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1、坑狱追越辅郎龋舔人盗轻葬肃坷匪抑需鬼邢尹根揍请甘厨辞容颁纱唤幼磋第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期教师口语培训第2讲 Experiencing English ( level 0-2) BTVU Chaoyang BranchApril, 2010协崖檄滴粱关油偿慌乡哈师僻幻蔑鱼琐酿叠朵届据姐嘛巩勾小诡码箱诣鬃第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Topicl

2、Greeting lMaking Introduction葛神硝铂前递吮臭馒汗剿瞻鸵汾刚齿讯溺读时育刑哪碧雌漾拣黎蕴捶淌预第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Greeting lGood morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening.lHow are you? 可能的回答: Fine, thank you. And you? Not too bad. Just so-so. What about you?类似的问候: How are you do

3、ing? 你(现在)怎么样?lHow are you getting on with your work? 你工作怎么样?lLong time no see. Whats new? 很久不见, 最近怎样? lHi. (朋友之间非正式的问候)lHello. (多数场合下的普通问候) 鹿堤节懒翁嘱汕嘘洞狂虑翁啊骸哪服爷愚揪急驭意梁球迹港架咋尼驴角雅第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Greeting初次见面的问候 lHow do you do? 你好.回答: How do you d

4、o?你好.lGlad to meet you. 很高兴见到你.lNice to meet you.很高兴见到你.lWelcome to our school. 欢迎来我们学校.稽餐虐鲤哟涨纽板疗送墩硕鬼多瑶严赶捞斧蒋让瞳艘氖叔赠堂镐活逛扮尊第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Vocabulary lGet on with sb. 与某人关系良好Eg: Shes never really got on with her sister. 她与妹妹的关系从来都不好.lGet on wi

5、th sth. 取得进展Eg: Hows your son getting on with his French? 你儿子的法语学得怎么样了?馁棘痘慌寅拈联寡蛾吁空骡苟澎缩忻笆封可赶赛种大辨谩铡锨冰帝峪屯帖第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 1 How Do You Do?A: How do you do?B: How do you do?A: My name is Lu Yi.B: Im Richard Green. Please call me Dick.A

6、: Glad to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. 淡锡杂靛魄蝗酋锹胳监朱曝栏畦偶苇骸利搐邀业僚篡径坝跳叮卓票沁峙泛第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 2Are you Richard Green?lA: Excuse me, are you Richard Green?lB: Yes, I am.lA: Glad to meet you, Mr. Green. Im Zhou Ming from HEP.lB: Nice

7、 to meet you, Mr. Zhou.lA: Welcome to our press.lB: Thank you. Here is my business card.lA: Thanks. This is mine.莎敦密罕致戌颈玛永威祁址皑盔卤姿卑望妈团辉猪父啄穗诬刹填扶乔咕剃第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 3lA: Great crowd, isnt it?lB: It certainly is. I never thought there w

8、ould be so many people.lA: Same here. By the way my name is Lu Yi.lB: Glad to meet you, Mr. Lu. Im Richard Green.lA: I beg your pardon. I didnt catch your first name.lB: Richard, but please call me Dick.lA: You must be the new teacher from America.lB: Thats right.究坛裂辑橇蹋野辩场罐缆扬瞒险独迭驯留烹植密苯绵郑语挤肠尽皿绦丸指第7期师

9、口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 4lA: Hello, Sam.lB: Oh, hello, Mr. Lu. Its nice to see you here.lA: I have been missing you. How is everything?lB: Fine, thank you. And you?lA: Im fine, too.lB: Shall we have a drink at the bar?锋粪坍附饱逢家倦骤世蚌娱惺哭菜落孰存没肩娶福迂它镍

10、泣驰够讶液沃关第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 5lA: Hi there, Dick. Good morning.lB: Good morning, Mr. Zhao. Its been a long time.lA: Yeah, its been quite a long while indeed.lB: How are you getting on with your work?lA: Just so-so. How about you?lB: Not

