高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Carnival》 (外研版必修5)

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《高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Carnival》 (外研版必修5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Carnival》 (外研版必修5)(151页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、. 句式填空句式填空1. 祈使句祈使句+and+陈述句陈述句Think of carnival (想到狂欢节想到狂欢节), and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 2. v. -ing作伴随状语作伴随状语For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised (做做他们想做的事而不被认出来他们想做的事而不被认出来). 3. 介词介词+关系代词关系代词Their use

2、was limited by laws, the first of which(最初)(最初)dates back to the fourteenth century. . 教材设题教材设题1. _ time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas. A. As B. With C. For D. Since【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:然然而而,随随着着时时间间的的流流逝逝,狂狂欢欢节节被被延延长长了了,因因此此圣圣诞诞节节过过后后就就开开始始了了。as在

3、在此此作作连连词词,意意为为“随随着着”,符符合合句句意意。with也也可可表表示示“随随着着”,但但因因with是是介介词词,后面动词应用后面动词应用v. -ing形式,故排除形式,故排除B; C和和D意思不符合题意。意思不符合题意。2. Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, _ famous people could have romantic adventures in secret. A. when B. while C. since D. as【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:普普通通人人可可以以装装成成富富人人和

4、和要要人人,而而名名人人也也可可以以偷偷偷偷地地体体验验浪浪漫漫奇奇遇遇。前前后后两两句句表表对对比比,故故选选B。while“而,却而,却”,表对比,表对比; 其余选项意思不合题意。其余选项意思不合题意。3. Today, carnival in Venice is _ for five days in February. A. lasted B. congratulatedC. revived D. celebrated【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:现现在在,威威尼尼斯斯的的狂狂欢欢节节在在二二月月份份庆庆祝祝。last持持续续,当当此此意意讲讲时时,不不能能用用

5、于于被被动动语语态态;congratulate祝祝贺贺,后后常常接接人人作作宾宾语语;revive复复兴兴,不不合合句意。故排除句意。故排除A、B、C三项。三项。celebrate庆祝(节日)。庆祝(节日)。4. _ what carnival is all about, we need to look at the history of America. A. Understand B. UnderstandingC. To understand D. Understood【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语形形式式。句句意意:为为了了解解狂狂欢欢节节的的全全部部内内容容,我我们们需需要

6、要看看看看美美洲洲的的历历史史。此此处处考考查查不不定定式式作作目目的的状语。故选状语。故选C。5. When the slave trade was abolished in 1838 the former slaves _ the carnival. A. took over B. took offC. took up D. took down【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:当当1838年年奴奴隶隶交交易易被被废废除除时时,以以前前的的奴奴隶隶们们接接过过了了狂狂欢欢节节。take over接接管管,接接收收;take off起起飞飞,腾腾飞飞,脱脱下下;t

7、ake up占占据据,从从事事;take down记下。结合句意,应选记下。结合句意,应选A。1. The new movie _ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time. 2010辽宁辽宁, 32A. promises B. agrees C. pretends D. declines【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:这这部部新新电电影影有有望望成成为为有有史史以以来来最最赚赚钱钱的的电电影影之之一一。promise to be有有望望成成为为;agree to do sth. 同同意意做做某某事事;prete

8、nd to do sth. 假假装装做做某某事事;decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事。拒绝做某事。2. 用用celebrate, congratulate完成下列句子完成下列句子(1)We had a tea party to celebrate our headmasters silver wedding. (2)You can congratulate yourself on having done such an excellent job. 3. 用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空(1)Jack pretended not to see (not see)m

9、e when I passed him. (2)When mother came back, Jim pretended to be doing (do)the housework. (3)When invited to dinner, he pretended to have had (have)supper. 1. It is very funny that many people who lost weight gain it back after some time and _ back where they started. A. end up B. drop outC. put u

10、p D. drop in【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意为为: 搞搞笑笑的的是是,很很多多减减肥肥的的人人在在一一段段时时间间之之后后体体重重又又上上升升了了,最最终终又又回回到到他他们们原原来来的的体体重重。end up以以告告终终;drop out退退出出,退退学学;put up张贴,挂起;张贴,挂起;drop in顺便拜访。顺便拜访。 2. I think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans. Its just a small informal party, so you dont have to _ .

11、2011潍坊模拟潍坊模拟A. warm up B. put upC. dress up D. keep up【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:我我觉觉得得我我该该穿穿件件礼礼服服而而不不该该穿穿这这条条牛牛仔仔裤裤。这这只只是是个个非非正正式式的的小小型型聚聚会会,没没必必要要刻刻意意打打扮扮。warm up热热身身,变变暖暖;put up建建造造,举举起起,推推举举,提提名名,供供给给住住宿宿;keep up保保持持,继继续续; dress up打打扮扮,装装饰饰,穿上盛装。穿上盛装。3. Canada is a country _ many different nationalities as

12、 well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population. 2011宝鸡模拟宝鸡模拟A. making up of;occupied withB. consisting of;making upC. made up of;consists ofD. consisted of;taking up【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:加加拿拿大大是是一一个个由由许许多多不不同同民民族族组组成成的的国国家家,也也是是一一个个外外来来移移民民占占人人口口大大多多数数的的国国家家。consisting of和和making up均

13、均为为现现在在分分词词短短语语作作定定语语,分分别别修修饰饰country和和foreign immigrants。consist of意意为为“由由组组成成”,make up意为意为“组成,构成组成,构成”。consist of一般无被动形式。一般无被动形式。If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed. 2010四川,四川,19A. do devote B. dont devoteC. devoting D. not devoting【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:如如果果你你有有一一份份工工作作,务务必必要要全全

14、身身心心投投入入,最最终终你你会会成成功功的的。本本题题考考查查固固定定句句式式: 祈祈使使句句+and+陈陈述述句。句。devote前加上前加上do, 用来加强语气。用来加强语气。1. Can you _ your visit a few days longer? A. expand B. extend C. increase D. enlarge【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:你你能能把把访访问问的的时时间间延延长长几几天天吗吗?expand膨膨胀胀;extend时时间间、长长度度等等方方面面的的延延伸伸;increase增加;增加;enlarge扩大。由句意可知扩

