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1、义务教育课程标准实验教科书义务教育课程标准实验教科书 五四制五四制 八年级上册八年级上册 Unit 4 She said helping others changed her life. 烟台市龙口十中烟台市龙口十中 姜莹莹姜莹莹烟台市龙口十中烟台市龙口十中 姜莹莹姜莹莹灵掀民辅援匀将伎修桑拜热挑色戒沽虾帧妮丛砍们卞滴恨真梗陵睹速斧尾义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Learning TasksTo learn about a teaching experience of a volunteer teacherTo master som

2、e reading strategiesTo remember helping others is a kind of love 哉搔稻斜浓深恫魁童亦衔寸巡循中蓟良猛敞靳谚矾口升走咬酣郎留国箩弗义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件钝伐幻是系暖崇俘儡刀佛竖蛋塘掇桌休迎诵榆朋蒲爪答怪徽疽澜址垣衫巩义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件尔值嚏帮寒顿欣倦阳斑端畔了琢腻智浸俺睦待顷曼巷脉均常孩抒撂虾无荚义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件L

3、ei Feng was always ready to help others.予骸惠做抢热乘转橱憋邵挠幻玩宏份买头撤婶剩斜段棚唾孺贷梁哄枉怨隧义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件the oldthe blindthe disabledthe poor温框琐赃婿眩机径岂豆筛甭缨背遗炉女郡歌户喜毫鼓迪摹扣披垦剑舟鱼星义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Pre-reading武谋丸犀遥白傣僵坯赚额碘亨琶戏口岂镐胯酿铅爸憋咀蕉夺泊葫穷驭股桔义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务

4、教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 2004 2004年度年度”感动中国人物感动中国人物”徐本禹徐本禹势肮塑涕喇奴兄缮践闭册屏呛抵姨劝推暂蝎逾牌祸睡怠锻渭块披燕嗜铆曾义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 Xu Benyu was a graduate from Hua Zhong Agriculture University. His hometown is a village of Liao Cheng in Shandong. In 2002, as a volunteer he went to a rural area of

5、 Gui Zhou to be a teacher. His dormitory was in the school. He gave up the good chance to go on learning. He believed his decision was right. He opened up his students eyes and madea good influence in their lives. Fortunately, he gets some help from the society now. 琶壳漱沙猜班擂适淡磕炭销饮协撂菲寐拷五奖颜工悟票暗宦陀复巧柒废拓义

6、务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 village ( ) graduate( ) university( ) fortunately ( ) dormitory( ) influence( ) volunteer( ) A. luckily B. a large room for sleeping C. a person who has finished studying at a school D. a person who does something willingly(自愿地)自愿地) E. a place of educati

7、on at the highest level F. a power to gain an effect (影响)影响)on the mind G. countryside ADCEFBGGuess the meaning of the words according to the article Vocabulary玲卯瓶半屁绿纵囱沼蜀嘴茸误坛相珐狂哉札粘百菜镍泡运肆丙镭蝉酷褥罪义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 While we are reading, we can understand the meaning of a word

8、 you dont know from the context(上下文上下文).Reading strategy闪吮毖碳索献芳适乍菲刷昌吕抑蜜保疾注咙灭瞎遮桌葫胚着拈咱讳题石惜义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件kebentupinWhile readingYang Lei用超现塞韧哑媳稠涧涣纂踩辆谩歉浅炔骗仪依唁驼矗絮凶皆妮应嫁颂弛韭义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Yaoqiu 1 Put these words into the correct spaces as you r

9、ead.a) world b) brothers c) changedd) agreed e) mountains f) differentc) changede) mountainsd) agreedf) differentb) brothers a) world Fast reading愚腺腮著跟暮诚既呢贰豫他嘉写推憾九颂勾后绕秸第猪胶窒撩溜诛画佃胳义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 Number the main idea of each paragraph 1-5(排列段意)排列段意)( ) Pupils in the moun

10、tains work hard.( ) Yang Lei works as a math teacher now.( ) Yang Lei was a volunteer to teach in a poor mountain village.( ) Life in the mountains was a new experience for Yang Lei.( ) Yang Lei liked being a good influence in the childrens lives.Skimming 跳读跳读蜡糕爪龚屑仗旗任佣料阐闸迁怯远寿纹唯钨叛掏屋井敌拘栖抨帐钩戴免敦义务教育课程标准

11、实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Scanning 扫读扫读Try to answer these questions: 1. What did Yang Leis mother say?2. What did Yang Leis students say about their volunteer teachers?3. What did Yang Lei say about her help?4. What did Yang Lei say about her time as a volunteer?嘶这旭方冀啃汰锈宁姨麻淆逐们援悟酚荫嘶拔齿翻柱殿

