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1、英语四级作文预测范文汇总1. 网络上各种“门”事件频发不断2. 门”事件发生的原因3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议On Gate AffairsVarious scandals have popped up on the internet. Switching on computer, Chinese netizens seldom fail to have a new scandal displayed in front of their eyes. Just recently, the so-called “Smile Scandal” of a senior official of Sha

2、anxi province has become the target of public criticism.Actually, the reasons behind it vary from one from another. In the information age, information travels as fast as lightning and nothing can be kept secret with the ever-developing, widespread internet. Some people expose scandals on the intern

3、et just for fun or for raising public concern. With internet, the cyber world also provides a better environment for free speech and other democratic rights for the Chinese.In my opinion, some scandals are malicious hypes made by tacky people. While we scold those infamous deeds done in the scandals

4、, we should also get ourselves away from the tacky information online. We should make the internet serve us well, instead of being enslaved by it. By the way, be careful not to make yourself the star of the next scandal! 题目要求:On Events of Network Public Opinion1. 如今网络时代,网络舆论事件时有发生2. 网络舆论事件逐渐趋多的原-因3.

5、 网络舆论事件的影响与效果参考范文:On Events of Network Public OpinionDo you still remember the “Guo Meimei Scandal” which has aroused national fury and mistrust toward Red Cross Society of China in 2011? However, it was just a start of the influence of network public opinion of China in changing the society. Now, n

6、early every day or two, there will be a new event heatedly commented by Chinese netizens through online facilities.Actually, network public opinion is the co-product of the interaction between two factors. For one thing, the highly developed internet has brought the explosion of information to every

7、bodys life. Each piece of information can potentially be an “event”. For another thing, democratic consciousness has grown stronger in minds of Chinese people. Network is the democratic outlet where their free speech can be fully realized.Now, network public opinion has become the constructive power

8、 for a better society, which has been acknowledged by all levels of governments. With overwhelming influence and massive power, it will help a lot in constructing Chinese social equity, including improving Chinese democracy, promoting anti-corruption; bring in judicial fairness, and etc.2015 年 12 月英

9、语四级作文预测:互联网时代 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on Internet and the distance among people. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your

10、 essay on Answer Sheet 1. 【参考范文】Internet and the Distance among People As we can see from the picture, Internet connects the human society together, but sadly, walls of barrier are estricting people in their own space. It is undeniable that Internet has changed the way people live. With many program

11、s such as instant messaging, online communities, micro.blogs and so forth, communication can nearly be carried out everywhere at any time. But despite the great convenience, we find the distance among people becomes farther, instead of nearer. We play online games and forget to call the family; we s

12、it alone surfing the net with mobile phones when classmates are gathering together; children today often play with the tablet computers, rather than with other kids from the neighborhood. In my view, we should use the Internet reasonably, and keep in mind that the real life is much more meaningful t

13、han the virtual one. To be closer to other people, we should talk with them, using our voice, instead offinger tips. And we should pass this idea on to the younger generation. 【参考译文】互联网与人们之间的距离 正如我们从图片中所看到的,互联网将人类社会联系在一起,但悲哀的是,重重阻隔将人们只限制在自己的空间。 无可否认,互联网改变了人们的生活方式,有了即时通讯软件、网络社区、微博等等,交流可以随时随地实现。但尽管互联网

14、带来了如此大的便利,我们却发现人与人之间的距离变得越来越疏远,而不是越来越亲近。我们可能只顾着玩网络游戏而忘了给家人打电话,也可能在同学聚会的时候独自坐在角落里用手机上网;如今的小孩经常是在玩平板电脑,而不是和邻居家的小孩一起玩。在我看来,我们应该合理使用互联网,并且记住:真实世界要比虚拟世界更有意义。为了拉近与他人的距离,我们应该多用声音而不是用指尖与他们交流。而且我们应该将这一理念传递给年轻的一代2015 年大学英语四级作文预测:不文明游客 近年来,假期旅游已经越来越普遍,节假日高峰出游也带来了很多问题。这个话题有可能作为 2015 年 6 月大学英语四级考试作文的题目,特整理了一篇四级作

