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1、DETERMINERS限定词限定词 1I. What is a determinerII. Collocation of nouns and determinersIII. Collocation of determinersIV. Comparison of some determiners (1)some, any, no (2)all, both, every, each, either, neitherV. Notes on determinersVI. Key to exercises2Listen to the following and try to find what are

2、missing. We have instrument. It is called clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. clavichord is kept in room. It has belonged to family for time. instrument was bought by grandfather years ago. Recently it was damaged byvisitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struckkeys too hard and two of st

3、rings were broken. father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by friend of fathers.anaOurtheouraThemymanyathetheMyamyold musicallivinglong1010.mp3103一、限定词概述名词通常可由许多词修饰。如:限定词、形容词、ing/ed分词短语、介词短语等,而限定词有其特殊的地位,因为它不能像名词的其他修饰语那样可以省略而不影响句子结构的完整性。限定词的取舍要取决于中心词(名词)的类别(即可数或不

4、可数,单数或复数等)。例如:Carpenter is their most popular singer.The authors new book on English grammar is worth reading.冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词、关系代词、疑问代词、不定代词、名词属格、序数词、基数词等都可作限定词。4DEFINITIONWords that precede any premodifying adjectives in a noun phrase and which denote such referential meanings as specific referenc

5、e, generic reference; definite quantity or indefinite quantity are referred to as determiners.52. CLASSIFICATIONDeterminers, as a class of words, include: 1) articles (definite article, indefinite article, zero article), 2) possessive determiners, 3) genitive nouns, 4) demonstrative determiners, 5)

6、relative determiners, 6) interrogative determiners, 7) indefinite determiners, 8) cardinal and ordinal numerals, fractional and multiplicative numerals, and other quantifiers.6二、限定词与名词的搭配关系限定词一般不用于专有名词,用于普通名词时要根据名词的数和类别来决定。普通名词可分为如下三类:单数可数名词,如:a desk, a pencil等。复数可数名词,如:desks, pencils等。不可数名词,如:coffe

7、e, fire等。各限定词与三类名词搭配关系可分为以下几种情况:7A. 能与三类名词搭配的限定词定冠词the, 如:the book, the books, the bread等。物主代词、名词所有格,如:my / Johns bookmy / Johns booksmy / Johns breadall / some / any / no,如:all / some / any / no bookall / some / any / no booksall / some / any / no bread8other / such,如:other / such studentother / su

8、ch studentswh words (eg. what, which, whose等)。Im sorry you had such terrible weather.Which John do you mean, John the baker or John the post man?Note:such经常与不定冠词连用构成such + a(n) + adj + 名词结构。如:Ive never lived in such a large house as this before.They havent had such a good time for ages.9B. 只能与单数可数名词

9、搭配的限定词如:a (n), each, every, either, one等。I told every student to come.She knows every pupil of the class.You may use either hoe.10C. 只能与复数可数名词搭配的限定词如:both, (a) few, several, these / those, a (great) number of, two / three, many等。Were asking a few friends round to dinner.A great number of animals are

10、 killed every year.Note:many后面可以跟a (n)放在单数可数名词前,尽管还表示“许多”的意思,但动词用单数。Many a man is going to welcome the foreign guests.Many a friend has been invited to this party.11D. 只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词如:(a) little, a bit of, a great amount of, a great deal of, much 等。In fact I know a bit of Spanish.A large amount of m

11、oney is spent on tobacco every year.E. 能与单数可数名词和复数可数名词搭配的限定词如:the first / second, the next, the other 等。Whats the next thing to do?John wanted to know what the other doctors suggest.12F. 能与复数可数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词如:a lot of, plenty of, lots of, enough, more, most等。There is enough food for everybody.There

12、arent enough tools to go around.G. 能与单数可数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词如:(the) least, this, that等。He hadnt the least thought of his own interests.She fainted at the least sight of blood.13三、限定词与限定词的搭配关系在名词词组中,当两个以上的限定词同时出现时,限定词之间就存在前后顺序问题,根据限定词不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为中位限定词、前位限定词和后位限定词。中位限定词(Central determiners )包括:冠词;指示词(thi

13、s / that / these / those) ;形容词性物主代词,名词所有格(my, Johns);量词(some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough, much等);whwords (what, which, whose等)。前位限定词(Predeterminers):all, both, half, double, twice; one third, two thirds等。后位限定词(Postdeterminers):基数词;序数词; last, next, other, another等; such; many, litt

