高二英语课件北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop

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高二英语课件北师大版选修7《Unit 21 Human Biology》Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop_第1页
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1、Section 语言点一语言点一单词集释单词集释板块板块语言点二语言点二短语荟萃短语荟萃板块板块语言点三语言点三句型解构句型解构板块板块写作讲座写作讲座课课时时跟跟踪踪检检测测Unit 21识识记记. .掌掌握握理理解解. .拓拓展展应应用用. .落落实实识识记记. .掌掌握握理理解解. .拓拓展展应应用用. .落落实实识识记记. .掌掌握握理理解解. .拓拓展展应应用用. . 落落实实佳佳作作观观摩摩技技法法指指导导专专题题练练习习返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回A选词填空选词填空1The newspaper is published once a week, so we can say i

2、t is a _.AweekBweeklyCweekend答案:答案:B2The time by which the applications must be handed in is 30 April.That is to say, 30 April is the _ for the applications.Adeadlock Bdead end Cdeadline答案:答案:C返回返回3That uniform makes the guards look funny and _.Aabsurd Bserious Cfearful答案:答案:A4We shouldnt waste anyt

3、hing.Costs must be kept to a _.Amaximum Bminimun Cnumber答案:答案:B5The document is important, so I must _ it to our boss at once.Asubmit Bsubscribe Creverse答案:答案:A返回返回B根据词性和汉语意思写出单词根据词性和汉语意思写出单词6 adj.临时的;短暂的临时的;短暂的 adv.临时临时 地;短暂地地;短暂地7 vt.使丧失;抢劫使丧失;抢劫 n抢劫抢劫 n盗贼;抢劫者盗贼;抢劫者8 vi.下降下降 n下降下降9 vt.使有准备使有准备 n设备

4、;配备设备;配备10 n商行;公司商行;公司 adj.坚定的坚定的 adv. 坚定地坚定地robberytemporarydeclinetemporarilydeclinerobrobberequipequipmentfirmfirmfirmly返回返回11 n大笔钱财,巨款大笔钱财,巨款 adj.幸运的幸运的 adv.幸运地幸运地12 n延期延期 adj.广泛的;广阔的广泛的;广阔的 v延长;延伸延长;延伸13 adj. 嫉妒的嫉妒的 adv.嫉妒地嫉妒地14 n担心;担忧担心;担忧 v担心;担忧;担心;担忧; 关注关注 adj. 有关的有关的15 vi.表决;投票表决;投票 n表决;投票表

5、决;投票 n投票人;选举人投票人;选举人extensivefortuneconcernfortunatejealouslyextensionextendconcernconcernedvotevotevoterjealous返回返回1rob vt.使丧失;抢劫;抢夺;盗取使丧失;抢劫;抢夺;盗取教材原句教材原句Terri had fallen into a coma in 1990 when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen causing permanent harm.特瑞在特瑞在1990年陷入昏迷,当时心脏病使大脑缺氧造成了永年陷入昏迷,当

6、时心脏病使大脑缺氧造成了永久性的伤害。久性的伤害。The young man robbed her of her bag on the way to work.在那天上班的路上,那名年轻男子抢了她的包。在那天上班的路上,那名年轻男子抢了她的包。返回返回The accident robbed him of his health; he had to lie in bed from then on.那起事故使他丧失了健康,从那那起事故使他丧失了健康,从那以后他不得不躺在床上。以后他不得不躺在床上。They robbed the bank of millions of dollars and wer

7、e arrested by the police.他们抢劫了那家银行几百万美元,已被警方逮捕了。他们抢劫了那家银行几百万美元,已被警方逮捕了。表示表示“抢夺某人某物抢夺某人某物”时,只能用时,只能用rob sb. of sth.,不能用,不能用rob ones sth。返回返回 抢夺某人某物;使某人失去抢夺某人某物;使某人失去rob some place of sth. 从某处抢劫某物从某处抢劫某物rob sb. Of sth.返回返回rob, steal词形词形词义词义搭配搭配rob“盗,抢盗,抢”;指公然用暴;指公然用暴力抢劫他人的所有物力抢劫他人的所有物rob sb.of sth.ste

