高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module1《Life in the Future(外研版必修4)

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《高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module1《Life in the Future(外研版必修4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module1《Life in the Future(外研版必修4)(134页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、. 句式填空句式填空1. no matter引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live (无论他们住在哪里无论他们住在哪里). 2. too. . . to. . . 太太以至于以至于Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future (现在忙于享受我的生活现在忙于享受我的生活, 而无暇为未来担忧而无暇为未来担忧)!3. 不完全否定不完全否定N

2、ot all predictions (不是所有的预言不是所有的预言)come true. . 教材设题教材设题1. _ garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, _ landfill and environmental problems. A. To get rid of; to preventB. Getting rid of; to preventC. To get rid of; preventingD. Getting

3、 rid of; preventing【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。句句意意:为为了了除除掉掉垃垃圾圾问问题题, 城城市市将将把把垃垃圾圾运运到到大大型型的的太太空空船船上上, 然然后后把把它它们们发发射射到到太太阳阳上上, 这这样样就就会会阻阻止止垃垃圾圾填填埋埋地地与与环环境境问问题题的的产产生生。to get rid of garbage problems是是动动词词不不定定式式表表示示目目的的。preventing landfill and environmental problems是是v.-ing形形式式表表示示一一种种顺顺其自然的结果其自然的结果, 而不定式作

4、结果状语表示意料之外的结果。而不定式作结果状语表示意料之外的结果。2. _ will be possible to change the colour of cars at the flick of a switch. A. This B. What C. That D. It【解解析析】选选D。此此处处it作作形形式式主主语语。真真正正的的主主语语是是后后面面的的动动词词不不定定式式。A、C两两项项不不能能作作形形式式主主语语。若若选选B, 题题干干要要改改为为_ will be possible is to change the colour of cars at the flick of

5、 a switch. 。3. Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras _ to their head. A. adjusted B. attachedC. adjusting D. attaching【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:通通过过固固定定在在头头上上的的高高科科技技照照相相机机, 行行动动不不便便的的老老年年人人和和身身体体有有残残疾疾的的人人就就能能周周游游世世界界。adjust适适应应, 调调整整; at

6、tach把把固固定定, 连连接接。根根据据句句意意可可知知此此处处应应用用attach。又又因因attach与与cameras之之间间是是动动宾宾关关系系, 所所以以用用过过去去分分词词。此此处处attached to their head作后置定语修饰前面的作后置定语修饰前面的cameras。4. Look out!We _ an accident! A. are having B. are going to haveC. will be having D. have【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:小小心心!我我们们会会遇遇到到车车祸祸!be going to除除了了表表示示“打打算算”之之外

7、外, 还还表表示示根根据据一一定定的的征征兆兆或或迹迹象象会会发发生生什什么么事事。此此处处应应表表示示根根据据一一定定的的迹迹象象判判断断出出要要遇遇到到车车祸祸。所所以选以选B。5. _ the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when theyre on the moon. A. Because B. Since C. With D. As【解解析析】选选C。此此处处with t

8、he first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s是是with复复合合结结构构。若若选选A、B、D, 句句子子应应改改为为Because/Since/As the first moon colonies are predicted for the 1970s, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when theyre on the moon. 。 1. My little son put my new leather shoes in

9、 the water. After drying them, I found they were out of _ . A. shape B. date C. order D. balance【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:我我的的小小儿儿子子把把我我的的新新皮皮鞋鞋放放进进了了水水里里。晾晾干干后后, 我我发发现现鞋鞋子子变变形形了了。out of shape变变(走走)样样; out of date过时过时; out of order无序地无序地; out of balance失去平衡。失去平衡。2. Parents _ much importance to education. They

10、will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. 2010江西江西, 25A. attach B. pay C. link D. apply【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析与与固固定定搭搭配配。句句意意:父父母母认认为为教教育育非非常常重重要要。他他们们尽尽全全力力使使孩孩子子接接受受教教育育这这个个无无价价之之宝宝。attach importance to认认为为很很重重要要; pay付付钱钱; link. . . to. . . 把把和和连接在一起连接在一起; apply. . . to. . . 把把

11、应用于应用于。3. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. 2009湖北湖北, 27A. primary B. alternativeC. instant D. unique【解解析析】选选B。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。primary主主要要的的, 根根本本的的, 初初期期的的; alternative两两者者择择一一的的,

12、替替代代的的; instant立立即即的的; unique独独一一无无二二的的。句句意意:由由于于煤煤和和石石油油越越来来越越少少, 科科学学家家正正在在寻寻求求利利用用可可替替换换能能源源如如阳阳光光、风风和和水水作作为为能能源源与与燃燃料料的的新新方方法法。根据句意可知选根据句意可知选B。4. Some students complain that they are _ too much homework. A. loading with B. loaded withC. unloading with D. unloaded with【解解析析】选选B。考考查查load的的用用法法。句句意

