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1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1 Friendship(新人教版必修1)作作佳佳诵诵 读读点点考考锁锁 定定频频高高考考 点点即境活用1The news that her daughter fell in love with a poor boy _ her.As a result, she couldnt sleep well or eat well.AupsetBcalmedCignored Dsettled解析upset 使心烦,使不安,符合句意。calm 使平静;ignore 不理睬;settle 使安居。答案A2calm vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定

2、adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的Calm down. There is nothing to worry about.镇定下来。没有什么可担心的。It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是困难的。It is important to keep calm in any emergency.任何紧急情况下,保持镇静是重要的。calm (sb.) down(使某人)平静下来;镇静下来stay/keep/be calm 保持镇静即 境 活 用 2 Its important to stay _ in face of danger

3、 and think of a solution.Astill BcalmCquiet Dsilent解析stay calm 保持镇静。still 静止的,不动的;quiet 安静的; silent 沉默的。答案B3suffer vt. & vi.(1)suffer 做及物动词时,意为“遭受(苦痛、损失);忍受(侮辱)”等,其宾语通常为 pain, defeat, damage, injury, loss, poverty, punishment, hardship, grief等。(2)suffer 做不及物动词时,常与 from 连用,suffer from 表示“遭受(战争、自然灾害等)

4、带来的苦难”及“患病”之意,常见搭配: suffer from the war/the flood/hunger/a headache 等。They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机中遭受了巨大的损失。Many of them suffer from a lot of psychological pressure.他们中许多人承受很多的心理压力。即境活用3(2012沈阳二中月考)Iraq has _ too many wars since 1990, making his people _ a lot.Agot throu

5、gh; payBlooked through; faceCgone through; sufferDpassaed through; destroy解析go through 经历; suffer 遭受。句意:伊拉克自从1990年经历了太多的战争,使他的人民遭受很多痛苦。答案C4concern vt. 使担忧;涉及;关系到,后面经常接名词或代词做宾语。n担心;关注;(利害)关系,经常和动词连用,如show/express concern about/over/on 等。concerning 关于,比 about 正式。She concerns herself with/in social wel

6、fare.她关注社会福利。There is growing concern about violence on the Internet. 人们对网络暴力日渐忧虑。 Concerned parents are having a meeting on how to solve the serious problem.忧虑的父母们正在开会讨论如何解决这个严重的问题。I have nothing to say concerning the accident.关于这场事故我无话可说。【思维拓展】concern oneself about/for sth. (某人)为担心be concerned abo

7、ut/for sth. (某人)为担心concern (oneself) with/in 使(自己)与有关系;使干涉;使参与as (so) far as. be concerned 就而言be concerned that.担心即境活用4(2012江苏启东中学期中考试)The observations which he reported_marketing bothered his boss a lot.A being concerned BconcernedCbe concerned Dconcerning解析concerning为介词,意为“与有关,关于”。答案D5powern(1)U能力

8、:多指身体、心智等方面的能力或(全部)体力、智力。如: do the best of ones power 尽最大力量; do all in ones power 尽力而为。(2)U力量:多指物理上或自然具备的力量。如: the power of nature 自然力。(3)U权力;势力;控制力;政权。如: the party in power 执政党; come to (into) power 掌权; rise to (fall from) power 取得(失去)权力; be in a persons power 在某人的掌握中(控制下)。 (4)U电力;动力;能力She is said

9、to have the power to foretell the future.据说她有预测未来的能力。With power off, the boy had to do his homework by the light of a candle.由于停电了,那个男孩不得不借助于烛光来做作业。【易混辨析】power, strength, energy 和 forcepower 力量;能力;电力;权力strength 力气;强度;优点energy 能量;精力force 实际使用的力量,也可变成武力、暴力即境活用5We stored plenty of candles in case of _

