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1、Unit 2Economic LifeEconomic LifeB R _ main0Text AEthics and the ConsumerWarm-up QuestionsEnglish Song HonestyWord WebWarm-up Questions1. What do you think of the saying “Consumers are God.”?2. What are possible factors affecting consumers choices of products?3. What do you think are consumers duties

2、? Are consumers always honest?B R _ An English Song HonestyIf you search for it isnt hard to findyou can have the love you need to livebut if you look for you might just as well be blindIt always seems to be so hard to giveHonesty is such a wordeveryone is so untruehonesty is hardly ever heardand mo

3、stly what I need from youtenderness_truthfulness_lonely_ An English Song HonestyI can have until the bitter end B R I can always find someoneto say they if I wear my heart out on my but I dont want some pretty faceto tell me pretty all I want is someone to believe Honesty is such a lonely word every

4、one is so untrue honesty is hardly ever heard and mostly what I need from you I can find a lover I can find a friend sympathize_ sleeve_ lies_ security_B R I know I know I know oh oh.when Im deep inside of medont be tooI wont ask for nothing while Im gonebut when I want tell me where else can I turn

5、because youre the one that I depend uponHonesty is such a lonely wordeveryone is so untruehonesty is hardly ever heardand mostly what I need from youconcerned_sincerity_ comfort me_Anyone canwith promises again B R _ Word WebWord WebDirections: Find as many words as possible about honesty.honestysin

6、cerityintegrityuprightfrankstraightforwardgenuineheartyfaithfulcordialwholehearted Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R _ mainPart Division of the TextFurther Understanding Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Readi

7、ngBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R _ Part Division of the TextPartsParasMain Ideas12How consumers should act in the marketplace?What is ethical and unethical consumer behavior?3134161719Why an understanding of ones responsibilities in the marketplace is even more important today than it was in

8、the past?Part Division of the Text Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R _ Further UnderstandingFurther UnderstandingMultiple ChoiceTrue or FalseQuestions Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUni

9、t 2 Economic LifeG R _ QuestionsWhat are the factors that may influence consumers choices of products?Why are consumers willing to buy some products of higher prices?What are the duties and responsibilities that consumers should have?1.2.3. Questions Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Readin

10、gGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R _ Multiple ChoiceBChoose the best answers.1. Which of the following does not belong to ethical behavior? A) Sending back the products that have not been charged.B) Buying products which have been mispriced to be cheaper without informing the clerk

11、.C) Demanding a replacement of products which have been damaged upon arrival.D) Paying the bills that the book club sends you. _ Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R A2. Sometimes consumers are not afraid of being sued by manufacturers

12、 because .A)legal action may cost much more than the amount that manufacturers try to make consumers repayB) they havent done anything unethicalC) they would apologize to manufacturersD) the court does not accept such cases_ Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore Read

13、ingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R D3. If one consumer doesnt pay for the benefits he receives, who has to pay?A)Manufacturers.B)Sellers.C)Retailers.D)Other consumers._C4. Which of the following is not one of the reasons why airlines overbook flights?A) Some passengers may cancel their planned trips. B) Som

14、e passengers do not show up at the last minute.C) Airlines want to sell more tickets.D) Some passengers make multiple reservations._ Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R B5. The nuisance suit was often settled .A)by lawB)out of courtC)

15、by insurance companyD)by consumers_A6. Consumers can sue sellers and manufacturers .A)if injuries are caused by improper product designB)if the product is not sealed tightlyC)if manufacturers set the product at a high priceD)if consumers do not know how to use the product_ Supplementary ReadingAfter

16、 ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R _ True or False True or False 1. We are not paying enough attention to our responsibilities toward others today because todays market is more and more impersonal.FIn the past most transactions were conducted face to face.2.