13、意:有有些些学学生生抱抱怨怨说说, 他他们的作业太多。们的作业太多。be loaded with充满充满, 被装上被装上, 负担负担。1. Why not eat this cheese up? The doctor advised me to go on a diet to _ my extra weight. 2011丹东模拟丹东模拟A. come up with B. get rid ofC. run out of D. keep out of【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:为为什什么么不不把把奶奶酪酪吃吃光光?医医生生建建议议我我节节食食以以除除去去多多余余的的体体重重。come up

14、with提提出出; get rid of除除掉掉, 摆摆脱脱; run out of用用光光, 用用完完; keep out of不不卷卷入入, 使使不不进进入。入。2. You can rely on _ it will be finished this weekend. A. this B. / C. that D. it that【解解析析】选选D。考考查查rely on it+that从从句句。此此处处rely on后后面面的的it是是形形式式宾宾语语, 真真正正的的宾宾语语是是后后面面的的that从从句句。句句意意:你你要要相相信信这个周末会完成它的。这个周末会完成它的。3. Whe

15、n my visa _ I had to come back. A. ran out B. put outC. stood out D. pointed out【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语。run out用用完完, (文文件件、协协议议等等)失失效效、到到期期; put out扑扑灭灭; stand out突突出出; point out指指出出。句句意:我的签证到期时意:我的签证到期时, 我不得不回来。我不得不回来。翻译句子翻译句子1. 无论你做什么无论你做什么, 你都不要违反法律。你都不要违反法律。Whatever/No matter what you do , you mu

16、stnt break the law. 2. 无论你说什么都是正确的。无论你说什么都是正确的。Whatever you say is right. 1. These three college students are real heroes because they risked _ their own lives in order to save the drowning boys in the water. 2011上海模拟上海模拟A. having lost B. to loseC. losing D. of losing【解解析析】选选C。考考查查risk的的用用法法。risk作作动

17、动词词时时, 后后面面跟跟v.-ing形形式式, 所所以以选选C。另另外外, having lost强强调调lose这这一一动动作作发发生生在在谓谓语语动动作作risked之之前前, 而而此此处处lose与与谓谓语语动动作作是是同同时时发发生生的的, 所所以以要用要用v.-ing形式的一般式形式的一般式, 即即losing。2. _ , she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. 2010安徽安徽, 31A. Shy and cautiousB. Sensitive and thoughtfu

18、lC. Honest and confidentD. Lighthearted and optimistic【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。句句意意:她她愉愉快快乐乐观观, 是是那那种种通通过过微微笑笑向向人人们们播播撒撒阳阳光光的的女女人人。A项项表表示示“害害羞羞谨谨慎慎的的”; B项项表表示示“敏敏感感而而深深思思熟熟虑虑的的”; C项项表表示示“诚诚实实自自信信的的”; D项表示项表示“愉快乐观的愉快乐观的”。由句意知。由句意知D项正确。项正确。. 用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空predict, risk, load, power, attach,

19、optimistic, eventual, shape, alternative, arrest1. He was unwilling to make a prediction about the international situation in the coming year. 2. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. 3. If an activity or action is risky , it is dangerous or likely

20、to fail. 4. The illness has left him in rather poor shape . 5. We loaded up trucks with all the blankets, bandages, medication and water we could spare for the flooded area. 6. We should be in an optimistic mood every day. 7. Simply power your computer and continue to work. 8. The police arrested fi

21、ve young men in connection with one of the campus attacks. 9. The leaders in the country attached much importance to the visit of Obama. 10. Electricity companies were criticized for failing to develop alternative energy sources. . 完成句子完成句子1. 你尽管相信我一定会为你保密。你尽管相信我一定会为你保密。You can rely on me to keep yo

22、ur secret. 2. 他把电池装进照相机里。他把电池装进照相机里。He loaded the battery into the camera. 3. 他认为经理因为个人原因要除掉他。他认为经理因为个人原因要除掉他。He believed that his manager wanted to get rid of him for personal reasons. 4. 赶快!我们剩下的时间不多了。赶快!我们剩下的时间不多了。Hurry up!Our time is running out . /Hurry up!We are running out of time. 5. 这家医院免费为

23、他做了手术。这家医院免费为他做了手术。He was operated on in the hospital free of charge . 6. 由于科技日新月异由于科技日新月异, 你新买的手机很快就会过时。你新买的手机很快就会过时。Because science and technology is changing day by day, the mobile phone you bought recently is on the way out . 7. 我想他是住在那里的我想他是住在那里的, 但我不敢肯定。但我不敢肯定。I think he lives there but I coul

24、dnt say for sure . 8. 为了能按时完成这项任务为了能按时完成这项任务, 我们将日夜工作。我们将日夜工作。To finish the task on time, we will work day and night. . 单项填空单项填空1. _ enters the computer rooms should take off his shoes in order to keep them clean enough. 2011合肥模拟合肥模拟A. Who B. WhoeverC. What D. Whatever【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:无无论论谁谁进进入入微微机机室室