10、failure.Apower BenergyCstrength Dforce解析power failure 停电。答案A6settlevi.安家;定居;停留vt.解决;决定;安置My son has settled in America.我儿子已在美国定居了。We have settled who will pay for the meal.我们已经定了由谁来付饭钱。【思维拓展】settled adj.固定的;不变的;永久的settlement n殖民;移民;定居点;和解;解决;决定;清算;清账settler n定居者settle in (迁入新居,更换工作后)安顿下来That settles

11、 it!口事情就这样定了!这就完了!settle(.) down (使)平静下来;(活动一段时间后)舒舒服服地坐下、躺下;定居;成家settle to do sth. 决定去做某事即境活用6 Uncle George was always busy with his business, so he didnt _ until he was nearly fifty.Asettle down Bset downCput down Dlet down解析句意:乔治叔叔一直忙于他的事业,一直到快五十岁时才安顿下来。 settle down “定居下来;过安定的生活”; set down “记下;登记

12、”; put down “放下;写下”; let down “让某人失望”。答案A7recover v重新获得;重新找回;恢复;痊愈She recovered her strength soon after the operation.手术后不久她便恢复了体力。She soon recovered herself and went on with her lecture.她很快恢复正常,继续进行演讲。recover losses/ones lost watch弥补损失/找回失去的手表recover ones strength/balance 恢复体力/身体平稳recover oneself 恢

13、复正常;使清醒recover from a severe illness/the effects of the war从病中康复/从战争的影响中复原即境活用7(2012福建六校联考)As soon as little Tom had _ a little from shock, his first thought was to get away.Areturned BabsorbedCsurvived Drecovered解析recover from 从恢复。句意:小汤姆从震惊中稍一恢复,他的第一念头就是逃跑。 return 返回; absorb 吸收; survive 幸免于难。答案D8di

14、sagree v不同意;意见不合Chocolate always disagrees with me.我吃了巧克力总感到不舒服。We disagreed over what should be done.我们对应该做什么意见有分歧。【思维拓展】(1)disagree about/over. 关于有不同意见disagree with sb. 与某人意见不同;(水土)不服;(食物)不适宜(2)agree with 赞同某人或某人说的话;(水土、食物等)适宜/适合agree to. 赞同(计划、意见、方案等)agree on. 就达成一致agree that. 同意agree to do sth.

15、同意做某事(3)arrive at/come to/reach an agreement 达成协议make an agreement with 与订立协定in agreement with (与)一致(同意)即境活用8The climate here _ me, so I suffer a lot.Aagrees with Bdisagrees withCagrees on Ddisagrees on解析disagree with 不适宜,符合句意。答案B9ignore vt.不理睬;不顾;忽视She ignored him and carried on with her work.她没理他,

16、继续干她的活。Hes completely ignorant about modern technology.他对现代科技一无所知。(1)ignore sb./sth. 不理睬某人/某事即境活用9 Tom is always saying Im ugly, Mom.Just _ him. You are the most beautiful in my eyes.Aignore BleaveCrefuse Dmiss解析ignore 不理睬,忽视。leave 离开;refuse 拒绝;miss 思念。答案A10tip n建议,小费,尖端Here are some tips on how to

17、use this computer for you.给你几条使用这台电脑的建议。Here is some tip for your good service.由于你的良好服务给你一些小费。即 境 活 用 10 Her name is on the _of my mothers tongue but she couldnt remember it.Atop BtipCbottom Dmiddle解析on the tip of ones tongue 在某人的舌尖上打转,欲说却说不出口。答案B考点短语 1add up 加起来You havent added the figures up right

18、.这些数字你没有加对。【易混辨析】add to 和 add up toadd to 意为“增加;增添”; add up to 意为“加起来等于;总计”。The bad weather adds to our trouble.恶劣的天气给我们增添了麻烦。The figures add up to 120.这些数字加起来是120。即境活用11(2012河南南阳镇平一中月考二)The naughty boy is a bit hard to deal with,which_the trouble adapting to the new environment.Amakes for Badds toC

19、contributes to Ddevotes to解析add to “使(数量)增加;使(规模)扩大”。此处意为“增加了适应新环境的困难”。make for 有利于;contribute to导致;devote to 献身于。答案B2go through 经历,经受;通过;仔细检查,用完I always start the day by going through my mail. 我每天总是先看邮件。Shes been going through bad luck recently.她最近很不走运。 【思维拓展】go against 违背;与不符;对不利go without 勉强维持;凑合

