2012英语词汇篇人教版必修2 unit 3《Computers》课件

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1、 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:语给他写一封电子邮件: (20102010山东)山东)1. 表示歉意;表示歉意;2. 解释原因;解释原因;3. 另约时间。另约时间。注意:注意:1. 词数词数120150; 2. 可适当增加细节。可适当增加细节。范文背诵范文背诵To:Tom Subject:Cancel travelling to BeijingDear Tom, We made

2、an appointment to go on a trip to Beijing together next weekend, but I am very sorry to inform you that I can not go with you this time. Last night, my mother suddenly fell ill and my father and I were so worried that we took her to hospital. The doctorchecked her over and said she was over-worked a

3、nd needed to stay at home and rest for a week. My father has to go on a business trip next week, so I have to look after my mother during that time. Anyway, we will have many more chances to visit Beijing. Shall we make it on July 14 and July 15, when I will have some time available? Thank you for y

4、our understanding. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua句型背诵句型背诵 We made an appointment to go on a trip to Beijing together next weekend.I am very sorry to inform you that I can not go with you this time.Thank you for your understanding. I am looking forward to your early reply.1.

5、_ vt.计算计算 _ n.计算计算2. _ adj.普遍的普遍的;通用的通用的;宇宙的宇宙的 _ n.宇宙宇宙3. _ vt.简化简化 _ adj.简单的简单的 _ adv.简直简直;只不过只不过4. _ n. 革命革命 _ adj.革命的;革命的;n.革命者革命者5. _ adj.人造的人造的;假的假的 _ adj.人造的人造的 _ adj.假的假的6. _ n.智力智力;聪明;智能聪明;智能 _ adj.智能的智能的;聪明的聪明的7. _ vt.解决解决;解答解答 _ n.解决方法解决方法8. _ adj.私人的私人的;个人的个人的;亲自的亲自的 _ adv.就个人而言,亲自就个人而言,

6、亲自9. _ adj.总的,整个的总的,整个的;n.总数总数;合计合计 _ adv.完全地完全地;整个地整个地10. _ n.应用应用;用途用途;申请申请 _ v.应用应用;用途用途;申请申请11. _ vt.& vi.探索探索;探测探测;探究探究 _ n.探索者探索者 _ n.探索探索;探测探测12. _ / _ adv.无论如何无论如何;即使如此即使如此13. _ n. 类型类型;vt.& vi.打字打字 _ n.打字员打字员 _ n.打字机打字机14. _ vi.出现出现;发生发生(形近词)(形近词) _ vi.上升上升;升起升起 _ vt.升起升起;提高提高;种植种植;饲养饲养;抚养抚

7、养15. _ adj.电子的电子的 _ n.电电 _ adj.电的,电动的电的,电动的 _ adj.与电有关的与电有关的答案答案:1. calculate; calculation 2. universal; universe3. simplify; simple; simply 4. revolution; revolutionary5. artificial; man-made; fake 6. intelligence; intelligent7. solve; solution 8. personal; personally 9. total; totally10. applicati

8、on; apply 11. explore; explorer; exploration12. anyhow/anyway 13. type; typist; typewriter14. arise; rise; raise 15. electronic; electricity; electric; electrical1. from. _ 从从时起时起 2. _ a result 结果结果3. _.that. 如此如此以致于以致于 4. human _ 人类人类5. _ a way 在某种程度上在某种程度上 6. _ the help of 在在的帮助下的帮助下7. deal _ 处理处理

9、;安排安排;对付对付 8. watch _ 看守看守;监视监视9. have . _ common 有共同之处有共同之处 10. go _ 走过;过去;流逝走过;过去;流逝答案答案:1. on 2. as 3. so 4. race 5. in 6. with 7. with 8. over 9. in 10. by1. I developed very slowly and it _ nearly two hundred years _ I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯我

10、发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。一台分析机。2. And my memory became _ _ _ even I couldnt believe it!我的存储容量变得如此巨大,连我自己都不能相信!我的存储容量变得如此巨大,连我自己都不能相信!答案答案:1. took; before 2. so large that1. common adj.共同的,普遍的;常见的共同的,普遍的;常见的The common man in every country is anxious for world peace.每个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。每