14、le, few, several, more, less等。14The teacher asked his students to write their answers on every other line.老师要求学生隔一行写出答案。Both my brothers have graduated from universities.我两个兄弟都大学毕业了。The old men had a very good time during all these last few days.这些老人在最后一段日子里过得很愉快。在限定词的搭配中,一般的顺序都是前位中位后位,中位限定词之间和前位限定词

15、之间是互相排斥的,即:两个中位限定词或两个前位限定词不能同时修饰中心词名词,而后位限定词则可以并列修饰中心词。15Mr Harrison showed us a few more samples.Tom broke his leg on New Years day. It took him the next few weeks to get over it.汤姆新年那天摔断了腿,几个星期后才恢复。The girls parents invited several hundred guests to her birthday party.女孩的父母邀请了几百名客人参加她的生日晚会。16Note:

16、限定词使用规则:限定词的分类比较复杂、难记。一般情况下,可以运用以下几条简单、实用的规则。A.把all和both放在其他限定词之前。如:The little boy ate all the food.All such problems should be considered.Both my hands were seriously hurt.B.把many / much, more / most, few / little放在其他限定词之后。如:His many successes made him famous.Johns few friends speak highly of him.W

17、ith the surrender of the enemy troops, no more fighting was expected there.C.感叹句中,把what和such放在a(n)之前。如:What a lovely girl!Ive never seen such a crowd!17四、几组限定词的用法比较(一)some, any, no的用法some, any, no同是能与单数可数名词、复数可数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。1.some和any表示“一些,若干几分”等含义,一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于疑问、否定、条件句中。Have you got any

18、aspirins?Mr White has some flowers in his garden.We havent invited any students to the party.If you want any glasses, Ill send you some.182.any 还可以用于实际上含否定意思的肯定句中。例如,含有never, without, hardly等词的肯定句。The young accountant seldom makes any error in his books.I can answer your questions without any hesita

19、tions.The noise of the party prevented me from getting any sleep.3.some可以与others连用。Some people like the sea, others prefer the mountains.Some students answered Yes and others answered No.194.如果说话人预期肯定回答时,some也可用于疑问句。Dont you give him some tickets?Ive just been shopping. Oh, did you buy some rice?”so

20、me还可用在表示劝请、请求、命令的疑问句中。Wont you have some more beer?Could you buy me some clips?5.any用于肯定句中,表示“任何,无论哪一个”。Any child would know that.206.No的含义相当于not any (a)。No cigarette is completely harmless.There were no letters for you this morning.no和any相似,它不能与另一个限定词连用。与the, my, this, that等相遇时用none of代替。None of my

21、 friends live near my house.I like none of that music.no可以和一个带ing的动词连用,表示不允许干某事,这时不能用not any代替。No Smoking!不准吸烟!No Parking!禁止停放车辆!No Waiting!禁止(车辆等)在此等候!217.有时no的意义不止是not (a)或not any,而是not at all(完全不是,决不是)。He is no fool.(= He is not a fool.)It is no easy task.(= It is not an easy task.)22(二)all, both

22、, every, each, either, neither的用法1.all, both同属前位限定词,但all可以与三类名词搭配,both只能与复数可数名词搭配,从意义上讲both指两者,all指三者或三者以上。如:How much time will you take for all this work?All children can be naughty sometimes.I got both these vases in Spain.Both cats are asleep.23all和both用于否定时表示部分否定。例如:I cannot promote both of you.

23、我不能使你们两个都提升。All flowers in his garden are not red.他花园里的花并非都是红色的。Both (of them) are not my brothers.他们两个之中,只有一个是我的兄弟。24另外,表示部分否定的词还有every (everyone)。例如:Every man can not be a poet.并非人人都可以成为诗人。要表达全部否定要用none / no (nobody) , neither, either等。例如:I cannot promote either of you.你们两个我都不能提拔。No flower in his

24、garden is red.他花园的花都不是红的。252.all 和every从意义上十分相近,都用来泛指人或物,然而两者各自与名词搭配的类别不同,every只能与单数可数名词连用。如:All Mondays are horrible.(= Every Monday is horrible. )all后可以跟the或this, my等限定词,而every却不行。例如:All the boys of this class are able to run faster than their teacher.试比较:She was here all day.她在这里呆了一整天。She was her

