2012年高考英语复习课件:第24讲 Unit 4 Making the news(新课标人教版必修5)

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《2012年高考英语复习课件:第24讲 Unit 4 Making the news(新课标人教版必修5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012年高考英语复习课件:第24讲 Unit 4 Making the news(新课标人教版必修5)(56页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2012年高考英语复习课件:第年高考英语复习课件:第24讲讲Unit 4 Making the news(新(新课标人教版必修课标人教版必修5) 第24讲Unit 4 Making the news美文佳句第第2424讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句诵美文2009浙江 5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue 和 Zhang Hua 去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100120词的新闻报道。 1时间、地点、任务、活动;2老人们的反应; 3简短评论。 注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不

2、计入总词数)。 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the ElderlyBy Chen Jie, School Newspaper. 第第2424讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Senior Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their

3、arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.第第2424讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句 When it

4、was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives as well. By Chen Jie, School

5、 Newspaper. 第第2424讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句 背佳句1Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. 一切工作结束后,他们坐在院子里和老人们聊天。赏析 Everything done为独立主格,在句中作状语,chatting with为现在分词短语作伴随状语。2They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. 他们说那一天他们过得如此精彩,以至于永远都忘不了。赏析 从整体上看,该句中含有

6、一个省略了that的宾语从句,其中宾语从句中又包含一个“suchthat”(其中that引导的是一个结果状语从句)结构。第第2424讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句3 What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives as well. 他们所做的事情给别人带来了快乐,同时也丰富了自己的生活。赏析 what引导的名词性从句在句中作主语, 主句中使用了两个并列的谓语动词。. 单词拼写1 Each member of the club will be _(评估) 50 dollars to pay for the trip

7、.2 The manager asked his secretary to remind him of his a_.3 The supply of vegetables falls short of d_this year.4 Has the bill presented by the lawyer been a_ by the committee?第第2424讲讲 课前热身课前热身课前热身assessedppointmentpprovedemand 5 Studying is a complex _(过程) that requires concentration.6 We asked hi

8、m to a_ us in designing a new bridge.7 You should _(专心于) on your study since the final exam is coming.8 Only after you _(获得,学到)a good knowledge of law,can you become a lawyer.第第2424讲讲 课前热身课前热身processssistacquireconcentrate第第2424讲讲 课前热身课前热身.完成短语1赞成2集中,全神贯注于3依靠,依赖4因指责5为了(做某事)6在前面approve ofconcentrate

9、ondepend onaccuse ofso as to (do sth)ahead of. 完成句子 1你们有没有过这种情况:别人指控你的记者,说他们的报道完全失实?Have you ever had a case _your journalists of_?2对摄影我不只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来提高我的技术。_photography, _an amateur course at university to update my skills.第第2424讲讲 课前热身课前热身where someone accusedgetting the wrong end of the s

10、tickNot only am I interested inbut I took3 他的妻子对发生在她身边的事特别敏感。_that happens around herself.4 他否认接受了贿赂,但我们怀疑他。He_.5 你的父母赞成这个计划吗?Do your parents_?第第2424讲讲 课前热身课前热身approve of the planHis wife has a nose for thingsdenied taking money but we were skeptical第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛单词点睛1 covervt.&vi. 采访;(钱)足够支付;用东西

11、盖住;走过/行过路;包括,包罗;保护;掩盖,掩饰;覆盖;占地 n封面;盖子;套子from cover to cover从头到尾;透彻地cover sth with sth 遮盖cover up 完全盖住;遮住第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】指出下列句中cover的意思(1)He laughed loudly to cover his nervousness._(2)The book needs a new cover. _(3)$100 will cover your needs for the journey. _(4)His research covers a wide fi

12、eld. _(5)He covered the boy with his own body from the strong wind. _(6)Cover the table with a cloth. _掩盖,掩饰掩盖,掩饰封面封面(钱钱)足够支付足够支付包括;包罗包括;包罗保护保护用东西盖住用东西盖住第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛(7)Two reporters were sent to cover the event._ (8)By sunset we had covered thirty miles._(9)The city covers 30 square miles._采访采访