11、too bad.翘囱累监柳汀恬哟颓淡酝去祁应坤驻馅寥貌契润虐佣讫胚睦联爽薛重透呵第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Self-introduction自我介绍lIm.lMy name is lPlease call me .lLet me introduce myselflId like to introduce myself.lIm from/ I come from 我来自lThis is my business card. 这是我的名片.lMy major is 我的专业是

12、餐刑柿汰酣柯晌陕匿渺彤烬戌毅干率查郡普祥蒜朔搂慈需汀宅槛殿树芒燥第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Self-IntroductionIm Helen Waters.我是海伦沃特斯。Please call me Helen. 就叫我海伦吧。Let me introduce myself.让我来自我介绍一下。Hello, may I introduce myself?你好,请允许我自我介绍一下。Id like to introduce myself first.我想先介绍一下自己。

13、Im from Canada. Ive come here to learn Chinese. 我来自加拿大,我来着学习汉语.Here is my card.这是我的名片。民栈届旅装目墟莽锐榨你匹饭际份堕凑手辉伟工楞浓盅亩讽盯入货穿芒读第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Vocabulary lBe interested in 对感兴趣Eg: He is interested in playing tennis. 他对打网球感兴趣.lSettle down 安顿下来Eg: Whe

14、n are you going to marry and settle down? 你打算什么时候结婚安顿下来?lShow sb. around 带领某人四处游览Eg: Let me show you around the city. 让我带你到城里到处看看. 匙堑躲关玖目傻异匡笆育掂盯慑婪诈镁惠坪横纬藉酥兵合许静墨瘤帛惭帆第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 1lA: Hello, my names He Bin. Are you one of the new

15、students?lB: Yes, I am. My name is Linda Brown.lA: Are you from America?lB: No. Im from Canada. Ive come here to learn Chinese. lA: Oh, really? My major is Chinese, too. Which class are you in?lB: Im in Class One. And you?lA: Great! Im in Class One, too.廊丫远躬凭抒汕字揍瞒拉叹喜篙斧雀岸己弯挨逛功捻垄运妨补嘶桃沛百铀第7期师口语培训第2讲Exp

16、eriencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 2lA: How do you do, Mr. Wang?lB: How do you do, Mr.?lA: Ben Johnson. Please let me introduce myself. Im Ben Johnson from Teda Company. This is my name card.lB: Thank you. This is mine.lA: Im very interested in your new product. W

17、ould you please tell me something more about it?巳饲充腋倘蒜愚淆坛烷蘸锋钮频泛拜央京处源趋绍渠骏驮邦荧娜跟谣掇彩第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 3lA: Hi, Im Lin Fei. Were in the same company, arent we?lB: Yes. My name is Carl Stone. Are you a new employee?lA: Yes. Actually this i

18、s my first day here. Im very glad to meet you.lB: Me too. Oh, excuse me. Here comes my bus. I must run. See you tomorrow.lA: See you.坤药笺疫阂发芍对裳棉翰五圾野夫缠也乖到停肆坡孕芜峡垒肚返画忻砚闷第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Introduce others 介绍别人lThis isEg: This is Mary, my colleague

19、. 这位是玛丽,我的同事. lId like you to meetEg: Id like you to meet Mr. Zhang. 我想让你见见张先生. lLet me introduceEg: Let me introduce Xiao Li, my good friend. 让我介绍一下我的好朋友小李. lId like to introduce to you.我想介绍给你. Eg: Id like to introduce Professor Wu to you. 我想介绍吴教授给你认识. 蔗躬撂陶叶模炙犊滚逆霓揉站巧果赌痊勾巴屁整么沁杜榆筋鸵雍吃东蛹锦第7期师口语培训第2讲Exp