20、go in for 爱好;参加;从事go by 过去;依据;按照;经过go on 继续;发生go ahead (with) 进行go away 走开;外出度假go about 着手做;处理;忙于go after 追赶;追求go for 去请;努力获取go for nothing 白费go wrong 出毛病;发生故障go off 离去;去世go out 熄灭;出去;过时go back 回去;回顾;回溯go down 下落;下降;降低;减弱go into 到达;进入;从事;参加;调查;研究;弄清楚go over 复习;演习;检查;核对go up 上升;上涨go with 陪一起去;伴随;与相配即

21、境活用12(2012辽宁康杰中学月考)Its the love and responsibility that have driven him to_many hardships and survive.Ago into Bgo throughClook through Dlook into解析go through “经历;经受”;go into 进入;look through 浏览;look into 调查。句意:是爱心和责任使他经历了许多艰难困苦活了下来。答案B3set down 记下,写下,放下,制定,规定Ill set your name down here.我将在这里写下你的名字。T

22、he standards were set down by the government.这些标准是由政府制定的。Please set me down at the next station.请在下一站让我下车。【思维拓展】set up 开办;建立set out 动身;开始set off 动身;出发;使爆炸set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟set aside 不顾;存储;留出(时间、金钱等)set apart 使分离;留出set about 开始be set in 以为背景即境活用13(2012包头市第三十三中期中考试)The police asked him to _ what he

23、had seen in a report.Alook for Btake inCgive up Dset down解析set down 写下。句意:警察请他在报道中写下所看到的事。 look for 寻找;take in 欺骗,吸收; give up 放弃。答案D4on purposepurpose 意为“目的;意图”,而 on purpose 意为“有意地;故意地”。同义短语: by design; 反义短语: by chance, by accident。What is the purpose of the meeting?会议的目的是什么?If you joke with him, he

24、ll think you are insulting him on purpose.如果你和他开玩笑,他会认为你在有意羞辱他。即境活用14(2012包头市第三十三中期中考试)Sam always pronounces my name wrong. Do you think he does it _?Aat present Bon purposeCat the end Dright away解析on purpose 故意地。句意:桑姆总是叫错我的名字。你认为他是故意这样做吗?at present 现在; at the end 在结束时; right away 立刻。答案B5get/be tire

25、d of 对厌烦get/be tired from. 因感到劳累We were tired of waiting for him to call.我们等他打电话来都等烦了。Shes getting tired of going into that office every day.她厌倦了每天都要进那间办公室。I was still tired from my trip to Shanghai World Expo.去上海世博会的旅行让我仍然感到劳累。即境活用15She got _ of eating the same breakfast every morning.Atired Btirin

26、gCexcited Dexciting解析get tired of 厌倦。答案A6.get along with 与相处;进展Do you get along well with your new partners?你和新同伴们相处得好吗?I hope your work has been getting along nicely.我希望你们的工作进展得很好。get along/on (well/nicely) with sb.与某人相处(融洽)get along/on (well/nicely/smoothly) with sth. 某事的进展(很好/很顺利)【思维拓展】get about/

27、around 四处走动;传播;流传get. across 讲清楚;(使)被领会get down to 认真做,开始着手做get through (电话)接通;用完,通过get over 解决;克服;控制,恢复过来get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉即境活用16How is she _ her new classmates?Very well.Agetting along withBputting up withCgetting away with Dgetting rid of解析get along with 与相处。put up with 忍受;get away with (做错事)逃脱惩

28、罚;get rid of 除掉。答案A7fall in love with 爱上,相爱fall in love with sb. 爱上某人,属于非延续性动词短语,可与完成时态连用;但不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。此时 fallbecome,后接表语表示“变成(某种状态)”,类似的还有:fall ill 生病; fall silent 沉默; fall asleep 入睡等。be in love with sb. 与某人相爱,表状态,即动作可延续,可以与时间段状语连用。They met and fell in love at college.上大学时他们相遇并相爱了。The young pair

