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1、American film culture1严选课件The formation of Hollywood2严选课件HollywoodlThere are several ways to define the “Hollywood”l the broadest is the American film industry, including different cities and different scale film production and distribution companies.lIt also refers to the seven biggest film compani

2、es, including MGM,Paramount Picture,Columbia Pictures, Warner Brothers Pictures ,Walt Disney Company,20th Century Fox Corporation,Universal Pictures.3严选课件Hollywood lies on the west coast of the United States, outside Losangeles, California.4严选课件The formation of Hollywood movie industryl1907,because

3、of some bad weather ,the count of Monte Cristo came here to make some shots.l1911, a group of film workers from New Jersey created Hollywoods first film studio, Nestor Films. In the same year, 15 other studios have settled here.l1913, Daimler completed the first film Indian Womans White Husband film

4、ed in Hollywood.l1923, the white character HOLLYWOOD, one of Hollywood symbols, was erected on the hillside behind Hollywood.l1929, the Academy Awards were awarded for the first time.5严选课件The Silent FilmsThe Silent FilmsThe Early 20The Early 20thth Century Century6严选课件 In 1915, The Birth of A Nation

5、 was first released. It was the beginning of Hollywoods domination of the world. 7严选课件Charlie Chaplin1889-19778严选课件 Chaplin is a world-famous comedian. with rich life experience, profound social insight, he created highest achievements of silent film for mankind.9严选课件The First Golden Period of Holly

6、wood 1930s to 1950s10严选课件11严选课件New Hollywood1970s to 1980s12严选课件New HollywoodIn the 1960s, the United States had a serious social crisis, The old movie production system has been shaken for half a century, There have been many new movies.The GodfatherOne Flew Over the Cuckoos NestJaws13严选课件Now Holly

7、wood14严选课件15严选课件After more than 100 years of development, Hollywood has a mature business culture model for movies. The movie is already a mature cultural line in Hollywood16严选课件Thank you17严选课件Ill share it with you todayMy favorite America representativeDirector and actor!今天和大家分享我喜欢的美国有代表性的我喜欢的美国有代表

8、性的导演与演员导演与演员!18严选课件Steven Allan Spielberg史蒂文斯皮尔伯格01Vin Diesel范迪塞尔02Leonardo DiCaprio莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥03James Cameron詹姆斯卡梅隆04catalogue19严选课件Have to mentionThe 2018 empire film award for lifetime achievementSteven Allan Spielberg20严选课件About his understanding, lets baidu21严选课件史蒂文斯皮尔伯格为“电影织梦者”一点也不为过,他是以影片辛德勒名单和

9、拯救大兵瑞恩而两次荣获奥斯卡金像奖的大导演,他的大白鲨、E.T.、侏罗纪公园等著名的商业片也为全球广大影迷们所熟知,当人们带着这种印象涌向电影院去欣赏那部黑白电影辛德勒名单时,却发现了斯皮尔伯格的另一个世界,一个充满智慧和理性的世界,一个真正斯皮尔伯格可以将电影的深刻思想性与商业元素完美的结合在一起,让观众们体验震撼壮美的画面效果同时,感受到其影片中所传达出的深刻内涵,让人意犹未尽,回味无穷。这在整个美国电影界乃至全球电影界都是非常稀有的.Steven Allan Spielberg史蒂文斯皮尔伯格01Steven spielberg film weave the dreamer a litt

10、le too much, he is a movie schindlers list and saving private Ryan and the director twice won the Oscar, his jaws, E.T. , Jurassic park and other famous commercial also known by the global fans when people flocking to the cinema with this impression to appreciate the black and white movie schindlers

11、 list, only to find that the spielbergs another world, a world full of wisdom and reason, a real movie art of the world.Spielberg film can be a profound ideological content and commercial elements perfect unifies in together, let the audience experience shock magnificent picture at the same time, to

12、 feel the film conveys profound connotation, let a person wanting more, endless aftertaste.This is very rare in the entire American film industry and in the global film industry22严选课件 领衔硬汉特工团,用速度与激情征服观众1967年,他出生于美国纽约州纽约市,从小没有见过自己的亲生父亲,而是由非洲裔美国人继父欧文抚养大的,迪塞尔的童年一直在剧院工作。他想为他成为好莱坞演员梦想而放弃高中,高中毕业以后,他被亨特学院录

13、取,他在学校主修英语编剧在在学院学习三年后,他决定离开做电影,从1997年他自编、自导、自演了一部小投资影片迷失到2017年,主演速度与激情8中继续饰演多姆,最终取得12亿美元的全球票房,期间他一次又一次塑造了经典形象。Vin Diesel范迪塞尔02 Lead the tough guys, conquer the audience with The Fast and the FuriousIn 1967, he was born in New York City, New York, have not seen his father since childhood, but by the