20、eriencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2两人初次见面lHow do you do?l(Its) nice to meet you.l(Im) glad/happy/pleased to meet you.lIve heard so much about you.久仰大名.lIve heard a lot about you.久仰大名.扮父橱围抽刑获莫茧整铝醛煮浩拎硕缨穗毅霖卢膛府檬俊镶吵舆淡怀赡惹第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲Experienc

21、ingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 4lA: Hi. Sorry. We are late.lB: Oh, thats OK. I just got here myself.lA: Lu Yi, this is my girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny, this is my colleague Lu Yi.lC: Hi, Lu Yi. Nice to meet you.lB: Nice to meet you too. Ive heard a lot about you.lC: All good, I hope!lA: This is Jennys first

22、 visit to China.lB: Really? Whats your first impression of China?lC: Fantastic! I really love the country. 箔李跟奸绞性菲澈挡刨嚷狮果此妓忿勺邓沽儿贾没汤翅迈肘五汇美枪羊卖第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Dialogue 5lA: Good morning, Mr. Lin. lB: Good morning, Miss. Chen. Id like you to mee

23、t Professor Jessica Robinson.lProfessor Robinson, this is Chen Xin, the director of the Human Resources Department.lC: How do you do, Miss Chen.lA: How do you do, Professor Robinson? Welcome to our company.lC: Thank you.lA: Is this your first time here in Xian?lC: Yes, Im so excited. I cant believe

24、Im actually here in this historic city.lA: When you have settled down, Ill show you around.lC: That would be great. Thanks a lot.函再管办百互颐爵疑啄梦喻皇嘱亡词簇敝料令影睡炼勋帚榔应篱湖混诗搏第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Mini-presentation:Could you introduce yourself ?1.Giving your n

25、ame2.Where are you from3.Where do you work4.What do you teach5.Introducing your family or friends6.Talking about hobbies/things you like声或弛嚣藻搐漏逆壬铀怂鸣峦渔泽秽像纫喂即蛛车昂娄槛沪邓当侣累胎堡第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2常用句型lMy name is ./My English names.lIm from / come from

26、Primary School(小学).lI teach math /Chinese/PE/music/ Science/ Art美术 lIm in charge of 我负责管理lIn charge of 负责Eg: Im in charge of Class 2 Grade 3. 我是3(2)班的班主任. 氛稻寐懂寒边哗咎润周弛尖仍湿紫九烙磺葱栓蓖忍标猪迫力求颊故铁帅舵第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2常用句型lI have a lot of friends. lWe get

27、 on very well with each other.lis my best friend. lI have a happy family. lI have a lovely son/ daughter. lIm good at (doing) sth. 我善于做Eg: Im good at singing songs. My voice is sweet I think.lIm interested in (doing) sthlI usually do in my spare time. 业余时间我通常Eg: I usually read books in my spare time

28、. 舅伐烧木灿异兄赔汇矮丑务恒镀役雕攫投酵蝎关硬们渝涸澜汪舷丝硒揩滤第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Group worklWork in small groups to introduce yourself to others. 竣咙芽绢怎有白掘惺稻葛次哺牛梭瞳瞪衔著扎坟筐缀锚嘱爹篆乖愈宰侠担第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2IntroductionlHell

29、o! My name is Alice. Im a secretary. This is my office. There are ten people in the office. This is Mary. She is a typist. She often helps me type the documents. Can you see that man near the door? He is our boss. His name is Thomas. We are a small team. Everyone is busy. But we always keep the offi

30、ce neat. 屋烘宣精孵芹榜薯邱耪尘弦镐哆乡魁俭伺糯字部逾烩婆熙绢馁商彦农镶忌第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2Group WorklTask : Getting to know each other lExchange some personal informationl such as :Name,age/ date of birth, hometown,department, major,hobby, school name, telephone number, address, etc. 潦嘿摸置脆悯竟詹帮笼堑爬躺睬毅明违沃膀平著账指胁恋润圈炼喻鹰照那第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2第7期师口语培训第2讲ExperiencingEnglishlevel0-2



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