29、 have been in love with each other for 3 years.这对年轻人相爱3年了。即 境 活 用 17 How long have they _ each other?Afallen in love with Bbeen in love withCfallen love with Dbeen in love解析be in love with 与某人相爱,表状态,可以与时间段状语连用,而 fall in love with 表动作,不能与时间段状语连用。答案B8a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套a series of books 系列丛书a seri

30、es of exams 一连串的考试a series of meetings 一系列的会议【易错提示】series 单复数同形,“a series of 名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;“two/three series of 名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 即境活用18 The reporter has written _ articles about air pollution, hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem.Aa series of Ba great deal ofCa plenty of Da la

31、rge amount of解析a series of 一连串的。a great deal of与a large amount of均意为“大量的”,均修饰不可数名词;C项本身有误,应为plenty of。答案A9in order to 为了(后跟动词原形)He started early in order to catch the train.为了赶火车他很早就出发了。in order not to do sth. 为了不做某事in order for sb. to do sth. 为了让某人做某事in order thatclause 为了/以便so that 为了/结果是,后跟从句so a

32、s to do sth. 为了做某事【易错提示】in order to 与 so as to 都可以表示目的,但 so as to 不能用于句首,而 in order to 既可以置于句首,也可以置于句中。两者都可以转换成由 in order that/so that 引导的状语从句。即境活用19All these gifts must be mailed immediately _ in time for Christmas.Ain order to have received Bin order to receiveCso as to be received Dso as to be re

33、ceiving解析句子的主语与 receive 之间为动宾关系,故C项正确。答案C10join in 参加;加入(后跟活动项目)Lets join in their game.咱们加入他们的游戏吧。join hands with sb. 与某人携手/合伙join sb. in (doing sth.) 加入某人(做某事)的行列join the Party 入党join up with sb./sth. 和某人/物连起来join. to 把连起来即境活用20The girl on the bus began to sing a pop song and soon all the others _

34、.Ajoined Bjoined inCattended Dtook part解析join in 加入某种活动。join 加入某个组织;attend参加会议等;take part 参加,后跟介词in才能跟宾语。答案B重点句型 1 While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.遛狗时,你不小心松开了狗链,它被车撞了。当状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致时,且从句中含有 be 动词或从句主语为 it 且从句的谓语动词有 be(am/is/are/was/were)时,可以省略状语从句中的主语

35、与系动词be,这时从句中可出现如下结构:(1)连词(when, while, though) 现在分词She always sings while doing her work.她干活时总唱歌。(2)连词(as, as if, once) 名词As a young man, Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaster.亚伯拉罕林肯年轻时当过零售店店主和邮政所所长。(3)连词(when, whether, though, unless) 形容词Though young, he works hard.尽管很年轻,但他工作很努力。(4)连词(

36、as if, whether, while) 介词短语The stranger looked around, as if in search of something. 陌生人四处张望,好像在寻找什么。(5)连 词 (if, even if, unless, until, once, when, than) 过去分词Dont speak until spoken to.有人对你说话时你再说。(6)连词(as if, as though) 不定式The old man opened his lips as if to speak.那位老人张了张嘴,好像要讲话。【特别提示】如果主从句的主语不一致,

37、从句不能用省略形式,而应使用状语从句的完整形式。例如:When the driver saw the stone, he stopped the car. When seeing the stone, the driver stopped the car.When seeing the stone, the car stopped.即境活用21 (2012安徽铜陵三中测试)When _ the office, I found the naughty boy _ beside my desk, trembling.A entered; standing B entering; stoodC en

38、tered; stood D entering; standing解析when entering the office 为 when I entered the office 的省略形式; find sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事。答案D2I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为自己长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热

