高考英语一轮复习 nit1 festivals around the world课件 新人教版必修3

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1、必修三Unit 1Festivals around the world1Starve vi.&vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死starvation n饥饿starve for 渴望;盼望starve to do 渴望做be starved of/for 剥夺;使匮乏starve to death/be starved to death 饿死starved to death运用 完成句子(1)我们渴望得到刘先生的消息,但是一切都晚了。We _ news about Mr.Liu, but it was all late.(2)发动机没有油了,启动不了。The engine _ petrol and c

2、ouldnt start.(3)甚至在今天你能想象非洲的一些儿童饿死吗?Even today can you imagine some children in Africa are_?(4)晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。When will the dinner be ready? I _.starved forwas starved ofam starving2award n奖;奖品 vt.授予;判定award sth.to sb./award sb.sth.(for sth.)(因为某个原因)给予或授予某人某物/判定或颁发某物给某人运用 用 award 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)The s

3、chool _ Mary a prize _ her good work.(2)He _ the gold medal _ being the fastestrunner.(3)The judge _ a large sum of money _ those hurtin the fire.awardedforwas awardedforawardedto3admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的admire sb./sth.(for sth.)(因某事物)赞赏/钦佩/羡慕某人或物运用 完成句子(1)我因你的诚实而钦佩你。I _ your hone

4、sty.(2)到纽约来观光的人对那些高层建筑物都赞叹不已。The visitors to New York City all _.(3)几乎每一个人都羡慕他的才华。There are very few but _.admire you foradmired the tall buildingsadmire his talents用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子1他在考试中得了满分。He _ in the examination.2她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。She has been _ to study at Harvard.3我决不原谅你昨天晚上对我所说的话。Ill never _ y

5、ou _ what you said to me last night.gained full marksawarded a scholarshipforgivefor4你可以不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚韧不拔的精神。You may not like him, but you have got to _ hispersistence.5大萧条时期很多人被迫流浪街头,忍饥挨饿。Many people had to _ on the pavement during theGreat Depression.6国家与国家之间的社会习俗有很大差异。Social _ vary greatly from

6、 country to country.7对罪犯的改造有了明显的效果。The reformation of criminals has produced an _ result.admirestarvecustomsobvious1dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰dress up as 打扮成运用 完成句子(1)由于是一个小型晚会,我们就不必如此正式打扮了。As it was a small party, we neednt _ so formally.(2)格林先生装扮成一名戴墨镜的警察。Mr.Green _ a policeman in dark glasses.dress updres

7、sed up as2remind.of.使想起remind sb.of sth.recall sth.to sb.使某人想起某事remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人去做某事remind sb.about sth.提醒某人某事remind that-clause 使想起/记起运用 完成句子(1)这张照片让我想起了我的童年。This photo _ me _ my childhood.(2)你要提醒他吃药,别让他忘了。You must _ him _ take his medicine in case heforgets.(3)我想提醒你明早你有一个约会。Id like to _ yo

8、u _ your appointment tomorrowmorning.remindsofremindtoremindabout用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子1我们聚在一起是为了纪念为我们的幸福而牺牲的人们。We gathered here _ those who died for ourhappiness.2他们都盛装去参加除夕晚会。They all _ to take part in the New Years party.3这个女孩渴望有一件新 T 恤,那样她就可以在她生日那天穿了。The girl was _ a new shirt so that she couldwear i

9、t on her birthday.in memory ofdressed uplooking forward to4除非你履行诺言,否则就再也没有人相信你了。No one will believe you any more unless you _.5据说每年都有很多非洲人饿死。Its said that many Africans _ every year.6当你迟到的时候,你应该向你的老师道歉。When you are late, you should _ your teacher.7这场事故是什么时候发生的?When did the accident _?8半小时后他才出现。He di

10、dnt _ until half an hour later.9我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。I _ Gerald _ his promise.keep your wordstarve to deathapologize totake placeturn upremindedof原句1The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looksas though it is covered with pink snow.(节日里) 整个国度到处都是盛开的樱花,看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。as though/if 意为“好像”,可以引导方式状语从句,

11、或放在act,look,sound,feel,smell 等动词后面引导表语从句,常用虚拟语气。精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)伊丽莎白对一切事情记忆犹新,仿佛就发生在昨天一样。Eliza remembers everything exactly _.(2)当铅笔的一部分在一杯水里时,它看起来好像被折断了。When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, _it were broken.as though/if it happened yesterdayit looks as though/if原句2It was obvious that the

12、manager of the coffee shopwas waiting for Li Fang to leave.很明显咖啡店老板在等着李方离开“It was obvious that.”后接一个主语从句。其中 it 作形式主语。类似的结构还有:It is clear/necessary/important/strange/natural/.that-clause( 从句常用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should动词原形”)It is a pity/a shame/no wonder/.that-clause (从句常用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should动词原形”)It is said/b