11、个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。Snow is common in cold countries.在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。常用结构:常用结构:in common共有,公用(在句中多作状语)共有,公用(在句中多作状语)have nothing/little/a lot/something in common (with).与与没有没有/很少很少/许多许多/有些共同之处有些共同之处in common with和和一样一样 common sense常识常识【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子我和简毫无共同之处。我和简毫无共同之处。 I have nothing _ _ _ Ja

12、ne. 她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。 _ _ _ many others, she applied for a training place.答案答案:in common with In common with2. arise vi. 出现;发生;起身,起床出现;发生;起身,起床How did the argument arise?这场争论是怎样发生的这场争论是怎样发生的?She arose from her seat.她从座位上站起来。她从座位上站起来。用法点拨:用法点拨: arise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。作是不及物动词,没有被动语态。作“出现,发生出

13、现,发生”讲时,主语多为抽象名词,如讲时,主语多为抽象名词,如argument/quarrel/movement等。等。arise from 由由而引起,由而引起,由而产生。而产生。【易混辨析易混辨析】原形原形过去式过去式过去分词过去分词v.-ingarise vi.出现,出现,发生,起因于发生,起因于arosearisenarisingarouse vt.唤醒,唤醒,激起激起arousedarousedarousingrise vi. 升起,升起,增长,上升增长,上升rosenriserisingraise vt.举起,举起,唤起;提高,唤起;提高,饲养饲养raisedraisedraisi

14、ng【即学即练即学即练】选词填空(选词填空(arise/arouse/rise/raise)New questions will _ from such situation.His strange behaviour _ our surprise. The price of garlic has _ /has been _ since 2010.答案答案:arise aroused risen/raised 3. in a way 在某种程度上(表示对情况的态度)在某种程度上(表示对情况的态度)In a way, I like his style of writing.从某种程度上讲,我喜欢他

15、写作的风格。从某种程度上讲,我喜欢他写作的风格。In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes. 从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。【联想拓展联想拓展】No way!没门没门!in one way= in some ways在某方面在某方面in no way 决不,无论如何不(位于句首要用倒装)决不,无论如何不(位于句首要用倒装)on ones way to 在去在去的路上的路上 by the way 顺便说顺便说 all the way 一路上;始终一路上;始终 in every way 在各方

16、面在各方面in the way=in ones way 挡住去路;碍事挡住去路;碍事【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空I cant see the word on the blackboard. Your head is _. A. on the wayB. in a way C. by the wayD. in the way解析:选解析:选D。in the way和和in ones way,均表示,均表示“挡住去路;碍事挡住去路;碍事”之意。由句意可知,之意。由句意可知,D项符合。项符合。4. as a result 结果,因此结果,因此He made a big mistake, an

17、d, as a result, lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。用法点拨:用法点拨: as a result 表示表示“因此,结果因此,结果”,单独使用,作连接性,单独使用,作连接性状语,起承上启下的作用。状语,起承上启下的作用。as a result of 表示表示“由于由于,作为,作为结果结果”,后接名词或代词,在句子中用来引导原因状语。后接名词或代词,在句子中用来引导原因状语。【联想拓展联想拓展】as a result of 由于由于 result from由由引起;由于(意思等同于引起;由于(意思等同于lie in)result in结

18、果;导致(意思等同于结果;导致(意思等同于lead to)He didnt pass the exam as a result of his carelessness.他由于粗心而没有通过考试。他由于粗心而没有通过考试。His success results from his hard work.他的成功源于自身的努力。他的成功源于自身的努力。Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事之前不加考虑总会导致失败。做事之前不加考虑总会导致失败。【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子 他考试不及格是粗心造成的。他考试不及格是粗心造成的。 Hi

19、s failure in the exam _ _ _ _ his carelessness. 这场意外事故导致熊猫这场意外事故导致熊猫“龙龙龙龙”的死亡。的死亡。 The accident_ _ the death of panda “LongLong”. 答案答案:as a result of resulted in单项填空单项填空He fell _ the bike and broke his leg as _ . A. down;resultB. off;a result C. onto;a result of D. to;a result of 解析:选解析:选B。考查固定搭配。考查