25、都都要要脱脱掉掉鞋鞋子子, 目目的的是是保保持持微微机机室室的的清清洁洁。此此处处whoever相相当当于于anyone who, 引引导导主主语语从从句句, 干干扰扰项项是是A。who也也可可引引导导主主语语从从句句, 但但其其表表示示疑疑问。问。 【举一反三举一反三】_ will be sent to explore the forest has not been decided. A. Who B. Whoever C. What D. Which【解解析析】选选A。考考查查连连接接词词。句句意意:派派谁谁去去探探索索那那个个森森林林还还没没有有决决定定下下来来。根根据据句句意意可可知知

26、应应该该选选A。who表表示示“谁谁”, 可以引导名词性从句。干扰项是可以引导名词性从句。干扰项是B, whoever表示表示“无论谁无论谁”。2. Some Jewish people risk _ and put to death to escape from Germany during the Second World War. A. to be caught B. being caughtC. to catch D. catching【解解析析】选选B。考考查查risk的的用用法法。句句意意:在在二二战战期期间间, 一一些些犹犹太太人人冒冒着着被被抓抓住住处处死死的的危危险险逃逃离离

27、德德国国。risk doing sth. 冒冒险险做做某某事事。主主语语与与catch之之间间为为逻逻辑辑上上的的被被动动关关系系, 故故B项项为为正正确确答案。答案。3. Call me at 5: 30 tomorrow morning. Why that early? I _ then. 2011厦门模拟厦门模拟A. will sleep B. was sleepingC. will be sleeping D. have been sleeping【解解析析】选选C。考考查查时时态态。句句意意:明明天天早早晨晨5点点半半喊喊我我。为为什什么么那那么么早早?那那个个时时侯侯我我在在睡睡着

28、着觉觉呢呢。根根据据句句意意与与语语境境可可知知要要用用将将来来进进行行时时。将将来来进进行行时时指指在在将将来来某某个个时时候候正正在在进行的动作。进行的动作。4. We should think of a way to _ peoples fear about natural disasters. A. get rid of B. get along withC. run away from D. come up with【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语。get rid of除除掉掉; get along with相相处处, 进进展展; run away from逃逃离离; c

29、ome up with想想出出, 提提出出。句意:我们应该想出方法来消除人们对自然灾害的恐惧。句意:我们应该想出方法来消除人们对自然灾害的恐惧。5. The trees were _ for lack of water so we should water them in time. A. in good shape B. in bad shapeC. in good condition D. in bad order【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定短短语语。in good shape= in good condition状状态态好好; in bad shape状状态态不不好好; in b

30、ad order紊紊乱乱。句句意意:由由于于缺缺水水这这些些树树的的状状况况不不好好, 所所以以我我们们要要及及时时给给它它们们浇水。浇水。6. Nowadays many young people have a(n) _ lifestyle that does not follow traditional ways of living and working. 2011哈尔滨模拟哈尔滨模拟A. average B. normalC. popular D. alternative【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。average平平均均的的; normal正正常常的的; popu

31、lar流流行行的的, 受受欢欢迎迎的的; alternative可可替替代代的的。句句意意:现现在在许许多多年年轻轻人人过过着着与与传传统统的的生生活活与与工工作作方方式式不不同同的的新新的的生生活方式。根据句意可知选活方式。根据句意可知选D。7. When we _ others completely, well get lost. A. rely on B. put onC. pick up D. put up【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。rely on依依赖赖, 依依靠靠; put on穿穿上上, 上上演演; pick up拾拾起起, 接接人人, 收收听听; pu

32、t up举举起起, 搭搭建建, 张张贴贴, 留留宿宿。句句意意:当当我我们们完完全全依依赖赖他他人人时时, 我我们们就就会会迷迷失失自我。自我。8. It is possible to _ some files to e-mail and send them out together. A. adopt B. attract C. adapt D. attach【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。adopt采采纳纳, 收收养养; attract吸吸引引; adapt适适应应, 改改编编; attach系系, 贴贴。句句意意:把把一一些些文文件件添添加加到到电子邮件中电子邮件中, 然后

33、把它们一起发出去然后把它们一起发出去, 这是可能的。这是可能的。9. The villagers trapped in the flood are faced with a problem that supplies are _ so we should send them some. A. running out B. running out ofC. using up D. going out【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。run out“用用完完, (文文件件、协协议议等等)到到期期”, 主主语语是是物物, 不不用用于于被被动动语语态态; run out of=us

34、e up“用用完完”, 其其后后要要带带宾宾语语, 可可用用于于被被动动语语态态。go out“出出去去”。句句意意:被被困困在在洪洪水水中中的的村村民民面面临临着着一一个个问问题题, 那那就就是是他他们们的的供供应应品品快快要要用用完完了了, 所所以以我我们们要要给给他他们们送送一一些些。此此处处若若选选B、C两两项项, 题题干干要要改改为为The villagers trapped in the flood are faced with a problem that supplies are used up/run out of so we should send them some. 。