39、。本句中含有强调句型:It is/was. that. 如果强调的部分是人,可用 who 代替 that, 此句型可用来分别强调句子的主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语。It was in the store that I came across Mr Wang this morning. (强调地点状语)我今天早上是在商店遇到的王先生。It was this morning that I came across Mr Wang in the store. (强调时间状语)在商店里遇到王先生是今天早上的事。【思维拓展】特殊句式中的强调句型:(1)如果强调的是特殊疑问句中的疑问词,表示“到底”、“究

40、竟”等语气时,就用如下结构:“特殊疑问词 is/was it that/who 该句的其余部分”, that/who 后只能使用陈述语序。(2)在强调“not. until”结构中由 until 所引导的短语(或从句)作时间状语时,要用固定的强调句型:“It is/was not until. that 该句的其余部分”。that 所引导的从句中的谓语动词用肯定式。 (3)强调句型要注意和 it 代表时间、距离、温度、自然现象、具体事物或人物等时所构成的各种句型的区别。判断是否是强调句,可采用“还原法”。如果还原为一般句式后,句子各种成分完整,则是强调句,否则不是。(4)英语中常用助动词do,

41、 does 或 did 强调谓语。It is only I who am willing to go to the film.愿意去看电影的只有我。Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?第二次世界大战是在一九三九年爆发的吗?When was it that you called me yesterday?你昨天给我打电话是什么时候?It was not until he took off his dark glasses that I realized he was a pop star.直到他摘下墨镜,我才认出他是一位流行歌手。

42、即境活用22 (2012甘肃天水一中考试)What is it _ makes him a reliable man?Awhat BthatCwhich Dhow解析该句为强调句型的疑问句形式:特殊疑问词 is it that.。答案B3.; it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.;这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚该句中含有句型: It is/was the first/second. time that. 这是某人第一/二次本句型中, it 可以换为 this, that;

43、is 可以换为 was, will be; first 可以换为 second, third. last time; that 从句谓语动词要么用现在完成时,要么用过去完成时。It is the first time that I have been in a plane.这是我第一次乘飞机。It was the third time that the old woman had been informed in danger.这是老太太第三次被通知病危。【易混辨析】the first time/for the first time/it is time for. (that.)(1)the

44、first time 第一次,可用作连词,后接时间状语从句。(2)for the first time 第一次,介词短语作状语,不接从句。 (3)It is time that sb. did/should do sth.It is time for sb. to do sth. 某人该做某事了。The first time I climbed onto the wall, I felt nervous. 当我第一次爬墙时,我感到很紧张。Obama was elected president for the first time in 2009.在2009年奥巴马第一次被选为总统。It is

45、time that young people thought/should think about their future.年轻人到了该考虑未来的时候了。即境活用23(2012辽宁沈阳四校协作体联考)This is the first time that we _ a film in the newlybuilt cinema together.Asee Bhad seenChave seen Dsaw解析It/This is the first/second. time that.从句中用现在完成时。答案C4I can well remember that there was a time

46、 when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我记得很清楚,以前(有那么一段时间),湛蓝的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花,从未使我心迷神往过。There was a time when. 以前有那么一段时间; when 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 a time。There was a time when my father worked in Boston and came home only on weekends.曾经有那么一段时间,

47、我父亲在波士顿工作,只在周末回家。 【思维拓展】time 后跟从句的常用结构:at the time you are working 在你工作的时间by the time we reached home 到我们回到家的时候last time I was there 我上次在那儿的时候every time I saw her 每次我见到她Its time that. 到了的时候,that 从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气。即境活用24There was a time _ I lived peacefully on the farm.Awhen BthatCwhich Dwhere解析There was

48、a time when. 以前有那么一段时间; when 引导定语从句,作从句中的时间状语。答案A5Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them.虽然我试着去跟班上的同学交谈,但我还是发现很难跟他们成为好朋友。本句中 it 为形式宾语,不定式短语 to make good friends with them 作真正的宾语。当不定式或 that 从句作 find 的宾语而且后面带有宾语补足语时,一般用 it 作形式宾语,把真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面。有这