15、大。由句意可知B正确。正确。2. His third film _ a major advance in cinematic techniques. A. takes B. marks C. hides D. brings【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:他他的的第第三三部部电电影影标标志志着着在在电电影影制制作作技技术术方方面面的的一一项项重重大大进进步步。mark标标志志着着,符符合合句意。句意。3. 句式仿写句式仿写(1)现在为这事苦恼是没有意义的。现在为这事苦恼是没有意义的。There is no sense/point in getting upset abou

16、t it now. (2)没机会纠正你使用的方式。没机会纠正你使用的方式。There is no chance to correct the way you use it. . 单词拼写单词拼写1. Old memories(记忆)(记忆) are often called up when you hear a particular song or a piece of music. 2. When in class, our mind must pay attention to what the teacher says and not wander(走神)(走神). 3. We all h

17、ope the holidays will be extended(延长)(延长) for another two days. 4. He pretended(假装)(假装)as if he didnt know about the thing at all. 5. We held a celebration(庆典)(庆典) after our team won. 6. The wallet stolen yesterday was found hidden(隐藏)(隐藏) in the dustbin outside the building. 7. If you dont like it,

18、 Ill trade(交换)(交换) with you. 8. The workers packed the glasses and marked(标上)(标上) on each box “This Side UP”. 9. Like other children, Im curious to find out the origin(起(起源)源) of human kind. 10. You have confused(弄混)(弄混) the meanings of the two words. . 完成句子完成句子1. I found him dressed in(穿着)(穿着) a li

19、ght blue suit. 2. Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end(连续)(连续). 3. There is no need for you (你没必要你没必要)to mention those that happened last week. 4. Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just end up with(以(以结束)结束) sweet dreams. 5. Most people are familiar with th

20、e idea that all matter consists of(由(由组成)组成)atoms. . 单项填空单项填空1. _ quickly, _ you wont be able to catch the first bus. A. To get up;or B. Getting up;andC. Get up;or D. If getting up;but【解解析析】选选C。考考查查“祈祈使使句句+and/or/then+陈陈述述句句”结结构构。句句意意为为:快快点点起起床床,不不然然你你就就赶赶不不上上第第一一班班公公交交车车了了。结结合合句意,连接词应用句意,连接词应用or表示转

21、折。表示转折。2. I invited some friends to a restaurant to dinner where each room _ with names of foreign places. A. is marked B. had markedC. marked D. being marked【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:我我邀邀请请了了一一些些朋朋友友在在一一家家饭饭店店吃吃饭饭,那那里里的的每每间间房房都都标标有有外外国国地地名名。room与与mark之之间间为为被被动动关关系,又因该空在系,又因该空在where引导的定语从句中作谓语,故选引导的定语从句中作谓语,故选

22、A。 3. I like the countryside in summer. The golden wheat fields _ as far as the eyes can see. A. develop B. spreadC. extend D. expand【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:我我喜喜欢欢夏夏季季的的乡乡村村。金金色色的的麦麦田田一一望望无无际际。extend延延伸伸,伸伸展展,符符合合句句意意。develop发展;发展;spread传播;传播;expand膨胀,扩张膨胀,扩张, 皆不合句意。皆不合句意。4. With everyones face

23、_ behind the mask, its hard to tell who they really are. 2011通州模拟通州模拟A. hidden B. being hiddenC. having hidden D. hiding【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:每每个个人人的的脸脸都都藏藏在在面面具具后后,很很难难分分辨辨他们是谁。他们是谁。face与与hide构成动宾关系构成动宾关系, 故用过去分词作宾补。故用过去分词作宾补。5. Our homeland is a big family _ of 56 nations, who live in harmony. A. consist

24、s B. is consistedC. consisting D. consisted【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:我我们们的的祖祖国国是是由由56个个民民族族组组成成的的大大家家庭庭,大大家家都都和和谐谐相相处处。consist of由由组组成成,无无被被动动形形式式,排除排除B;分析题干可知,此处缺少非谓语动词,排除;分析题干可知,此处缺少非谓语动词,排除A和和D。6. Could I have the small table by the window? Sorry, sir. It _ in advance. A. had been booked B. bookedC. books D

25、. has been booked【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:我我能能坐坐窗窗边边的的那那张张小小桌桌旁旁吗吗?对对不不起起,先先生生,已已经经有有人人提提前前订订了了。考考查查被被动动语语态态。table与与book之之间间存存在在被被动动关关系系,排排除除B和和C;因因情情景景发发生生在在当当前前,故选故选D。7. People who love peace do hope that it is time all the wars in the world _ . A. come to an end B. put to an endC. came to an end D. bring t

26、o an end【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:热热爱爱和和平平的的人人们们真真心心希希望望是是该该结结束束世世界界上上所所有有战战争争的的时时候候了了。come to an end完完结结,常常用用物物作作主主语语,put to an end /bring to an end常常表表示示因因外外因因或或某某人人结结束束某某事事。又又因因it is time后后接接句句子子时时,句句子子谓谓语语用用过过去去时时或或should+动动词词原形,因此选原形,因此选C。8. When did you last see your first teacher? On a party last June _

27、 her 40th year of teaching. 2011日照模拟日照模拟A. in celebration of B. in place ofC. in favor of D. in memory of【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:你你最最后后一一次次见见到到你你的的启启蒙蒙老老师师是是什什么么时时候候?去去年年6月月,在在庆庆祝祝她她从从教教40年年的的聚聚会会上上。in celebration of庆庆祝祝,庆庆贺贺;in place of代代替替;in favor of有有利利于,支持,赞同;于,支持,赞同;in memory of为纪念。为纪念。9. Its necessary

