高一英语课件外研版必修一《Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab》Introduction & Listening

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1、外研版外研版 高一年级高一年级 (必修必修1) Module 5 tongs crucibledissolvesolid/liquid/gasbalanceBunsen burnertest tubetest tube1. (a) Water exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas. (b) Water exists as a solid and a liquid only.2. (a) When you heat a metal, it expands. (b) When you heat a metal, it contracts.Guess, list

2、en and check the answer. Listening 3. (a) Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances. (b) Steel is a mixture of iron and oxygen.4. (a) Two-thirds of the earths surface is water. (b) 50% of the earths surface is water.5. (a) The distance of the sun from the earth is 25,5000 kilometres. (b) The d

3、istance of the sun from the earth is 150,500,500 kilometers.6. (a) The earth is 4.6 million years old. (b) The earth is 4.6 billion years old.7. (a) The earth is twice as large as the moon. (b) The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.Put the words in pairs or groups.contract air earth gas

4、 liquid oxygen moon solid expand sun1234air gas - oxygencontract - expandearth sun - moongas liquid - solid1. liquid: 液体液体2. expand: vi. 使使.膨胀膨胀 Metals expand when they are heated. 3. contract vi. 收缩收缩Metals contract as they get cooler. 4. substance n. 物质物质 5. mixture n. 混合物混合物6. oxygen 氧气氧气7. elect

5、ricity n.电电Answer the questions.1.Which of the above are natural? Electricity, iron, some metals and air are natural. 2. Which are man-made? Steel, some metals and glass are man-made. electricity iron metal steel air glass 3. Which can be both? Electricity and some metals (alloys for example) can be

6、 man-made and occur naturally.Listening and writing You will hear a conversation in which a teacher helps a student do an experiment. Read the Aim below and predict the Result.Aim: To find out if there is a change in weight when the metal magnesium burns in air.Result:_.Aim: _ _ _To find out if ther

7、es a change in weight when magnesium burns in air. Listen and complete the description of the scientific experiment.Apparatus: _ _Method: _ _ _ _ _ _ _Magnesium, Bunsen burner, a balance, a crucible. First, put the magnesium in the crucible. Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it. Next, h

8、eat the magnesium. Light the Bunsen burner and hole the crucible over it. Finally weigh the magnesium again. Result: _Conclusion: _ _ _It weighs a little more than before.There is a change in weight when magnesium burns in air.1. “Where do we go from here?” means _. A. What shall we do next? B. Is t

9、his the right way?2. “Keep the noise down” means_. A. Dont talk B. Talk quietly Choose the correct meaning. 3. “Youve got it” means _. A. Youve understood B. You have something 4. “Go ahead!” means _! A. Go away B. Begin 5. “Its your turn” means _. A. Youre next B. Turn round Decide what the aim of

10、the experiment is. Listening and speaking on Page 95The aim is to write a secret message.Put the stages in the correct order.1. 2. 3. 4. b squeeze lemon and pour the juice into a containerf dip your pen into the juicea write your message on a piece of paperg blow on the paper to dry the lemon juice 5. e light a candle6. c heat the paper in the candle flame7. d the message appears when the juice reacts with oxygen and produces brown oxideHomework Preview Vocabulary on Page 46.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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