20、固定搭配。fall off意思是意思是“从从上掉下来上掉下来”;as a result的意思是的意思是“因而;结果是因而;结果是”。5. make up 化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party. 她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时。她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时。Stop making things up!不要胡编了不要胡编了!【联想拓展联想拓展】make up for 补偿补偿be made up of = consist of 由由组成组成make for 有利

21、于有利于,有助于,有助于;走向;冲向;走向;冲向make it 及时赶到;办成功及时赶到;办成功 make it up 和解;讲和和解;讲和make known 使知晓;传达使知晓;传达 make out 理解;懂得;辨认出理解;懂得;辨认出make fun of 取笑;捉弄取笑;捉弄 make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通有意义;有道理;讲得通make sure 确信确信A bike is made up of many different parts.自行车由不同的零件组成。自行车由不同的零件组成。【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子我们需要我们需要50美元以补足所需要的数目。美元以

22、补足所需要的数目。 We need $50 to _ _ _ the sum required.那位经理的字迹很难辨认。那位经理的字迹很难辨认。 It was difficult to _ _ the managers handwriting.答案答案:make up for make out单项填空单项填空In Singapore, a southeastern Asian country, the Chinese people _ the largest percentage of its population, so you can speak Chinese there. A. mak

23、e up B. take up C. hold up D. turn up 解析:选解析:选A。 make up意为意为“编造,弥补;组成,构成编造,弥补;组成,构成”;take up意为意为“拿起来,占据拿起来,占据(时间或空间时间或空间)”;hold up 意为意为“阻止阻止”;turn up意为意为“开大,调高,出现开大,调高,出现”。由句意知应选。由句意知应选A。6. after all 毕竟,终究毕竟,终究Dont get discouraged by setbacks, we are new to the work after all. 别因挫折而灰心别因挫折而灰心,我们毕竟不熟悉

24、这项工作。我们毕竟不熟悉这项工作。He did come after all. 他终究还是来了。他终究还是来了。【联想拓展联想拓展】有关有关all的常见短语:的常见短语:at all根本,完全;到底,究竟;既然根本,完全;到底,究竟;既然 not at all一点也不一点也不in all总共,共计总共,共计 above all首先;最重要的是首先;最重要的是first of all首先首先 all in all总之总之【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空You should go to see him when he is so seriously ill. _ ,he is your bro

25、ther. (2010(2010铜陵高一质铜陵高一质检检) )A. In all B. At all C. Above all D. After all解析解析:选选D。句意为:他病得这么厉害,你应该去看他,毕竟他是你。句意为:他病得这么厉害,你应该去看他,毕竟他是你兄弟。兄弟。in all 总共,共计;总共,共计;at all根本;根本;above all 首先;首先;after all毕竟,毕竟,别忘了。根据句意,应选别忘了。根据句意,应选D。The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings; _ , it caused 20

26、 deaths. A. or else B. therefore C. after all D. besides解析:选解析:选D。由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示。由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“另外,除此之外另外,除此之外”,只有只有D项与句意相符。项与句意相符。7. Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!(!(P18)随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一

27、头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!So/Such.that意思为意思为“如此如此以致于以致于”引导结果状语从句。引导结果状语从句。【联想拓展联想拓展】由由so构成的常见句型:构成的常见句型: adj./adv.+ that-clauseso+ adj.+ a/an+单数可数名词单数可数名词 + that-clause many/much/few/little +n.+ that-clause 注意:注意:so与与many/few/little/much 连用,但当连用,但当little修饰可数名词指大修饰可数名词指大小时可与小时可与such连用。连

28、用。由由such构成的常见句型:构成的常见句型: a/an+adj.+单数可数名词单数可数名词 + that-clause such+ 复数名词复数名词+that-clause adj.+不可数名词不可数名词+that-clauseShes so ill that she cant get out of bed.她病得很重,都下不了床了。她病得很重,都下不了床了。These are such interesting books that children like to read them. 这些书很有趣,孩子们都喜欢读。这些书很有趣,孩子们都喜欢读。温馨提示:温馨提示:so that 既可以