15、文参考范文,希望对同学们有帮助。范文仅供大家学习,不要死记硬背,套用模板,多积累词汇及表达方式,才能在考试中以不变应万变,遇到任何题目都可以游刃有余! 【题目预测】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Uncivilized Tourists. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【参考范文】 Uncivilized Tourists Recently, the

16、re is a popular saying: the world is so large that I want to have a look! As more and more people travel around during their holidays, tourists have brought large sum of money to the local people. However, too many tourists also bring some problems to the local life. The most serious problem is the

17、pollution caused by the uncivilized tourists. Its reported that there were thousands of tons of rubbish left after the flag-raising ceremony on Oct. 1st. The uncivilized tourists left their rubbish wherever they go, polluting the local environment. Another problem is the traffic jam caused by so man

18、y tourists. Tourist can promote the economic development of the local areas, but the pollution caused by those uncivilized tourists has brought severe problems. The local tourist authority should set up relative laws to protect the environment of the local areas, and every tourist obey the laws and

19、help to make the places of tourist more beautiful! 2015 英语四级作文预测:代沟问题 Directions: Write a composition entitled Generation Gap. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 现代生活越来越好,但老年人和年轻人之间的代沟却依然不可逾越 2. 产生代沟的原因 3. 解决的办法 【范文】 Generation Gap Though many asp

20、ects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the olders remain and even grows wider. In my opinion, because of the influence of individualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young arecr

21、eative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old. I think in order to

22、 narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to change others as they wish. Diversity doesnt mean conflict so long as they hold the right attitude towards the problems. 【译文赏析】 代沟 虽然我们社会生活的诸多方面,已经得到了改善,但年轻人与老年人之间的代沟仍然存在,甚至在扩大。 依我来看,因为受西方个人主义的影响,年轻人不再盲

23、目跟随老人们的说法,而这导致了差距。年轻人富有创造性和革新的力量,始终顺应潮流,喜欢变化。而老人们则习惯了过去的一切,不喜欢改变。同时也有越来越多的不同信仰和哲学思想,这自然造成了年轻人与老年人持有不同意见。 我认为,想要缩小差距,双方应尽量相互理解和尊重,而不是以他们自己的意愿来试图改变别人。只要他们持有应对问题的正确态度,多元化并不意味着冲突。 【词汇表达亮点】 aspect n. 方面,方位 influence n./v. 影响 individualism n. 个人主义 civilization n. 文明 blindly adv. 盲目地,轻率地 creative adj. 创造性的

24、 revolutionary adj. 革命的 n. 革命者 trend n. 趋势,潮流 v. 趋向 be accustomed to 习惯于 be hostile to 对有敌意,与敌对philosophical ideas 哲学思想narrow v. 使变窄;缩小 adj. 狭窄的 diversity n. 差异;多样性 conflict n./v. 冲突 so long as 只要 2015 下半年大学英语四级作文预测:吸烟习惯 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay en

25、titled The Habit of Smoking with reference to the picture given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. 【参考范文】 The Habit of Smoking In the picture, cigarettes were put together to form a phrase THE END, which vividly implies the habi

26、t of smoking does a great harm to peoples happy life. Smoking poses a potential danger to both the smokers themselves and the non-smokers who breathe in the secondhand smoke, which is even more harmful. China has a large smoker population. To make things worse, the people who smoke have been on the

27、rise on a daily basis. Some people, especially youngsters, pick up smoking because they think its cool. Meanwhile,many others regard smoking cigarettes as a way to release pressure or an important lubricant in the social relationship. The sad thing about all this is that many people, knowing smoking

28、 is a bad habit, still hold on to it. Currently, perhaps it is not easy to ban the tobacco industry, but it is possible to enforce the no-smoking policy in all public places, making it more and more difficult and inconvenient for smokers to smoke and at the same time. ensuring peoole who do not smok

