高考英语复习课件:选修6Unit4《Global warming》(新人教广东版)

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1、Unit 4Global warming漫漫 画画 欣欣 赏赏 画画 面面 描描 述述 Two men are staring at a potted flower with differentexpressions on their faces.One man is thinking about the sadending of the flower while the other is imagining the flowerblooming.寓寓 意意 理理 解解 Faced with the same situation,pessimistic people may feel help

2、less and complain about it all day long.Optimisticpeople,however,may look at it positively and take it as achance to show his abilities and talents.你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文?短文填空短文填空 根据课文根据课文THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUTDOES IT MATTER?完成下列短文。?完成下列短文。 There is no _ that the eart

3、h is becoming warmer but there is a fierce debate over whether it is human activity that hascaused this global warming or whether it is just a naturalphenomenon. Many scientists like Dr Janice Foster believe that people havecaused the increase in the earths temperature _ burning fossilfuels like coa

4、l,natural gas and oil to produce energy _byproducts are called “greenhouse” gases,the most important onedoubtbywhose_ carbon dioxide. These gases trap heat from the sun andtherefore warm the earth,without which the earth _(be) about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler than it is. But increased amount

5、 of carbon dioxide means that _ heat energyis trapped in the atmosphere,_ (cause) the globaltemperature to go _. On _ other hand,scientists like George Hambley believethat any warming will be mild with _ bad environmental consequences and more carbon dioxide is actually a positivething.beingwould be

6、morecausingupthefew.单词拼写单词拼写1A _ (广泛传播的广泛传播的) flu epidemic affected eighteen western states.2There has been serious _ (分歧分歧) between the 2 political parties over the question.3He couldnt stand that terrible English _(气候气候)4The population had _ (减少减少) from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,0

7、00 in 1851.5The _(平均数平均数) of 3,6 and 9 is 6.widespreaddisagreementclimatedecreasedaverage6A child who can remember 3,000 English words at the age of 3 would be called an unusual p .7The goods was enough in q ,but not very good in quality.8Though he is less than one year old,he is strong enough to wa

8、lk s .9The tsunamis(海啸海啸) smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines, which killed 125,000 people in 12 different countries was a terrible c .10In c of a terrible earthquake the whole city was destroyed.henomenonuantityteadilyatastropheonsequence.短语填空短语填空1I can hardly hear the radio.Would you _ please?2T

9、he car crash _ three people being killed and one injured.3These exercises are good for _ leg strength.4The price of oil has _ by over 50 percent in less than a year.5At first they _ the scheme,but we managed to argue them round.turn it upresulted inbuilding upgone upwere opposed to6_ all the guests

10、here,I wish to thank you for giving us this warm reception.7We want to know how it _ that humans speak so many different languages.8“I will not _ your bad behaviour any longer,” said the girl angrily.9You can certainly do it well if you _ practising hard.10I dont care about the price,_ the car is in

11、 good condition.On behalf ofcame aboutput up withkeep onso long as.完成句子完成句子1That probably doesnt seem much to you or me,but it is a rapid increase _ (与与 其他自然变化相比其他自然变化相比). (compare)2_ (毫无疑问毫无疑问) the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather tha

12、n a random but natural phenom enon. (doubt)3It will make plants grow faster;crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals_ _ (所有这些都会使人类所有这些都会使人类 的生活变得更好的生活变得更好). (make) when compared to other natural changesThere is no doubt thatall of whichwill make life for human beings bet

13、ter.模仿造句模仿造句1It is a rapid increase when compared with other natural changes. 翻译翻译与地球的大小比起来,最高的山也一点不显得高了。与地球的大小比起来,最高的山也一点不显得高了。 _ _2The climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. 翻译翻译他不顾警告,仍继续抽烟。他不顾警告,仍继续抽烟。 _3We do not have to put up with pollution. 翻译翻译其实她没必要对我们做出那样的承诺。其实她没必要对我

14、们做出那样的承诺。 _When compared with the size of the earth,the highest mountaindoesnt seem high at all.He kept on smoking in spite of the warnings.In fact she does not have to make such a commitment to us.4It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it. 翻译翻译你只要保持安静,就可能呆在这儿。你只要保持安静

15、,就可能呆在这儿。 _5It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials. 翻译翻译做这项工作需要技巧和体力。做这项工作需要技巧和体力。 _You may stay here so long as you remain quiet.It takes skills and strength to do the work.核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1quantity n. 量;数量量;数量 识记识记a large/small quantity of或或large/small quantities of “大量的、少量的大量的、少量的

