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1、基础知识自测基础知识自测重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练写作句型仿写写作句型仿写基础知识自测基础知识自测基础知识自测基础知识自测 1. _ adj. 简单的简单的 _ adv. 简单地简单地 _ vt. 简化简化 _ n. 简单化简单化一、单词拓展一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生 simplificationsimplesimplysimplify2. _ v. 操作操作; 运转运转; 动手术动手术 _ n. 操作操作; 运转运转; 手术手术 _ n. (电脑电脑) 操作员操作员; 接线员接线员3. _ n. 工艺工艺; 科技科技; 技术技术 _ adj. 技术的技术的technological

2、operateoperationoperatortechnology4. _ adj. 真实的真实的 _ adv. 真正地真正地; 事实上事实上 _ n. 事实事实; 真实真实 _ v. 实现实现; 意识到意识到realizerealreallyreality5. _ n. 人人 _ adj. 私人的;个人的私人的;个人的 _ adv. 就个人而言就个人而言; 亲自亲自personally personpersonal6. _ vi. 出现;显得出现;显得 _ vi. 消失消失 _ n. 外观外观; 外貌外貌; 出现出现 _ n. 消失消失disappearanceappeardisappea

3、rappearance1. He was _ (real) very happy when he _ (real) his dream to win the game.(B)灵活运用灵活运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。第一空用来修饰形容词第一空用来修饰形容词happy, 用副词用副词; 第第二空用来作谓语二空用来作谓语, 用动词。用动词。reallyrealized3. This question is too difficult for the children. I think wed better find a way to _ (simple) it. 根据前面的

4、不定式符号根据前面的不定式符号to可知应填动词。可知应填动词。2. _ (person) speaking, I am satisfied with all the work you have done. 修饰动词修饰动词speaking, 用副词。用副词。Personallysimplify4. It is known to all that personal _ (appear) is sometimes very important in finding a job.由空前的形容词由空前的形容词personal可知应填名词。可知应填名词。5. After the failure of t

5、he _ (operate), the doctor felt guilty and resigned. 由定冠词由定冠词the及本句及本句“the failure of +名词名词”结构可知结构可知, 应用名词。应用名词。operation appearance 1. _ 从从时起时起2. _ 结果结果3. _ 如此如此以致以致4. _ 毕竟毕竟; 终究终究二、短语翻译二、短语翻译 after all from .onas a resultso .that .5. _ 在某种程度上在某种程度上6. _ 在在的帮助下的帮助下7. _ 处理;安排;对付处理;安排;对付8. _ 看守;监视看守;监

6、视watch over in a waywith the help ofdeal with9. _ 随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝10. _ 从从20世纪世纪70年代以来年代以来11. _ 到到20世纪世纪40年代为止年代为止12. _ 跟某人分享某物跟某人分享某物share sth. with sb.as time goes by/with time going bysince the 1970sby the 1940s三、语篇填空三、语篇填空 My first football competition was in Nagoya, Japan several years ago. Last

7、year our team went to Seattle, Washington in the USA. We won 1 _(two) place. 2 _ (personal), I think the team that won first place 3 _ (cheat). They had developed a new type of program just 4 _the competition. second Personally cheated before So we need to encourage our 5 _ (program) to improve our

8、intelligence too. We are determined to create an even 6 _ (good) system. In a way our programmer is like our coach. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while 7 _ (watch) human games. Then she prepares reliable moves to use 8 _ a new situation arises. programmer better watching i

9、f In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial intelligence”. I would really like to play 9 _a human team, for I have been programmed to act just like them. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, 10 _ (use) my intelligence is what Im all about!again

10、st/with using 1. second 由下句的由下句的won first place可知,可知,作者是得了作者是得了“第二第二”名,填序数词。名,填序数词。2. Personally 放在句首,修饰全句,用副放在句首,修饰全句,用副词。词。3. cheated 在在think后的宾语从句的主语是后的宾语从句的主语是the team,谓语就是,谓语就是cheat,指去年的那场,指去年的那场比赛,故用一般过去时。比赛,故用一般过去时。4. before 应是在比赛前开发了一种新程序。应是在比赛前开发了一种新程序。5. programmer 在形容词性物主代词后用在形容词性物主代词后用名词

11、,表示名词,表示“程序员程序员”。6. better 由由even(更加更加)和语境可知,下决心和语境可知,下决心编出编出“更好的更好的”系统。系统。7. watching 在在“连词连词+分词分词”结构中,句子结构中,句子主语与分词是主动关系用现在分词,是被动主语与分词是主动关系用现在分词,是被动关系用过去分词。因关系用过去分词。因she与与watch是主动关系,是主动关系,故用现在分词。故用现在分词。8. if 表示表示“如果新的情况出现,她就准备一如果新的情况出现,她就准备一些靠得住的动作来使用些靠得住的动作来使用”。9. against/with 表示表示“同某人比赛同某人比赛”是是p