29、表达结果,又可以表达目的,表目的时既可以表达结果,又可以表达目的,表目的时相当于相当于in order that。I stopped so that you could catch up.我停下来以便你能赶上。我停下来以便你能赶上。so.that.结构中的结构中的so+形容词形容词/副词位于句首时,主句要倒装。副词位于句首时,主句要倒装。So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.他工作那么努力,几乎不回家。他工作那么努力,几乎不回家。such.as.中的中的as引导的是一个定语从句。引导的是一个定语从句。【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单项填空Wh

30、at a beautiful day! Yes, its _ that Id like to take a walk. A. such nice weatherB. so a nice weather C. too nice weather D. nice weather so解析解析:选选A。因为此处。因为此处weather是中心词,且为不可数名词,所以不是中心词,且为不可数名词,所以不能加冠词。能加冠词。He knows _ to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesnt know to do. A. what; how B. wha

31、t; what C. how; what D. how; how解析解析:选选C。作。作“对待,处理对待,处理”解时,解时,do with 和和deal with同义,同义,deal with与与how搭配,搭配,do with与与what搭配。后一句中搭配。后一句中what作作do的宾语。的宾语。故选故选C。. 单词拼写单词拼写1. I _(实在实在) cant do such stupid behaviour. 2. Now students are in need of good _(科技的科技的) books badly. 3. Use your _ (聪明才智聪明才智), and y

32、oure sure to achieve something. 4. Im afraid that your way of doing the job is _ (完全地完全地) wrong. 5. The new buildings have changed the _ (特点特点) of the village.6. The railway _ (信号信号) showed that the train could pass.7. I have c _ that there are 10, 080 minutes in a week. 8. The army officers led a r

33、 _ against the king. 9. P _, I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him.10. The principals a _ at the party didnt seem to be very welcome.答案答案:1. simply 2. technological 3. intelligence 4. totally5. character 6. signal 7. calculated 8. revolution9. Personally 10. appearance. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空用

34、方框内所给短语的适当形式填空with the help of/make up/after all/so .that./deal within a way/watch over/have.in common/in fact/go by1. She didnt want to go to the party, so she _ an excuse.2. Lili and Lucy are twins, and they _ much_ .3. _his teacher, he had made greater progress in his English.4. The new teacher i

35、s fresh from university, so he really doesnt know how to _ his badly behaved students.5. Well, the story is too much for Mary. She cant understand it. _, shes only two.6. As time_ , the little girl is getting prettier and prettier.7. _ , his biology has improved, but there is still a long way to go.

36、 8. They told me it would be cheap, but _ it cost me nearly $500.9. He was _angry _ he left the room without saying a word.10. The driver hurt in the accident _ in hospital all the time by the doctor yesterday.答案答案:1. made up 2. have;in common 3. With the help of4. deal with 5. After all 6. goes by

37、7. In a way 8. in fact9. so;that 10. was being watched over. 同义句转换同义句转换 1.Tom has changed much. I cant recognize him at the first sight. Tom has changed _ much _ I cant recognize him at the first sight.2. We have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past year. A lot of e-mails _ on the co

38、mputer in the past year by us.3. As the years have gone on, computers have been made smaller and smaller. As the years have gone on, people _ _ computers smaller and smaller.4. He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box. He is _ a _ boy he can carry the heavy box.5. Luckily, Id bought a new com

39、puter. I would have failed to finish my novel without it. Luckily, I d bought a new computer _ _ I would have failed to finish my novel.答案答案:1. so;that 2. have been written 3. have made4. such;strong;that 5. without which. 完成句子完成句子1. You can easily _ _(交流交流)people all over the world by Internet.2. C

40、omputer companies love _ _ (编制编制) some new programmes to replace the old ones.3. This kind of computer is specially _ _ (为为设计设计)the teachers and students. 4. _ _ _ _ (在在帮助下帮助下)computers, youll find it not difficult to share information. 5. It costs much to buy a computer for each teacher, but _ _ (毕

41、竟毕竟), it is well worth doing.答案答案:1. communicate with 2. making up3. designed for 4. With the help of 5. after all . 单项填空单项填空1. Would you please help me post the letter on your way to the school? _. A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. Its a pleasure D. A pleasure解析:选解析:选A。with pleasure是对别人请求帮助的回答,而其他

