2012高一英语优化课堂精品课件:unit 5 section ⅲusing language(新人教版必修1)

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1、Section Using LanguageIt was a prison from which no one escaped.那是一座没有人能逃得出去的监狱。1escape点拨(1)vi.逃脱;逃走She managed to escape from the burning car.她设法从着火的汽车里逃了出来。(2)vi.泄漏Put the lid on to prevent gas escaping.盖上盖子,以免煤气泄漏了。(3)vt.逃避;避开She was lucky to escape punishment.她逃脱惩罚真是幸运。拓展escape sth./doing sth.避免

2、/逃脱(做)某事escape from 从逃出运用完成句子 He _ ( 从逃出 ) the prison thismorning.They _(避免了受伤) when the house collapsed.escaped from scaped injury/escaped being injuredI did not work again for twenty years until MrMandela and the ANC came to power in 1994.在曼德拉和非国大 1994 年掌权之前,我有 20 年没有工作。2come to power 当权;上台典例They

3、didnt want him to come to power.他们不想让他掌权。拓展in power 当权;执政lose power 失去权力beyond/out of ones power 某人力所不能及的take power 取得政权运用完成句子How long has he been _ (当权)?The general tried to _ ( 取得政权),but he failed at last.When did the wise man _ ( 执政)?in power take power come to power They said that the job and th

4、e pay from the new SouthAfrican government were my reward after working all my lifefor equal rights for the Blacks.他们说,从南非新政府得到的这份工作和薪水,是我毕生为争取黑人的平等权利而斗争所得到的回报。3reward点拨(1)n.报酬;奖金He worked hard in hope of getting a financial reward. 他努力工作,希望得到经济报酬。(2)vt.酬劳;奖赏How can I reward your help?我怎样才能报答你的帮助呢?拓

5、展as a reward for.作为对的报酬give/offer a reward to sb.for sth.为某事给某人报酬reward sb.for (doing) sth.为(做)某事而酬谢某人reward sb.with sth.用某物酬谢某人辨析reward/award(1)reward 通常指用酬金、赏金或一些物质奖励进行报答、酬谢。(2)award 通常指授予、颁发一些奖项、奖品。运用用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空Tom received a medal as a _ for his bravery.You will be _ for your excellent wor

6、k.Nelson Mandela was _ the Nobel Peace Prize.reward rewarded awardedset up law office to help poor black people inJohannesburg.在约翰内斯堡设立法律办公室来帮助穷苦的黑人4set up点拨(1)设立;建立They have set up a school for the blind.他们建立了一所盲人学校。(2)安排;策划Ive set up a meeting for Friday.我已安排好在星期五开会。(3)装配;安装She set up the stereo i

7、n her bedroom.她把立体音响装在了卧室里。辨析set up/put up/build/found(1)set up 侧重于设施、机构、团体、组织等的成立,强调建成的对象的内部设施基本齐全。(2)put up 多用于指搭建临时性的房屋、帐篷等。(3)build 侧重于建造建筑、楼房、桥梁、道路等。(4)found 表示“建立;成立;创立”,着重指打下基础;多指“国家或组织的成立”,与 set up 意义接近。运用用上面所提供的辨析词或短语的适当形式填空The government _ a new bridge over theriver.He _ a business office

8、in Xian.We first _ our tents and then we began toeat.The Peoples Republic of China _on October 1st, 1949.built set up put up was founded sentenced to five years hard labour for encouragingviolence against anti-black laws 因支持暴力反抗反黑人的法律而被判入狱做五年苦力5sentence vt.判决;宣判典例The judge sentenced the murderer to

9、death.法官判谋杀者死刑。拓展be sentenced to 被判处(徒刑)sentence sb.to sth.判处某人(徒刑)运用完成句子He _ (被判处was sentenced to death 死刑) at last.本课时词汇拓展词汇构词法小结educate vt.教育;训练educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的education n教育1._和_为名词后缀,表示“性质,状态”。如:construction 建设, honesty 诚实。2_为形容词后缀,表示“具有特征的”。如:injured受伤的。3前缀_表示“反抗;相反”。如:antisocial 反社会的,an

10、ticancer 抗癌。cruelty n残忍;残酷cruel adj.残忍的;残酷的antiblackadj.反黑人的black adj.黑色的;黑人的运用用所给单词的适当形式填空1 The man who is well _ emphasizes that_ is of great importance.(educate)2He saw a lot of _ in the prison camp wherethe guards were _ to the prisoners.(cruelty)3 Nelson Mandela organized the _ people fightingfor their rights and attacking the _ laws.(antiblack)educated education crueltycruelblack antiblack 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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