14、African American stepfather raised, disel s childhood have been working in the theatre.He wants to be a Hollywood actor for his dream and give up high school, graduated from high school, he got hunter college admission, he majored in English at school writers in the school three years later, he deci

15、ded to leave for the movie, from 1997, he wrote, directed and acted in a small investment film lost in 2017, starring in fast and furious 8 continue to play the role of daum, winning $1.2 billion in global box-office, during his classic image again and again.23严选课件 1974年11月11日出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,美国影视演员、制

16、作人。1990年,16岁的他参加了电视剧成长的烦恼,1997年,莱昂纳多主演了泰坦尼克号。2010,他出演了盗梦空间,2016年,凭借电影荒野猎人获得第73届金球奖最佳男主角奖和第88届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角奖。 莱昂纳多保持着前进的动力,他做到了角色在情感和心理上的真实化表演,无论它是如何的丑陋,幼稚或是令人费解。通过他的脸庞,他的眼睛,他占据了整个屏幕,就像一个默片演员,他知道如何运用它们,也知道如何运用他的身体;他对于表演的收放有着天生的感悟。Leonardo DiCaprio莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥03返回目录 Born in Los Angeles, California on Novem

17、ber 11, 1974, he is an American film actor and producer.In 1990, at the age of 16, he appeared in growing pains, and in 1997, leonardo starred in Titanic.In 2010, he starred in inception, and in 2016, he won the golden globe award for best actor at the 73rd golden globe awards and best actor at the

18、88th Academy Awards for his film the revenant.Leonardo kept his momentum going, and he made his character emotionally and psychologically realistic, no matter how ugly, childish or incomprehensible it was.Through his face, his eyes, he takes over the screen, like a silent actor, he knows how to use

19、them, he knows how to use his body;He has a natural appreciation of the way the show is played.24严选课件 詹姆斯卡梅隆1954年8月16日出生于加拿大安大略省,好莱坞电影导演、编剧。他12岁时所写的一部科幻小说是他的科幻影片深渊故事的原型。1980年,他获得了在影坛的第一份正式工作,在罗杰考执导的影片世纪争霸战中任艺术总监,制作特效模型。1981年,詹姆斯卡梅隆执导了第一部作品食人鱼2。1997年,詹姆斯卡梅隆执导了电影泰坦尼克号,上映后,在美国的票房达到了4亿7千万美元;全球票房超过18亿美元,

20、打破影史票房纪录。2010年1月,詹姆斯卡梅隆凭借阿凡达获得第67届金球奖最佳导演奖。詹姆斯卡梅隆的影片体现了成人化的幻想,但他的为人却非常地孩子气。这种“孩子气”更多体现在不顾任何世俗的限制,一心追求自己心目中的完美目标。James Cameron詹姆斯卡梅隆04返回目录 James Cameron was born in Ontario, Canada on August 16, 1954.He wrote a science fiction novel when he was 12 years old, which was the basis of his science fiction

21、 film the abyss.In 1980, he got his first official job in the film industry, working as artistic director and making special effects models in the Roger covey film the century is a fighter.James Cameron directed the first film, piranha ii, in 1981.In 1997, James Cameron directed the film Titanic.Wor

22、ldwide box office receipts exceeded $1.8 billion, breaking a box-office record in film history.In January 2010, James Cameron won the golden globe award for best director for avatar.James Camerons films embody adult fantasies, but he is very childish.This kind of childish is more reflected in the di

23、sregard of any secular restrictions, the pursuit of their own ideal goal.25严选课件THAT,S ALL THANK YOUMany more, to be continuedSUCH AS :The 12 directors behind the marvel moviesThe next26严选课件Feature Feature of of AmericaAmerican filmsn filmsThrough the understanding of the characteristics of American

24、films, we can discover the characteristics of American culture27严选课件The relationship between American The relationship between American movies and American culturemovies and American cultureAmerican movies are a major part of American culture. It grows and develops with the growth and development of

25、 American culture. It vividly embodies many features of American thought and the American nation and culture. It conforms to the lively nature and active personality of the Americans. At the same time, it also reflects the optimistic spirit and human nature of the Americans. American movies focus on

26、 commerciality and box office value, but they are still very concerned about society and reality while pursuing popular taste, being approachable and accessible. It makes a poetic description of American life.28严选课件Feature of American filmsFeature of American filmsAmerican movies are full of heroism

27、American movies are full of eternal affection and loveAmerican movies have a strong science and technology culture29严选课件nine elevennine eleven attacks attacksThe September 11, 2001, attacks (often referred to as 9/11pronounced nine eleven) consisted of a series of coordinated suicide terrorist1 atta