17、Nowadays most transactions are conducted face to face. T( )( ) Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeG R _ 5. Computer network in the market may help establish personal relationship between buyers and sellers.F( )3. Consumers unethical beha

18、vior may lead to the result that they cannot enjoy the stores service any more.4. Consumers would feel guilty if they know the person of their fraud in the market. T( )Computerized networks are increasingly hiding the identities and behavior of individual buyers and sellers in the marketplace.T( ) S

19、upplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 3 _ All consumers All consumers have duties and responsibilities that can be summarized in one sentence: The consumer has a duty to act honestly and ethically when purchasing products and

20、services. Translate the sentence into Chinese.凡消费者都有自己的责任与义务。这可用一句话加以概凡消费者都有自己的责任与义务。这可用一句话加以概括:消费者在购买商品与服务时有义务行为诚实、恪守括:消费者在购买商品与服务时有义务行为诚实、恪守道德。道德。 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 4 _ But ethical Paraphrase the sentenc

21、e.Ethical behavior sometimes requires us to observe the laws not just for the purpose of avoiding being punished by them.But ethical behavior sometimes requires us to do more than just comply with laws in order to avoid the penalty of breaking them. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Reading

22、Global ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 3 _ As economists What is the implied meaning of the sentence?Economists tend to emphasize that if you dont pay for the benefits you receive, someone else will have to do it because there is no “free lunch”.As economists are prone to emp

23、hasize, there is no such thing as a “free lunch.” Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 4 _ While most consumers Translate the sentence into Chinese.大多数消费者在购物活动中采取了负责任的态度,但和商大多数消费者在购物活动中采取了负责任的态度,但和商人一样,他们也并非圣人。人一样,他们也并非圣人。Wh

24、ile most consumers act responsibly in their purchase transactions, they are obviously not saints any more than businesspersons are. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 5 _ Whereas the Paraphrase the sentence.Although the bi

25、ll is only a small amount, it equals the cost of Jeannies food for a whole week.Whereas the repair bill would be but a drop in the bucket for Flash Electronics or Nikon, it would represent Jeannies entire food budget for a week. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore

26、ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 6 _ It takes little Translate the sentence into Chinese.我们可以轻而易举地举出种种消费者为获取私利而牺牲他我们可以轻而易举地举出种种消费者为获取私利而牺牲他人利益或增添他人麻烦的不诚实、不道德的行为。人利益或增添他人麻烦的不诚实、不道德的行为。It takes little effort to imagine dozens of other ways in which consumers have behaved dishonestly or unethi

27、cally to gain a personal benefit at the expense or inconvenience of others. Analyze the structure of the sentence.本句的形式主语本句的形式主语 It 指代后面的动词不定式部分,动词不指代后面的动词不定式部分,动词不定式部分中嵌套有定式部分中嵌套有in which引导的定语从句。引导的定语从句。 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic L

28、ifeD R _ Sentence 7 _ You are not worried Translate this sentence into Chinese.你并不担心,因为你知道,钱的数目太小,该读书你并不担心,因为你知道,钱的数目太小,该读书俱乐部对你采取法律行动不合算。俱乐部对你采取法律行动不合算。You are not worried about it because you know that the amount is too trivial to justify any legal action against you by the book club. What can we

29、infer from the sentence?Consumers are well aware that the legal action would be much more costly than the amount of the loss the book club suffers so that the book club would not sue them at all. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _

30、Sentence 7 _ Although airlinesAlthough airlines, by requiring advance ticketing, have curbed the problems caused by multiple reservations somewhat, it is still estimated that between one-third and one-half of overbooking is done because of multiple reservations made by consumers.Paraphrase the sente

31、nce.Airlines ask consumers to print out the ticket in advance and in this way the problems caused by repeated reservations are restricted to a certain degree. However, there is still one-third to one-half of overbooking being caused by repeated reservations. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetaile

32、d ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 7 _ Either the next Either the next purchaser gets a slightly soiled dress instead of the brand-new garment she paid for, or the store must discount the price of the dress heavily to sell it if the stain is discovered.Translate

33、the sentence into Chinese.不是下一个顾客花钱买了件有点脏的衣服而非新衣服,不是下一个顾客花钱买了件有点脏的衣服而非新衣服,就是发现污迹后店里只好大打折扣出售这件衣服。就是发现污迹后店里只好大打折扣出售这件衣服。 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ Sentence 7 _ Even though Even though most store owners carry liability insura

34、nce, out of which such claims are paid, the insurance is not free to the store and the premiums will rise as more claims have to be paid by insurance firms.What can be inferred from the sentence?Although tough claims may be paid by insurance out of court, most stores still suffer economic losses bec