35、10. They _ all their equipment into backpacks and set out for the destination. A. left B. loaded C. hung D. held【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:他他们们把把所所有有的的设设备备都都装装进进背背包包里里, 然然后后就就出出发发去去目目的的地地了了。load. . . into. . . 把把装进装进。11. The football fans often make a _ about which team will win the coming match. A

36、. profession B. preparationC. prediction D. progress【解解析析】选选C。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。句句意意:足足球球迷迷经经常常预预测测哪哪个个队会赢得即将进行的比赛。队会赢得即将进行的比赛。make a prediction预测。预测。12. The boys and girls had walked for hours. They _ got very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. all; neither B. both; noneC. all; none D. b

37、oth; everyone【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:这这些些孩孩子子们们已已经经走走了了很很长长时时间间。他他们们都都很很累累, 但但是是没没有有一一个个人人会会停停下下来来休休息息。从从the boys and girls可可看看出出有有很很多多人人, 因因此此肯肯定定句句中中用用all表表示示三三者者或或三三者者以以上上。none表示两者以上的人中没有一个人。表示两者以上的人中没有一个人。13. _ making mistakes, he looked through the information closely. A. Avoiding B. To avoidC. Avoided

38、D. Avoid【解解析析】选选B。此此处处是是动动词词不不定定式式表表示示目目的的。句句意意:为为了了避避免免犯犯错错误误, 他他仔仔细细地地看看这这些些信信息息。v.-ing形形式式与与过过去去分分词词不不能能表目的。表目的。 【方法技巧方法技巧】动词不定式表目的动词不定式表目的动动词词不不定定式式、v.-ing形形式式与与过过去去分分词词属属于于非非谓谓语语动动词词的的三三种种形形式式, 它它们们都都可可以以作作状状语语。但但是是, 作作目目的的状状语语时时, 只只能能用用动动词词不不定定式式。所所以以, 遇遇到到考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词作作状状语语的的情情况况时时, 一一定定要要根

39、根据据句句意意来来判判断断它它们们在在句句中中的的作作用用。另另外外, 动动词词不不定定式式作作目目的的状状语语时时, 句句子子的的主主语语一一定定也也是是动动词词不不定定式式的的逻逻辑辑主主语语。例例如:如:To really enjoy nature, he went to Tibet. 为了能真正地欣赏大自然为了能真正地欣赏大自然, 他去了西藏。他去了西藏。根据上面的讲解对下面的题做出正确的选择:根据上面的讲解对下面的题做出正确的选择:To protect our environment, _ . A. many trees should be planted B. we should

40、plant many treesC. many more trees are neededD. planting more trees is necessary【解解析析】选选B。前前半半句句是是动动词词不不定定式式作作目目的的状状语语。动动词词不不定定式式作目的状语时作目的状语时, 句子的主语一定也是动词不定式的逻辑主语。句子的主语一定也是动词不定式的逻辑主语。14. The forecasters say more snow is _ tomorrow. A. on the way out B. in the wayC. on the way D. in no way【解解析析】选选C。考

41、考查查固固定定短短语语。on the way out即即将将过过时时; in the way挡挡道道, 碍碍事事; on the way在在路路上上, 即即将将发发生生; in no way决不。句意:预报员说明天将会有更多的雪。决不。句意:预报员说明天将会有更多的雪。15. What I appreciate is her _ view of events. A. pessimistic B. sillyC. ordinary D. optimistic【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。pessimistic悲悲观观的的; silly愚愚蠢蠢的的; ordinary普普通通的

42、的; optimistic乐乐观观的的。句句意意:我我欣欣赏赏的的是是她对待事情的乐观态度。她对待事情的乐观态度。. 阅读理解阅读理解(A) With the Tesla Roadster and other plug-in electric vehicles hitting the road, demand is growing for accessible refueling points to recharge them. Carbon Day Automotive, a Chicago-based company, has now demonstrated a solar-powere

43、d recharging point, known as the Solar Plug-in Station, which lets motorists easily charge their cars using electricity that has been produced without any environmental damage. The Solar Plug-in Station has gone on show in Chicago as part of the citys bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games. According to

44、 Carbon Day Automotive, the solar-powered recharging station is part of the important infrastructure required for electric vehicles in Chicago and was the focus of a recent visit by the International Olympic Committee. These solar-powered electricity points will be used daily by Chicago to fuel the

45、citys electric vehicles with power from the sun. By producing the electricity from pollution-free solar cells, the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero. The Solar Plug-in Station consists of giant solar panels that shade the tiny Charge Point Networked Charging Station. The solar panel is connected to

46、an underground battery pack, ready for everyday refueling. “Without these stations it would be like driving around traditional cars without the availability of gas stations, ”says Scott Emalfarb, CEO at Carbon Day Automotive, “The day of true plug-in electric vehicles will be here sooner than most p

47、eople realize and the world needs to be to accommodate them. ”【文文章章大大意意】本本文文主主要要讲讲了了芝芝加加哥哥将将要要建建太太阳阳能能充充电电站站, 这这些充电站为电动汽车提供绿色环保能源。些充电站为电动汽车提供绿色环保能源。1. The plug-in electric vehicles has an advantage over traditional cars because _ . A. they are environment-friendlyB. they run fasterC. they use more f