13、走过走过/行过行过路路覆盖;占地覆盖;占地第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【易混辨析】cover,interview这两个词都有“采访”之意,但是cover后通常接事件,而interview后通常接人。用cover,interview的适当形式完成句子(1)We are now going to _the Minister of Education.(2)We sent Li Ming to _the sports meeting yesterday.interviewcover assist vt.& vi. (to give help or support to)帮助;援助assist

14、sb with sth帮助某人某事assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事assist (sb) in (doing) sth帮助(某人)(做)某事assistant n. 助手,助理assistance n. 帮助;援助with the assistance of在帮助下第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛2第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)好词典会帮你理解英文。A good dictionary will _English.(2)那位年轻助手第一次协助做实验时非常紧张。_was very nervous when he first _the experimen

15、t.assist you to understandThe young assistantassisted in performingconcentratevt. & vi.(to give all your attention to sth and not think about anything else)全神贯注;集中;集合concentrate ones attention (effort/energy/mind) on sth集中注意力(力量/精力/思想)于某事concentrate on (doing) sth 专心(干)某事concentration n. 集中;专注;专心con

16、centrated adj. 集中的;全神贯注的【温馨提示】focus和concentrate指“集中(精神、精力)”时,两词可以换用,但是focus一般不以具体的事物作宾语,concentrate 则可以。第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛3第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)我国人口集中在大城市里。Our population _big cities.(2)我因法语考试不及格而决心专攻理科。Having failed my French exams, I_ _science subjects.is concentrated indecided to concentrate

17、onacquirevt.(to gain possession of;to get by ones own efforts)得到;获得;学到acquire a knowledge of 学到知识acquire a habit of 养成习惯acquisition n. 获得;得到acquired adj. 已取得的;后天获得的【活学活用】(1)We must work hard to _(精通) English.(2)He gradually _(养成吸烟的习惯) when he was young.第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛4acquire a good knowledge ofac

18、quired a habit of smoking第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【易混辨析】acquire,get,gain都含有“获得”的意思,区别在于:(1)acquire 指经过一段时间的艰苦努力而获得,并且获得的东西很难失去,多用于指获得知识等抽象的东西。如:Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work.我们逐步获得了做这个工作的经验。(2)get 是一般用语,指的是一般意义上的“得到”。如:He got the first prize in the listening contest.他得到听力比赛的第一名。第第24

19、24讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛(3)gain常指用强力夺取,也可指渐渐获得某事物。如:Our army gained the battle.我们的军队赢得了那场战役。用acquire,get或gain的适当形式完成句子(1)I climbed to the top of the mountain to _a good view of it.(2)If you search on the Internet, you will _all the information you needed.(3)No pains, no_.getacquiregainscasen(an instance of som

20、ething; an example)情形,情况,实例;案件,病例;箱子,盒子in any case无论如何in case 假使;免得;以防(万一)in no case 决不;在任何情况下都不in this/that case 假使这/那样的话in case of 如果;万一as is often the case 这是常有的事such being the case事情是这样的第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛5第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【温馨提示】(1)in case 后跟从句时,不能用that连接。(2)case表示情况,若有定语从句修饰,后面的定语从句多用where 引导,类似的

21、词还有:situation, point, position, stage等。(3)in no case 置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装结构。第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是实际情况并非如此。He thought he had already solved the problem, but_.(2)倘若太阳很厉害,你就把帽子戴上。Take a hat with you_.(3)你决不能忘记自己的任务。_your task.(4)Can you think of some cases _(很显然司机懂得交通规则)but didnt obey th

22、em?that was not the casein case the sun is very hotIn no case should you forget where drivers obviously knew the traffic rulesaccusevt.(to charge with a shortcoming or an error)指责;(to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth)控告;指控accuse sb of sth/(doing) sth指控某人(做)某事charge sb with sth/doin