35、ause they have to pay premiums which becomes higher and higher due to the increasing number of cases.Translate the sentence into Chinese.尽管大多数店主都买了责任保险,赔偿金由保险公司支付,尽管大多数店主都买了责任保险,赔偿金由保险公司支付,但对店家而言,保险不是免费的但对店家而言,保险不是免费的 保险费用会上涨保险费用会上涨(近年来已经大幅度上涨),因为越来越多的索赔得由保(近年来已经大幅度上涨),因为越来越多的索赔得由保险公司来偿付。险公司来偿付。 Sup

36、plementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ ethicsThe accident caused great public concern about medical ethics.新闻业的伦理道德备受争议。新闻业的伦理道德备受争议。The ethics of journalism are much debated.ethics: n. moral rules or principles of behaviour for de

37、ciding what is right and wrong Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ contextcontext: n. the situation, events, or information that are related to sth. and that help you to understand it; the words that come just before and afte

38、r a word or sentence and that help you understand its meaning 词语必须用在正确的场合词语必须用在正确的场合。This small battle is very important in the context of Scottish history.Words have to be used in the right context. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD

39、R _ word _ complycomply: vi. do what you have to do or are asked to do不遵守规章制度将受到严厉的惩罚。不遵守规章制度将受到严厉的惩罚。There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.The media should comply with the professional ethics, and stop destroying the stars reputation.Failure to comply with the regul

40、ations will result in prosecution. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ penaltypenalty: n.a punishment for breaking a law, rule or legal agreementThe law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison.在比赛中,如果选手自己停下来并要求再重来一次,

41、她会被在比赛中,如果选手自己停下来并要求再重来一次,她会被扣掉两分的罚分。扣掉两分的罚分。In the competition, if a swimmer stops voluntarily and asks for a second try, a two-point penalty will be deducted. Collocations:pay the penaltysevere / stiff / heavy penalty the death penaltypenalty boxpenalty kick受罚受罚重罚重罚死刑死刑受罚席受罚席罚球罚球 Supplementary Rea

42、dingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ merchandisemerchandise:1. n. goods that are being soldA range of official Disney merchandise was on sale.消费者抱怨劣质商品和昂贵价格。消费者抱怨劣质商品和昂贵价格。Consumers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices.2.

43、vt. try to sell goods or services using methods such as advertisingShe had to merchandise the new product line. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ proneprone: adj. likely to do sth. or suffer from sth.十几岁的时候他就容易意志消沉。十几岁的时候他就

44、容易意志消沉。He was prone to depressions even as a teenager.Doctors have long suspected that patients who wear tinted eyeglasses are abnormally prone to depression. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ scenario最坏的情况就是公司破产。最坏的情况就是公司破

45、产。The worst-case scenario was that the company would go bankruptcy.scenario: n. a situation that could possibly happenImagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ sign up1sign up

46、: put your name on a list for sth. because you want to take part in it Over half of the people who signed up to do engineering were women.我正在考虑登记上日语课。我正在考虑登记上日语课。Im thinking of signing up for a Japanese course. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Econ

47、omic LifeD R _ word _ sign up2Collocations:sign an agreement / contract / treaty签协议签协议/合同合同/条约条约sign for sth.签字接收签字接收sign off停止广播或其它活动停止广播或其它活动sign on签约雇用;开始广播签约雇用;开始广播sign over签字移交签字移交sign out用签名记录离开的时间用签名记录离开的时间 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 E

48、conomic LifeD R _ word _ obligate 1obligate: vt. make sb. have to do sth., because it is the law, their duty, or the right thing to do法律强制要求公司支付给员工符合标准的工资。法律强制要求公司支付给员工符合标准的工资。The law obligates companies to pay decent wages to their pel, force, constrain & obligate这四个动词均含这四个动词均含 “迫使迫使” 之意。之意。CF:comp

49、el 指在法律、权力、力量或行动等的驱使下被迫而为。指在法律、权力、力量或行动等的驱使下被迫而为。Tenants are obligated to pay their rent on time. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ obligate 2The law will compel employers to provide health insurance. 法律会强迫雇主提供健康保险。法律会强迫雇主提