48、uelD. they are safer【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第一一段段的的最最后后一一句句以以及及第第三三段段的的By producing the electricity from pollution-free solar cells, the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero. 可知。可知。2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Chicago is short in oil. B. The Solar Plug-in

49、 Station is made up of underground packs. C. The Tesla Roadster is a type of plug-in electric vehicles. D. The Tesla Roadster is in great demand now. 【解析解析】选选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句可知。细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句可知。3. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Chicago sets up its solar-powered recharging stationB. Chicag

50、o will bid for the 2016 Olympic GamesC. Plug-in electric vehiclesD. Solar energy【解解析析】选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。本本文文主主要要讲讲了了芝芝加加哥哥要要建建立立太太阳能充电站的事情。故选阳能充电站的事情。故选A。4. The underlined word “recharge” means _ . A. put more power into a battery etc. againB. ask for more moneyC. accuse sb. againD. have a rest【解解析析】选选

51、A。词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据文文章章内内容容可可以以推推断断出出recharge表示表示“再充电再充电”。(B) Robot teacherswho never get angry or make hard remarks-have been a hit with pupils during a pilot project in some South Korean schools, a government report said Thursday. Elementary school children responded favourably to the robot teachers

52、, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said, citing a survey by educational researchers. English-teaching robots were sent to three provincial schools for eight weeks starting in late December. And programmable electronic devices resembling robots, which teach maths, science and art, were used in 10 Se

53、oul schools for five weeks from November. The researchers found that the English-teaching robots helped raise interest in the language and boosted the confidence of students. “Tele-presence(远远程程呈呈现现)”robots are controlled remotely by an English teacher and are equipped with a microphone and video ca

54、mera. Autonomous units use voice-recognition software to interact with children. The government has expressed interest in robots to give rural school children more learning opportunities. “The machines spurred creativity and had a positive influence on the attitude of students, ” a ministry official

55、 told Yonhap News Agency. Officials in charge of the project are working to improve the quality of robot teaching and get rid of small problems before any decision to expand their use. 【文文章章大大意意】文文章章主主要要讲讲了了在在韩韩国国部部分分学学校校试试行行的的机机器器人人老老师受到学生的青睐师受到学生的青睐, 然后介绍了机器人老师的情况。然后介绍了机器人老师的情况。5. One of the advan

56、tages of the robot teachers is that _ . A. they can teach the students more than human beings B. they can make students more creativeC. they are good-lookingD. they can solve all the problems that students meet【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据倒倒数数第第二二段段可可知知, 机机器器人人老老师师能能激激发发学学生生的的创创造造力力, 并并能能对对学学生生的的学学习习态态度

57、度产产生生积积极极影影响。故选响。故选B。6. Which of the following is TRUE about the English-teaching robots? A. They often speak to the students in an upsetting tone. B. They can make students more interested in English. C. They are so clever that they damage the students confidence. D. They can help the students do t

58、heir homework. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第五五段段可可知知, 机机器器人人英英语语老老师师有有助助于于提提高高学学生生学学习习语语言言的的兴兴趣趣, 并并增增强强他他们们的的自自信信心心。故选故选B。7. We can conclude from the passage that _ . A. the government is in favour of the robot teachers B. there is no flaw about the robot teachers C. the robot teachers have been used

59、 all over the country D. the project is supported by all the students and teachers【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第七七段段可可知知, 韩韩国国政政府府表表示示将将通通过过推推广广机机器器人人教教学学项项目目为为农农村村地地区区的的孩孩子子提提供供更更多多的的学习机会。由此可知选学习机会。由此可知选A。8. Whats the best title of the passage? A. How robot teachers work in South KoreaB. An important

60、change in educationC. Robot teachers will be common in the schools in South KoreaD. Robot teachers are popular with students in South Korea【解解析析】选选D。主主旨旨大大意意题题。文文章章主主要要讲讲了了在在韩韩国国部部分分学学校校试试行行的的机机器器人人老老师师受受到到学学生生的的青青睐睐, 然然后后介介绍绍了了机机器器人人老老师师的情况。故选的情况。故选D。 . 语音知音知识1. shapeA. disaster B. primary C. compa

61、ss D. situation2. solarA. upon B. unfold C. project D. movie3. crimeA. service B. precious C. custom D. accept4. slightlyA. photogragh B. throughC. laugh D. geography5. outdoorsA. mouth B. enough C. soup D. soul答案:答案:15. DBCBA. 单词拼写拼写1. He was unwilling to make a prediction(预测) about the internation

62、al situation in the coming year. 2. Eventually(最后,(最后,终于)于) your child will leave home to lead his or her own life as a fully independent adult. 3. If an activity or action is risky(危(危险的)的), it is dangerous or likely to fail. 4. The illness has left him in rather poor shape(状况)(状况). 5. We loaded(装(