13、elieved/reported/expected/known/.that-clause精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)真奇怪,这么重要的会议,他居然缺席。It was strange that _.(2)他竟然向我们撒谎,真是可耻。It was a shame that _.(3)据报道,双方的会谈有进展。It is reported that _.he should have been absent from such an_.important meetinghe should have lied to usthe talks between the two sides made

14、progress运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之Festivals are meant to celebrate important events and they(1)_ (发生) in different times of year.The Spring Festivalis the most important festival in China to celebrate the arrival of lunarnew year.(2)_(是的时候) the reunion of thefamily members.On the Spring Festival Eve,

15、(3)_( 穿着) in beautiful new clothes, families (4)_(团聚)and have a big meal.Children are (5)_(期盼) beingtake placeIt is the time fordressed upget togetherlooking forward togiven lucky money for good luck.In many places people like to(6)_(燃放) fireworks (7)_(昼夜地) Dumplings, the most traditional food, ofte

16、n (8)_ (出现)on the table.People wear new clothes and (9)_( 开心地玩耍) each other.Sometimes, they even (10)_(开玩笑;搞恶作剧) their friends and relatives.set offday and nightturn uphave fun withplay a trick on“模仿朗读模仿朗读”必备应试技必备应试技巧巧1大声朗读首先,在一场考试中,心理状态是非常重要的。在以往的口语考试过程中,有部分考生由于缺乏自信,朗读时断断续续,或者音量太低导致声音未能很好地录进电脑,因此分数

17、不理想。所以,在口语考试过程中,考生应该自信地大声朗读,这样才可以保证好分数。2模仿新单词发音有些考生遇到新单词的时候会心里发慌,停顿下来,其实大可不必如此。考生完全可以根据单词的发音规则读出新单词。对于一些很长的专业名词,考生不用着急,把发音模仿出来即可,一般情况下,考官不会太计较。3注意节奏最后,考生要注意朗读节奏。一方面,考生要在第一次看视频的时候理解意群,留意什么意群可以连读,句子太长时应做的适当停顿。如在句子“A true friend is someone who reachesfor your hands and touches your heart.”中,考生可以在 someo

18、ne与 who 之间停顿。另外,有些考生口语水平比较高,读的时候读得很快,导致读完一个句子后画面还停留很久,这样也会造成不必要的失分。因此,考生应该注意朗读的节奏,尽可能与原声的朗读节奏一致,使文章的朗读显得紧凑、连贯。总而言之,在平时跟读录音带、练习模拟套题的同时,注意准确运用发音技巧,考试时大胆地大声朗读,这样就可以有效地提高口语成绩了。如何写招领启事如何写招领启事招领启事属于公告性应用文,是拾到物品的个人或集体用书面形式请失主前来认领而使用的一种应用文样式。【谋篇布局】招领启事通常以 Found 作为标题放在启事的正上方,其正文包括以下几部分:1.拾到物品的时间、地点及当时的情况;2.描

19、述拾到物品的特征及数量(但不必特别详细具体);3.表明要为拾到的物品寻找主人的意图;4.提供详细且准确的联系方式或联系地址。【实用套语】1.介绍拾到物品的时间、地点及当时的情况:On the afternoon of January 3rd, 2012, I found a. at/in.when I.在2012年1月3号下午,当我时,我在发现了一个2.描述拾到物品的特征及数量:(1)More specially, it is a pair of white sports shoes, whoseband is Nike.确切地说,它是一双白色的耐克牌运动鞋。(2)Inside the bas

20、ket made of plastic, there is a bag of riceand ten apples.在塑料篮子里有一袋大米和十个苹果。(3)To be specific, the box is made of paper, inside whichyou can find a notebook, two English books, an English-Chinesedictionary and a pencil-box.具体来说,盒子是纸制的,在里面找到一个笔记本、两本英语书、一本英汉字典和一个文具盒。3.表明要寻找主人的意图及提供具体的联系方式:(1)I/We hope

21、to find the owner as soon as possible, so if youare the very one I/we are looking for, please call me/us at.我/我们希望尽快找到失主,所以如果你就是我/我们要找的人,请拨打我的电话号码(2)I/We will be available at 9 am. or after 8 pm. every day,or you can also contact me/us by emailing me/us at.我/我们每天上午九点或晚上八点以后有时间,或者你也可以发邮件到联系我/我们。假设你是高

22、三(4)班的李明,你在学校的英语阅览室捡到一个电子词典。请你根据下表内容写一则招领启事。发现时间 2012 年 1 月 8 号晚上发现地点 学校新图书馆三楼的英语阅览室物品 一个电子词典特征 新的,金属灰色(metallic gray);大小相当于一 块蛋糕,厚度相当于一本普通的杂志联系电话 020-62043340, 13801106414注意 请提前预约写作内容写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。范文诵读:FoundOn the evening of January 8th, 2012, I found an electronicdictionary in the English re

23、ading-room on the 3rd floor of the newlibrary in our school.The electronic dictionary is new and metallic gray incolor.Whats more, it is as big as a piece of cake and as thin as aregular magazine.I hope to find the owner as soon as possible, so if you arethe very one I am looking for, you can call me at Class 4, Senior 3Li Ming



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