16、”,用以修饰可数或不可数名词。,用以修饰可数或不可数名词。 in quantity大量地;很多,一般在句中作状语。大量地;很多,一般在句中作状语。 提示提示large quantities of短语作主语时,不管后接可数名短语作主语时,不管后接可数名 词还是不可数名词,谓语动词都要用复数。词还是不可数名词,谓语动词都要用复数。完成句子完成句子(1)花园里只剩下少量鲜花了。花园里只剩下少量鲜花了。There is only _left in the garden.(2)口渴的人会喝大量的水。口渴的人会喝大量的水。A thirsty man will drink _.(3)卡车上发现藏有大量的武器

17、。卡车上发现藏有大量的武器。Quantities of arms _ hidden in the trucks.联想联想a large amount of大量的大量的a great deal of大量的大量的a great number of大量的大量的a large supply of大量的大量的a large collection of大量的大量的a large mass of大量的大量的a small quantity of flowerslarge quantities of waterwere discovered2.tend vi. 趋向;易于;照顾趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理

18、照顾;护理 搭配搭配tend to do sth.常常会做某事,往往会做某事常常会做某事,往往会做某事 tend to/toward sth.趋向,倾向趋向,倾向 tend to sb./sth.(look after)照顾,照料照顾,照料 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (1)我累了就容易出错。我累了就容易出错。 When I am tired,I _. (2)他的观点趋同于我们的。他的观点趋同于我们的。 His view _. (3)医生和护士在忙于照顾伤员。医生和护士在忙于照顾伤员。 The doctors and nurses are busy _. 拓展拓展te

19、ndency n倾向;趋势倾向;趋势tend to make mistakestends to ourstending to the injured3.oppose vt. 反对;反抗;与反对;反抗;与( (某人某人) )较量较量 拓展拓展opposed adj.反对的;对立的反对的;对立的 搭配搭配oppose (doing) sth.反对反对(强调动作强调动作) be opposed to反对反对(强调状态强调状态) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (1)我妈妈是反对这个新打算的。我妈妈是反对这个新打算的。 My mother _ the new plan. (2)我

20、反对酒醉时驾驶。我反对酒醉时驾驶。 I _ while drunk.is opposed to/opposeam opposed to driving/oppose driving4state vt. 陈述,说明陈述,说明(正式正式)n状态,国家,州状态,国家,州adj.国立的国立的 辨析辨析(1)侧重政权或国家机构。侧重政权或国家机构。_ (2)侧重国民或民族。侧重国民或民族。_ (3)侧重国土或疆域。侧重国土或疆域。_ 用用state完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 (4)那位作者在最近出版的书中阐明了他的观点。那位作者在最近出版的书中阐明了他的观点。 The writer _ in his

21、latest book. (5)据说事故中有据说事故中有30人丧生。人丧生。 _ more than thirty people were killed in the accident. (6)他的健康状况不佳。他的健康状况不佳。 He was _ of health.statenationcountrystated his viewsIt is stated thatin a poor state5circumstance n. 境况;状况境况;状况( (通常用复数形式通常用复数形式) ) 识记识记in reduced circumstances经济拮据;在贫困中经济拮据;在贫困中 They

22、 have been living in reduced circumstances since she lost her job. 自从她失业以来,他们一直过着经济拮据的生活。自从她失业以来,他们一直过着经济拮据的生活。 识记识记under/in.circumstances在在情况下情况下 under/in no circumstances无论如何不;决不无论如何不;决不 (1)在这种情况下,不告诉他有关这次事故的情况似乎在这种情况下,不告诉他有关这次事故的情况似乎 更好。更好。 _,it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.Un

23、der the circumstances (2)我决不会把女儿嫁给这种人。我决不会把女儿嫁给这种人。 I will _ let my daughter marry such a person. 提示提示under/in no circumstances置于句首时,句子要用倒装置于句首时,句子要用倒装 语序。语序。 (3)无论如何也不会再给你第二次机会。无论如何也不会再给你第二次机会。 Under no circumstances _ a second chance. 链接链接under/in the present conditions在目前情况下在目前情况下 on this conditi

24、on在这一条件下在这一条件下 on this occasion在这种场合在这种场合 in a difficult situation处境困难处境困难under no circumstanceswill you be given6.consequence n. 结果;后果;影响结果;后果;影响 搭配搭配take/suffer/face the consequences of承担承担的后果的后果 He broke the law,and now he must face the consequences of his actions. 他触犯了法律,现在必须承担自己的行为带来的后果。他触犯了法律,

