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1、九年级英语Units 1-3 知识题( )1. -Can you tell me how you study English ? _ tapes. A. To listen B. To listen to C. By listening D. By listening to( )2.-Can you tell me what words mean ? - Sorry, you can-_them _in a dictionary ? A. look, into B .look, up look, out C. look, for( )3The boy often surfs the Inter

2、net_his bedroom door _. . A. with ,on B. without, off C .with, closed D. with, opened ( )4.I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening. _. Its not safe enough. A. I agree B.I dont think so C. I dont know D.I disagreed ( )5.Mrs Black allowed her daughter to_for her

3、 favorite TV program. A.stand up B. step up C. keep up D. stay up. ( )6_ your parents strict with you ? A. Do B. Did C. Are D. Is. ( )7.My hair is long, and I will have it-。 . A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. to be cutn( )8. How can I improve my spoken English? n You have to practice as much as you ca

4、n.nA. speaking B. spoken C. to speak D. speakn( ) 9. Nothing can stop the sandstorm(沙尘暴)_ more and more treesn are planted. n A. if B. unless C. when D. if not n( )10.He used to short and curly hair when he was young.n A. have ,be B. be, have C. be, has D. has, ben( ) 11. Im that I cant go to the mo

5、vie with you tonight, for I have lots n of work to do. n A. glad B. sad C. sure D. afraidn( )12.I think students to do homework with friends.n A. is allowed B .are allow n C. should allow D. should be allowed n( )13.The National Day is coming, we will have eight days _ .n A. on B. off C. up D. downn

6、( )14.At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _ of n the running water.n A. shout B. noise C. voice D. soundn( )15. Will you come to my party tomorrow?n If my sister doesnt go, _. .n A . so do I B. neither do I C. neither will I D. I willn( )16.They used to _up late .But now they aren

7、 used to _up early .n A. get ,get B. getting ,get C. get ,getting D. getting ,gettingn( )17.Am I good-looking ? I_ yesterday .n A. my hair cut B. got my hair cuttedn C. got my hair cut D. have my hair cutn( )18.I had to _until 12:00pm because I had a lotn of homework to do .n A. stay up B. cheer up

8、C. give up D. put upn( )19.I am not afraid of the dark ,I always go to sleep _.n A. with my bedroom light on B.with the window openn C. with my window off D. with the bedroom light closedn( )20.You _ to walk on grass .n A.allow B.arent allowed C.allowed D.have allowedn ( )21.Nobody can learn English

9、 well _you work hard .n A.if B.unless C.when D.butn( )22.Would you like to go to the party tomorrow ?n I f you dont go ,_.n A.neither do I B. so do In C.neither will I D.so will I n( )23.Not only you but also Tom _the exam .n A.pass B.has passed C.have passed D.to passn( )24.China _a lot in the last

10、 twenty years .n A.changes B.will change C.changed D.has changedn( )25._do you improve your listening ?n I improve it _listening to tapes .n A.What ,by B.How ,by C.What ,with D.How ,withn( )26._ memorizing words of pop songs a way n to learn English ?n A.Am B.Is C. Are D.Don( )27.Father doesnt _ me

11、to feed a dog .n A.allow B.let C.make D.haven( )28.Youve _lots of mistakes in your homework .n A.make B.do C.made D.donen( )29.Light travels much faster than _.n A. sound B. voice C. notice D. noise n( )30.He is sure _.n A. success B. succeed C. to succeed D. successfuln( )31.You should _more attent

12、ion to your pronunciation。n A.cost B.pay C.spend D.take n( )32.How long did you _writing this essay ?n A.spend B.cost C.take D.payn( )33.Who _ the bill ?n A.spend B.cost C.pay D.paidn( ) 34.How much does this book _ you ?_n A.cost B.pay C.spend D.take n( )35.It _me three hours to do my homework last

13、 night .n A.spent B.cost Ctook D.payn( )36. She thinks the best way to learn English is _ English magazines. n A. read B. by reading C. seeing D. by seeingn( )37. Many English learners are afraid _ mistakes n when pronouncing English words. n A. of makingB. make C. to makingD. makingn( )38. I find i

14、t _that I cannot speak English well.n A. frustrate B. frustrating C. frustrated D. to frustrate n( )39. What _ reading aloud to practice pronunciation?n A. of B. about C. around D. /n( )40. Most young people enjoy _ the pop music. n A. hearing B. listening to C. listen to D. to listen ton( )41. Inte

15、rnet bars mustnt let people under 18 in or let anybody n _ bad things.n A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watchesn( )42. Pierre was greatly _ by the cute panda when he n spent summer vocation in China.n A. impressed B. impressing C. memorizing D. realizedn( )43. Last year my sister tried to lose w

16、eight (减肥), but _ n putting weight back on.n A. cut up B. looked up C. ended up D. made upn( )44. -Do you know _? n -At 8:00 am. n A. who to talk withB. when to have a meetingn C. what to do nextD. where to go swimmingn( )45. -Thank you for helping me with English.n - _n A. No. B. Thats right. C. Th

17、ats all. D. Not at all.n( )46.You seem to like sweets .n _.Thats why Im becoming fatter and fatter .n A.So I do B.So do I C.So am I D.So I amn ( )47 Am I good-looking ? I_ yesterday .n A.my hair cut B.got my hair cuttedn C.got my hair cut D.have my hair cutn( )48.What do you think of the music ?n _.

18、n A.I cant stand it B.It is wonderfuln C.I agree D. both A and Bn( )49. Why dont you take the T-shirt , Linda ?n - I have only 10.I cant _ it .n A. borrow B. afford C. sell D. bringn n( )50. Does it _ if Im a little late for your party ?n -Never mind,n A. mind B. work C. help .D. mattern.补全对话( 10 分

19、)n根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整.nA: You look unhappy. _, my boy?nB: I think Im going to fail a math test, Dad.nA: _?nB: Well, because I missed the bus and I had to walk to school.nA: _?nB: Im not allowed to get to class late, and there was a big test today.nA: _?nB: Thats right. I wasnt allo

20、wed to take the test later. But I know I could pass it.nA: Well, Peter, the school has to have rules, you know.nB: I know. But _. Its not fair.nA: I agree. Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school.nB: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, shell understand.应用写作.(15分) n英语是中学一门重要的课程,但是有的同学因学习方法不当而学习效果不佳,有的同学因畏惧而放弃英语学习。针对这一现象中学英文报展开了怎样学好英语的大讨论,请你以 “ Talking about English learning”为题用英语给该报写一篇征文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及学习经验。并给英语学习有困难的同学提几条学英语的建议。要点如下:nWhy do you learn English?nHow do you learn English ?nYour suggestions .n要求:短文应包括所有要点。字数80Thank you Thank you for for listening!listening!



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