28、 to be prepared for a job interview. _ will certainly do you good. 2011长沙模拟长沙模拟A. Well dressed B. Well dressingC. Being well dressed D. Well dressing up【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词作作主主语语。句句意意:参参加加求求职职面面试试时时有有必必要要做做准准备备,穿穿合合适适的的衣衣服服肯肯定定对对你你有有好好处处。v. -ing作作主主语语;表表示示“穿穿什什么么样样的的衣衣服服”需需用用be dressed in,由由此此可知

29、答案为可知答案为being well dressed。10. There is no need _ ,for the clock says we have about ten minutes to go. Oh, dont be foolish. The clock on the wall is five minutes. _ Dont you know? 2011锦州模拟锦州模拟A. to rush;later B. to worry;laterC. to worry;lately D. to rush;late【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:没没必必要要慌慌张张,看看钟钟表表还还有有约约10

30、分分钟钟的的时时间间。哦哦,别别傻傻了了,墙墙上上的的表表慢慢5分分钟钟,你你不不知知道道吗吗?there is no need to do为为固固定定句句式式,worry后后面面要要加加about, 故排除故排除B和和C; later意为意为“以后,后来以后,后来”;故排除;故排除A。11. Change-2 did many experiments on the moon, _ much help for knowing space. A. which we think it is B. which we think are ofC. of which we think is D. we

31、think which are of【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:嫦嫦娥娥二二号号在在月月球球上上做做了了很很多多实实验验,我我们们认认为为这这对对认认识识太太空空是是很很有有帮帮助助的的。we think为为插插入入语语,做做题题时时可可先先将将we think略略去去,从从而而将将后后面面的的定定语语从从句句简简化化为为: which are of much help. . . 。 【方法技巧方法技巧】巧识插入语巧识插入语在日常交际用语和书面表达中,插入语频频出现。英语中的在日常交际用语和书面表达中,插入语频频出现。英语中的插入语(插入语(Parenthesis)是插在句子中的一个词、短语

32、或从句,)是插在句子中的一个词、短语或从句,通常被逗号、破折号或句子的其他部分隔开,它与句子的其通常被逗号、破折号或句子的其他部分隔开,它与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关系。他部分之间没有语法上的关系。 插入语在句中通常是对一句插入语在句中通常是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表示说话者的态度和话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表示说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子与前面的语句衔接得更紧密一些。常

33、见的一些放子与前面的语句衔接得更紧密一些。常见的一些放在句中作插入语的句子有:在句中作插入语的句子有:I say/hear, I think/hope/believe, you know/see, whats more, that is(to say), Im afraid, do you think/suppose等。等。 Its a great mistake, I think, not to accept their proposal. 我我看看,不接受他们的建议是个大错误。不接受他们的建议是个大错误。 The old man, it is said, was an artist but

34、 people hardly know anything about this side of his life. 据据说说,这这位位老老人人曾曾是是个个艺艺术术家家,可可是是人人们们对对他他这这方方面面的的生生活活几乎一无所知。几乎一无所知。 12. They are stamp collectors;they often _ stamps with each other. A. change B. train C. treat D. trade【解析解析】选选D。考查动词辨析。句意:他们是集邮者,经常。考查动词辨析。句意:他们是集邮者,经常相互交换邮票。相互交换邮票。trade. . .

35、with. . . 与与交换交换,为固定搭,为固定搭配。配。 13. Shall we go skating or stay at home? Which _ do yourself? A. do you rather B. would you ratherC. will you rather D. should you rather【解解析析】选选B。would rather do sth. 愿愿意意做做某某事事。句句意意:我们去滑冰还是待在家里?我们去滑冰还是待在家里?你更愿意做什么?故选你更愿意做什么?故选B。14. With different masks, you have no i

36、dea what the faces behind them look like. Thats right. People may _ to be what they like. A. depend B. tend C. pretend D. spend 【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:戴戴着着不不同同的的面面具具,你你不不知知道道面面具具后后的的那那些些脸脸孔孔是是什什么么样样的的。是是呀呀。人人们们可可以以假假装装成成他他们们喜喜欢欢的的任任何何事事物物。pretend假假装装;depend on依依靠靠,依依赖赖;tend to倾向于;倾向于;spend花费。根据题意,花费。根据题意,C项

37、最佳。项最佳。15. Some of the old plays we have seen years before _ on the TV. Theyre well worth seeing. A. were revived B. are revivedC. have revived D. had revived【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:我我们们很很多多年年前前看看过过的的一一些些剧剧目目在在电电视视上上又又重重演演了了。它它们们很很值值得得看看一一看看。revive复复兴兴,复复苏苏。由由句句意意可可知知此此处处应应用用被被动动语语态态,排排除除C、D两两项项。由由答答句句时态可知应用

38、现在时。时态可知应用现在时。. 完形填空完形填空 One Christmas when my husband and I went to my parents home, my mother gave us a gift: a piggy bank. Then we continued north to 1 his family, but on the way our car 2 , and it was very late at that time. Suddenly a 3 came out of a window, so we went to the door of that house

39、 to ask to 4 there until a car part store opened. The woman who answered the door was very 5 , allowing us to stay and offering directions to town. We took a few things 6 the car, including that piggy bank, still in its original 7 which we hadnt opened yet. The next morning we were going to head off

40、 on foot towards town, 8 the lady offered us a ride, so we were back on the road 9 . It wasnt until we reached our destination that we realized we had 10 the piggy bank in the house. It was gone and there was no going back for it. A 11 later, when it was Christmas again and we were back to my parent

41、s home, my mom got out of her house to 12 us, with the same piggy bank in her arms. I couldnt believe my 13 !We had never even told her that we had 14 it! It turned out that the lady had 15 the piggy bank and got my parents 16 and living place from the shipping label. She then 17 her and sent it to