50、供健康保险。force 指用个人意志、权力、权威或暴力等,迫使他人改变指用个人意志、权力、权威或暴力等,迫使他人改变看法或做本不愿做的事。看法或做本不愿做的事。I had to force myself to get up this morning. 今天早上我强迫自己起床。今天早上我强迫自己起床。constrain 侧重施加约束力或有约束作用的影响,也指环境对侧重施加约束力或有约束作用的影响,也指环境对人强加的影响迫使人去做某事,尤指受良心、情感等内在力人强加的影响迫使人去做某事,尤指受良心、情感等内在力量驱使去做某事。量驱使去做某事。 Supplementary ReadingAfter

51、ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ obligate 3Financial factors should not constrain doctors from prescribing the best treatment for patients. 经济因素不应该阻挠医生给病人最好的治疗。经济因素不应该阻挠医生给病人最好的治疗。obligate 指由于生理上或道德上的需要,促使某人做某事,指由于生理上或道德上的需要,促使某人做某事,也指有权威的人或机构迫使某人做某

52、事,还可指在特定情况也指有权威的人或机构迫使某人做某事,还可指在特定情况下被迫作出的反应。下被迫作出的反应。Tenants are obligated to pay their rent on time.房东要求房客按时付房租。房东要求房客按时付房租。 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeAva felt to help her mother, even if it meant leaving college. The law will

53、 employers to provide health insurance. I had to myself to finish the project today. Poor soil has the level of crop production. He his wife to give up her job.D R _ word _ obligate 4Directions: Fill in the blanks with the four words above. Change the form where necessary.

54、force_constrained_forced_ Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ suesue: v. make a legal claim (against sb.) especially for money because they have harmed you in some wayIf they break their promises, well sue.She was suing the d

55、octors for their negligence over her disease.The company is suing a former employee.公司正在控告一个前雇员。公司正在控告一个前雇员。 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ curbcurb: 1. vt. control or limit sth. in order to prevent it from having a harm

56、ful effect 政府应采取措施抑制逃税。政府应采取措施抑制逃税。The government should act to curb tax evasion.2. n. an influence which helps to control or limit sth.We are trying to keep a curb on their activities.Have you got any measure to curb the spread of the virus? Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal

57、ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ inspect 1inspect: vt. examine (sth.) closely in order to find out more about it or to find out what is wrong with it I got out of the car to inspect the damage.她把钞票举到灯前,仔细检查。她把钞票举到灯前,仔细检查。She held the bank note up to the light and inspected it ca

58、refully.examine, inspect & investigate这三个动词都有这三个动词都有 “调查、检查调查、检查” 之意。之意。CF:examine最普通用词,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察最普通用词,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察或调查以确定事物的性质、功能、特点等。例如:或调查以确定事物的性质、功能、特点等。例如:The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory. 这项研究调查酒精对长期记忆的影响。这项研究调查酒精对长期记忆的影响。 Supplementary ReadingAfter Read

59、ingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ inspect 2inspect 侧重按一定质量标准检查某物,找出不足或不同之处。侧重按一定质量标准检查某物,找出不足或不同之处。例如:例如:Officials will inspect the restaurant this afternoon to see whether it meets the hygiene standard. 官员们下午将检查餐馆看看是否符合卫生标准。官员们下午将检查餐馆看看是否符合卫生标准。investig

60、ate 指为发现事实真相或了解掌握情况而进行深入细指为发现事实真相或了解掌握情况而进行深入细致的现场考察。例如:致的现场考察。例如:The study investigates the impact of violent TV programming on children. 本研究考察暴力电视节目对孩子的影响。本研究考察暴力电视节目对孩子的影响。 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ boonboon: n.