49、种用法的词除了 find 外,还有 think, make, leave, consider等。You may find it hard to accept your illness.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。I have made it clear that nobody is allowed to smoke here.我已经讲得很清楚,任何人不准在这儿吸烟。【思维拓展】find 后面常跟复合宾语,其宾语补足语多为形容词、非谓语动词、名词、介词短语等,构成“find 宾语 宾语补足语”结构。即: find sb./sth. adj./p.p./n./to do/doing/prep.ph

50、rase。The child was finally found, safe and sound.小孩最终被找到了,安然无恙。I didnt expect to come home and find him gone.我没料到回到家却发现他已经走了。I suddenly found myself running down the street.我发现自己突然在街上跑了起来。She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed.她醒来发现自己躺在医院的床上。即境活用25(2012沈阳二中月考)Some people take _ for granted

51、_ what is new is always better than what is old.Ait; it Bthat; thatCit; that Dthat; it解析it 作形式宾语,代替后面的 that. 从句。答案C堂堂课课双双 基基.词义辨析1She refused to offer any help, which quite _ all the people present.Aignored BsettledCupset Dsuffered解析upset使难过。ignore忽视,不理睬;settle安定;suffer遭受。答案C2“If you _ your diet, tr

52、ouble will follow.”my doctor warned me.Apack BignoreCrecover Dconcern解析ignore忽视。pack打包;recover康复;concern担忧。答案B3He devoted himself _to his research work, having no time for a rest.Aexactly BgratefullyCloosely Dentirely解 析 entirely全 部 地 。 exactly的 确 ;gratefully感激地;loosely松散地。答案D4Im afraid its not with

53、in my _ to get the work done in such a short time.Aenergy BstrengthCpower Dforce解析power能力。energy精力;strength力气;force暴力,军队。答案C5She drew back the _ at nine in the morning to let some sunlight in.Acurtains BsuitcasesCpartners Dteenagers解 析 curtain窗 帘 。 suitcase手 提 箱 ;partner伙伴,搭档;teenager青少年。答案A6I cant

54、express how _ I am for all youve done for me.Agrateful BlooseCcalm Dentire解析grateful感激的。loose松的;calm平静的;entire整个的。答案A7In order to build the dam, they moved the local people and _ them in another place.Arecovered BignoredCconcerned Dsettled解析settle定居,安定。recover康复;ignore忽视;concern关心,担忧。答案D8The doctors

55、 are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to _ from heart trouble.Auncover BdiscoverCrecover Dcover解析recover康复。uncover打开;discover发现;cover 覆盖,报道。答案C9The train arrived at _ 8 oclock, neither earlier nor later.Aclearly BexactlyCwidely Dnearly解 析 exactly精 确 地 。 clearly 清 晰 地 ;widely 广泛地;nearl

56、y 将近。答案B10Steve gave me some useful _ on how to take good pictures.Apowers BtipsCitems Dthunders解析tip 建议。power 权力,能力;item 物品;thunder 打雷,雷声。答案B1How does she keep smiling after all she has _?2Ive always found him a bit difficult to _.3_ your scores and we will see who wins.4I _ watching television; le

57、ts go for a walk.5Ive _ all my papers but I still cant find the contract.6 How can you expect me not to _ my own son?7Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _.8We arrived just as the musicians were _ their instruments.9 He took a few deep breaths to _.10I will _ in my notebook the st

58、ory as it was told to me.单词拼写1It was quite terrible. It took me some time to _ (使镇定) down.2According to the law, _ (青少年) are not allowed to smoke or drink.3The villagers _ (遭受) a lot in the snowstorm.4All children like to play _ (在户外 ) instead of staying indoors when the weather is fine.5He _ (不理睬)m

59、y advice and got into trouble.6She was very _ (心烦) to hear that she failed in the exam again.7It took a long time for him to _ (恢复)from a bad cold.8I would be very _ (感激的)if you could give me an early reply.9It is known to us that knowledge is _ (力量)10Honestly speaking, Im very _ (担心) about your safety.答案1 calm2.teenagers3.suffered4.outdoors 5.ignored 6.upset 7.recover8.grateful9.power10.concerned同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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