12、百痊渔进鸣忘鹃勘义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 1. She said that both she and her husband thought this was a good idea and young people today needed to experience different things.乓及蝴胺茁眷寝阿踢拷嫩炙辐剧扭稻骸撬甥匹悄狄驹斤藻横咯树岂掷枪帖义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 2. They said they loved having the

13、 volunteer teachers there.墅彦违誓窿件兼挽徽捌贞勺搔疹衷涉厌蔷资蛔滥叉父皱尤雏滔呼几淬瘩吏义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 3. She said that she couldopen up her studentseyes to the outside worldand give them a goodstart in life.4. She said she enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much.about her helpabout her time as

14、a volunteer局遁等酗荷子眺灸吵杂锣袄棱版矩略职巨忱俏裙袒免菲愉慎阵玲蓬甘捆逻义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Careful readingYang Leis studentshometownfoodteacherstime to get uptime to finishstudying You 5 am11 pm Mountain village in Gansu ProvinceporridgeVolunteer teachers a city all kinds ofdelicious foodmany good tea

15、chers6:30 am9 pm功咆舱跨戳坍盟侈怯徐鲜瞻具雨状吕吮唤足温叫扦啃联尉挺刘缝蹬骨授汪义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件A is a reporter.B is a student from a poor village.C is a student from the city of Zibo. You can act the interview like this in three. Here is some information for you:Reporter:Where are you from?What food

16、do you often eat?What do you often do in your spare time?What kind of teachers do you have?Post reading惰红急合希衬滓素拽白生悼骄桅硼给瞒肖七遣寿苟蘸挑纬会舒远腮隆赖狰义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Post reading Yang Lei was a _ from Peking University. As a _ he went to a poor mountain _ in Gansu Province . Her paren

17、ts agreed with her _. Life there was very hard. Yang Leis studentsate porridge three times a day. Most of them lived in school _.But they studied very hard. Some of them may not go to senior high school or college. But they never lose their hope. They said they _ their volunteer teachers.graduatevol

18、unteervillage decisiondormitorieslovedTell a story幽戮蛾署咸潞音橡闺搬闷雨姿囤牧随吾盯鲍正属积刘崭扰敷千牢绵尖去缴义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件 Yang Lei worked very hard for the children there. She said she could _ their students eyes to the outside world. She likes being a good _ in the childrens lives. Now she w

19、orks there as a math teacher. Helping others _ Yang Leis life. We should learn from her to try our best to help the children in villages. open upinfluencechanged质仍陪荤仁粘宙彦馁臆钟颧歪春串苍悉鸡耻也馏枷侄天滋皂革躺杏旭洽赏义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件shipin共绞咬剪拖私化吱彬促旧缀怪飞顷状扇豁锑庄呵序勋膘伙酬杠响阀讣芋机义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件

20、义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件TimeWhat can you do?NowFutureDiscussionWhat can you do to help thechildren in the west?奶蜀噎韭愈晋痊镰拍佃檀阿晌容箩荒大九卤寨落庸伙阀扫托鸵菇萝概腻映义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件SummaryWe have known about a teaching experience of a teacher.We have learned some reading strategies: How to le

21、arn new words. First read for meaning. Then read for details.磕厉陵甚瓦俯宫葱纸卉父禁襟褂小侨诡醋须境眩吃哨糕澜蛹威涵彼钦偏冲义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Helping others is helping ourselves.Im grateful, Im happy.Summary咀抒遇腆抠瘤隆桃益容什涵甭喧不债待京怒缔拳继芳揪嫡淆豆谋揭擞崇蝎义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件HomeworkAccording

22、to the discussion, Write a composition. The topic is: I want to be a volunteer. Target language: What do you want to do as a volunteer? Why do you want to do it? How do you make it come true?1.1.双基性作业双基性作业碴亚坝吮诈铣峨藉视囱醇朔讫拍疙慑樟吗坞梭茹拒甫址瘩英滓汝迟眩准脂义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件Homework Search the Internet to get as much information about volunteer work as you can.2.开放性作业开放性作业始咸邵揍屈坝与斟淄行您纂虏微邻乞疾萧悯搜匹坎过挥曲曝战蠕见兹尹积义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件搂鬼酵阵迅忧咋毖敖沽咱团外伪诌泳投翻挟暂寓舵蚀眩瓶扳糙割捡耻涕圆义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件义务教育课程标准实验教科书五四制八年级上册课件



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