25、现在必须承担自己的行为带来的后果。 识记识记in consequence of因为;由于因为;由于 in consequence因此;结果因此;结果 as a consequence of因为;由于因为;由于 as a consequence因此;结果因此;结果 (1)由于行为不良,他被开除了。由于行为不良,他被开除了。 _ his bad conduct he was dismissed.(2)昨天下雨了,结果比赛被取消。昨天下雨了,结果比赛被取消。It rained yesterday and _ the match was canceled.(3)海啸袭击了印度洋沿岸地区。结果,成千上万

26、的人丧生,海啸袭击了印度洋沿岸地区。结果,成千上万的人丧生,更多的人无家可归。更多的人无家可归。The tsunami hit the coastline around the Indian Ocean._,thousands of people died and more became homeless.In consequence ofin consequenceAs a consequence7range vi. ( (在一定范围内在一定范围内) )变动;变化;分布;涉及变动;变化;分布;涉及 搭配搭配range from.to.在在之间变化之间变化There were 120 stud

27、ents whose ages ranged from 10 to 18. 有有120名学生,年龄在名学生,年龄在10至至18岁之间。岁之间。 Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels. 住宿条件从经济旅馆到豪华宾馆不等。住宿条件从经济旅馆到豪华宾馆不等。 n. 幅度;范围;射程幅度;范围;射程 识记识记within range of vision在视野之内在视野之内 be in/within range在射程以内在射程以内 be out of/beyond range超出射程;在射程之外超出射程;在射程之外 a very

28、 wide range of interests广泛的兴趣广泛的兴趣 a narrow range of knowledge狭窄的知识面狭窄的知识面完成句子完成句子(1)他兴趣广泛,从下国际象棋到溜冰。他兴趣广泛,从下国际象棋到溜冰。He has a wide _ interests,_ chess toskating.(2)这件事我的能力做不到。这件事我的能力做不到。It is beyond _ my ability.range ofranging fromthe range of8existence n. 存在;生存;一生存在;生存;一生 People do not now believe

29、 in the existence of ghosts. 现在人们不再相信鬼的存在。现在人们不再相信鬼的存在。 识记识记in existence存在存在 come into existence产生,成立产生,成立 bring/call.into existence使使产生产生/成立成立 拓展拓展exist in存在存在之中之中exist on靠靠生存生存完成句子完成句子(1)When do you know the United Nations _(产生的产生的)?(2)The old lady _(生存生存) coffee and bread.came into existenceexist

30、ed on9average adj. 平均的,普通的平均的,普通的n&v.平均平均 On average,we receive 5 emails each day. 平均每天我们收到五封电子邮件。平均每天我们收到五封电子邮件。 识记识记an average of平均为平均为 above/below average在一般水准以上在一般水准以上/下下 up to(the) average达到水准达到水准 average out平均平均(计算计算)为为 on(the) average平均起来,一般说来平均起来,一般说来 (1)_ (平均平均),we work five days a week. (2

31、)北京上月的平均气温是北京上月的平均气温是20。 _ (3)他们平均分担损失。他们平均分担损失。They _ among themselves.On averageThe average temperature of last month in Beijing is 20.averaged loss重点短语例释重点短语例释1come out 观察下列句子,说出观察下列句子,说出come out的含义的含义 (1)The moon came out from behind the clouds._ (2)The party came out all right._ (3)When the new

32、s came out,everyone was shocked._ (4)The total came out at 1,010._出来出来结果是结果是传出传出总计总计提示提示come out是不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态。类似的是不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态。类似的短语还有:短语还有:belong to(属于属于);take place(发生发生);break out(爆爆发发);turn out(结果表明结果表明)。拓展拓展(5)come _发生,产生发生,产生(6)come _(偶然偶然)遇见遇见(或发现或发现)(7)come _回来;想起来回来;想起来(8)come _落,下来落,

33、下来(9)come _上来,上升,抬头上来,上升,抬头(10)come _追上,赶上;想出追上,赶上;想出(主意主意);找出;找出(答案答案)aboutacrossbackdownupup with2keep on 继续,继续雇用或拥有继续,继续雇用或拥有 Prices keep on increasing.物价不断上涨。物价不断上涨。 He just kept on writing.他正在继续写。他正在继续写。 拓展拓展keep away使离开,使站开使离开,使站开 keep back阻止,阻挡阻止,阻挡 keep down控制,压制控制,压制 keep off避开;不接近避开;不接近 ke