42、her. So now 18 this woman, I was given the same Christmas gift twice. It was truly 19 , and now every time that piggy bank is filled up, I give some money to a local charity, to “pass on” my good 20 to others! 【文文章章大大意意】同同一一个个小小猪猪储储钱钱罐罐竟竟连连续续两两年年被被当当做做圣圣诞诞礼礼物物送送给给作作者者,这这究究竟竟是是怎怎么么回回事事?细细品品文文章章,原原来来有

43、有一一位位善善良良的的好好心心人人帮帮助助了了作作者者。送送人人玫玫瑰瑰,手手有有余余香香。作作者者也也经经常常会会捐赠一部分钱给当地慈善机构。捐赠一部分钱给当地慈善机构。1. A. call B. tell C. visit D. invite【解解析析】选选C。根根据据首首句句went to my parents home可可推推断断,作者和丈夫继续去看望丈夫的父母。作者和丈夫继续去看望丈夫的父母。2. A. turned around B. broke downC. ran away D. fell over【解解析析】选选B。根根据据下下文文until a car part store

44、 opened可可推推断断,他们的汽车中途抛锚了,故用他们的汽车中途抛锚了,故用break down。3. A. noise B. shout C. fire D. light【解解析析】选选D。根根据据it was very late和和作作者者夫夫妇妇借借宿宿的的语语境境可可知,当时是晚上,灯光从窗户里投射出来。知,当时是晚上,灯光从窗户里投射出来。4. A. sleep B. eat C. play D. drink【解解析析】选选A。根根据据常常识识可可知知,夜夜深深了了作作者者夫夫妇妇敲敲门门的的目目的的是借宿。是借宿。5. A. cold B. kind C. beautiful

45、D. strange【解解析析】选选B。根根据据下下文文allowing us to stay and offering directions to town可知那位女士非常友善。可知那位女士非常友善。6. A. in B. out of C. onto D. under【解解析析】选选B。根根据据下下文文in the house可可知知,作作者者夫夫妇妇把把一一些些东西从车里拿了出来。东西从车里拿了出来。7. A. box B. glass C. plate D. bottle【解解析析】选选A。根根据据句句中中which we hadnt opened yet可可知知,那个储钱罐还在原先的

46、盒子里。那个储钱罐还在原先的盒子里。8. A. because B. so C. but D. if【解解析析】选选C。作作者者夫夫妇妇打打算算步步行行去去城城里里,但但那那位位女女士士主主动动开车送他们。前后为转折关系。开车送他们。前后为转折关系。9. A. little by little B. as usualC. again and again D. almost at once【解解析析】选选D。根根据据语语境境可可推推断断,那那位位女女士士主主动动开开车车送送他他们们,说明他们很快就重新上路了。说明他们很快就重新上路了。10. A. kept B. left C. replaced

47、 D. used【解解析析】选选B。根根据据后后文文it was gone可可知知,他他们们把把储储钱钱罐罐落落在在那位女士的房子里了。那位女士的房子里了。11. A. day B. week C. month D. year【解解析析】选选D。根根据据句句中中it was Christmas again可可知知,是是一一年之后。年之后。12. A. help B. support C. greet D. thank【解解析析】选选C。根根据据语语境境可可知知,作作者者夫夫妇妇到到父父母母家家后后,母母亲亲出来迎接他们。出来迎接他们。13. A. mind B. ears C. memory

48、D. eyes【解解析析】选选D。作作者者看看到到了了那那个个储储钱钱罐罐后后非非常常吃吃惊惊,不不敢敢相相信自己的眼睛。信自己的眼睛。14. A. lost B. sold C. bought D. destroyed【解析解析】选选A。根据上文可知,作者夫妇遗失了那个储钱罐。根据上文可知,作者夫妇遗失了那个储钱罐。15. A. remembered B. foundC. stolen D. borrowed【解解析析】选选B。根根据据那那位位女女士士把把储储钱钱罐罐寄寄回回给给作作者者的的母母亲亲可可知,她发现了那个储钱罐。知,她发现了那个储钱罐。16. A. card B. office

49、 C. notebook D. name【解解析析】选选D。与与living place对对应应的的是是name, 都都是是关关于于作作者者父父母的信息。母的信息。17. A. contacted B. metC. taught D. seized【解解析析】选选A。获获取取姓姓名名、地地址址等等信信息息,就就是是为为了了和和作作者者的的母亲取得联系,把储钱罐寄给她。母亲取得联系,把储钱罐寄给她。18. A. in need of B. according toC. because of D. instead of【解解析析】选选C。正正是是由由于于那那位位女女士士,作作者者才才第第二二次次获

50、获赠赠了了储储钱罐。钱罐。19. A. disappointing B. confusingC. amazing D. puzzling【解解析析】选选C。根根据据上上文文内内容容可可知知,这这件件事事让让作作者者喜喜出出望望外外,故选故选amazing。20. A. news B. luck C. chance D. example【解解析析】选选B。这这里里用用luck,指指作作者者第第二二次次获获赠赠储储钱钱罐罐这这件件事。事。. 短文改错短文改错 假假定定英英语语课课上上老老师师要要求求同同桌桌之之间间交交换换修修改改作作文文,请请你你修修改改你你同同桌桌写写的的以以下下作作文文。文文

51、中中共共有有10处处语语言言错错误误,每每句句中中最最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增增加加:在在缺缺词词处处加加一一个个漏漏字字符符号号(),并并在在其其下下面面写写出该加的词。出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。)划掉。 修修改改:在在错错的的词词下下划划一一横横线线,并并在在该该词词下下面面写写出出修修改改后后的词。的词。 注意:注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改只允许修改10处,多者(从第处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。处起)

52、不计分。1. 【解析解析】第一句中第一句中is后面加后面加a。此处表示泛指。此处表示泛指“一个一个”。2. 【解解析析】第第二二句句中中把把advices改改为为advice。advice为为不不可可数数名词,无复数形式。名词,无复数形式。3. 【解解析析】第第三三句句中中把把第第一一个个in改改为为of。first of all表表示示“首首先;第一先;第一”。4. 【解解析析】第第五五句句中中把把classmate改改为为classmates。根根据据句句意意,此处使用名词复数形式。此处使用名词复数形式。5. 【解解析析】第第六六句句中中把把loud改改为为louder。后后面面有有tha