8、al “偷偷”,指暗中窃取,指暗中窃取steal sth.from sb.steal ones sth.形象形象记忆记忆返回返回自填助记自填助记We found out hed been from us for years.They the shop in broad daylight.2decline(1)vi.减少,下降;衰退减少,下降;衰退The number of tourists to the area declined by 10% last year.去年到这个地区旅游的人数减少了去年到这个地区旅游的人数减少了10%。As one grows older his memory d

9、eclines.人的记忆力随着年龄的增长而衰退。人的记忆力随着年龄的增长而衰退。stealingrobbed返回返回(3)vt. & vi.(婉言婉言)拒绝,谢绝拒绝,谢绝I invited her to join us, but she declined.我邀请她加入我们,可是她婉言拒绝了。我邀请她加入我们,可是她婉言拒绝了。3fortune(1)n.大笔钱财,巨款大笔钱财,巨款That ring must be worth a fortune because it has a long history.那个戒指肯定值很多钱,因为它有很长的历史了。那个戒指肯定值很多钱,因为它有很长的历史了。

10、make a fortune发财发财come into / inherit a fortune 继承财产继承财产返回返回He by selling houses when young.年轻时,他靠卖房子发了财。年轻时,他靠卖房子发了财。(2)n.命运;运气命运;运气made a fortunehave good /bad fortune to do . 有幸有幸/不幸做不幸做try ones fortune 碰运气碰运气seek ones fortune 寻找成功之路寻找成功之路I have had good fortune to work with some brilliant direct

11、ors.我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。Many young people want to live in big cities .许多年轻人想在大城市里寻找成功之路。许多年轻人想在大城市里寻找成功之路。to seek their fortune返回返回4concern(1)n. U, C担心,忧虑担心,忧虑 C 重要的事情重要的事情There is growing concern about violence on television.人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。What are your main con

12、cerns as a writer?作为作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?作为作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?返回返回(2)vt.使担忧;使感兴趣;与使担忧;使感兴趣;与相关,涉及相关,涉及(1)concern sb./sth.使某人担忧;与某事相关使某人担忧;与某事相关be concerned about / for . 为为担忧,为担忧,为忧虑忧虑sb. is concerned in / with sth. 某人与某事有牵连某人与某事有牵连(2)concerned adj. 与与有牵连的;焦急的,担忧的有牵连的;焦急的,担忧的as far as sb. is concerned 在某人看来;就

13、某人而言在某人看来;就某人而言as far as sth. is concerned 就某事而言就某事而言返回返回What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.让我担忧的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。让我担忧的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。Everyone who directly the incident has now resigned.所有与该事件有直接关联的人现在均已辞职。所有与该事件有直接关联的人现在均已辞职。 , you have done your job much better for the lack of

14、experience.依我看,考虑到你经验不足,你的工作已做得很不错了。依我看,考虑到你经验不足,你的工作已做得很不错了。 wasconcerned in/withAs far as I am concerned返回返回5submit vt.& vi.提交,递交;提交,递交;(使使)服从,服从,(使使)顺从顺从He submitted the report on the matter to the committee.他向委员会提交了关于那个案件的报告。他向委员会提交了关于那个案件的报告。She refused to submit to threats.面对威胁,她拒不屈服。面对威胁,她拒不屈

15、服。submit sth. to sb. 提交;呈递某物给某人提交;呈递某物给某人submit (oneself) to sb./sth. 顺从;屈服顺从;屈服submit that 提议提议,认为,认为返回返回He finally agreed questioning.他最终同意接受讯问。他最终同意接受讯问。She submitted (herself) to her parents decision at last.她最后顺从了父母的决定。她最后顺从了父母的决定。I the house is unfit for you to live in.我认为这栋房子不适合你居住。我认为这栋房子不适合

