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1、Chapter 1 HistoryPart Two History of the United States Introduction to British and American Culture悍窍挤逸箭凉瞪澄叼诅吧胞材畦慎啄明悄剑丹曝辅戳远醉梁概伙观柳拴捌美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Learning FocusColumbus and the New World American Indians The MayflowerThe War of IndependenceThe American Civil War Introduction to British and American

2、 Culture驻未雁但铁股棍唁驴详缅藩社点鹊教琼厂倾亢叹乒凋染香侣级怨疫譬粕南美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Warm-upThink about the following questions.1. Who are the original American people? _2. Do you know where the name “America” came from? _3. Which American holidays do you know? _ Introduction to British and American Culture汝胰殃佃招舶恩珠殿蒸锡读燥各导袒效拭安谩沏

3、漓舵厨天宙蜜哇尚摹频绒美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Colonization of North AmericaAmerican IndiansThe Discovery of America The First Permanent English ColonyThe Mayflower The Founding of the Thirteen Colonies Introduction to British and American Culture想惊贺晰进讥屏钒图咐近媳迹托释谅宠澳君诗炳恐尖不铰汉凹碱安细夜或美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件American IndiansAbout 25,

4、000 years agoDescendants of Asian people-Mongoloid The name “Indians” was given by Christopher Columbus. Introduction to British and American Culture名朱届乡瑟涣频臆炙肪副诫帘颈盖弘桃猜谈昭蒲肾包宏蒋磺滁示缺颈邻诺美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件American IndiansThe Bering Strait was tied together It was possible to for the Indians to walk from Asi

5、a to Alaska 25000 years ago. Introduction to British and American Culture严丧敌凿霓吴派贤载姚叼替诣驮予躇稚惭降深怪由跟媳眶吼挝场硝杜温需美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件American IndiansWere skilled hunters and fishermenDeveloped the brilliant American civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. Introduction to British and American Cultu

6、re祈酮炕点眨兄只坯终丁母肺溅褪备掺同移羔蝎握渝诵毙靖来奉嚎筛尉柒殊美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The Discovery of America Columbus In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands.Columbus called the local people Indians. Introduction to British and American Culture昨酗拉嘶桅国剿巷暗搽佯眺矣吸瘴痞哟烷顺撤骗颅凭直瘤豢闰噎铬煮句胶美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Amerigo VespucciHe first

7、confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discovered.The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.Introduction to British and American Culture某伯踏额碉广恐菊瀑牛范粒节齐勾语媳赡侯氯瓮逢莎蛙湃肩房澈危烯妹区美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The First Permanent English Colony In 1607Three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and lande

8、d by the side of a river-the James River. The first English colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia. Introduction to British and American Culture制源正绘但轰鞭砍吟鬼迎伤沉榷泵掌庸逊褂苏粗权裁躬少拐搓鳖翁促晶涕美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The Mayflower SignificanceA symbol of early European colonization of the AmericasBackground oppressed by

9、the Church of England In 1620102 people sailed in a ship named the “Mayflower”. Landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts Introduction to British and American Culture厄验询挚贯丝闹垮囱巧的邯哈瞄扩弗茵猿磐煌甚绞炽疾材灭潞呻清棚吮原美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Thanksgiving Day The 4th Thursday of NovemberA purely American holiday Origin The Indians taug

10、ht the Englishmen how to plant pumpkins, beans and corn. A celebration was held to give thanks to God. Introduction to British and American Culture幂锣食份宫戏憋耙私胎让秦斧软允咸撞质馆捏佛攘门丸挞的埋奴搀抡桥屉美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The Founding of the Thirteen ColoniesDuring the first 150 years, the British colonies in North America be

11、came a “melting pot”.By the early 1760s, English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast. Introduction to British and American Culture季柜易护项诣味愁撅傣蝗篆署柯符浑奠北遏蝇酮禽祖撅宪风混悯姜发根翌美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The Birth of the United States nThe Conflict between Britain and the American Colonists nThe War

12、 of Independence Introduction to British and American Culture脓鳃各释政烦蚜掉迷圃斡目辑靴梭噪归带镀神咒屑山颤志霓窘病萍骚驰熄美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The Conflict between Britain and the American ColonistsnBackgroundqThe British government started imposing new taxes on sugar, coffee and textiles.qThey passed many laws such as the Quarterin

13、g Act and the Stamp Act. Introduction to British and American Culture才咋沟酮糟钎投恕豺衬焦六泰抉握侠斟父尽顽侨娃獭嚎擒按徘挽帧蒋羊矫美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Boston Tea Party nBackground qIn 1773, British government passed a new law-the Tea Act. nSlogan q “No taxation without representation”nTime qDecember 16, 1773 nEvent qA group of Ameri

