHis parents. BHis cousin.CHis friends.第13 页ABCUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第14 页听力材料听力材料My nam

11、e is Jim Green. Every day I eat breakfast at home. For breakfast, I often eat an egg and some bread. I dont like milk. But my cousin John and my friend Robert like it very much. They think it is good for health. For lunch, I like rice, fish and vegetables. I have no time to go home for lunch, so I h

12、ave it at school. After lunch, I often have icecream for dessert. In the evening, I often have some fruit for dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes I go out to eat with my friends.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷基础知识基础知识 ( (共三节,满分共三节,满分20分分) )二第一节第一节 单项选择单项选择(共共10小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,满分分,满分10分分) 从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,四个选项

13、中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21.Jim has _ egg and _ hamburger for breakfast. Aan; anBa; aCan; a Da; an ( )22.Lets _ some milk and apples.Aeat BdrinkCdo Dhave( )23.There is a _ shop. It sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges. Avegetable Bfood Cfruit DdrinkCDC( )24._ is (are) healthy food.ASu

14、gar BIcecreamCTomatoes DCola( )25.Do you like hamburgers?Yes, I like _ very much. Athey BthemCtheir Dtheirs( )26.Your grandparents are coming _ next week.Ain BonCwith D/第16 页CBDUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )27.Danny can play basketball _Agood BwellCnice Dgreat( )28.Do you want _ to my party?Acome BcomingCto

15、come Dcomes( )29.Lets have some icecream. _ AThat sounds good.BLets think about the food.CWhat do you like?DWhat about some vegetables?( )30.Which “a” has a different sound?Asame BtapeCradio Dfat 第17 页BCADUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第二节第二节 对话匹配对话匹配(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,满分分,满分5分分)A( )31.Do you have milk and eggs

16、for breakfast?( )32.Does Lily like strawberries?( )33.Does David eat well?( )34.Do they like tomatoes?( )35.What do you like to eat?第18 页DCBEAUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷BAI like hamburgers.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, she does.DYes, I do.ENo, they dont.第三节第三节 句型转换句型转换(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,满分分,满分5分分) 36His father likes

17、salad and icecream.(改为否定句改为否定句)His father _ like salad _ icecream.第19 页doesntorUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷37Emma and Jim have vegetables every day.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ Emma and Jim have every day?38She eats chicken, a tomato and a strawberry for breakfast.(改为复数句改为复数句)They eat chicken, _ and _ for breakfast.39

18、My uncle often plays basketball. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ your uncle often _ basketball?40I like tomatoes, but I dont like potatoes. (主语改成主语改成Clark)_第20 页WhatdotomatoesstrawberriesDoesplayClark likes tomatoes, but he doesnt like potatoesUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷阅读理解阅读理解 ( (共两节,共两节, 满分满分25分分) )三第一节第一节(共共10小题,每小题小题

19、,每小题2分,分, 满分满分20分分)A( )41.Bill likes _, but he doesnt like _Atomatoes; strawberriesBbananas; strawberriesCbananas; icecreamDtomatoes; icecream( )42._ like hamburgers.ALucy and JudyBJane and LucyCLucy and JackDAmy and Jack( )43.In the form(表格表格), we can see _ names.A6B7C8D9 第22 页BCDUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷

20、BI am a boy from the USA. My name is David, David Smith. Now I am in China with my father and mother. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥粥)for breakfast. I dont like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. Th

21、e lunch in our school is very good. I can have different foods for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings(饺饺子子)I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends in restaurants(饭饭店店). We usually have some chicken, vegetables and fru

22、it, sometimes we have meat.第23 页Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )44.David is _AAustralian BChineseCEnglish DAmerican ( )45.For breakfast, he doesnt have _Aporridge Ban eggCmilk Dbread( )46.He has lunch _Aat school Bat homeCin a restaurant Dwith his parents第24 页DCAUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )47.Whats the passage about?

23、AAbout David.BAbout Davids family.CAbout Davids food.DAbout Davids school.CDear Jim, Im in Hangzhou now. I will spend(度度过过) the next three years here. Im in No.6 Middle School. Its a good school. The people here are very friendly. My第25 页CUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷best friend is Li Lei, and my favorite food

24、 is Dongpo pork(猪猪肉肉). I also like dumplings very much.Now Im writing to you in my bedroom. We have a new home here in China. Its different from our old home in America. Our new house is white, and the old one is red. The walls of my bedroom are blue. My mother is watering some flowers. My father is

25、 repairing a car. Im going to do my homework. Please write back soon.Yours,Tom第26 页Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )48.What school is Tom in?ANo.5 Middle School.BNo.6 Middle School.CNo.7 Middle School.DNo.16 Middle School. ( )49.Whos Toms best friend?ALi Lei. BLucy.CJim. DJohn. ( )50.The letter is from _ to _AL

26、i Lei; Jim BJim; TomCTom; Jim DLi Lei; Tom第27 页BACUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第二节第二节 任务型阅读任务型阅读(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,分, 满分满分5分分)请为请为Cindy, Mary, Grace, John, Paul找到他们喜欢的水果。找到他们喜欢的水果。( )51.Cindy buys some vegetables in the morning. She buys some carrots and tomatoes. She wants to have them for dinner.( )52.Does M