16、你居住。to submit tosubmit that返回返回点此进入点此进入点此进入点此进入返回返回返回返回1 the other hand另一方面另一方面2live 继续活着,继续存在;以继续活着,继续存在;以为主食为主食3fall comas 陷入昏迷状态陷入昏迷状态4return normal 恢复正常恢复正常5 all cases 在任何情况下在任何情况下6 any rate 无论如何;至少无论如何;至少onintotoinaton返回返回1on the other hand另一方面另一方面He is an able man, but on the other hand, he de

17、mands too much of people.他是一个能干的人,但另一方面,他对人要求太多了。他是一个能干的人,但另一方面,他对人要求太多了。on (the) one hand ., on the other (hand) .一方面一方面,另一方面,另一方面(却却)(用于引出相对立的两用于引出相对立的两个方面个方面)for one thing ., for another . 一方面一方面,另一方面,另一方面(用来引出相并列的两个用来引出相并列的两个方面方面)返回返回 , a lot of people go to the US, but , a lot of people come ba

18、ck from there.一方面,许多人前往美国;另一方面,很多人又从那里回一方面,许多人前往美国;另一方面,很多人又从那里回来。来。For one thing I have no money; and for another Im too busy.一来我没钱,二来我太忙。一来我没钱,二来我太忙。On (the) one handon the other (hand)返回返回2at any rate无论如何;至少无论如何;至少Well, thats one good piece of news at any rate.不管怎么说,这是个好消息。不管怎么说,这是个好消息。He will ge

19、t some valuable experience .无论如何他会得到一些宝贵的经验。无论如何他会得到一些宝贵的经验。at any rateat this/that rate 如如果果此此/那那种种情情形形是是真真实实的的话话;这这/ 那样的话那样的话at the /a rate of 以以的速度或比率;以的速度或比率;以的的 价格价格If you go on at that rate, you will injure your health.那样下去的话,你会把身体搞垮的。那样下去的话,你会把身体搞垮的。返回返回点此进入点此进入点此进入点此进入返回返回返回返回1句型展示句型展示. howe

20、ver, this_is_the_first_time_Ive_broken my leg. 然而,这是我第一次断腿。然而,这是我第一次断腿。典例背诵典例背诵This is the first time I have written a letter in English.这是我第一次用英语写信。这是我第一次用英语写信。返回返回2句型展示句型展示Even though doctors dont fully understand comas and the process of recovery, it_is_generally_agreed_that a patients chances of

21、 recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.即使医生并不完全理解昏睡和康复进程,但一般认为病人即使医生并不完全理解昏睡和康复进程,但一般认为病人昏睡的时间越长,病人康复的机会就越小。昏睡的时间越长,病人康复的机会就越小。典例背诵典例背诵It is thought that the 2014 World Cup in Brazil will be the best of all.人们认为人们认为2014年巴西世界杯将会是最好的一次。年巴西世界杯将会是最好的一次。返回返回1. however, this_is_the_first_time_Iv

22、e_broken my leg.然而,这是我第一次断腿。然而,这是我第一次断腿。It is the first time that I have ever seen her lose her temper.这是我第一次看到她发脾气。这是我第一次看到她发脾气。It was the first time that I had ever got such a good chance to go abroad for further education.那是我第一次获得出国深造的好机会。那是我第一次获得出国深造的好机会。返回返回(2)the first time可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为可用作

23、连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“第一第一次次”。The first time I saw her, she was a little girl.第一次见她的时候,她还是个小女孩。第一次见她的时候,她还是个小女孩。(3)与与the first time一样可用作连词的常见词一样可用作连词的常见词(组组)有:有:the moment, the minute, the instant, directly, instantly, immediately, the序数词序数词time, each time, every time等。等。The moment I saw the dress, I decid