63、装载) up trucks with all the blankets, bandages, medication and water we could spare for the flooded area. 6. We should be in an optimistic(乐观的)的) mood every day. 7. Simply power(供(供给动力,充力,充电) your computer and continue to work. 8. The police arrested(逮捕)(逮捕) five young men in connection with one of t

64、he campus attacks. 9. The leaders in the country attached(系)(系) much importance to the visit of Obama. 10. Electricity companies were criticized for failing to develop alternative(供(供选择的,替的,替换的)的) energy sources. . 语法和法和词汇知知识1. _ enters the computer rooms should take off his shoes in order to keep t

65、hem clean enough. 2011合肥模合肥模拟A. Who B. Whoever C. What D. Whatever【解解析析】选B。句句意意:无无论谁进入入微微机机室室都都要要脱脱掉掉鞋鞋子子,目目的的是是保保持持微微机机室室的的清清洁。此此处whoever相相当当于于anyone who,引引导主主语从从句句,干干扰项是是A。who也也可可引引导主主语从从句句,但但其其表示疑表示疑问。 【举一反三一反三】 _ will be sent to explore the forest has not been decided. A. Who B. Whoever C. What

66、D. Which【解解析析】选A。考考查连接接词。句句意意:派派谁去去探探索索那那个个森森林林还没没有有决决定定下下来来。根根据据句句意意可可知知应该选A。who表表示示“谁”,可可以引以引导名名词性从句。干性从句。干扰项是是B,whoever表示表示“无无论谁”。2. Some Jewish people risk _ and put to death to escape from Germany during the Second World War. A. to be caught B. being caughtC. to catch D. catching【解解析析】选B。考考查ris

67、k的的用用法法。句句意意:在在二二战期期间,一一些些犹犹太太人人冒冒着着被被抓抓住住处死死的的危危险逃逃离离德德国国。risk doing sth. 冒冒险做做某某事事。主主语与与catch之之间为逻辑上上的的被被动关关系系,故故B项为正正确确答案。答案。3. Call me at 5: 30 tomorrow morning. Why that early? I _ then . 2011厦厦门模模拟A. will sleep B. was sleepingC. will be sleeping D. have been sleeping【解解析析】选C。考考查时态。句句意意:明明天天早早晨

68、晨5点点半半喊喊我我。为什什么么那那么么早早?那那个个时侯侯我我在在睡睡着着觉呢呢。根根据据句句意意与与语境境可可知知要要用用将将来来进行行时。将将来来进行行时指指在在将将来来某某个个时候候正正在在进行的行的动作。作。4. We should think of a way to _ peoples fear about natural disasters. A. get rid of B. get along withC. run away from D. come up with【解解析析】选A。考考查动词短短语。get rid of除除掉掉;get along with相相处,进展展;ru

69、n away from逃逃离离;come up with想想出出,提提出出。句句意意:我我们应该想想出出方方法法来来消消除除人人们对自自然然灾灾害害的的恐恐惧。惧。5. The trees were _ for lack of water so we should water them in time. A. in good shape B. in bad shapeC. in good condition D. in bad order【解解析析】选B。考考查固固定定短短语。in good shape= in good condition状状态好好;in bad shape状状态不不好好;i

70、n bad order紊紊乱乱。句句意意:由由于于缺缺水水这些些树的的状状况况不不好好,所所以以我我们要要及及时给它它们浇水。水。6. Nowadays many young people have a(n) _ lifestyle that does not follow traditional ways of living and working. A. average B. normalC. popular D. alternative【解解析析】选D。考考查形形容容词辨辨析析。average平平均均的的;normal正正常常的的;popular流流行行的的,受受欢迎迎的的;altern

71、ative可可替替代代的的。句句意意:现在在许多多年年轻人人过着着与与传统的的生生活活与与工工作作方方式式不不同同的的新新的生活方式。根据句意可知的生活方式。根据句意可知选D。7. When we _ others completely, well get lost. A. rely on B. put onC. pick up D. put up【解解析析】选A。考考查动词短短语辨辨析析。rely on依依赖,依依靠靠;put on穿穿上上,上上演演;pick up拾拾起起,接接人人,收收听听;put up举起起,搭搭建建,张贴,留留宿宿。句句意意:当当我我们完完全全依依赖他他人人时,我我们

72、就就会会迷失自我。迷失自我。8. It is possible to _ some files to e-mail and send them out together. A. adopt B. attract C. adapt D. attach【解解析析】选D。考考查动词辨辨析析。adopt采采纳,收收养养;attract吸吸引引;adapt适适应,改改编;attach系系,贴。句句意意:把把一一些些文文件件添添加到加到电子子邮件中,然后把它件中,然后把它们一起一起发出去,出去,这是可能的。是可能的。9. The villagers trapped in the flood are fac