53、n, 故故此此处处使用比较级。使用比较级。6. 【解解析析】第第七七句句中中把把him改改为为them。此此处处代代词词应应该该与与前前面面的的classmates一致,故使用一致,故使用them。7. 【解析解析】第八句中把第八句中把trying改为改为try。此处为祈使句。此处为祈使句。8. 【解解析析】第第八八句句中中把把share改改为为shares。此此处处定定语语从从句句中中的的谓谓语语动动词词形形式式应应该该与与前前面面的的 a student保保持持一一致致,故故使使用用单单数数谓语动词。谓语动词。9. 【解析解析】第十句中把第十句中把Unless改为改为If。此处表示假设。此

54、处表示假设。10. 【解解析析】第第十十一一句句中中把把possibly改改为为possible。此此处处用用法法为为as. . . as possible。. 书面表达书面表达 假如你是王平,你的英国笔友假如你是王平,你的英国笔友Jack来信询问中国人是如来信询问中国人是如何庆祝国庆节的。请你根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。何庆祝国庆节的。请你根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。 1. 普天同庆:大街小巷及各大商店张灯结彩,悬挂中国普天同庆:大街小巷及各大商店张灯结彩,悬挂中国国旗,有些出租车及私家车也悬挂国旗。国旗,有些出租车及私家车也悬挂国旗。 2. 庆祝活动:各地电视台推出国庆专题文艺

55、节目,普通庆祝活动:各地电视台推出国庆专题文艺节目,普通社区自发举行各种形式的庆祝活动。社区自发举行各种形式的庆祝活动。 3. 休闲度假:国庆节期间,人们可以外出旅游;也可以休闲度假:国庆节期间,人们可以外出旅游;也可以回家与家人团聚等。回家与家人团聚等。 注意:注意:1. 不要逐字逐句翻译;不要逐字逐句翻译; 2. 词词数数100左左右右(开开头头和和结结尾尾已已给给出出,不不计计入入总总词数)词数)Dear Jack, You asked me in your letter how people in China celebrate National Day. Let me tell yo

56、u. _ In China, National Day is happy time for all the people. Yours, Wang Ping 【参考范文参考范文】Dear Jack, You asked me in your letter how people in China celebrate National Day. Let me tell you. National Day is such an important time for Chinese people that it is celebrated all over the country. The stree

57、ts are decorated with lanterns and streamers. Big stores and supermarkets are hanging up national flags, and you can even see national flags on some taxis and private cars. All TV stations are bringing entertaining programs about National Day, while ordinary communities create all kinds of activitie

58、s in celebration of it such as Yangge Dance. People walk through the streets, singing and dancing. People can take leisure holiday during National Day. They may go hiking, go on a tour, or even travel abroad;they may also spend the holiday at home with their families. In China, National Day is happy

59、 time for all the people. Yours, Wang Ping .情景情景对话 根根据据对话内内容容,从从对话后后的的选项中中选出出能能填填入入空空白白处的的最佳最佳选项。选项中有两中有两项为多余多余选项。A:Hello, Simon. Have you seen Billy this afternoon? B:No, Maria. Why? A:Oh, dear. I cant find him anywhere. I dont know what to do. He should have been back an hour ago. 1B:Dont worry, M

60、aria. He could have, but he probably didnt. Did anything happen this morning? 2A:His birthday party. B:Is it possible that you said something to upset him? A:I must have. I told him we hadnt received Mr. Smiths reply to our invitation. B: 3A:No, he left home right after that. 4B:Maria, Im sure there

61、 is nothing to worry about. He is probably on his way to see Mr. Smith, or else he is with Mr. Smith. A:Oh, wait! There he is! And Mr. Smith is with him. 5 He must have been to Mr. Smiths.A.I suppose I should have called you earlier.B. Anything else? C.I wonder if he could have had an accident.D. Im

62、 afraid he might have an accident. E. Where could he have been? F. You are right, Simon. G. What were you talking about before he left? 答案:答案:15.DGBAF.单词拼写拼写1.Old memories(记忆) are often called up when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.2.When in class, our mind must pay attention to what

63、 the teacher says and not wander(走神)(走神).3.We all hope the holidays will be extended(延(延长) for another two days.4.He pretended(假装)(假装)as if he didnt know about the thing at all.5.We held a celebration(庆典)典) after our team won.6.The wallet stolen yesterday was found hidden(隐藏)藏) in the dustbin outsid

64、e the building.7.If you dont like it, Ill trade(交(交换) with you.8.The workers packed the glasses and marked(标上)上) on each box “This Side UP”.9.Like other children, Im curious to find out the origin(起(起源)源) of human kind.10.You have confused(弄混)(弄混) the meanings of the two words.完成句子完成句子1.I found him

65、dressed in(穿着)(穿着) a light blue suit.2.Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end(连续).3.There is no need for you(你没必要你没必要)to mention those that happened last week.4.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just end up with(以(以结束)束) sweet dreams.5.Most people are familia

66、r with the idea that all matter consists of(由(由组成)成)atoms. .语法和法和词汇知知识1. _ quickly, _ you wont be able to catch the first bus.A. To get up;or B. Getting up;andC. Get up;or D. If getting up;but【解解析析】选C。考考查“祈祈使使句句+and/or/then+陈述述句句”结构构。句句意意为:快快点点起起床床,不不然然你你就就赶赶不不上上第第一一班班公公交交车了了。结合合句句意,意,连接接词应用用or表示表示转

