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1、Module III Unit 41.Whats the meaning of the word “Astronomy”?I. Warming upthe science of stars;the scientific study of stars and planets.2. What words will you think of when we talk about this topic? star, planet, the sun / moon / earth, solar system 恒星恒星 行星行星 太阳太阳 月球月球 地球地球 太阳系太阳系 3. How many plane

2、ts are in the solar system? Scientists now think Pluto is too small to be called a planet.4. Do you know the correct order of their distance to the sun? nearest to the sun? farthest to the sun?5. The names of eight planets.MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune1) 水星水星2) 金星金星3) 地球地球4) 火星火星5)

3、 木星木星6) 土星土星7) 天王星天王星8) 海王星海王星Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Uranus Saturn Neptune6. Put them in correct order on P25.Do you know their origin?II. Pre-reading1.Have you ever asked your mother, “Mom, where do I come from”?2. Nearly everybody has this or that puzzles:How do human beings come into be

4、ing?How does the earth come into being?3. In China, there are two legends about these puzzles. Do you know the names?盘古开天辟地盘古开天辟地 女娲补天造人女娲补天造人 4. In the western culture, who creates everything in the world?III. Fast-reading1.Do you believe in such stories? Are they based on science?2. In this unit,

5、well learn something more scientific.3. Whats the title of the text?4. From the title, we can predict that the text may tell us the origin of life on the earth.5. Which question are you interested in in this text?1) How old is the earth?2) How does the universe begin?3) Is there any water in the Mar

6、s?4) When did dinosaurs disappear?5) Which animal is the most important one on the earth?6. Do you know which paragraph you can find out the answer?7. Conclude the main idea of each paragraph.1) A widely _ about the _ of the universe.2) The formation of the _.3) The _ of water for life.4) The develo

7、pment of _ and _ on the earth.5) The arrival of _ and their _ on the earth.The text mainly tells us the _ of the earth and the _ of life on it.8. The main idea of Reading1.Ex.1 on P27theoryoriginearthimportanceplantsanimalshumansinfluence/ effectformationdevelopment Detailed reading This text can ma

8、inly divided into two stagesStage 1 : The development of the earthStage 2 : The development of life(para 13)(para 45)Stage 1: The development of the earth(1) After the Big Bang, what was the earth like? a cloud of dust a solid globe exploded with fire and rock produced water vapour and gases(2) What

9、 happened next?(3) What did the water vapour and gases form?the earths atmosphere Water appeared(4) What appeared as the earth cooled down?water is important for the beginning of life on the earth. Why is water so important for the beginning of life? Because water allowed the earth to dissolve harmf

10、ul gases into oceans and seas.Stage2 The development of life small plants appears in water 1.What life developed after water appeared?Shellfish and all sorts of fish 2.What life developed in water next? green plants began to grow on land insects appeared3.What about the life on land?amphibians on la

11、nd and in the waterforests4. What life developed next on land? reptiles appeared dinosaur developed 5.What life developed after forests appeared?mammals on land6.What life developed after dinosaurs? small clever animals7. What life developed after mammals? 1.Who are the small clever animals with han

12、ds and feet? 2. Are they taking care of the earth well? Why? Because they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.The earth may become too hot to live on .Can you fill in the blanks?23456789101 small plants in watershellfis

13、h and all sorts of fish insects reptilesamphibiansmammalsdinosaurs humansplantsanimalsGreen plants on landforests1. Insects and amphibians appeared. 3. The earth became a solid ball.5. Reptiles appeared. 7. The earth was a cloud of dust9. Shellfish and other fish appeared.11. Clever animals with han

14、ds and feet appeared2. Dinosaurs appeared. 4.Small plants grew on the water.6. Plants began to grow on dry land.8. Water appeared on the earth10. The universe began with a “Big Band”.12. Mammals appeared.831091151741262Can you put the order of development of life into a time line?Ex.2 on P27How life

15、 began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.What other puzzles are hidden in the passage?Ex.5 on P27How does the universe(earth) form?Why did the earth cool down?Why did water disappear on other planet?How did the dinosaur disappear ?summaryAfter the “big bang”,

16、 the earth was still just a cloud of _,it _loudly with fire and rock, which were _ to produce the_, water vapour and other gases. Then _ began to appeared on the earth. dustexplodedin timecarbonwater _ in water are considered to be the earliest lives on the earth. The O2they supplied encouraged the

17、lives of_. Slowly green plants grew on land, which were followed by _like insects & _. When the plants grew into_, _ appeared. Then _ developed but disappeared later, which made the rise of a totally different animal,_, possible, and finally _ spread all over the world.shell-fish and fishamphibiansforestsreptilesdinosaursmammalhumansThe small plantsland animals 1. Finish the exercise 1and 2 on page 63 2. Read the text again and find out your difficult points.Homework:



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