61、sth. that is very useful and makes life much easier or betterThe bus service is a real boon to the people in the village.导盲犬对视力不完全的人们非常有用。导盲犬对视力不完全的人们非常有用。Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Econom

62、ic LifeD R _ word _ nuisancenuisance: n. a person, thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problemsThe laws on intellectual property are murky. What a nuisance!真讨厌!我忘了拿票子!真讨厌!我忘了拿票子!What a nuisance! Ive forgotten my ticket. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore

63、 ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ hazard繁忙的交通入口对于行人来说是个危险。繁忙的交通入口对于行人来说是个危险。The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.hazard: n. sth. that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or problemsCollocations:fire hazard occupational hazardhealth / safety hazard hazard evaluation火灾火灾职业危险职业

64、危险健康健康/ /安全危险安全危险危险评估危险评估 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ liability1liability: n. legal responsibility for sth., especially for paying money that is owed, or for damage or injury; sb. or sth. that is likely to cause probl

65、ems for sb.Tenants have legal liability for any damage they cause.他拒绝对造成的损失负任何责任。他拒绝对造成的损失负任何责任。He denies any liability for the damage caused.A kid like Tom would be a liability in any classroom. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _

66、word _ liability 2Collocations:liability accountliability for acceptance liability for compensationliability insuranceliability reserve负债账户负债账户承兑责任承兑责任赔偿责任赔偿责任责任保险责任保险负债准备负债准备 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ lose sight of

67、lose sight of: no longer be able to see; forget; overlookIt is an important distinction, but one that a lawyer can lose sight of.他似乎忘记了他是一个警察。他似乎忘记了他是一个警察。He seems to have lost sight of the fact that he is a policeman. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUni

68、t 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ defrauddefraud: vt. trick a person or organization in order to get money from them They are both charged with conspiracy to defraud an insurance company of $20,000.她从老板那里骗取了几千英镑。她从老板那里骗取了几千英镑。She defrauded her employer of several thousand pounds.Pattern: defraud sb. of

69、sth. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeD R _ word _ constraintconstraint: n. sth. that limits your freedom to do what you wantFinancial constraints on the company are preventing it from employing new staff.公司财政状况不好,所以公司不能雇佣新员工。公司财政状况不好,

70、所以公司不能雇佣新员工。The constraints of politeness wouldnt allow her to say what she really thought about his cooking. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeA R _ Useful Expressions 1Useful Expressions 1. 工会工会union labor2. 对环保负责任对环保负责任be environment

71、ally responsible3. 利用利用take advantage of 4. 偶然偶然by accident5. 与与一致一致in accordance with6. 将将计入计入ring up7. 遵守遵守comply with Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeA R _ Useful Expressions 2live witha drop in the bucketat the expense of in the s

72、hort run try outsign upbe short of 8. 接受,容忍接受,容忍9. 微不足道微不足道10. 以以为代价为代价11. 从短期看来从短期看来12. 试用,试验试用,试验13. 签约签约14. 缺乏缺乏 Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeA R _ Useful Expressions 315. 在最后一刻在最后一刻at the last minute16. 不可预见的情况不可预见的情况unforeseen

73、 circumstances17. 恶意起诉恶意起诉nuisance suit18. 忘记;忽略忘记;忽略lose sight of 19. 被剥夺被剥夺be deprived of 20. 简而言之简而言之in short Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeA R _ Sentence Translation 1. 外资企业必须遵守法律并且必须达到国家的安全和环外资企业必须遵守法律并且必须达到国家的安全和环保标准。保标准。(comp

74、ly with)Foreign-funded enterprises must comply with the law and meet the countrys safety and environmental standards.Sentence Translation 2. 研究人员发现某些类型的人比其他类型的人更容易健忘。研究人员发现某些类型的人比其他类型的人更容易健忘。(be prone to)Researchers have found that certain types of people are more prone to forgetting than others. Su

75、pplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeA R _ Sentence Translation 4. 你愿意退款还是换一只满意的?你愿意退款还是换一只满意的?(refund)Do you want to have a refund or exchange it for a satisfactory one?5. 只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。(lose sight of)Only a short-

76、sighted man will lose sight of the importance of education.3. 如果你打破了玻璃杯,不要推卸责任,承认是自己干的。如果你打破了玻璃杯,不要推卸责任,承认是自己干的。(pass the buck)If you break the glass, do not pass the buck, admit that you did it. Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 2 Economic LifeA R _ Group DiscussionGroup DiscussionForm groups of four and have a discussion about the following topic: Does buying pirate copies (盗版光盘盗版光盘) belong to unethical consumer behavior?



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