42、选项是对别人请求帮助的回答,而其他选项是对别人感谢的回答。是对别人感谢的回答。2. Don t punish him. _, he is only a small child. A. After all B. At all C. Not at all D. In all解析:选解析:选A。after all经常用来表达经常用来表达“提醒提醒”,意为,意为“别忘了别忘了”;at all用在疑问句或否定句中起加强语气的作用;用在疑问句或否定句中起加强语气的作用;not at all意为意为“一点一点也不也不”;in all意为意为“总计;总共总计;总共”。3. They finished the

43、task ahead of time _ the help of their teacher and classmates. A. under B. with C. at D. to 解析:选解析:选B。with the help of在在的帮助下,为固定搭配。的帮助下,为固定搭配。4. Two years had _ before we knew what happened. A. gone on B. gone by C. come on D. come by 解析:选解析:选B。考查短语辨析。考查短语辨析。go on发生;发生;go by经过;经过;come on快点;快点;come b

44、y过来。由句意可知应选过来。由句意可知应选B。5. The women water the trees _ they will grow well. A. so as to B. in order to C. so that D. to解析:选解析:选C。so as to, in order to后都可以接目的状语,但需用动词后都可以接目的状语,但需用动词原形,而原形,而so that后跟从句。后跟从句。6. Strange! The two brothers have nothing _. A. to common B. common C. in common D. with common解

45、析:选解析:选C。in common为固定搭配,意为为固定搭配,意为“共同共同”。7. When and where to build the new factory_ . A. have not been decided B. have not decided C. are not decided D. has not been decided解析:选解析:选D。分析句子结构可知,此处的主语是。分析句子结构可知,此处的主语是when and where看看作是整体概念,谓语动词用单数。作是整体概念,谓语动词用单数。8. The more you study maths, _. A. you

46、will feel easier B. easier you will feel C. the easier you will feel D. the more easier you will feel解析:选解析:选C。考查。考查the more.the more句型。句意为:你学数学越多,句型。句意为:你学数学越多,你感觉就越容易。你感觉就越容易。9. Though he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, but he was only_ . A. in no way B. in a way C. in the way D. in

47、one way解析:选解析:选C。in the way妨碍;妨碍;in no way决不;决不;in a way从某种程度从某种程度上,与上,与 in one way意思相同。由句意知应选意思相同。由句意知应选C。10. How to _ this matter is worth thinking. A. do of B. do about C. deal with D. deal of解析:选解析:选C。deal with处理处理,符合句意。符合句意。11. Its a big task. I dont think he _finish it before 6 p.m. A. unique

48、B. merely C. only D. alone解析:选解析:选D。句意为:这是一项重大任务。我认为他一个人在下午。句意为:这是一项重大任务。我认为他一个人在下午6点之前无法完成它。点之前无法完成它。alone可用于名词或代词后,意为可用于名词或代词后,意为“唯一,只有,唯一,只有,独自独自”。12. Have you looked through the plan? Not yet. This plan is _ careful consideration. A. short of B. fond of C. proud of D. worthy of解析:选解析:选D。句意为:。句意为

49、:你看这个计划了吗?你看这个计划了吗?还没有,但这还没有,但这个计划值得仔细考虑。个计划值得仔细考虑。13. It was _ of you to share your food with me. That all right. A. sharp B. dull C. mean D. generous解析:选解析:选D。句意为:。句意为:你把食物分给我真是太慷慨了。你把食物分给我真是太慷慨了。没没什么。什么。generous 慷慨的,大方的;慷慨的,大方的;sharp 锋利的,敏锐的;锋利的,敏锐的;dull 迟迟钝的,单调的;钝的,单调的;mean 小气的,吝啬的,依照句意选小气的,吝啬的,

50、依照句意选D。14. Their cheerful voice showed they were having a _ discussion. A. noisy B. serious C. complete D. friendly解析:选解析:选D。cheerful voice表明讨论应是表明讨论应是“友好的友好的”。15. Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious _. A. even B. either C. then D. though 解析:选解析:选D。副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词和其他副词,或整个。副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词和其他副词,或整个句子。根据句意可知答案。句子。根据句意可知答案。though作副词用时,意为作副词用时,意为“然而然而”,放,放在句末。在句末。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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