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1、The weather forecast1学习资料RevisionWarming-upNew lessonPracticeSummary2学习资料Warming up3学习资料Warming-up1.Greetings:Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again.2. Learn a song.T: Whats the weather like today?4学习资料revision5学习资料 Revision规则动词过去式的构成。规则动词过去式的构成。1)变化规则:动词变化很好记,一般末尾加-ed;如果词尾有个e,紧跟其后加个-d;辅音加y来结尾

2、,变y为i加-ed;单元+单辅,双写辅音加-ed注:特殊变化要熟记。2)读音规则:清后t,元浊d,t,d后读id6学习资料 Revision过去时的句子变化口诀:过去时的句子变化口诀:过去时,时过去。过去时态是否是,过去时间是标志。否定句很简单,did 之后not添。疑问句也不难,did置于主语前。过去置于动词前,谓语动词需还原。7学习资料New lesson8学习资料What is she talking about?Listen! 9学习资料The weather forecast10学习资料forecastv.预测,预报f:k:st11学习资料forecastern.预报员12学习资料a

3、nnouncern.播音员,节目主持人nauns 13学习资料go over to 转到14学习资料the next few接下来的几个在接下来的几天天气将要变化。在接下来的几天天气将要变化。The weather will change in the next few days.15学习资料windn.风wind16学习资料blowv.吹SheShes blowing the s blowing the dandelion.dandelion.blu17学习资料south west sauwest n.西南 NSWEwestnortheastsouth18学习资料From today , t

4、he wind will blow from the south west.从今天起,风将会从西南部吹过来。19学习资料From tomorrow , the wind will blow from the south east.从明天起,风将会从东南部吹过来。20学习资料bring in 带来21学习资料air n.天空, 大气22学习资料rain rein n.雨23学习资料The wind will bring in warm air from the Atlantic.风将从大西洋带来暖空气。bring inv.带来Atlanticn.大西洋24学习资料The wind will br

5、ing in wet air from Australia.风将从澳大利亚带来潮湿的空气。25学习资料gradually grdjladv.逐渐地26学习资料Rain will come in gradually from the south west this evening.今天晚上,雨将会从西南方逐渐来临。27学习资料The rain is gradually heavy.雨逐渐地大起来了。28学习资料n.阵雨rain showerThe whole country will have some rain showers in the next three days.在接下来的三天,全国

6、将会有一些阵雨。29学习资料This city will have lots of rain showers in the next three months.在接下来的三个月,这个城市将会有大量阵雨。30学习资料thermometern. 温度计温度计mmit31学习资料temperaturen. 温度温度temprit32学习资料degrees Celsius 摄氏度diri:z selsis33学习资料rise 上升34学习资料fall f:l v.降落, 落下35学习资料Temperature will rise to 12 degrees Celsius in the day.白天气

7、温将会上升到12摄氏度。36学习资料Night temperature will fall to 4 degrees Celsius.夜间气温将会下降至4摄氏度。37学习资料autlukn.前景,展望the outlook for对于的前景outlook38学习资料Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: What will the weather be like next week?听录音,然后回答问题:下周天气会怎听录音,然后回答问题:下周天气会怎么样?么样?39学习资料40学习资料Picture 1And now it

8、s five to nine, and time for the weather forecast.Lets go over to Carla Dane at the London Weather Center.Carla.Announcer: 41学习资料Picture 2Thanks John, and good morning!Last month was unusually cold and dry.But all that will change in the next few days.Weatherforecaster: 42学习资料Picture 3From today, th

9、e wind will blow from the south west.It will bring in warm air from the Atlantic.And well have some rain.Weatherforecaster: 43学习资料Picture 4Rain will come in gradually from the south west this evening.The whole country will have some rain showers in the next three days.some of them will be heavy.Weat

10、herforecaster: 44学习资料Picture 5Temperatures will rise to 12 degrees Celsius in the day.Night temperatures will fall to 4 degrees Celsius.It will feel cold over the hills.Weatherforecaster: 45学习资料Picture 6And the outlook for next weekend: the three ws warm, wet and windy.And thats your weather forecas