25、e every day. 她天天都在这里。263.every和each同属中位限定词,都可与单数名词连用,且意义相近,表示每个,然而every和each并不完全一样,every强调整体概括,each则表示个别概念。例如:Each day is better than the one before.一天比一天好。Every player was in good form.每个运动员都处于最佳状态。如果不特别强调某一意义时,every和each可以互换。例如:We want every child to succeed.我们希望每个孩子都成功。Each child will find his ow

26、n personal road to success.每个孩子将会找到他个人的成功之路。27each可以指两个或两个以上的人或东西,every却不能指两个,只能指三个以上的数量。例如:Each sex has its own physical and psychological characteristics.男女各有其身体上和心理上的特点。(不能说every sex.)另外,如有其他限定词同时修饰中心词,each可作代词取each of的形式,而every则只能作限定词。例如:Each of my parents gave me presents for Christmas.过圣诞节时我父母

27、每人都给我送了礼物。284.either 和neither 同属中位限定词,与名词连用时不能和其他限定词同用(如冠词,物主代词,或指示代词)。either 和neither都只修饰单数可数名词,动词也用单数。例如:Either day is OK.两天中哪一天都行。Neither car is exactly what I want.这两辆车都不是我想要的。There were trees and flowers on either side of the street.街两旁都有树和花。Either kind of school is quite suitable.两种学校都挺适合。29ei

28、ther也可指两个都与both的意义相近,但both后接复数名词,either则只接单数名词,而且both还可与其他限定词搭配。例如:Both (of) my children have been to America.另外,当either, neither与其他限定词连用时,则使用either of, neither of结构。例如:Either of the girls is quite capable of the work.两位女孩都能胜任这项工作。Neither of his cats has been fed.他的两只猫都还没喂。30注意:此时动词用单数,不能用复数。但在否定句中却

29、常用复数,neither of后单复数动词都可以,只是复数常用在非正式文体中。例如:I dont think either of the girls are capable of the work.我认为这两个女孩都不能胜任这项工作。Neither of your two answers is correct.你的两个回答都不正确。31KEYSTO EXERCISES32P.63. Ex. 6A1. A2. A3. B4. D5. B6. C7. C8. C9. D10. B11. A12. C13. A14. B15. C16. D17. B18. D19. C20. D33P.65.Ex.

30、6B1. books2. end3. words4. news5. weeks6. sign7. money8. intelligence9. books10. line11. sentences12. strength13. apple, money, etc14. case15. nurses16. bales17. novel, ones18. years, cause19. rooms20. cases34Ex. 6C1. B2. D3. C4. A5. D6. B7. D8. B9. D10. C11. B12. B13. C14. A15. B16. C17. D18. D19.

31、C20. C35P. 67. Ex. 6D1. little opportunity to travel.2. many such novels.3. /Neither sentence is correct English.4. He has many more problems5. this kind of apple / these kind of apples.6. I enjoy either kind, 7. every book in the fiction section.8. than in any other country in the world.9. a great

32、amount of rainfall this year than there was last year.10. all this luggage / all the luggage at the airport.3611. such beautiful poetry / such a beautiful poem that is hard to believe she has never had a formal education.12. a great many friends in New York.13. Whatever nonsense14. that third sister

33、 of his15. I cant for the life of me remember.16. Presumably there are few / less diseases17. than all other methods.18. once every three months.19. study of language.20. some more soup?37P. 68. Ex. 6E1. How much work have you done this morning?2. To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labor.3.

34、 Hes done the least work.4. There are several methods of approaching this problem.5. I know little French.6. There must be less empty talk but more practical work.7. Were there many people at the reception?8. May I have a few words with you?9. There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yes

35、terday.10. Harry made the fewest mistakes.3811. Youve learned more poetry and done more exercises than I have.12. Jacks done the most work and made the most mistakes.13. Hes done a lot of work and made a lot of mistakes.14. A millionaire has lots of money and lots of worries.15. Anna has enough worr

36、ies because she hasnt got enough money.16. The telephone rang every few minutes.17. We have been persisting in making the experiment all these last few cold days.18. Both his next books on English linguistics will come out in 1992.19. Soon we learned that we had to wait another three more weeks.20.