34、ep out of躲开;置身于躲开;置身于之外之外 keep to坚持;保持;不离开坚持;保持;不离开 keep up继续;坚持继续;坚持 keep up with跟上;不落后,赶上跟上;不落后,赶上 keep sth. in mind记住某事记住某事辨析辨析keep doing/keep on doing这两个词组均用来表示这两个词组均用来表示“不断不断做做”的意思,但在含义上有所不同:的意思,但在含义上有所不同:keep doing和和keep on doing都可表示都可表示“不断不断(老是老是)做某事做某事”的的意思意思,强调动作连续不断强调动作连续不断,每隔一会儿发生每隔一会儿发生,

35、这时两者可以换这时两者可以换用。不同的是用。不同的是keep doing中的中的doing是动名词是动名词,作宾语。如作宾语。如:John always kept (on) asking questions.约翰总是问个不停。约翰总是问个不停。keep doing还可表示连续不断的动作或持续的状态。还可表示连续不断的动作或持续的状态。keep on doing则没有这种用法。如:则没有这种用法。如:We kept working in the field in spite of the rain.尽管下雨了,我们还是坚持在地里干活。尽管下雨了,我们还是坚持在地里干活。用用keep或或keep

36、on的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1)Whatever happens,_ trying.(2)They _ working till late in the night yesterday.(3)He _ phoning me,and I really dont want to talk to him.(4)I _ standing under a burning sun for a long while that day.keep onkept onkeepskept3on the whole 总的说来;大体上;基本上总的说来;大体上;基本上 联想联想as a whole作为整体;普遍

37、说来作为整体;普遍说来 用用whole短语完成句子。短语完成句子。 (1)总的说来,我赞成这个提议。总的说来,我赞成这个提议。 _,Im in favour of the proposal. (2)整体看来,这个项目对这个地区有很大的利益。整体看来,这个项目对这个地区有很大的利益。 This project will be of great benefit to the region _.On the wholeas a whole4.on behalf of 代表代表一方;作为一方;作为的代言人的代言人 用法也可以表达为用法也可以表达为on ones behalf完成句子完成句子 (1)我谨

38、代表全家感谢大家。我谨代表全家感谢大家。 I would like to thank everyone _. (2)史密斯先生不能来,因此他的妻子代表他领奖。史密斯先生不能来,因此他的妻子代表他领奖。 Mr. Smith cannot come here,so his wife will accept the prize _.on behalf of all my familyon his behalf5put up with 忍受,容忍忍受,容忍 同义同义stand,bear,tolerate英汉互译英汉互译 (1)I could hardly put up with that fellow

39、 any longer. _ (2)恐怕你得容忍他的坏脾气恐怕你得容忍他的坏脾气(temper)。 Im afraid youll have to _.我再也不能忍受那家伙。我再也不能忍受那家伙。put up with his bad temper拓展拓展用用“动词动词up with”短语完成下列各句。短语完成下列各句。(3)He runs so fast that no one can _ him.(赶上赶上,跟上跟上)(4)Anyone who swims in the river could _ a nastystomach upset.(以而以而告终告终)(5)He first _th

40、e good idea of going to visit a factory.(提出,想到提出,想到)catch/keep up withend up withcame up with6compare.to(with). 与与相比相比 和许多妇女相比,她确实很幸运。和许多妇女相比,她确实很幸运。 _ many women,she was indeed very fortunate. 注意注意compare to与与compare with可以通用,但若表示可以通用,但若表示 “把把比作比作”时用时用compare.to.。Compared with7.make a difference 有作

41、用,有影响有作用,有影响 The sea air has made a difference to her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。 拓展拓展(1)_有影响,有作用有影响,有作用 (2)_没有影响,没有作用没有影响,没有作用 (3)_有道理,有意义,讲得通有道理,有意义,讲得通make a habit of养养 成成习惯习惯make a mess弄得乱七八糟弄得乱七八糟make some differencemake no differencemake sense8result in 引起;使获得;结果是引起;使获得;结果是 (1)他的气话引

42、起了一场打斗。他的气话引起了一场打斗。 His angry words _. (2)实验结果是发现了治疗癌症的方法。实验结果是发现了治疗癌症的方法。 The experiment _ the discovery of a cure for cancer. 辨析辨析result from由由引起;因引起;因而起而起 (3)这次可怕的意外事故是因他的疏忽大意而引起的。这次可怕的意外事故是因他的疏忽大意而引起的。 This terrible accident _ his carelessness.resulted in a fightresulted inresulted from链接链接bring

43、 about引起,造成引起,造成bring on导致导致lead to导致,引起导致,引起contribute to导致导致set off引起引起9.go up上升;增长;建起来上升;增长;建起来 (1)香烟的价格上涨了。香烟的价格上涨了。 The price of cigarettes is _. (2)到处都在兴建新的办公楼群。到处都在兴建新的办公楼群。 New office blocks are _.going upgoing up everywhere疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as y