11、t.Back to John at the studio.Weatherforecaster: 46学习资料Lets practice:Guided Conversation. 对话练习。对话练习。P4547学习资料LESSON 42Pronunciation 语音语音Weak forms: prepositions.英语中的介词常弱读,特别是最常见的介词英语中的介词常弱读,特别是最常见的介词of, for , from和和at。 当它们弱读时,或在短语的开头或者中间时,当它们弱读时,或在短语的开头或者中间时,元音通常(但非一定)弱读为短元音元音通常(但非一定)弱读为短元音 /。48学习资料m

12、ove mu:vvt. & vi.移动; 搬动49学习资料yet jetadv.还, 尚, 仍然50学习资料last l:stadv.最近一次的,延续; 继续;51学习资料train treinn.列车, 火车;52学习资料 will 引导的引导的一般将来时一般将来时:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,最基本的结构:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,最基本的结构:will + 动词原形动词原形 肯定句:肯定句:主语主语+ will +动词原形动词原形+(宾语)(宾语)+其他其他 Some day people will go to the moon .否定句:否定句:在在will 的后面加的后面加

13、not即可。即可。will not 可缩写为可缩写为 wontThey wont use books .一般疑问句:一般疑问句:把把will 提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号。提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号。Will students go to school in the future ?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+will +主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?What will your dream school have ?53学习资料“There be”句型的一般将来时句型的一般将来时肯定句:肯定句: There will be +名词名词+其他成份其他成份注意注意:

14、无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,:无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,be都必须用原形。都必须用原形。There will be only one country.否定句:否定句:在在will后面加后面加not.There wont be only one country.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:把把will提到提到there之前。之前。Will there be only one country?Yes, there will. / No, there wont.注意:在口语中,所有人称都可以用will.54学习资料一般将来时的主要用法:一般将来时的主要用法:一般将来时的主要用法:一般将来时的主要用

15、法: 1 1、表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态:表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态: We will come to see you the day after tomorrow. There will be a wonderful show next week.2 2、表示将来某一段时间内经常的动作或表示将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态:状态: The students will come and work in the lab once a week. We will come and work in this factory every year.55学习资料今天晚上我将会打电话给你。今天晚上我将

16、会打电话给你。将来,学生将会使用电脑学习。将来,学生将会使用电脑学习。我们今天下午没有空。我们今天下午没有空。她不会听我的她不会听我的.I will call you this evening.Students will use computers to learn in the futureWe wont be free this afternoon.She will not listen to me.56学习资料当天气变冷的时候,鸟类不会飞去南边当天气变冷的时候,鸟类不会飞去南边我想下个夏天北京的天气将会非常热。我想下个夏天北京的天气将会非常热。他将会使用他的笔他将会使用他的笔将会有大雨和

17、大风天气。将会有大雨和大风天气。The birds wont fly away to the south when the weather turns cold.I think it will be very hot in Beijing next summer.He will use his pen Will there be heavy rain and strong winds?57学习资料肯定肯定肯定肯定否定否定否定否定一般疑问一般疑问一般疑问一般疑问回答回答回答回答I will havemany presents.I wont have many presents.Will I ha

18、ve many presents?Yes,I will.No,I wont.He will do dull jobs.He wont do dull jobs.Will he do dull jobs?Yes, he will.No ,he wont.There will be a computer in it.There wont be a computer in it.Will there be a compuer in it.Yes,there will.No,there wont.They will do heavy work.They wont do heavy work.Will

19、they do heavy work?Yes,they will.No,they wont.willwill句式总结句式总结: :58学习资料Functional Practise:.hope that you a good time this evening.A.have B.are having C.will have D.has2.Look at those big black clouds. It rain.Lets hurry.A.must B.will C.would D.is going to注意:注意:will与与be going to的区别,的区别,be going to可以

20、表示明显将要发生的情况可以表示明显将要发生的情况3.There a basketball match this afternoon.A.will have B.will be C.has D.have 4. We to the park if it is fine tomorrow.A.will go B.go C.goes D. to goCDBA59学习资料S u m m a r y60学习资料Homework1.Copy the new words and dictate them.2.Make sentences with the key sentences.3.Listen to the text for ten minutes everyday.4.Recite the text.61学习资料62学习资料



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