12、lay against /with sb.。10. using 动名词短语作主语。动名词短语作主语。四、语段改错四、语段改错 These changes only became possibly as mymemory improved. First it is stored in tubes, then on transistors or later on very small chips. As a result of I totally changed my shape. As I have grown older I have also grown small. possibleand

13、smallerwasOver time my memory has developed so manythat, like an elephant, I never forget something I have been told! And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it! muchanythingBut I was always so alone standing there by myself, until in early 1960s they gave me a family connected by

14、a network. I wasable to share my knowledge with othersin the World Wide Web.thethroughlonely1.possibly possible 系动词后用形容词作表语。系动词后用形容词作表语。2.is was由由 上文中的上文中的became和下文中的和下文中的changed可知。可知。3.or and 表示先后变化过程,是并列而非选表示先后变化过程,是并列而非选择。择。4.删除删除As a result of 中的中的of 后面没有宾语,不后面没有宾语,不用介词。用介词。5.small smaller 由前面的由

15、前面的older可知可知small用比用比较级。较级。6.many much 表示表示“变化这么大变化这么大”,用,用developed so much。7.something anything 否定句中用否定句中用anything。8.alonelonely 指指“孤单的孤单的,寂寞的寂寞的”。9.在在early 1960s前加前加the 习惯表达。习惯表达。10.inthrough 表示方式表示方式“通过通过”。重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练1sum n.总数;金额总数;金额 vi.概括概括 vt总结;总结;合计合计例句例句 My family paid a large

16、sum of money for my education我的家庭为我的家庭为我的教育支付了一大笔钱。我的教育支付了一大笔钱。sum up sum up 总结;概括;总计达总结;概括;总计达总结;概括;总计达总结;概括;总计达(to)(to)in sum in sum 简言之;总而言之简言之;总而言之简言之;总而言之简言之;总而言之to sum up to sum up 总之;概括地说总之;概括地说总之;概括地说总之;概括地说联想联想运用运用 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。 The teacher _(总结了他所说的总结了他所说的) in the end _ (总而言之总而言之)

17、, no one can succeed without working hard.To sum up/In sum summed up what he said 2. explore vt. & vi. 探索;探测;探究探索;探测;探究例句例句 I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moom and Mars. 我甚至被置入太空火箭里,我甚至被置入太空火箭里,被发射去探索月球和火星。被发射去探索月球和火星。派生派生 exploration n. 探索;探究探索;探究 explorer n. 探险者;探索

18、者探险者;探索者 运用运用 (1)You should _ (寻求解决问寻求解决问题的办法题的办法). explore the waysof solving the problem The shape of a spaceship makes it possible for us_ (探索太空探索太空) to explore outerspace3. goal n.目标目标; 目的目的; 球门球门; (进球进球)得分得分例句例句 Anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.不管怎不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高

19、质量的生活。样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。搭配搭配scorekick a goal 得一分踢进一球得一分踢进一球win by three goals to one 以三比一获胜以三比一获胜setachieve a goal设立实现目标设立实现目标reachattain ones goal 达到实现某人达到实现某人的目标的目标运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我们足球队领先他们两分。我们足球队领先他们两分。Our football team leads them _. 你一旦设定目标,就要努力去实现这个你一旦设定目标,就要努力去实现这个目标。目标。Once

20、youve _,youve got to work hard to _.achieve/reach it by two goalsset a goal4. arise vi.出现;发生出现;发生(appear;happen)例句例句 Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.然后,她然后,她(程序程序员员)准备了可能的移动方式以应对新情况。准备了可能的移动方式以应对新情况。arise from/ out of因因而造成而造成/引起引起搭配搭配运用运用 Accidents often _ (起因于粗心起因于

21、粗心). arise fromcarelessness原句原句 As a result I totally changed my shape. 结果我完全改变了我的形状。结果我完全改变了我的形状。(B2P18)例句例句 He got up late. As a result, he was late for school. 他起晚了他起晚了, 结果结果, 他上学他上学 迟到了。迟到了。5. as a result结果结果 (短语副词,不接任何词,短语副词,不接任何词,前后常有标点前后常有标点)联想联想as a result of 由于由于的结果的结果(短短语介词语介词)result from(

22、接原因接原因)因因而而result in(接结果接结果)导致导致运用运用 填入一个适当的词或完成句子。填入一个适当的词或完成句子。 The earthquake broke out late at night_ (结果结果),many people lost their lives when sleeping. He failed in the exam _(由于由于的结果的结果) his lazinessAs a result as a result of Eating too much can result _ becoming fat Her illness results _ the

23、flu fromin6. in a way 在某种程度上在某种程度上例句例句 In a way the result was satisfactory. 从某种程度上看从某种程度上看, 结果是令人满意的。结果是令人满意的。原句原句 In a way our programmer is like our coach. 从某种程度上看从某种程度上看, 我们的程序我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。员就像是我们的教练。(B2 P23)联想联想 完成下列短语。完成下列短语。 _ the way 障碍障碍 _the way (to)在途中在途中 _the way 顺便说顺便说(问问) _this way 通过