44、ou are using itif not,turn it off!在使用电器设备时你可在使用电器设备时你可 以把它开着。如果不用就把它关掉以把它开着。如果不用就把它关掉。 句型句型so/as long as意为意为“只要只要”,用来引导条件状语从句,用来引导条件状语从句, 相当于相当于on condition that,provided that等。等。 仿写仿写 (1)只要事情做了,谁做都行。只要事情做了,谁做都行。 It matters little who does it _. (2)只要有足够的时间,我们就能安排一切。只要有足够的时间,我们就能安排一切。 We can arrange

45、 everything _.so long as it is doneso long as we have enough time(3)我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。I dont care about the price,_.(4)只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何东西。只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何东西。You may eat anything,_.so long as the car is in good conditionso long as you dont eat too much2It takes a lot of energy to make thi

46、ngs from new materials, so,if you can,buy things made from recycled materials. 用新材料来做这些东西要花费大量的能源,因此,只要有用新材料来做这些东西要花费大量的能源,因此,只要有 可能,就买那些用回收材料制成的物品吧。可能,就买那些用回收材料制成的物品吧。 句型句型it takes.to do. .是固定句式,可表示是固定句式,可表示“做某事需要做某事需要” 之意。之意。 仿写仿写 (1)与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气和毅力。与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气和毅力。 _ make the break with his f

47、amily.It took unusual courage and determination to(2)平息这两国间的争执需要智慧。平息这两国间的争执需要智慧。_ settle the quarrel between the two countries.拓展拓展it takes sb.to do./it takes.for sb.to do.意为意为“花多少时间花多少时间去做某事去做某事”。(3)出租车通常要花出租车通常要花10分钟到达那个宾馆。分钟到达那个宾馆。_ for a taxi to get to the hotel.It takes wisdom toIt usually tak

48、es ten minutes表示看法表示看法/态度态度(1)When it comes to failure,people have (take,adopt,assume) different attitudes towards it./different people hold different attitudes toward it.(2)People have different opinions on/as to this problem.(3)People take different views of (on) the question.(4)Different people h

49、ave different opinions on this question. Some people believe that.Others argue that.(5)It is my belief that “honesty is the best policy” in most situations.(6)I dont believe it right to hurt people unnecessarily.(7)It is generally believed/accepted/thought/held that.(8)It is universally acknowledged

50、 that knowledge can change ones fate.这类表达形式有很多,你能想出更多的句子或短语吗?这类表达形式有很多,你能想出更多的句子或短语吗?_参考句式参考句式(9)In my personal opinion/view,health is more important than wealth.(10)From my point of view,it is up to us ourselves to make a sensible plan for our future.(11)So/As far as Im concerned,it was a great suc

51、cess.(12)I personally think we should pay more attention to the safety of school children.(13)It is obvious (clear/evident) that.(14)It is selfevident that the advance of science and technology is of vital importance to Chinas modernization. (15)It cant be denied that the advance of science and tech

52、nology is of vital importance to Chinas modernization. (16)To be frank/honest,whether you like it or not,you have no other choice.(17)There is no denying that students can learn a lot from it.(18)Peoples views on.vary from person to person. Some holdthat.However,others believe that.(19)Attitudes tow

53、ards (drugs) vary from person to person.你最喜欢的句子你最喜欢的句子_ 你记住了吗你记住了吗练练吧练练吧 人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人能够经得人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人能够经得起考验,从失败中吸取教训,并努力去完成他们下定决心要起考验,从失败中吸取教训,并努力去完成他们下定决心要做的事情。然而,另一些人却丧失信心并退却了。请你用几做的事情。然而,另一些人却丧失信心并退却了。请你用几句话对此进行阐述,并说明自己的看法。句话对此进行阐述,并说明自己的看法。_参考答案参考答案 (1)There are successes and fa

54、ilures,which can hardly be avoided in peoples lives. Faced with failure,people differ in their attitudes towards it. Some of them can stand up to it,draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. Others,however,lose heart and give in.In my personal opinion,one sh

55、ould take a positive attitude towards life,including failure in life. When it cant be avoided,you can seize on it and turn it into a valuable lesson from life,which can benefit you greatly. (2)People have different attitudes towards failure. Some believe that failure leads to success. Every failure

56、they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor. However,others are easilydiscouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers. I cant agree more with the former. So far as Im concerned,having the courage to face failure calmly is also a great success.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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