高一英语课件外研版必修一《Module 3 My First Ride on a Train》Exercises

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1、外研版外研版外研版外研版 高一年级高一年级高一年级高一年级 ( (必修必修必修必修1) 1) Module 3Module 3ExercisesExercises1. The children were _ (惊吓惊吓) at the sight of the lion in the zoo.2. The street are full of _ (乘客乘客).3. I watched the train until it disappeared in the _ (距离距离).4. They must have new markets for their p_.frightenedpasse

2、ngersroductsdistanceComplete the following sentences.5. The eagle suddenly flew in the air and _ (惊吓惊吓) me.6. In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people _ (射杀射杀) the animals if they were a problem.7. He _ (筋疲力尽筋疲力尽) himself in the long ride.8. Then the _ (政府政府) built a new railway.frightenedto

3、shootexhaustedgovernment9. During the day, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other _ (乘客乘客).10. Camels were much better than horses for _ (旅行旅行) a long distance.11. One of the most important e_ of 1949 is the Establishment of China. passengerstravellingvents12. The match wa

4、s _ (取消取消) as a result of bad weather.13. He is an _ (专家专家) in cooking good cheap meals.14. You look extremely _ (疲倦疲倦) after a long run.15. I have got an _ (面试面试) with National Chemicals.abandonedexpertexhaustedinterview16. I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a s_ of Paris.17. V_ means space th

5、at is completely empty of all matter or gases.18. Wang fang gave a speech as a representative of the students at the graduation c_.19. This city has built a new s_ for the Olympic Games recently.ouveniracuumeremonytadium20. Watching Walt Disney c_ is his favorite thing.21. You f_ the life out of me

6、suddenly knocking on the window like that!22. If the news was f_, sorry, I didnt mean to f_ you.artoonsrightenedrighteningrighten23. I have t_ (训练) my dog to fetch my slippers.24. She has got an a_ with a small kitchen and toilet.25. One of the serious problems we face is that vast areas of land hav

7、e become d_, so we should pay particular attention to the environmental protection.rainedpartmentesert26. They worked the whole night, only with a break at m_ .idnight1.I first _ (作长途作长途旅行旅行) by train when I was six years old.2.We ate great meals _. (专家们做的专家们做的)3.I still remember the day my father t

8、ried to teach _. (如何骑自如何骑自行车行车)travelled a long distancecooked by expertshow to ride a bikeComplete the sentences.8. In 1925, they passed a law _ _ (允许人们射杀允许人们射杀) the animals if they were a problem.9. We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, _ _ (正好在澳大利亚中部正好在澳大利亚中部).10. I want to buy a w

9、atch _ (瑞士造瑞士造) for my father.whichallowed people to shootmade in Swissof Australiaright in the middle11. I am reading the works _ _ (鲁迅著鲁迅著).12. The leaders want to go to Pudong Airport _ (坐火车坐火车).13. People in the company are not allowed _ (吸烟吸烟) in the office.written by LuXunby trainto smoke14. T

10、hey tried _ (骑马骑马).15. The English teacher usually _ (允许讲允许讲) Chinese.allows us to speakriding horses1. Dont use words, expressions or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge. A. being knowing B. to be known C. having been known D. known2. Everybody attended the meeting _ last week. A. held

11、 B. being held C. to hold D. to be heldChoose the best answer:3. I made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which it is 4. I suggested that the person _ put into prison. A. referred to B. referred to

12、 be C. referring to be D. referred be 5. Mr Smith likes travelling _, but his wife enjoys _. A. by train, taking a taxi B. on train, by taxi C. by train, by taxi D. on train, taking a taxi6. He _ a bird, but missed it. A. shot at B. shot C. was shooting D. was shot7. The Olympic Games,_ in 776 B.C.

13、didnt include women players until 1912. A. first play B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first play8. _ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day! A. What a fun B. How a fun C. What fun D. How fun9. I dont believe that _ little children can finish so much work in _short time. A. so, s

14、o B. such, such C. so, such D. such, such a 10. Mr Smith is _ my English teacher, he is also my friend. A. no more than B. no less than C. more than D. less than11. I havent seen you recently. Oh, I went to Chongqing to watch the 13th Asian Football Match and _ 3 days and 2 nights there. And it _ us

15、 14 hours to get there by train. A. spent; took B. spent; spend C. takes; takes D. spend; takes12. What do you imagine _ him from going? A. to prevent B. preventing C. to have prevented D. prevented13. Can you think of the name of a flower _ with “T”? A. began B. begun C. beginning D. begins14. Do y

16、ou mind my taking this seat? _. A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please D. No, you cant take it15. Would you mind if I _ here? _. Its not allowed. A. smoke; Yes, please B. smoked; Youd better not C. smoke; Thats all right D. smoked; You are welcome16. Would you mind if I

17、opened the door? _. I feel a little cold. A. Certainly not B. Of course C. No, you cant D. Im sorry but youd better not17. Do you mind driving? Im feeling pretty tired. _ A. Yes, dont worry B. Of course not C. No, help yourself D. Of course, Why not 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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