八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Task课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、翻翻译下列短下列短语。1. 在周末在周末2. 超超过,多于,多于3. 改善他改善他们的生活的生活4. 在我在我们的日常生活中的日常生活中5. 节约你的零花你的零花钱6. 把某物捐献把某物捐献给某人某人at the weekendmore thanimprove their livesin our daily livessave your pocket moneydonate sth. to sb.survivors of disastersn. 幸存者幸存者children without familiespeople with a serious diseasen. 疾病疾病operatio

2、n n. 手术手术Peter has read an article about a middle school student in the newspaper. He wants to write a letter to ask for help. He is organizing his ideas first.Introduction Who needs help?Main bodyInformation about the person or group in needWhat kind of help do they need?How can we help?Conclusion

3、Thanks for helpn. 引言引言; 介绍介绍LISTEN TO PETERS LETTER AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.1. What is wrong with Xiao Wei? He has a serious blood disease.2. What kind of help do his family need? They need money for Xiao Weis operation.3. How can we help Xiao Wei? We can donate money.READ PETERS LETTER AND ANSWER

4、THE QUESTIONS.1. How does Peter write such a letter?2. What is the main idea of each paragraph in Peters letter?IntroductionMain body ConclusionParagraph 1: Xiao Wei needs our help.Paragraph 2: Information about Xiao Wei.Paragraph 3: Xiao Weis family need money.Paragraph 4: We can donate money.Parag

5、raph 5: Thanks for your help.Before writing, its necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two points: who needs help how we can help1. He has been ill in hospital since last month. 他从上个月开始生病住院了。他从上个月开始生病住院了。 本句用的是本句用的是现在完成在完成时,表示从,表示从过去某去某

6、一一时间开始一直持开始一直持续到到现在的在的动作或事作或事情。情。 e.g. They have worked here since 1975. 他他们从从1975年开始就在年开始就在这工作了。工作了。2. have a serious disease 有有严重的血液疾病重的血液疾病 表示表示“生生病病”通常用通常用动词have。如:如: 头疼疼 have a headache 3. as soon as possible 尽可能快的尽可能快的 e.g. 请尽快把尽快把书还给我。我。 Please return my book as soon as possible. 4. lose ones

7、 life 失去生命失去生命, 丧生生 e.g. 许多人在多人在这次次地震中地震中丧丧生了生了。 Many people lost their lives in the earthquake.5. Many hands make light work. 人多力量大。人多力量大。6. give a helping hand 帮助帮助, 伸出援助之手伸出援助之手7. get well 康复康复 句中句中well是是形容形容词, 表示表示“健康的健康的”。 e.g. Are you OK? Yes. Im well. 你好你好吗? 是的,我很好。是的,我很好。BING A VOLUNTEER IS

8、GREATNo. 1 Middle School is proud of three students. They areNo. 1 Middle School is proud of three students. They areXiao Hong, Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang. Every week they work as volunteers at different places.Xiao Hong enjoys reading, so after class she spends some time reading together with the stud

9、ents in a primary school.Animals are Xiao Mings favourites, so he often goes to animal hospitals. In the hospitals he can not only look after the sick animals, but also learn how to treat them. Xiao Gang has a sweet voice, so he spends much of his free time singing for the patients in the hospital.

10、He sings and smiles to those patients.They all think what they are doing is right. How great it is to be a volunteer!Bing a volunteer is great1. 他生病住院是因为一种严重的血液病。他生病住院是因为一种严重的血液病。 He was ill in hospital because of a serious blood disease.2. 他们没有足够的钱做这样一个手术。他们没有足够的钱做这样一个手术。 They dont have enough money for such an operation.Translation.3. 对他来说尽快做手术是很重要的。对他来说尽快做手术是很重要的。 Its important for him to have the operation as soon as possible.4. 人多力量大。人多力量大。 Many hands make light work.5. 如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他可能很如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他可能很快就会康复。快就会康复。 If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well soon.



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