29、e to have fresh air to breathe. 【参考译文】吸烟的习惯 在图片中,一些香烟被拼成了一个英语短语“结束”,这生动地暗示了吸烟会严重危害人们的幸福生活。吸烟不仅对于吸烟者本身很危险,对吸二手烟的不吸烟者也是如此,而且二手烟的危害更大。中国的烟民数量十分庞大,更糟糕的是,吸烟的人数每天都在攀升。一些人(尤其是青少年)开始吸烟是因为他们觉得吸烟很酷。与此同时,还有很多人认为吸烟是一种缓解压力的方式,也是社会关系中重要的润滑剂。这一切所导致的结果就是许多人即使知道吸烟是一种不好的习惯,也仍然不肯戒烟。 目前看来,取缔整个烟草行业可能并非易事,但是我们可以执行在公共场合禁止

30、吸烟的政策。这样,既可以使烟民吸烟更加困难和不便,又可以保证不吸烟的人能够呼吸到新鲜的空气。 【要点用法】 cigarette 香烟lubricant 润滑剂 imply 暗示hold on to 坚持,不放弃 do a great harm to严重危害enforce 执行 secondhand smoke 二手烟ensure 确保 【句法点评】 1In the picture,cigarettes were put together to form a phrase“THE END”,which vividly impfies the habit of smoking does a gre

31、at harm to peoples happy life 首句直入主题,介绍图画内容,被动句与非限制性定语从句相结合,句式灵活。 2To make things worse,the people who smoke have been on the rise on a daily basis tomakethingsworse 意为“使事情更糟糕的是”。beonthe rise意为“在逐渐增加、上升”。on adaily basis 意为“每天”,可用于替换常用表达 everyday。这三个短语都是非常地道的表达方式,值得积累。 3Tbe sad thing about all this i

32、s that many people,knowing smoking is a bad habit,still hold on to itthat 引导表语从句,其中的 knowing smoking is a bad habit 是现在分词短语作让步状语,也是插入语。hold onto 意为“坚持,不放弃”,等同于 stickto。 4but it is possible to enforce the no-smoking policy in all public placesmaking it more and more difficultand at the same timeensur

33、ing people who do not smoketo enforce a policy 为固定搭配,意为“推行某一政策”,making和 ensuring为并列结构,均为现在分词短语作结果状语。在描述问题之后提出现实的解决方案,使文章更具深度作文题目Brain Drain in China1) 中国人才流失的现状;2) 对人才流失的看法;3) 如何解决人才流失。参考范文Composition for reference Nowadays, one of the most serious problems China is faced with is brain drain. While

34、shortages of talent trouble many universities and state-owned enterprises, millions of talented people either emigrate to developed countries or work for foreign companies. At the same time, a big crowd of well-educated people who are determined to follow their footsteps take TOEFL or GRE as their p

35、assport to the West. However, people see this phenomenon in different perspectives. Some hold the opinion that China suffers a lot from brain drain. They argue, on the one hand, that brain drain considerably weakens our international competitiveness. On the other hand, they believe that the talent s

36、hould serve their native country first. In contrast, others highlight the advantages of international exchange and cooperation. They claim that Chinese youths should go abroad to study and gain more experience. Whats more, the long-term benefits will outweigh losses we suffer now. Brain drain poses

37、a challenge. China should go all out to attract talented people in order to better compete in the world. For one thing, decent living and working conditions should be offered to specialists. For another, we have to better develop our economy, which is a sure bait for all kinds of talent.题目要求:Green C

38、onsumption1. 绿色消费的概念在中国日渐流行2. 中国推行绿色消费还存在许多困难3. 如何解决这个问题参考范文:Green ConsumptionThe conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and more and morepeople are becoming conscious of environmental protection.Howe

39、ver, there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, due to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the market. Moreover, many consumers dont

40、 want to pay extra money for green foods.There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable



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