37、My brother spent $500 for a secondhand car, but I spent almost twice the amount for the same stuff. 39P. 73. Ex. 6F1. much2. many3. any4. some5. some, any6. any7. Some, any8. many9. few10. little11. fewer12. little / less13. either14. either, neither15. Both16. All17. none18. every19. each20. any, a

38、ll40P. 75 Ex. 7A1. 02. 03. the, an4.the5. 06. the, the, the7. 0, a8. 0, the9. a, the10. the4111. 0, the12. A13. the, the14. the15. 0, 016. 0, the17. 0, a, an, a, the18. the, the, a, the19. the, the, the, the, the, the20. a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 / a42P.76. Ex. 7B1.a 2. the3. a 4. a5. a2.6. an 7. the8. th

39、e 9. a10. the11. 0 12. the13. a 14. the15. a16. 0, 17. the18. a 19. a20. a / the21. an 22. the23. a 24. 025. an26. the 27. the28. the 29. the30. a31. the32. the33. a34. a35. the36. the37. the38. the39. an40. 041. 042. 043. a44. a45. The46. 047. the48. a49. the50. the51. the43P, 82. Ex. 7CF refers to

40、 the first one while S the second one.1.S2. F3. S4. F5. S2.6. S7. F8. S9. F10. S11. F12. S13. F14. S15. F16. S17. S18. Jones and Smith19. S20. S21. F22. F23. F24. S25. S26. S27. S28. S29. F30. F31. F32. F33. S34. F35. S36. S37. F38. F39. F40. F44P. 8384 Ex. 7DI1. the2. a3. the4. a5.his6.the7.my8.a9.

41、the10.the11.the12.013.a14.a15.Sams16.the17.A18.the19.The20、His21.the22.her23.your45II1.a2.the3.another4.an5.the6.a7.an8.a9.an10.011.012.a13.the14.the15.Each16.a17.the18.the19.a20.other21.the22.another23.the24.a25.the26.the46P. 84 Ex. 7E1. on the spot 2. from top to bottom3. on hand4. at the front5.

42、in a fashion6. taken a fancy to7. in case of8. took the fancy of9. in trouble, lend a hand10. went by the board4711. within reach of12. on top of13. In the case of14. in the shade15. at a loss16. in possession of17. in the possession of18. under cover19. burn daylight20. at short notice48P. 85 Ex. 7

43、F1. Light travels faster than sound.2. Be quiet, please. Dont let me hear a sound.3. In writing English, after each word we leave a space.4. This box occupies too much space.5. After a big meal, you should take a rest.6. Everybody needs food, drink and rest.7. He did it all out of kindness.8. Thank

44、you. You have done me a kindness. 9. He lives close at hand.10. The children suffered a lot at the hands of their stepfather.4911. Have you got an EnglishFrench dictionary?12. Have you got an English and a French dictionary? 13. How do you like the red and white roses in my garden?14. How do you lik

45、e the red (roses) and the white roses in my garden?15. He is still in hospital. 16. Im going to the hospital to see him.17. There is a garden in front of the house.18. There is a picture in the front of the book.19. This style of dress is no longer in fashion.20. She likes to read about the latest f

46、ashions.5021. Dont talk too much at table.22. My friend was sitting at the table writing a letter.23. When we called, his family were at dinner.24. When we called, his family was giving a dinner.25. The students take / took quite a fancy to their teacher.26. The exhibits in the hall soon took the fa

47、ncy of the visitors.27. The old man is in possession of a huge fortune.28. The island was once in the possession of Great Britain.29. You must immediately consult a doctor in case of illness.30. Pauline is stupid, but it is different in the case of Mary; she is just lazy.51Notes on some determinersH

48、is brother has become a doctor. His brother has become doctor.Sykes had turned an informer and told thepolice where to find his fellow gang members. Sykes had turned informer and told thepolice where to find his fellow gang members. 表示状态转换的连系动词如turn 等后面作表语的单数可数名词前一般用零冠词。52She was elected the Chair o

49、f the Board of Governors. She was elected Chair of the Board of Governors.Hes a competent enough officer, but I doubt hell ever make a general. Hes a competent enough officer, but I doubt hell ever make (=become a) general. 可数名词用于表示职务、头衔,在句中充当表语、同位语、宾语补足语或主语补足语时,该名词前常常用零冠词53Because fuel supplies are