67、折。折。2.I invited some friends to a restaurant to dinner where each room _ with names of foreign places.A. is marked B. had markedC. marked D. being marked【解解析析】选A。句句意意:我我邀邀请了了一一些些朋朋友友在在一一家家饭店店吃吃饭,那那里里的的每每间房房都都标有有外外国国地地名名。room与与mark之之间为被被动关关系,又因系,又因该空在空在where引引导的定的定语从句中作从句中作谓语,故,故选A。3.I like the count

68、ryside in summer. The golden wheat fields _ as far as the eyes can see.A. develop B. spreadC. extend D. expand【解解析析】选C。考考查动词辨辨析析。句句意意:我我喜喜欢夏夏季季的的乡村村。金金色色的的麦麦田田一一望望无无际。extend延延伸伸,伸伸展展,符符合合句句意意。develop发展;展;spread传播;播;expand膨膨胀,扩张, 皆不合句意。皆不合句意。4.With everyones face _ behind the mask, its hard to tell w

69、ho they really are.A. hidden B. being hiddenC. having hidden D. hiding【解解析析】选A。句句意意:每每个个人人的的脸都都藏藏在在面面具具后后,很很难分分辨辨他他们是是谁。face与与hide构成构成动宾关系关系, 故用故用过去分去分词作作宾补。5.Our homeland is a big family _ of 56 nations, who live in harmony.A. consists B. is consistedC. consisting D. consisted【解解析析】选C。句句意意:我我们的的祖祖国

70、国是是由由56个个民民族族组成成的的大大家家庭庭,大大家家都都和和谐相相处。consist of由由组成成,无无被被动形形式式,排除排除B;分析;分析题干可知,此干可知,此处缺少非缺少非谓语动词,排除,排除A和和D。6.Could I have the small table by the window? Sorry, sir. It _ in advance.A. had been booked B. bookedC. books D. has been booked【解解析析】选D。句句意意:我我能能坐坐窗窗边的的那那张小小桌桌旁旁吗?对不不起起,先先生生,已已经有有人人提提前前订了了。考

71、考查被被动语态。table与与book之之间存存在在被被动关关系系,排排除除B和和C;因因情情景景发生生在在当当前前,故故选D。7.People who love peace do hope that it is time all the wars in the world _ .A. come to an end B. put to an endC. came to an end D. bring to an end【解解析析】选C。句句意意:热爱和和平平的的人人们真真心心希希望望是是该结束束世世界界上上所所有有战争争的的时候候了了。come to an end完完结,常常用用物物作作主主语

72、,put to an end /bring to an end常常表表示示因因外外因因或或某某人人结束束某某事事。又又因因it is time后后接接句句子子时,句句子子谓语用用过去去时或或should+动词原形,因此原形,因此选C。8.When did you last see your first teacher? On a party last June _ her 40th year of teaching.2011日照模日照模拟A. in celebration of B. in place ofC. in favor of D. in memory of【解解析析】选A。句句意意:

73、你你最最后后一一次次见到到你你的的启启蒙蒙老老师是是什什么么时候候?去去年年6月月,在在庆祝祝她她从从教教40年年的的聚聚会会上上。in celebration of庆祝祝,庆贺;in place of代代替替;in favor of有有利利于,支持,于,支持,赞同;同;in memory of为纪念。念。9.Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview._ will certainly do you good.2011长沙模沙模拟A. Well dressed B. Well dressingC. Being well dressed D.

74、 Well dressing up【解解析析】选C。考考查非非谓语动词作作主主语。句句意意:参参加加求求职面面试时有有必必要要做做准准备,穿穿合合适适的的衣衣服服肯肯定定对你你有有好好处。v.-ing作作主主语;表表示示“穿穿什什么么样的的衣衣服服”需需用用be dressed in,由由此此可可知知答案答案为being well dressed。10.There is no need _,for the clock says we have about ten minutes to go.Oh, dont be foolish. The clock on the wall is five m

75、inutes _. Dont you know? A. to rush;later B. to worry;laterC. to worry;lately D. to rush;late【解解析析】选D。句句意意:没没必必要要慌慌张,看看钟表表还有有约10分分钟的的时间。哦哦,别傻傻了了,墙上上的的表表慢慢5分分钟,你你不不知知道道吗?there is no need to do为固固定定句句式式,worry后后面面要要加加about, 故排除故排除B和和C; later意意为“以后,后来以后,后来”;故排除;故排除A。11.Change-2 did many experiments on t

76、he moon,_ much help for knowing space.A. which we think it is B. which we think are ofC. of which we think is D. we think which are of【解解析析】选B。句句意意:嫦嫦娥娥二二号号在在月月球球上上做做了了很很多多实验,我我们认为这对认识太太空空是是很很有有帮帮助助的的。we think为插插入入语,做做题时可可先先将将we think略略去去,从从而而将将后后面面的的定定语从从句句简化化为: which are of much help.。 【方法技巧方法技巧】巧

77、巧识插入插入语在在日日常常交交际用用语和和书面面表表达达中中,插插入入语频频出出现。英英语中中的的插插入入语(Parenthesis)是是插插在在句句子子中中的的一一个个词、短短语或或从从句句,通通常常被被逗逗号号、破破折折号号或或句句子子的的其其他他部部分分隔隔开开,它它与与句句子子的的其其他他部部分分之之间没没有有语法法上上的的关关系系。 插插入入语在在句句中中通通常常是是对一一句句话的的一一些些附附加加解解释、说明明或或总结;有有时表表示示说话者者的的态度度和和看看法法;有有时起起强强调的的作作用用;有有时是是为了了引引起起对方方的的注注意意;还可可以以起起转移移话题或或说明明事事由由的

78、的作作用用;也也可可以以承承上上启启下下,使使句句子与前面的子与前面的语句句衔接得更接得更紧密一些。密一些。 常常见的的一一些些放放在在句句中中作作插插入入语的的句句子子有有:I say/hear, I think/hope/believe, you know/see, whats more, that is(to say), Im afraid, do you think/suppose等。等。 Its a great mistake, I think, not to accept their proposal.我我看,不接受他看,不接受他们的建的建议是个大是个大错误。 The old ma