73、ed with a problem that supplies are _ so we should send them some. A. running out B. running out ofC. using up D. going out【解解析析】选A。考考查动词短短语辨辨析析。run out“用用完完,(文文件件、协议等等)到到期期”,主主语是是物物,不不用用于于被被动语态;run out of=use up“用用完完”,其其后后要要带宾语,可可用用于于被被动语态。go out“出出去去”。句句意意:被被困困在在洪洪水水中中的的村村民民面面临着着一一个个问题,那那就就是是他他们的的

74、供供应品品快快要要用用完完了了,所所以以我我们要要给他他们送送一一些些。此此处若若选B、C两两项,题干干要要改改为The villagers trapped in the flood are faced with a problem that supplies are used up/run out of so we should send them some. 。10. They _ all their equipment into backpacks and set out for the destination. A. left B. loaded C. hung D. held【解解析

75、析】选B。考考查动词辨辨析析。句句意意:他他们把把所所有有的的设备都都装装进背背包包里里,然然后后就就出出发去去目目的的地地了了。load. . . into. . . 把把装装进。11. The football fans often make a _ about which team will win the coming match. A. profession B. preparationC. prediction D. progress【解解析析】选C。考考查名名词辨辨析析。句句意意:足足球球迷迷经常常预测哪哪个个队会会赢得即将得即将进行的比行的比赛。make a predictio

76、n预测。12. The boys and girls had walked for hours. They _ got very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. all;neither B. both;noneC. all;none D. both;everyone【解解析析】选C。句句意意:这些些孩孩子子们已已经走走了了很很长时间。他他们都都很很累累,但但是是没没有有一一个个人人会会停停下下来来休休息息。从从the boys and girls可可看看出出有有很很多多人人,因因此此肯肯定定句句中中用用all表表示示三三者者

77、或或三三者者以以上。上。none表示两者以上的人中没有一个人。表示两者以上的人中没有一个人。13. _ making mistakes, he looked through the information closely. A. Avoiding B. To avoidC. Avoided D. Avoid【解解析析】选B。此此处是是动词不不定定式式表表示示目目的的。句句意意:为了了避避免免犯犯错误,他他仔仔细地地看看这些些信信息息。v. -ing形形式式与与过去去分分词不不能表目的。能表目的。 【方法技巧方法技巧】动词不定式表目的不定式表目的 动词不不定定式式、v. -ing形形式式与与过去

78、去分分词属属于于非非谓语动词的的三三种种形形式式,它它们都都可可以以作作状状语。但但是是,作作目目的的状状语时,只只能能用用动词不不定定式式。所所以以,遇遇到到考考查非非谓语动词作作状状语的的情情况况时,一一定定要要根根据据句句意意来来判判断断它它们在在句句中中的的作作用用。另另外外,动词不不定定式式作作目目的的状状语时,句句子子的的主主语一一定定也也是是动词不不定定式式的的逻辑主主语。例如:。例如:To really enjoy nature, he went to Tibet. 为了能真正地欣了能真正地欣赏大自然,他去了西藏。大自然,他去了西藏。根据上面的根据上面的讲解解对下面的下面的题做

79、出正确的做出正确的选择:To protect our environment, _ . A. many trees should be planted B. we should plant many treesC. many more trees are neededD. planting more trees is necessary【解解析析】选B。前前半半句句是是动词不不定定式式作作目目的的状状语。动词不不定定式式作作目目的的状状语时,句句子子的的主主语一一定定也也是是动词不不定定式式的的逻辑主主语。14. The forecasters say more snow is _ tomor

80、row. A. on the way out B. in the wayC. on the way D. in no way【解解析析】选C。考考查固固定定短短语。on the way out即即将将过时;in the way挡道道,碍碍事事;on the way在在路路上上,即即将将发生生;in no way决不。句意:决不。句意:预报员说明天将会有更多的雪。明天将会有更多的雪。15. What I appreciate is her _ view of events. A. pessimistic B. sillyC. ordinary D. optimistic【解解析析】选D。考考查形

81、形容容词辨辨析析。pessimistic悲悲观的的;silly愚愚蠢蠢的的;ordinary普普通通的的;optimistic乐观的的。句句意意:我我欣欣赏的的是她是她对待事情的待事情的乐观态度。度。. 阅读理解理解(A) With the Tesla Roadster and other plug-in electric vehicles hitting the road, demand is growing for accessible refueling points to recharge them. Carbon Day Automotive, a Chicago-based com

82、pany, has now demonstrated a solar-powered recharging point, known as the Solar Plug-in Station, which lets motorists easily charge their cars using electricity that has been produced without any environmental damage. The Solar Plug-in Station has gone on show in Chicago as part of the citys bid to

83、host the 2016 Olympic Games. According to Carbon Day Automotive, the solar-powered recharging station is part of the important infrastructure required for electric vehicles in Chicago and was the focus of a recent visit by the International Olympic Committee. These solar-powered electricity points w

84、ill be used daily by Chicago to fuel the citys electric vehicles with power from the sun. By producing the electricity from pollution-free solar cells, the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero. The Solar Plug-in Station consists of giant solar panels that shade the tiny Charge Point Networked Charging

