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1、Unit7AbilitiesIntroduceWhat subjects do you have at school? Which subject do you like best? Who is good at Chinese? Why do you think so? Do you take exams every term? Are you afraid of them? Why?Wordshard h:d adv. 努力地,费力地;还可以用作adj.硬的;困难的 eg: Most importantly, you must work hard to catch up. 最为重要的是,你

2、必须努力学习,迎头赶上。 This job will be hard for me. 这工作对我来说将会是很困难的。小练习:最近他一直努力工作进行他神秘的实验。 _.Until recently he worked very hard on his mysterious experiments. Wordscareless kels adj. 粗心的 eg: The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground. 那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。小练习:翻译句子。 粗心的司机对我们大家都是一种危险。 _.A careless driver i

3、s a danger to us all. ExpressionsI started to play the violin at the age of six.我在我在6岁时开始拉小提琴。开始拉小提琴。 start在此用作动词,意为“开始”,后接动词时用to do或-ing的形式。 eg: I start to get up/getting up at six in the morning. 我在早上6点开始起身。小练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。 He started_(play) chess at the age of 5.to playExpressions play the piano

4、的意思是“弹钢琴”,piano前面要有定冠词the。 表示弹奏某种乐器时,乐器名称前要加定冠词the;在球类名词前不加the。eg: My cousin Andy can play the guitar.我的表哥安迪会弹吉他。小练习:完成句子。 他擅长弹钢琴和打乒乓球。 He is good at _ _piano and_ table tennis.playing the playingExpressionsat the age of 意为“在岁时”。 eg: I went to school at the age of 8 I went to school when l was 8 yea

5、rs old. 我在8岁时上学的。小练习:同义句转换。 His father joined the army when he was 27. His father joined the army_ _ _ _ 27.at the age ofDialogueSandy: Daniel, can you play the violin?桑迪:丹尼尔,你会拉小提琴吗?Daniel: Yes, I can. I started to play the violin at the age of six.丹尼尔:是的,我会。我六岁时就开始拉小提琴了。Sandy: Can you show me how

6、to play it?桑迪:你能给我展示一下如何拉小提琴吗?Daniel: Sure. Listen to this.丹尼尔:当然。听这个。Summaryterm, hard, article, careless, better, violin, show, pianoShe needs to read more and speak more. She knows a lot about it. Can you show me how to play it?Exercise 1. When will you visit us? _ next week. A. sometime B. some

7、time C. sometimes D. some times2. Im afraid I cannot pass the exams this term. _. I think you can make it. A. Hurry up B. What a pity C. Try your best D. I dont think so3. You_ go to ask Mr Li. He_ know the answer. A. must; can B. must; may C. need; can D. can; may4. John likes playing_ piano, but h

8、e doesnt like playing_ volleyball. A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /ACDAExercise5. If you work harder,you will get_ (good) results in your studies.6. I will try my_ (good) to learn Maths well.7. Does Peter do well in all his_ (subject)?8. Did you hear of those brave_ (fireman) in todays newspaper?9. Are you_ (bad) hurt in that accident(事故)?betterbestsubjectsfiremenbadlyHomework用用can 和和could 写下自己能写下自己能做和不能做的事情。做和不能做的事情。



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