23、g sth 控告某人(做)某事blame sb for sth/doing sth 责备某人(做)某事accuser n. 原告;控告者;指责者 第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛6【活学活用】(1)她控告他偷她的表。She _her watch.(2)对于我所做我的一切,我只责怪自己,不会怪罪任何人。I have no one _what I have done.第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛accused him of stealingto blame but myself for demand vt. 强烈要求 n. 需要;请求demanding adj.苛求的;使人吃力的;高要求的

24、in demand(in need) 需求meet/satisfy the demand 满足需要demand sth from/of sb 向某人要求某物demand to do sth 要求干某事demand sb to do sth要求某人干某事sth demand doing 某事需要被做(此搭配为主动表被动)demand that sb (should) do sth 要求某人做某事(从句要用虚拟语气,即should 动词原形)第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛7第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)我将尽力满足孩子们的愿望。I will try my best_.(2

25、)他要求将一切都告诉他。He demands_.to meet/satisfy childrens demandthat he be told everything approvevt.&vi. (to agree to a plan; to consider right or good; to think or speak favorably of) 批准,通过;认可;赞成;同意approve of sb/sth 赞成/同意某人/某事approve of sbs doing sth同意某人干某事approval n. 批准;赞成;认可第第2424讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛8第第2424讲讲 单词

26、点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)那位教授不赞成政府的外交政策。The professor _the governments foreign policy.(2)我担心你父母不会赞成你到那儿去。Im afraid your parents wont_.does not approveapprove of your going theredepend on/upon依靠,依赖depend on sb to do sth指望/依靠某人做某事depend on sb/sth for sth依靠某人供给某物depend upon it请相信;没问题It/that (all) depends. 看情况而定(

27、用于口语)。第第2424讲讲 短语存储短语存储短语储存1第第2424讲讲 短语存储短语存储【活学活用】(1)“我能相信她吗?”“那得视情况而定。”Can I _?That depends. (2) 你不能老依靠父母给你钱。You cant_.depend on herdepend on your parents to keep giving you moneyahead of 在前面;领先;胜过ahead of time/schedule提前go ahead 前进;(事情的)进行,继续;(祈使句)请吧;开始吧look ahead 往前看,为未来着想或打算think/plan ahead 事先考

28、虑/计划第第2424讲讲 短语存储短语存储2第第2424讲讲 短语存储短语存储【活学活用】(1)His ideas were _(超过了他的时代)(2)She is _(远远超过) her classmates in English.(3)The ceremony is _(正按原计划进行)ahead of his timefar ahead ofgoing ahead as planned1 His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin (HX),was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.1句型公式

29、“主语be to do sth”表示责任、义务、必要等;还可表示安排、命令或注定等。【句式分析】该结构中的be to一般用于将来时,表示“计划、安排、命令”等。如: He is to have a holiday. (表示注定) 第第2424讲讲 句型透视句型透视句型透视The committee is to meet today. (表示计划、安排) You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.(表示安排、命令) 【活学活用】(1)她的计划注定要成功。Her plan_.(2)总统定于10点到

30、达。The president _at 10:00.2 So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.第第2424讲讲 句型透视句型透视is to be a successis to arrive【句式分析】be supposed to do sth被认为做了某事be supposed to be被认为是【相关拓展】suppose sb/sth to be认为某人/某物是be supposed to have done sth理应做过某事(但实际没做)What do yo

31、u suppose 陈述句?你认为?I suppose so/not.我认为是这样/不是这样。第第2424讲讲 句型透视句型透视12010浙江卷 I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just .Aby nature Bin returnCin case Dby chance【解析】 C考查介词短语辨析。句意为:我想我们之前谈论过这个,但是保不准(just in case,以防万一)我还会再问的。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练2To keep safe an earthquake, y

32、ou should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you.Ain search of Bin advance ofCin terms of Din case of【解析】 D考查介词短语辨析。in case of“以防,万一”。句意为:万一遇上地震,为了确保安全,你应该呆在你房间里任何东西都不会掉到你身上的地方。in search of “搜寻”;in advance of “预先”; in terms of“根据”。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练3 May I have a talk with one of