79、n, it is said, was an artist but people hardly know anything about this side of his life.据据说,这位位老老人人曾曾是是个个艺术家家,可可是是人人们对他他这方方面面的的生生活活几乎一无所知。几乎一无所知。 12.They are stamp collectors;they often _ stamps with each other.A. change B. train C. treat D. trade【解解析析】选D。考考查动词辨辨析析。句句意意:他他们是是集集邮者者,经常常相互交相互交换邮票。票。tr

80、ade.with.与与交交换,为固定搭配。固定搭配。13.Shall we go skating or stay at home? Which_ do yourself? A. do you rather B. would you ratherC. will you rather D. should you rather【解解析析】选B。would rather do sth.愿愿意意做做某某事事。句句意意:我我们去滑冰去滑冰还是待在家里?是待在家里?你更愿意做什么?故你更愿意做什么?故选B。14.With different masks, you have no idea what the

81、faces behind them look like.Thats right. People may _ to be what they like.A. depend B. tend C. pretend D. spend 【解解析析】选C。句句意意:戴戴着着不不同同的的面面具具,你你不不知知道道面面具具后后的的那那些些脸孔孔是是什什么么样的的。是是呀呀。人人们可可以以假假装装成成他他们喜喜欢的的任任何何事事物物。pretend假假装装;depend on依依靠靠,依依赖;tend to倾向于;向于;spend花花费。根据。根据题意,意,C项最佳。最佳。15.Some of the old

82、plays we have seen years before _ on the TV.Theyre well worth seeing.A. were revived B. are revived C. have revived D. had revived【解解析析】选B。句句意意:我我们很很多多年年前前看看过的的一一些些剧目目在在电视上上又又重重演演了了。它它们很很值得得看看一一看看。revive复复兴,复复苏。由由句句意意可可知知此此处应用用被被动语态,排排除除C、D两两项。由由答答句句时态可知可知应用用现在在时。.完形填空完形填空 One Christmas when my husb

83、and and I went to my parents home, my mother gave us a gift: a piggy bank. Then we continued north to 1 his family, but on the way our car 2 , and it was very late at that time. Suddenly a 3 came out of a window, so we went to the door of that house to ask to 4 there until a car part store opened. T

84、he woman who answered the door was very 5 , allowing us to stay and offering directions to town. We took a few things 6 the car, including that piggy bank, still in its original 7 which we hadnt opened yet. The next morning we were going to head off on foot towards town, 8 the lady offered us a ride

85、, so we were back on the road 9 .It wasnt until we reached our destination that we realized we had 10 the piggy bank in the house. It was gone and there was no going back for it. A 11 later, when it was Christmas again and we were back to my parents home, my mom got out of her house to 12 us, with t

86、he same piggy bank in her arms. I couldnt believe my 13 !We had never even told her that we had 14 it! It turned out that the lady had 15 he piggy bank and got my parents 16 and living place from the shipping label. She then 17 her and sent it to her. So now 18 this woman, I was given the same Chris

87、tmas gift twice. It was truly 19 , and now every time that piggy bank is filled up, I give some money to a local charity, to “pass on” my good 20 to others! 【文文章章大大意意】同同一一个个小小猪猪储钱罐罐竟竟连续两两年年被被当当做做圣圣诞礼礼物物送送给作作者者,这究究竟竟是是怎怎么么回回事事?细品品文文章章,原原来来有有一一位位善善良良的的好好心心人人帮帮助助了了作作者者。送送人人玫玫瑰瑰,手手有有余余香香。作作者者也也经常常会会捐捐赠一

88、部分一部分钱给当地慈善机构。当地慈善机构。1.A.call B. tell C. visit D. invite【解解析析】选C。根根据据首首句句went to my parents home可可推推断断,作者和丈夫作者和丈夫继续去看望丈夫的父母。去看望丈夫的父母。2.A.turned around B. broke downC. ran away D. fell over【解解析析】选B。根根据据下下文文until a car part store opened可可推推断断,他他们的汽的汽车中途抛中途抛锚了,故用了,故用break down。3.A.noise B. shout C. fir

89、e D. light【解解析析】选D。根根据据it was very late和和作作者者夫夫妇借借宿宿的的语境境可可知,当知,当时是晚上,灯光从窗是晚上,灯光从窗户里投射出来。里投射出来。4.A.sleep B. eat C. play D. drink【解解析析】选A。根根据据常常识可可知知,夜夜深深了了作作者者夫夫妇敲敲门的的目目的的是借宿。是借宿。5.A.cold B. kind C. beautiful D. strange【解解析析】选B。根根据据下下文文allowing us to stay and offering directions to town可知那位女士非常友善。可知

90、那位女士非常友善。6.A.in B. out of C. onto D. under【解解析析】选B。根根据据下下文文in the house可可知知,作作者者夫夫妇把把一一些些东西从西从车里拿了出来。里拿了出来。7.A.box B. glass C. plate D. bottle【解解析析】选A。根根据据句句中中which we hadnt opened yet可可知知,那个那个储钱罐罐还在原先的盒子里。在原先的盒子里。8.A.because B. so C. but D. if【解解析析】选C。作作者者夫夫妇打打算算步步行行去去城城里里,但但那那位位女女士士主主动开开车送他送他们。前后。

91、前后为转折关系。折关系。9.A.little by little B. as usualC. again and again D. almost at once【解解析析】选D。根根据据语境境可可推推断断,那那位位女女士士主主动开开车送送他他们,说明他明他们很快就重新上路了。很快就重新上路了。10.A.kept B. left C. replaced D. used【解解析析】选B。根根据据后后文文it was gone可可知知,他他们把把储钱罐罐落落在在那位女士的房子里了。那位女士的房子里了。11.A.day B. week C. month D. year【解解析析】选D。根根据据句句中中