27、ary like vegetables? No, she doesnt. She likes fruits. She takes some bananas and two apples to school today.( )53.Grace likes fruits and she often eats different fruits. She has two oranges after dinner today. She thinks they are healthy and good to her.第28 页EBDUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )54.John has good

28、 eating habits. He has bread, milk, some tomatoes and an egg for breakfast in the morning. He thinks his breakfast is really healthy. ( )55.Paul has a nice dinner after school. His mother makes rice, salad, eggs and chicken for him. Mike likes chicken, but he doesnt like the salad. His mother lets h

29、im eat the salad, because the vegetables are good for his health. 第29 页AFUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷英语知识运用英语知识运用 ( (共三节,共三节, 满分满分25分分) )四第一节第一节 完形填空完形填空(共共10小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,分, 满分满分10分分)通通读读下下面面的的短短文文, 掌掌握握其其大大意意, 然然后后在在各各题题所所给给的的四四个个选选项项中中选选出出一一个个最最佳佳答答案。案。 My brother_a middle school student._name is Li Bin.

30、He is in_, No. 1 Middle School. There are_girls and thirty boys in his class. They have four_in the morning, and three_. They study Chinese, math, English and other lessons. Li Bin is_at Chinese. But he isnt good at English. They_ English. And they like_ English teacher, too. They read and write Eng

31、lish every day. I think they can_ it well. 56575859606162636465( )56.A.is BamCare Dbe( )57.A.She BHerCHe DHis( )58.A.Grade 2, Class 2 BClass and Grade 2C2 Class, 2 GradeDClass 2, Grade 2( )59.A.twelveeight Btwentyeight Ctwenty eight Deight twenty( )60.A.classmates BfriendsCclasses Dbooks( )61.A.in t

32、he morning Bin the afternoon Cat morning Dat afternoon第31 页ADDBCBUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷( )62.A.well Bfine Cnice Dgood( )63.A.like Bhate Cread Dwrite( )64.A.our Btheir Cyour Dmy( )65.A.play BstudyCanswer Dget第二节第二节 补全对话补全对话(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,分, 满分满分5分分)从方框中选出合适的句子填入空格内,其中有一项是多余的。从方框中选出合适的句子填入空格内,其中有一项是多余

33、的。W: Welcome to my house, Paul. Here are some fruits. 66._M: No. I dont like oranges.W: 67._第32 页DABBDCUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷M: I dont like bananas. 68._W: But I dont have apples at home. How about some pears?M: OK. 69._W: And some icecream?M: No, thanks. 70._A. I like them.BBut I like apples. CWhat abo

34、ut bananas?DDo you like oranges?EI dont think its healthy.FI like it very much.第33 页BAEUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷第三节第三节(共共10小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,分, 满分满分10分分)阅阅读读下下面面短短文文, 按按照照句句子子结结构构的的语语法法性性和和上上下下文文连连贯贯的的要要求求, 在在空空格格处处填填入一个适当的单词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。入一个适当的单词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。Some friends are in Han Meis house. They talk

35、 71._ many things. They 72._(be) very happy. Han Meis mother is cooking some delicious food for 73._(they). 74._ is twelve oclock. Its lunchtime. They have lunch at Han Meis home. Han Mei says to 75._ (she) good friends, “Help yourselves(请请随随便便吃吃)” Jim likes eggs. Kate 76._ (like) fish. And Lucys fa

36、vorite food 77._ (be) vegetables. Lily doesnt like vegetables. She likes chicken 78._ meat. They also have some drinks. They have five bottles of 79._ (orange). They really have 80._ very good time.第34 页aboutarethemItherlikesisandorangeaUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷写作写作 ( (共两节,共两节, 满分满分20分分) )五第一节第一节 单词拼写单词拼写(

37、共共10小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,分, 满分满分10分分)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。81Mrs. Smith eats well. She eats lots of h_ food every day.82Do your friends like eggs for b_ in the morning?83If you want to be strong, you need to have good eating h_84Here are some q_ for you. Can you help answer them?85Every girl doesn

38、t want to be f_. They all want to lose weight(减肥减肥)86An a_ a day keeps doctors away.ealthyreakfastabitsuestionsatpple87Jay Chou is a singing s_88Are the apples in the box?Yes, you are r_89Lets have some icecream. That s_ good.90Our mothers b_ is coming, and lets think about the gift.第二节第二节 书面表达书面表达(

39、满分满分10分分)91下下表表是是你你的的好好朋朋友友Jennifer三三餐餐喜喜爱爱的的食食物物, 请请你你描描述述她她的的饮饮食食习习惯惯, 并表明你的观点。可以适当拓展,并表明你的观点。可以适当拓展, 不得少于不得少于40词。词。第36 页tarightoundsirthdayUnit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷_第37 页I have a good friend. Her name is Jennifer.She likes coffee and chicken for breakfast. For lunch, she usually has some hamburgers, cola and French fries. She has a lot for her dinner. She has salad, vegetables, meat and dessert. I dont think she has good eating habits. Coffee, cola and French fries are not healthy food and she eats too much for her meals.Unit 6质量评估试卷质量评估试卷同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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