高三英语:Module 2《Highlights of My senior Year-Warm up and Reading & Vocabulary》课件((外研版选修7))

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《高三英语:Module 2《Highlights of My senior Year-Warm up and Reading & Vocabulary》课件((外研版选修7))》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语:Module 2《Highlights of My senior Year-Warm up and Reading & Vocabulary》课件((外研版选修7))(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Highlights of My Senior YearThe Chinese Secondary School System Junior Middle SchoolSenior High SchoolGrade Average Age GradeAverage Age1 / 72 / 83 / 913-1414-1515-1612316-1717-1818-19Draw a chart about Chinese school system.Look at the chart on page 15 and compare the American school system with th

2、e Chinese school system, and try to tell the difference.DiscussionChinese classroomAmerican classroomVocabularypeermediatorforeverlook back atsettlehave funcompetitiven. 同龄人同龄人n.调解员,斡旋者调解员,斡旋者adv.永远永远回顾,回忆回顾,回忆v.解决解决玩得开心玩得开心adj.好强的,好竞争的好强的,好竞争的electsuitrentIts a great pity thatdinner jacketenormousv

3、.选举,推选选举,推选v.合适,适合合适,适合v.(短期短期)租用租用很可惜很可惜男子晚礼服上装男子晚礼服上装adj.巨大的,庞大巨大的,庞大的的Reading To get general ideasskimming1.Which of the following sentences best summaries the passage? A. Its about Joannas senior year. B. Its about the wonderful things in Joannas senior year. C. Its about Joannas successes. D. I

4、ts about Joannas senior prom.2. Which is the topic sentence of the third paragraph?A.1st sentenceB.2nd sentenceC.3rd sentenceD.The last sentenceskimmingskimming3. Which part describes Joannas highlight of senior year? A. Paragraph 1 &Paragraph 2 B. Paragraph 3 & Paragraph 4 C. Paragraph 5 & Paragrap

5、h 6 D. Paragraph 7 & Paragraph 8 To solve difficult points1 Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students. 另外一件我非常乐意做的事情是做同伴另外一件我非常乐意做的事情是做同伴调解人,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间调解人,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题。的问题。 1) work as 以某一种

6、身份做工作以某一种身份做工作2) have problems with和和之间有问之间有问题,出现了麻烦题,出现了麻烦1) Those days, he worked as an English teacher in a village school in China. I want to work as a logistic manager.2) What problems do you really have with him? How many low-income immigrants and their families have problems with access to me

7、ntal health treatment because of a language barrier and a deep cultural divide.2 At the start of the school year, we were given training in how to do this新学期开始,我们就接受了培训,学习怎新学期开始,我们就接受了培训,学习怎样做这种工作。样做这种工作。how to do 为带疑问词的不定式,做介为带疑问词的不定式,做介词词in的宾语。有时要在不定式前加一个疑的宾语。有时要在不定式前加一个疑问词作动词或介词的宾语,例如问词作动词或介词的宾语,

8、例如:He often teaches us how to pronounce English words.Have you got an idea of where to get help?3 and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races! 不管什么时候只要我赢了比赛,我都会为不管什么时候只要我赢了比赛,我都会为此欣喜万分!此欣喜万分!1) do或或did在动词原形前,加强该动词的语在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气。气。他确实告诉过我他要去伦敦。他确实告诉过我他要去伦敦。He did tell me he would leave for London.

9、一定来参加我的生日宴会。一定来参加我的生日宴会。 Do come to my birthday party. 我确实去那儿了。我确实去那儿了。 我确实想你。我确实想你。I did go there.I do miss you.2) 句中的句中的it是人称代词,代表抽象的是人称代词,代表抽象的事物,指的是事物,指的是whenever I won our races。whenever引导时间状语从句,意思为引导时间状语从句,意思为every or any time,例如:,例如:You may use my dictionary whenever you want to.He was always