92、it was Christmas again可可知知,是是一一年之后。年之后。12.A.help B. support C. greet D. thank【解解析析】选C。根根据据语境境可可知知,作作者者夫夫妇到到父父母母家家后后,母母亲出来迎接他出来迎接他们。13.A.mind B. ears C. memory D. eyes【解解析析】选D。作作者者看看到到了了那那个个储钱罐罐后后非非常常吃吃惊惊,不不敢敢相相信自己的眼睛。信自己的眼睛。14.A.lost B. sold C. bought D. destroyed【解析解析】选A。根据上文可知,作者夫。根据上文可知,作者夫妇遗失了那个

93、失了那个储钱罐。罐。15.A.remembered B. foundC. stolen D. borrowed【解解析析】选B。根根据据那那位位女女士士把把储钱罐罐寄寄回回给作作者者的的母母亲可可知,她知,她发现了那个了那个储钱罐。罐。16.A.card B. office C. notebook D. name【解解析析】选D。与与living place对应的的是是name, 都都是是关关于于作作者者父母的信息。父母的信息。17.A.contacted B. metC. taught D. seized【解解析析】选A。获取取姓姓名名、地地址址等等信信息息,就就是是为了了和和作作者者的的母

94、母亲取得取得联系,把系,把储钱罐寄罐寄给她。她。18.A.in need of B. according toC. because of D. instead of【解解析析】选C。正正是是由由于于那那位位女女士士,作作者者才才第第二二次次获赠了了储钱罐。罐。19.A.disappointing B. confusingC. amazing D. puzzling【解解析析】选C。根根据据上上文文内内容容可可知知,这件件事事让作作者者喜喜出出望望外外,故故选amazing。20.A.news B. luckC. chance D. example【解解析析】选B。这里里用用luck,指指作作者

95、者第第二二次次获赠储钱罐罐这件件事。事。.短文改短文改错2011本溪模本溪模拟 假假定定英英语课上上老老师要要求求同同桌桌之之间交交换修修改改作作文文,请你你修修改改你你同同桌桌写写的的以以下下作作文文。文文中中共共有有10处语言言错误,每每句句中中最最多有两多有两处。每。每处错误仅涉及一个涉及一个单词的增加、的增加、删除或修改。除或修改。 增增加加:在在缺缺词处加加一一个个漏漏字字符符号号(),并并在在其其下下面面写写出出该加的加的词。 删除:把多余的除:把多余的词用斜用斜线()划掉。)划掉。 修修改改:在在错的的词下下划划一一横横线,并并在在该词下下面面写写出出修修改改后后的的词。 注意:

96、注意:1.每每处错误及其修改均及其修改均仅限一限一词; 2.只允只允许修改修改10处,多者(从第,多者(从第11处起)不起)不计分。分。1.【解解析析】第第一一句句中中把把thank改改为thankful。形形容容词thankful作表作表语。2.【解解析析】第第一一句句中中把把come改改为coming。形形容容词coming表表示示“即将到来的即将到来的”。3.【解解析析】第第二二句句中中把把dreamed改改为dreaming。此此处为现在在完成完成进行行时。4.【解解析析】第第三三句句中中把把And改改为But。此此处前前后后两两个个句句子子存存在在转折含折含义。5.【解解析析】第第三

97、三句句中中去去掉掉in。在在以以this, that, next, last, yesterday, tomorrow, one, every, each, some, any, all等开始的表示等开始的表示时间的的词组前面,一般不用介前面,一般不用介词。6.【解解析析】第第四四句句中中把把she改改为who。此此处who引引导一一个个非非限限制性定制性定语从句。从句。7.【解析解析】第五句中把第五句中把too改改为so。此。此处为so.that.结构。构。8.【解解析析】第第五五句句中中find后后加加it。此此处it作作形形式式宾语,真真正正的的宾语为后面的不定式短后面的不定式短语to

98、refuse her request。9.【解解析析】第第六六句句中中去去掉掉with。此此处用用法法为be busy doing sth.。10.【解解析析】第第七七句句中中把把planned改改为plan。此此处表表示示现在在的的情况,故使用一般情况,故使用一般现在在时。.书面表达面表达 假假如如你你是是王王平平,你你的的英英国国笔笔友友Jack来来信信询问中中国国人人是是如如何何庆祝国祝国庆节的。的。请你根据以下提示,你根据以下提示,给他回一封他回一封电子子邮件。件。 1.普普天天同同庆:大大街街小小巷巷及及各各大大商商店店张灯灯结彩彩,悬挂挂中中国国国旗,有些出租国旗,有些出租车及私家

99、及私家车也也悬挂国旗。挂国旗。 2.庆祝祝活活动:各各地地电视台台推推出出国国庆专题文文艺节目目,普普通通社区自社区自发举行各种形式的行各种形式的庆祝活祝活动。 3.休休闲度度假假:国国庆节期期间,人人们可可以以外外出出旅旅游游;也也可可以以回家与家人回家与家人团聚等。聚等。 注意:注意:1.不要逐字逐句翻不要逐字逐句翻译; 2.词数数不不少少于于100(开开头与与结尾尾已已给出出,不不计入入总词数)数)Dear Jack, You asked me in your letter how people in China celebrate National Day. Let me tell y

100、ou. . _ In China, National Day is happy time for all the people. Yours, Wang Ping【参考范文参考范文】 Dear Jack, You asked me in your letter how people in China celebrate National Day. Let me tell you. National Day is such an important time for Chinese people that it is celebrated all over the country. The st

101、reets are decorated with lanterns and streamers. Big stores and supermarkets are hanging up national flags, and you can even see national flags on some taxis and private cars. All TV stations are bringing entertaining programs about National Day, while ordinary communities create all kinds of activi

102、ties in celebration of it such as Yangge Dance. People walk through the streets, singing and dancing. People can take leisure holiday during National Day. They may go hiking, go on a tour, or even travel abroad;they may also spend the holiday at home with their families. In China, National Day is happy time for all the people. Yours, Wang Ping同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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