28、cks upon the United States, predominantly targeting civilians, carried out on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.That morning, 19 terrorists2 affiliated with al-Qaeda3 hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. Two planes (United Airlines Flight 175 a

29、nd American Airlines Flight 11) crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower (One and Two). Both towers collapsed within two hours. The pilot of the third team crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. Passengers and membe

30、rs of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft (United Airlines Flight 93) attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers; that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. As well as the 19 hijackers, a confirmed 2,973 people died and

31、another 24 are missing but presumed killed as a result of these attacks.30严选课件American movies are full of American movies are full of heroismheroismAfter the 9.11 incident, American citizens have an unprecedented sense of crisis. They are eager to have heroes who can step forward and save them when

32、they are in distress.Americans have a strong sense of self-centeredness, believe in individualism, and pursue personal happiness as a social consensus. American citizens worship individual heroes. They advocate individual struggle and take risks. Therefore, American movies strongly advocate self-cen

33、tered individualism and heroism. They hope to encourage their own people and take their own responsibility.31严选课件The black president of film“2012”, at the time of the human disaster, gave up the opportunity to board an escape boat and left the line: “A young scientist wants to overcome twenty old po

34、liticians.” This is A heroic realm with the human future as its own responsibility32严选课件The male protagonists save the society with their own extraordinary ability and punish evil. And this type of lone hero is often just an ordinary person at the beginning of the movie, reflecting that ordinary cit

35、izens can also find their own responsibilities in this society. No matter what kind of crises or hardships they face, no matter what fatal blows they receive, they never believe in failure. The heroes always use the incomprehensible rational mind to quickly make a perfect layout and instantly make a

36、bsolute correct judgments. You can always catch only one percent chance of winning33严选课件American American movies are full of eternal movies are full of eternal affection and loveaffection and loveLove is the eternal theme of the movie. It has an irreplaceable position. No matter which movie, it desc

37、ribes the perfection and eternity of love more or less. The family is the most important part of Americans. After 9/11, the United States completely changed the concept of peoples life: the familys warmest affection is the most valuable. So American movies that reflect love and family affection are

38、getting more and more, and it can be seen that Americans attach importance to affection and love.34严选课件American movies have a strong science American movies have a strong science and technology cultureand technology cultureThe high technology in the United States has contributed to the global compet

39、itiveness of American movies, the luxury of cinema, the spectacle and the dreaminess. American movies have created a unique culture of the film with a variety of visual styling and technological means, reflecting its infinite creativity. Some massive disaster films, science fiction films and drama f

40、ilms have emerged in large numbers, such as Jaws, Alien, Jurassic Park, Pearl Harbor, Avatar and other films, with high-tech advantages. Created impressive movie effects,35严选课件American movies have always built up the image of individual heroism in the spirit of science and technology, and they have

41、an ultra-modern sense of science and technology. American movies are one of the most important expressions of American culture on the screen. American cinema incorporates the spiritual vision of American literate people, implicates their deep cultural values, propagates their cultural values, and in

42、fluences the formation of cultural values for film lovers around the world. American movies embody the cultural characteristics of self-centered individualism and heroism, eternal love and affection, and a strong science and technology culture. The reason is that in addition to Hollywood is good at

43、telling stories and has strong commercial operations, the complete narrative structure of American movies has maturely reflected the general demand for rational order.36严选课件The movie as a work of art has deeply attracted our attention. In the course of many years of watching the movie, we have also

44、progressed from simply appreciating the direction of the film to exploring the footprints of its creative background. American movies continue to attract us to look back and pay attention to the relationship between the historical background of the United States and the creation of a movie.37严选课件Tha

45、nk you!Thank you!38严选课件Theme of Theme of American American moviesmovies39严选课件1ManandManandnaturenature3HeroismHeroism4GlobalizationGlobalization2FantasyofFantasyofthefuturethefuture40严选课件1ManandManandnaturenature The movie tells the story of the The movie tells the story of the The movie tells the s

46、tory of the The movie tells the story of the greenhouse effect causing global climate greenhouse effect causing global climate greenhouse effect causing global climate greenhouse effect causing global climate change, and the world is about to fall into change, and the world is about to fall into cha

47、nge, and the world is about to fall into change, and the world is about to fall into the second glacial period. The northern the second glacial period. The northern the second glacial period. The northern the second glacial period. The northern hemisphere was melted by the greenhouse hemisphere was

48、melted by the greenhouse hemisphere was melted by the greenhouse hemisphere was melted by the greenhouse effect, the earth entered the second glacial effect, the earth entered the second glacial effect, the earth entered the second glacial effect, the earth entered the second glacial period, tornado