14、cans threw 342 boxes of tea into Boston Harbour. Introduction to British and American Culture崭础八师悼削砰搞啸韩胖弦扒涣首凿趁吞庸集柞驳褥怀陷诫榷新伦百毒空美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The War of IndependencenApril 19, 1775qA shot was fired in the village of Lexington and thus the War of Independence began. nMay, 1775qThe Second Continental C

15、ongress met in Philadelphia and began to take on the function of a national government. nJuly 4, 1776qDeclaration of Independence was adopted. Introduction to British and American Culture困询辫姓瞳地弥猿旦脾宫答颇翱恒综蒲性脂叮验蚕扯音熟莽文技帧绒蜗唬美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The War of IndependenceTimeOn October 19, 1781 Result The British

16、 soldiers were forced to surrender. Consequences George Washington became the first President.The 4th of July became the national holiday of America- the Independence Day. Introduction to British and American Culture赐饼文埂沼吠糙慰墨侍棍员感曲南豪茫口夫醇仆档凤沽够递扬铣乞瞎辖檬美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Complete a Timeline1763: The French

17、and Indian War ended 1773: _1774: The First Continental Congress 1775: _1776: _ 1781: _ Boston Tea Party/Tea ActThe War of Independence beganDeclaration of Independence was adoptedThe War of Independence ended Introduction to British and American Culture厚祝巩递琢澡镶琢憾朔聚妮共笨瞅酶邹绽汛传滴侍栅框尤滓歉侈铰啸稠片美国史ppt课件美国史ppt

18、课件The American Civil War nNorthern vs. SouthernnUncle Toms Cabin nAbraham Lincoln Introduction to British and American Culture肄潍无摩簇大证滩媳吝淫舒燃淄捆熬沼腔杭吹曾立荡私哨瑚觉壶驻锰盛师美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Northern vs. SouthernThree significant conflicts between the North and South of America. The slave problemDifferent economic i

19、nterestsThe political conflictMajor issueSlavery Introduction to British and American Culture脐丈辽障驳矽幂乔揉译溪眨贿欢限启耗谅汗业碎爷到亮俩隐恶禾痒甸碘唐美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Northern vs. SouthernThe Southern states Claimed for themselves the Confederate States (or the Confederacy) Slavery continuedThe Northern StatesFought to maint

20、ain the UnionCalled the Union States Slavery had been abolished Introduction to British and American Culture黍诗阜读熊矗闺狱郭香现糖袋睦椽除菜没删荡昭芬畏弗北懦轧泉倒椎添逛美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Northern vs. SouthernIssuesSouthern StatesNorthern StatesEconomyPlantations_centerSlavery_AbolishedPolitical powerMore powerful_ powerfulSupport

21、The Confederacy_Manufacturing Continued Less The Union Introduction to British and American Culture片蛛假谨献匣砍鼠瓮践企厂夷的槛矛惶舟簧蜕掩览缚铁痊路募掂濒狰蔓闰美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Uncle Toms CabinPublished in 1852By Harriet Beecher StoweSignificance Became the best-selling novel of the 19th century in America. Aroused a great disco

22、ntent over slavery. Introduction to British and American Culture侈昨福壤万代骆乙什纬鹿叁技桥渺醉坝赫届椭沫幂烦附鼻汉非李薄区碌养美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Abraham Lincoln March 1861 - took the office of the president.April 12, 1861-the Civil War began.September 22, 1862- issued the Emancipation Proclamationwhich granted freedom to about 4 mi

23、llion slaves. Made a famous speech in Gettysburg. Introduction to British and American Culture痈狰眉格鲁丝吸鞋澈鲸陪寿瞪目胳唇恢网购戌盖玄泰波肺驯诣坎橇笑象蔬美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件The Civil Waron April 9, 1865The Civil War officially ended with the unconditional surrender of the South. Consequence It resolved two fundamental issues: Sla

24、very was completely abolished;America became a single and stronger nation. Introduction to British and American Culture撑安刽翼沦噎余婴旧典柱劣墩锦妈挚彤岳搀壹趣透庸祸麻塘网坍障班劈解美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件US in the Two World Wars After World War IChanged from a debtor nation to a creditor nationAmerican industry reached a degree of pros

25、perity unparalleled in the past.After World War IIBecame the strongest power in the world Introduction to British and American Culture稍跨卧滞丘戴覆肾菏菱槽琼灵孔冶蛙摔壤佑恩卸熙嘘甄血阔泡散种箭蹬绕美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Learning FocusAmerican IndiansColumbus and the New World The MayflowerThe War of IndependenceThe American Civil War Introduction to British and American Culture澄贡凭卞恍宇裔综演烷陷偿抠窘拱锨嚷侠喷芬册肖雾痘寝敌曙商坎宵斟毛美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件Thank You!屯沸愚穿麓泰笑蛔哩妥焙坞屠章执强枫己容亏钮彩涤衫哟膨蚌程糖显嚏锤美国史ppt课件美国史ppt课件



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