50、 finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _ solar heating device in our home.A. some type of B. some type of aC. some types of a D. some types of答案:Adevice 为可数名词,所以 type 应用单数形式,而且 type / sort / kind of 后接的名词通常用零冠词。 例如:He is a perfect type of scholar. He is a kind of genius. This

51、kind of book is interesting. This sort of animal is very rare. = Animals of this sort are very rare.54e.g.He is in bed with cold. They were at table when I went in.The Captain said the ship would put to sea at six in the morning.I ask you to give ear to my advice. His father is in prison. He must lo

52、ok after his sick mother. 当可数名词用于强调该名词所指物的功能时,该名词前一般用零冠词,意为进行某项活动。卧床吃饭开航听坐牢55I was a fool enough to believe him. I was fool enough to believe him.He is a doctor enough to cure your disease. He is doctor enough to cure your disease.被enough, no 等修饰的可数名词作表语时,一般用零冠词。例如:He is no teacher.She is no singer.

53、他根本不会教书。她根本不会唱歌。56Give out the meaning of the following: time after time day by day word for word hand in hand shoulder to shoulder from time to timeBoy is boy.可数名词 + 介词 + 同一可数名词时,名词前一般用零冠词。一次又一次日复一日逐字手牵手肩并肩经常男孩子毕竟是男孩子57He is as a clever student as I have ever known. He is as clever a student as I h

54、ave ever known. He is a student as clever as I have ever known.He is a too weak man to walk such a long way. He is too weak a man to walk such a long way.表示程度的副词as / so / too 等修饰形容词时,一般放在该形容词之前,而限定词则放在形容词之后,名词之前。581. What a diligent student he is!2. I have never seen such a nice present.3. Professor

55、 Li is quite a good man.4. These exercises will take you half an hour.5. All the students have done their homework.名词词组的一般顺序是: a very clever young studentdeter.adv.adj.adj.n.但是在上述情况下,冠词一般后置于what, such, quite, rather, half 等之后59【201062】 Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. All his lectur

56、es are very interesting.B. Half their savings were goneC. Many his friends came to the party.D. Both his sisters are nurses.Key: C60【辨析】当不止一个限定词用于限定同一个名词时,限定词自身也有顺序排列的要求。按语法要求,通常是“前位限定词 + 中位限定词 + 后位限定词 + (修饰语)+ 名词”, all, both, half属于前位限定词,my, your, his等属于中位限定词,而many, much等属于后位限定词。本题问的是:下面哪个句子不对。按照限定

57、词位置的要求,应选答案【C】。61【200857】 Which of the following is INCORRECT? A. All his lectures were boring.B. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.C. Half his money has gone.D. He invited many his friends to the party.Key: D62【200660】Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land. A.

58、 no such a B. not suchC. not such aD. no such【辨析】 no 与such连用,否定单数名词时,后面接零冠词,如:No such thing has ever happened. 从未发生过这类事情。Darling, Munnys told you before, theres no such thing as ghosts! 亲爱的,妈妈以前告诉过你,世上是没有鬼这种东西的。如果名词前有all, any, few, many, no, one, some等限定词时,such 要放在这些词的后面,如:All such possibilities mus

59、t be considered. 所有这些可能性都应该考虑到。宜选答案【D】 句意: 土地属于全体居民, 没有什么象土地私有之类的东西。63【199460】_ human problems that repeat themselves in _ life repeat themselves in _ literature. A. /, /, the B. /, the, / C. The, /, / D. The, the, the【辨析】human problem前用限定词the是因为后面有定语从句that repeat themselves in life。故被限定。而life和liter

60、ature在此是泛指,故不用限定词。宜选答案【C】 句意:在生活中反复出现的问题在文学作品中也会反复出现。64201056 Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? 【2010】A. They each have two tickets.B. They cost twenty yuan each.C. Each they have bought the same book.D. They were given two magazines each.Key: C65【201252】 Which of the following determiners (限定词) can be placed before both sigular count nouns and plural count nouns?A. many aB. fewC. suchD. the nextKey: D66【201159】 The additional work will take _ weeks.A. the otherB. another twoC. other twoD. the moreKey: B67THANK YOU.68



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