24、这种办法通过这种办法 _ no way 决不决不inonbyinin7. deal with处理;对付;论述处理;对付;论述例句例句 This means that it should clean the house, mop the floors, cook the dinner and deal with telephone calls. 这意味着它这意味着它应该能够打扫房间、拖地板、做饭以及处应该能够打扫房间、拖地板、做饭以及处理来电。理来电。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 The meeting_ (将会处理这些问题将会处理这些问题). I dont k

25、now_ (如何对付这些坏孩子如何对付这些坏孩子). This book_ (论述音论述音乐的乐的).deals with music will deal with theseproblemshow to deal with thesebad children提醒提醒表示表示“如何处置如何处置”,do with与与what连用,连用,而而deal with与与how连用。如:连用。如:我不知道如何处理它。我不知道如何处理它。I dont know how to deal with it.或或I dont know what to do with it.8watch over 看守;监视看守;监

26、视(be in charge of)例句例句 It should also watch over my naughty niece, who comes to my house very often. 它也应该看管我调它也应该看管我调皮的侄女皮的侄女,她经常来我家。她经常来我家。They were watched over by the policemen他们被警察监视。他们被警察监视。watch for watch for 盼望或等待某事物盼望或等待某事物盼望或等待某事物盼望或等待某事物watch out watch out 小心小心小心小心 (be careful(be careful;t

27、ake care)take care)watch out for=look out for watch out for=look out for 提防提防提防提防联想联想运用运用 将下列英文句子补充完整。将下列英文句子补充完整。 Youll have to _ the right moment The passengers were asked to _ pickpockets (扒手扒手)watch for watchout for The farmers there use trained dogs to _ their sheep at night _! Theres a car com

28、ing.Watch outwatch over 写作句型仿写写作句型仿写写作句型仿写写作句型仿写1. It takes+一段时间一段时间+before. 过了多久过了多久才才原句原句 I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 我发育缓慢我发育缓慢, 差不多到了两百年差不多到了两百年之后之后, 查尔查尔巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。机。(B2P18)例句例句 It

29、may take several years before a company can make money. 一个公司可能一个公司可能要几年后才能盈利。要几年后才能盈利。仿写仿写 (1)_ (过过了很久才了很久才) the rain stopped.It took a long time before(2)_ (过了过了几个月才几个月才) the bridge was finally built.It took several months before2. as time went by随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝原句原句 As time went by, I was made small

30、er. 随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝, 我被做得我被做得更小。更小。(B2P18)例句例句 As time went by (=With time going by) , people became more familiar with him and understood what he did. 随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝, 人们人们慢慢熟悉他并理解他所做的事了。慢慢熟悉他并理解他所做的事了。as time goesas time goeswent bywent by可以和可以和可以和可以和with with time going bytime going by替换。替换。替换。替换。说

31、明说明运用运用_ (随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝), he got used to the life in the new school gradually.As time went by/With time going byWe will know more about one another and become friends _ (随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝). As time goes by/with time going by3. sothat 如此如此以至于以至于 引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句例句例句 My memory became so large that even

32、I couldnt believe it! 我的存我的存储量变得如此之大储量变得如此之大, 连我自己都不能连我自己都不能相信!相信!(1) so+ adj./ adv.+ that(1) so+ adj./ adv.+ that从句从句从句从句so+ adj.+ a/an+so+ adj.+ a/an+可数名词单数可数名词单数可数名词单数可数名词单数+that+that从句从句从句从句so+ many/much/few/little +n.+ thatso+ many/much/few/little +n.+ that从句从句从句从句(2) Such +a/ an+ adj.+(2) Such

33、 +a/ an+ adj.+可数名词单数可数名词单数可数名词单数可数名词单数+that+that从句从句从句从句such+ adj.+such+ adj.+可数名词复数或不可数名词可数名词复数或不可数名词可数名词复数或不可数名词可数名词复数或不可数名词+that+that从句从句从句从句(3) (3) 当当当当soso或或或或suchsuch以及它们所修饰的部分位于以及它们所修饰的部分位于以及它们所修饰的部分位于以及它们所修饰的部分位于句首时句首时句首时句首时, , 主句要用部分倒装。主句要用部分倒装。主句要用部分倒装。主句要用部分倒装。说明说明仿写仿写 根据汉语提示根据汉语提示, 完成下列英文句完成下列英文句子。(一句多译)子。(一句多译)天气非常寒冷天气非常寒冷, 以至于街上没有人。以至于街上没有人。(1) _ that there was nobody on the street. (用用so)It was so cold a daySuch a cold day was it(2)_ that there was nobody on the street. (用用such)(3) _ that there was nobody on the street. (用用such倒装倒装句句) It was such a cold day Thank You !



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