33、 your sports reporters?Sorry, but all of them are out to the main events of the day.Aget Bfind Ccover Dsearch【解析】 C考查动词辨析。cover意为“(记者)采访,报导”。答句句意为:抱歉,但他们都去采访今天的大事去了。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练4Lucy has all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.Aacquired

34、BfinishedCconcluded Dachieved【解析】 D考查动词辨析。acquire获得,得到;finish完成;conclude结束,得出结论;achieve取得,达到。achieve a goal达到目标。句意为:露西已经完成了她为自己设定的高中的所有目标,并做好了迎接大学里新挑战的准备。故选D。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练5Hu Jin tao, President of PRC, said Gates s visit showed importance the two countries attach to the development of military r

35、elations.Aa; the B/; the Ca; / Da; a【解析】 B考查冠词的用法。表示职位的专有名词President用作同位语,所以要用零冠词,第二空后的importance后有定语从句the two countries attach修饰,所以用定冠词表特指。句意为:中华人民共和国国家主席胡锦涛说,盖茨的到访表明了(中美)两国对发展军事关系的重视。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练6In a room above the store,where a party ,some workers were busily setting the table.Awas to be he

36、ld Bhas been heldCwill be held Dis being held【解析】 A考查“be to do”结构。根据题干动词were可知为过去时。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练7 This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it work.But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.Amay Bmust Cshould Dcould【解析】 C考查情态动词的用法。选项A表示事实上的可能或允许;选项B表示要求或肯定

37、的推测;选项C表示建议或根据一般情况的推测;选项D表示较小的可能性。根据句子中的关键词an effective answer可知,后面表示在一般情况下的推测。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练8Even if the judge takes your side,you will have no chance to win the .Acase Bsupport Cargument Dcharge【解析】 A考查名词辨析。case指“被警方调查的案件,诉讼案”,此处win a case意为“胜诉”,符合题意。“败诉”为“lose a case”。support“支撑,支持”;argument“争

38、论,辩论”;charge“指责,指控,控告”。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练9The managers demand was that the data referred to in his report to Mr Andrew without delay.Awere emailed Bwould be emailedCshould be emailed Dhad been emailed【解析】 C考查虚拟语气的用法。demand后接表语从句时,从句谓语一般要用虚拟语气,即“should 动词原形”;由于email和其逻辑主语是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态,其中should可以省略。第第

39、2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练10You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara.Are you me of lying?Acharging BcriticizingCcatching Daccusing【解析】 D考查动词辨析。句意为:“你没告诉我事情的真相,巴巴拉。”“你在指责我说谎吗?”accuse常用于accuse sb of sth“指责某人某事,控告某人犯了罪”。charge sb with sth/doing sth“指责/指控某人(做)某事”,此处不与of连用,故选D。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练11So cl

40、early that I was able to understand much of what he said.Adid he say Bhe toldCdid he speak Dhe talked【解析】 C考查倒装语序。题干句子以so修饰clearly开头,句子一般用部分倒装语序。故该题C项正确。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练122010上海卷 If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to depend on .Athemselves BthemCus Dourselves【解析】 D考查反身代词。主语

41、为we,因此应为ourselves。depend on oneself自力更生。根据句意“如果父母为我们包办一切,我们就不能学会自力更生。”选D。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练13I cant my studies with all that noise going on.Adevote to Bconcentrate onCknock down Dapply to【解析】 B考查动词短语辨析。concentrate on专心(做某事)。句意为:噪音持续着我无法专心学习。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练14Could I use your English dictionary for a

42、 few moments?.Im not using it myself.ACome on BIt dependsCGo ahead DThats great【解析】 C考查交际用语。问句有征求意见之意,结合答句的后一句“Im not using it myself”可知所选部分意思是“可以,请用”,用go ahead。Come on “加油”;It depends“看情况而定”;Thats great“好极了”。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练15. apologize to his wife, he managed to send his wife a card, “Darling, Please forgive me!”ASo as to; said BSo as to; sayingCIn order to; said DIn order to; saying【解析】 D用在句首,表示目的只能用in order to,此外,saying为现在分词作状语,表主动,相当于which said。第第2424讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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