10、 in his lab whenever I went to see him.4 It took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me I looked very elegant! 这花了我两小时,不过很值得,因为每这花了我两小时,不过很值得,因为每个人都说我看起来端庄典雅。个人都说我看起来端庄典雅。在在it took two hours but it was worth it.这句中这句中第一个第一个“it”指的是指的是“做头发这件事做头发这件事” - to have my hair done第二个第二个“it”指的也是指的也是

11、“做头发这件事做头发这件事”- to have my hair done第三个第三个“it”指的是指的是“两小时的时间两小时的时间” - the time of two hours, 在这里,可理解在这里,可理解为:为:worth it = worthwhile在上下文意思在上下文意思明确时,我们可以说明确时,我们可以说worth it,表示一个,表示一个很好的理由去做某事,值得去做某事。很好的理由去做某事,值得去做某事。这里的这里的it代表什么,可以通过上下文去理代表什么,可以通过上下文去理解,例如:解,例如:It was hard work, but it was worth it in

12、the end.The dictionary costs 80 yuan, which is worth it for learning English.5 They do this in order to encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams.他们这样做来鼓励观众为他们的运动队他们这样做来鼓励观众为他们的运动队加油。加油。cheer 为为加油;向加油;向喝彩;欢呼喝彩;欢呼当他出现时,人群发出欢呼声。当他出现时,人群发出欢呼声。 The crowd cheered when he appeared.我去为我们的队伍加油。我去为我们的队伍加油

13、。I went to cheer our team on.cheer感到振奋,感到高兴感到振奋,感到高兴那消息使那家人振奋不已。那消息使那家人振奋不已。 The news cheered the family.他受到好消息的鼓舞。他受到好消息的鼓舞。He was cheered by the good news.cheer up(使)感到振奋;(使)感(使)感到振奋;(使)感到高兴到高兴你的出场将使他振奋。你的出场将使他振奋。 Your presence will cheer him up. To get detail information1. Whats her first plan af

14、ter high school? Shes going to take a long vacation.2. What kind of training was given to students at the beginning of school year? They were given training in how to be a peer mediator.scanning3. How was her school skiing trip? They had great fun racing each other down the ski slopes.4. Why was she

15、 given a car by her parents? Because she got good grades on her final exams, and received the senior prize for English Literature.scanning5. Before going to the prom, what preparations did she make? She found a dress that suited her perfectly and had her hair specially done. (It took 2 hours but it

16、was worth it.)scanning1.Joanna had a lot of successes during her senior year. What were they?a. working as an arts editor for the newspaperb. working as a peer mediatorc. getting good grades in her final examsd. receiving the senior prize for English Literaturee. being elected to the student council

17、f. being elected prom queen2. Joanna enjoyed the prom so much because _.a. she went with Daniel b. she looked elegant c. she had a good time with her friends d. she was elected prom queen e. she was elected to the student council f. she met many new friendsAn arts _ is someone who writes about films

18、, plays and art.A _ is someone who helps students find the answers to problem.The student _ is an organization of students.peer mediatoreditorcouncilI can hardly believe it, but my school life is almost over. I couldnt believe it, but my school life will soon end.Meanwhile, I find myself looking bac

19、k at wonderful things that have happened. At the same time, Im remembering my senior year.Working on this paper is my first step towards becoming a journalist. Im trying to become a journalist, and working on this paper is the first experience for me. It took two hours but it was worth it. I spent t

20、wo hours having my hair done. The time is long but I m satisfied, so two hours is worth spending. To do exercises1.What _ did you get in your English Literature exam?2.The dance hall was _.3.Joanna will remember the prom _.gradeenormous / elegant / smartforever4.You look wonderful in that _dress. It

21、 really _ you!5.Daniel looked very _ in his _.6. He _ a big car to go to the prom.elegant / smartsuitselegant /smartdinner jacketrented7. Its the most important social _of the year.8. You need _ for most jobs.9. If you pass your exams, you receive your High School _.eventtrainingdiploma10._ people want to be the best at everything.11.Go and have your hair done. _, Ill ring our friends.12.For Joanna, the _of the evening was being elected prom queen.CompetitiveMeanwhilehighlightHomework Write a passage about the highlights of your senior school.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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