24、ed to buy it.一看到这条连衣裙,我就决定买下它了。一看到这条连衣裙,我就决定买下它了。返回返回2Even though doctors dont fully understand comas and the process of recovery, it_is_generally_agreed_that a patients chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.即使医生并不完全理解昏睡和康复进程,但一般认为病即使医生并不完全理解昏睡和康复进程,但一般认为病人昏睡的时间越长,病人康复的机会就越小。人昏睡

25、的时间越长,病人康复的机会就越小。(1)这是一个这是一个it作形式主语,作形式主语,that从句作真正主语的复合句。从句作真正主语的复合句。它的一般结构是:它的一般结构是:It is过去分词过去分词that从句。这类过去从句。这类过去分词通常有分词通常有said, reported, hoped, believed, thought, decided, agreed, announced, arranged, expected等。等。返回返回Its said that his novel had been translated into several foreign languages.据说

26、他的小说已被翻译成了好几种外语。据说他的小说已被翻译成了好几种外语。Its reported that the government will involve the matter.据报道,政府将干涉这件事。据报道,政府将干涉这件事。Its announced that Sun Yang has broken world record in the 30th Olympics.据宣布,孙杨在第三十届奥运会上打破了世界纪录。据宣布,孙杨在第三十届奥运会上打破了世界纪录。返回返回(2)该句型可与该句型可与People动词原形动词原形that 从句或从句或Sb.is过去分过去分词词to do sth

27、.进行转换。进行转换。It is said that John is one of the best teachers in the school.John is said to be one of the best teachers in the school.People say that John is one of the best teachers in the school.据说约翰是这个学校最好的老师之一。据说约翰是这个学校最好的老师之一。返回返回点此进入点此进入点此进入点此进入返回返回正反对比类议论文正反对比类议论文返回返回 目前染发是年轻人的时尚,究竟中学生应不应该染目前染发

28、是年轻人的时尚,究竟中学生应不应该染发呢?请你写一篇发呢?请你写一篇120词左右的文章发表自己的看法。内词左右的文章发表自己的看法。内容包括:容包括: 描述很多中学生学年轻人染发描述很多中学生学年轻人染发(color the hair)的的现象;对染发的两种不同的观点和理由;你的观点。现象;对染发的两种不同的观点和理由;你的观点。返回返回支支持持作作为21世世纪的的年年轻人人,应该跟跟得得上上时尚尚(follow the fashion);染染发能能让他他们更漂亮;更漂亮;可可 以以 凸凸 显 个个 性性 (highlight ones flaunting of personality)反反对

29、中国人本来就是黑中国人本来就是黑发,为什么要改什么要改变;外外国国有有很很多多值得得我我们学学的的东西西,但但不不能能盲盲目目祟祟外外(worship foreign things blindly)返回返回 Nowadays many young people color their hair, and a lot of middle school students also follow the fashion. Can we students color our hair? There are different opinions about it. Some think, as a me

30、mber of the 21st century, they should follow the fashion. And coloring hair can also make them look cuter. Whats more, that can highlight their flaunting of personality. However, others think it is wrong. They think our Chinese have black hair, and why do we change it?We can learn many things from f

31、oreigners, but we shouldnt worship them blindly. In my opinion, though everyone has a right to love beauty, we have many other ways to pursue beauty, and studying is our main task, so we should try to concentrate on it.返回返回 本篇范文分三段,首段提出本篇范文分三段,首段提出“许多中学生染发许多中学生染发”这一这一现象;第二段提出问题并给出不同的观点;第三段给出现象;第二段提出

32、问题并给出不同的观点;第三段给出自己的观点。分段合理,行文逻辑性强。自己的观点。分段合理,行文逻辑性强。返回返回(1)句句使用了使用了follow the fashion;句;句使用了使用了make的复合的复合宾语;句宾语;句使用了使用了worship them blindly; 句句使用了使用了concentrate on等结构和短语,丰富了文章语言。等结构和短语,丰富了文章语言。(2)句句使用了使用了whats more; 句句使用使用however等过渡词,使等过渡词,使 文章衔接自然。文章衔接自然。(3)句句使用了使用了doing形式作主语;句形式作主语;句personality、句、