49、es, tsunamis, and period, tornadoes, tsunamis, and period, tornadoes, tsunamis, and period, tornadoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes were raging around the world, earthquakes were raging around the world, earthquakes were raging around the world, earthquakes were raging around the world, and the entire

50、New York was surrounded by and the entire New York was surrounded by and the entire New York was surrounded by and the entire New York was surrounded by glaciers.glaciers.glaciers.glaciers. This film is about the December This film is about the December This film is about the December This film is a

51、bout the December 21, 2012, when earthquakes, 21, 2012, when earthquakes, 21, 2012, when earthquakes, 21, 2012, when earthquakes, floods, typhoons and volcanoes floods, typhoons and volcanoes floods, typhoons and volcanoes floods, typhoons and volcanoes erupt at the same time and erupt at the same t

52、ime and erupt at the same time and erupt at the same time and attacked our beautiful blue planet, attacked our beautiful blue planet, attacked our beautiful blue planet, attacked our beautiful blue planet, and the world is on the road to and the world is on the road to and the world is on the road t

53、o and the world is on the road to destruction.destruction.destruction.destruction.41严选课件2FantasyofFantasyofthefuturethefutureThe Star Wars movie series uses the most The Star Wars movie series uses the most The Star Wars movie series uses the most The Star Wars movie series uses the most advanced te

54、chnology and digital production advanced technology and digital production advanced technology and digital production advanced technology and digital production methods to create an unprecedented space methods to create an unprecedented space methods to create an unprecedented space methods to creat

55、e an unprecedented space world. It describes all kinds of galaxies, world. It describes all kinds of galaxies, world. It describes all kinds of galaxies, world. It describes all kinds of galaxies, civilizations, and creatures in the universe. It civilizations, and creatures in the universe. It civil

56、izations, and creatures in the universe. It civilizations, and creatures in the universe. It creates a variety of strange aliens and creates a variety of strange aliens and creates a variety of strange aliens and creates a variety of strange aliens and spacecraft, its magnificent space scenes and sp

57、acecraft, its magnificent space scenes and spacecraft, its magnificent space scenes and spacecraft, its magnificent space scenes and star wars, which are beyond the thought of star wars, which are beyond the thought of star wars, which are beyond the thought of star wars, which are beyond the though

58、t of the ordinary people, not the ordinary science the ordinary people, not the ordinary science the ordinary people, not the ordinary science the ordinary people, not the ordinary science and technology, can not be said to be a and technology, can not be said to be a and technology, can not be said

59、 to be a and technology, can not be said to be a dreamlike spectacle.dreamlike spectacle.dreamlike spectacle.dreamlike spectacle.The film tells the story of a little boy The film tells the story of a little boy The film tells the story of a little boy The film tells the story of a little boy named A

60、ndrew ender Viking who was named Andrew ender Viking who was named Andrew ender Viking who was named Andrew ender Viking who was chosen to be trained in the chosen to be trained in the chosen to be trained in the chosen to be trained in the international fleet school. the colonel international fleet

61、 school. the colonel international fleet school. the colonel international fleet school. the colonel played by Harrison Ford began to train played by Harrison Ford began to train played by Harrison Ford began to train played by Harrison Ford began to train ender, making him a very strong leader ende

62、r, making him a very strong leader ender, making him a very strong leader ender, making him a very strong leader to resist attacks by alien zerg.to resist attacks by alien zerg.to resist attacks by alien zerg.to resist attacks by alien zerg.42严选课件3HeroismHeroismThe film is about the The film is abou

63、t the The film is about the The film is about the story of a student story of a student story of a student story of a student named Peter Parker, named Peter Parker, named Peter Parker, named Peter Parker, bitten by a bitten by a bitten by a bitten by a genetically modified genetically modified gene

64、tically modified genetically modified spider, with spider, with spider, with spider, with superhuman power superhuman power superhuman power superhuman power and vowing to fight and vowing to fight and vowing to fight and vowing to fight his superpower his superpower his superpower his superpower ag

65、ainst crime.against crime.against crime.against crime.43严选课件4GlobalizationGlobalizationThe film is in the The film is in the The film is in the The film is in the background of ancient background of ancient background of ancient background of ancient China, and its landscape, China, and its landscap

66、e, China, and its landscape, China, and its landscape, scenery, clothing and even scenery, clothing and even scenery, clothing and even scenery, clothing and even food are full of Chinese food are full of Chinese food are full of Chinese food are full of Chinese elements, telling a story of elements

67、, telling a story of elements, telling a story of elements, telling a story of a clumsy panda who is a clumsy panda who is a clumsy panda who is a clumsy panda who is determined to become a determined to become a determined to become a determined to become a master of Wulin.master of Wulin.master of Wulin.master of Wulin.44严选课件Thank you for Thank you for watchingwatching45严选课件



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