85、Station. The solar panel is connected to an underground battery pack, ready for everyday refueling. “Without these stations it would be like driving around traditional cars without the availability of gas stations, ”says Scott Emalfarb, CEO at Carbon Day Automotive,“The day of true plug-in electric

86、vehicles will be here sooner than most people realize and the world needs to be to accommodate them. ”【文文章章大大意意】本本文文主主要要讲了了芝芝加加哥哥将将要要建建太太阳阳能能充充电站站,这些充些充电站站为电动汽汽车提供提供绿色色环保能源。保能源。1. The plug-in electric vehicles has an advantage over traditional cars because _ . A. they are environment-friendlyB. they

87、 run fasterC. they use more fuelD. they are safer【解解析析】选A。推推理理判判断断题。根根据据第第一一段段的的最最后后一一句句以以及及第第三三段段的的By producing the electricity from pollution-free solar cells, the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero. 可知。可知。2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Chicago is short i

88、n oil. B. The Solar Plug-in Station is made up of underground packs. C. The Tesla Roadster is a type of plug-in electric vehicles. D. The Tesla Roadster is in great demand now. 【解析解析】选C。细节理解理解题。根据第一段的第一句可知。根据第一段的第一句可知。3. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Chicago sets up its solar-powered recha

89、rging stationB. Chicago will bid for the 2016 Olympic GamesC. Plug-in electric vehiclesD. Solar energy【解解析析】选A。主主旨旨大大意意题。本本文文主主要要讲了了芝芝加加哥哥要要建建立立太太阳能充阳能充电站的事情。故站的事情。故选A。4. The underlined word “recharge” means _ . A. put more power into a battery etc. againB. ask for more moneyC. accuse sb. againD. ha

90、ve a rest【解解析析】选A。词义猜猜测题。根根据据文文章章内内容容可可以以推推断断出出recharge表示表示“再充再充电”。(B) Robot teacherswho never get angry or make hard remarkshave been a hit with pupils during a pilot project in some South Korean schools, a government report said Thursday. Elementary school children responded favourably to the robo

91、t teachers, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said, citing a survey by educational researchers. English-teaching robots were sent to three provincial schools for eight weeks starting in late December. And programmable electronic devices resembling robots, which teach maths, science and art, were use

92、d in 10 Seoul schools for five weeks from November. The researchers found that the English-teaching robots helped raise interest in the language and boosted the confidence of students. “Tele-presence( 远 程程 呈呈 现 ) ”robots are controlled remotely by an English teacher and are equipped with a microphon

93、e and video camera. Autonomous units use voice recognition software to interact with children. The government has expressed interest in robots to give rural school children more learning opportunities. “The machines spurred creativity and had a positive influence on the attitude of students, ” a min

94、istry official told Yonhap News Agency. Officials in charge of the project are working to improve the quality of robot teaching and get rid of small problems before any decision to expand their use. 【文文章章大大意意】文文章章主主要要讲了了在在韩国国部部分分学学校校试行行的的机机器器人人老老师受到学生的青受到学生的青睐,然后介,然后介绍了机器人老了机器人老师的情况。的情况。5. One of th

95、e advantages of the robot teachers is that _ . A. they can teach the students more than human beings B. they can make students more creativeC. they are good-lookingD. they can solve all the problems that students meet【解解析析】选B。细节理理解解题。根根据据倒倒数数第第二二段段可可知知,机机器器人人老老师能能激激发学学生生的的创造造力力,并并能能对学学生生的的学学习态度度产生生积

96、极极影响。故影响。故选B。6. Which of the following is TRUE about the English-teaching robots? A. They often speak to the students in an upsetting tone. B. They can make students more interested in English. C. They are so clever that they damage the students confidence. D. They can help the students do their hom

97、ework. 【解解析析】选B。细节理理解解题。根根据据第第五五段段可可知知,机机器器人人英英语老老师有有助助于于提提高高学学生生学学习语言言的的兴趣趣,并并增增强强他他们的的自自信信心心。故故选B。7. We can conclude from the passage that _ . A. the government is in favour of the robot teachers B. there is no flaw about the robot teachers C. the robot teachers have been used all over the country

98、 D. the project is supported by all the students and teachers【解解析析】选A。推推理理判判断断题。根根据据第第七七段段可可知知,韩国国政政府府表表示示将将通通过推推广广机机器器人人教教学学项目目为农村村地地区区的的孩孩子子提提供供更更多多的的学学习机会。由此可知机会。由此可知选A。8. Whats the best title of the passage? A. How robot teachers work in South KoreaB. An important change in educationC. Robot teachers will be common in the schools in South KoreaD. Robot teachers are popular with students in South Korea【解解析析】选D。主主旨旨大大意意题。文文章章主主要要讲了了在在韩国国部部分分学学校校试行行的的机机器器人人老老师受受到到学学生生的的青青睐,然然后后介介绍了了机机器器人人老老师的情况。故的情况。故选D。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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