33、句 worship、句、句pursue等高级词汇的使用,显示了作者等高级词汇的使用,显示了作者 扎实的语言基础和较高的写作能力。扎实的语言基础和较高的写作能力。返回返回 议论文是一种通过议论来表达自己的观点、立场和看法议论文是一种通过议论来表达自己的观点、立场和看法的文体。议论文有三要素,即论点、论据和论证。议论文的的文体。议论文有三要素,即论点、论据和论证。议论文的结构一般包括以下三部分:结构一般包括以下三部分: 1在开头提出议题,也就是提出论点。议题的提出要在开头提出议题,也就是提出论点。议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。并且开头句往往是主题句。开门见山,不要拖泥带水。并且开头句往往是主

34、题句。 2议论时要有充分的论据,作者可以运用列举事实、议论时要有充分的论据,作者可以运用列举事实、展示数据、提供事例、借助常识或利用亲身经历的方法。正展示数据、提供事例、借助常识或利用亲身经历的方法。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较法等。法等。返回返回 3在结论部分发表作者自己的观点。在结论部分发表作者自己的观点。写作时应注意:写作时应注意: 1议论文的一般结构方式是:提出问题、分析问题、议论文的一般结构方式是:提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。解决问题。 2英语议论文时态较为统一,多用现在时;强调语言英语议论文时态较为统一

35、,多用现在时;强调语言表达的客观性;尽可能指明信息来源等。表达的客观性;尽可能指明信息来源等。 3常用虚拟语气、让步状语从句和情态动词常用虚拟语气、让步状语从句和情态动词can, could, may, might, would, should等。等。 4常用常用although, though, in spite of, despite, however, on the other hand, also, moreover, finally等过渡词。等过渡词。返回返回1First/Firstly, Second/Secondly, Then, Next, After that, Afterw

36、ards, Last/Lastly/Finally .2Some people believe/argue/recognize/think that .3Everyone knows that .4It seems obvious to me that .5People hold different views/ideas about .6As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea .7In my opinion/view, as far as I know, in conclusion, in short, at last, in other w

37、ords .黄金表达黄金表达返回返回 假如你是某英文报的小记者,针对当前流行假如你是某英文报的小记者,针对当前流行“偷菜偷菜”网络网络游戏这一现象进行了采访,请就被采访者的看法写一篇短文,游戏这一现象进行了采访,请就被采访者的看法写一篇短文,内容要点如下:内容要点如下:观点一:观点一: 1.检验田园生活,享受乐趣检验田园生活,享受乐趣2忘记烦恼,减轻压力忘记烦恼,减轻压力3增长知识增长知识观点二:观点二: 1.沉迷网络,影响健康沉迷网络,影响健康2耽误学习、工作耽误学习、工作3可能影响孩子的价值观可能影响孩子的价值观返回返回注意:注意:1.词数:词数:120左右。左右。2开头已写好,不计入词数

38、。开头已写好,不计入词数。3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Nowadays, “Stealing Vegetables” online is becoming more and more popular, especially among the white collars in the cities._返回返回参考范文:参考范文: Nowadays, “Stealing Vegetables” online is becoming more and more popular, especially among the white collars in the

39、cities. People hold different opinions over this. Some believe the game is popular for several reasons. First, people can experience farm life and enjoy the pleasure without going out. Second, it helps forget the trouble in life and reduce pressures in work and study. Third, by playing the game, peo

40、ple can gain some agricultural knowledge.返回返回 However, some other people dislike the game. In their opinion, gamers get addicted to “stealing vegetables” easily, which does great harm to their health because of lack of sleep and exercise. Besides, too much time on the game means less time on work and study. Last but not least, if children join the gamers, their social values may be affected to a certain degree, which may lead to some social problems like stealing.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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