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1、 中文论文中的英文写作:中文论文中的英文写作:一些较常见的问题一些较常见的问题中国医学科学院中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医学院肿瘤研究所肿瘤研究所周传农周传农题目题目题目题目太繁太繁双侧迷走神经和颈总动脉联合切断法双侧迷走神经和颈总动脉联合切断法建立急性脑缺血大鼠动物模型的实验研究建立急性脑缺血大鼠动物模型的实验研究Bilateral vagotomy and carotid arteries combined cutting method Establishment of rat model of acute focal cerebral ischemia animal model

2、experimental study双侧迷走神经和颈总动脉联合切断法建立急性脑双侧迷走神经和颈总动脉联合切断法建立急性脑缺血大鼠动物模型缺血大鼠动物模型Establishment of a rat model of acute focal cerebral ischemia by combined bilateral vagotomy and carotid artery cutting题目题目太大太大儿童单纯性肥胖模型的制作儿童单纯性肥胖模型的制作Establishment of Childood Simple Obesity Animal Model 儿童单纯性肥胖儿童单纯性肥胖小鼠小鼠模

3、型的制作模型的制作Establishment of a mouse model of childhood simple obesity (本文只作了小鼠实验,未涉及其他动物)题目题目太笼统太笼统 不同测压方法测试大鼠结肠破裂压不同测压方法测试大鼠结肠破裂压A comparison of different pressure testing systems for hollow organ of laboratory animalsComparison of different methods for testing the colon rupture pressure in rats题目题目不

4、能反映原意、用错单词不能反映原意、用错单词基因工程大鼠研究进展基因工程大鼠研究进展Process in Rat GeneticsProgress in research on rat genetic engineering题目题目滥用缩写滥用缩写乳酸调控大鼠肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞乳酸调控大鼠肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞NF-B信号通路的研究信号通路的研究Lactic acid inhibits NF-B signaling pathways in RIMMVECs 读者看不懂读者看不懂 RIMMVECs是什么;是什么;“的研究的研究”可以省去。可以省去。题目题目滥用缩写滥用缩写哺乳动物哺乳动物 ES 细

5、胞与细胞与 EG 细胞研究细胞研究进展进展 哺乳动物哺乳动物 胚胎干细胞胚胎干细胞与与 胚胎生殖胚胎生殖 细胞细胞研究进展研究进展ES embryonic stem cellsEG embryonic germ cells题目题目 拼写错误拼写错误comparision of hematological parameters in germ-free and conventional guinea pigcomparison of hematological parameters in germ-free and conventional guinea pig题目题目 用错单词用错单词适度深吸

6、气呼吸控制部分乳腺外照射时基于适度深吸气呼吸控制部分乳腺外照射时基于不不同参照物同参照物配准对银夹构成几何体分次内位移的配准对银夹构成几何体分次内位移的影响影响Influence of registration based on the different reference markets on the displacement of the geometry consisted of all clips in the cavity for external-beam partial breast irradiation at moderate deep inspiration breath

7、 holding markers署名与单位署名与单位署名署名大小写大小写Li bao-ming , wang zhida,liu xiaowen,yao tao,ouyang xiaotong,su jiagangLi Bao-ming , Wang Zhi-da,Liu Xiao-wen,Yao Tao, Ouyang Xiao-tong, Su Jia-gang 姓名大写、标点符号姓名大写、标点符号单位单位错词、错名、大小写错词、错名、大小写The forth Applicated Hospital of Suzhou Universitythe Forth Affiliated Hosp

8、ital of Soochow University历史形成的传统地名,已成为这所大学的正式名称,不可用现今的汉语拼音代替单位单位不全不全Academy of Military SciencesAcademy of Military Medical Sciences单位单位大小写大小写Department of , The Fifth Central Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 300162, china.Department of , The Fifth Central Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 300162, China.写错单

9、位名称写错单位名称Wantwanthospital, Changsha 410016, ChinaWang Wang Hospital错误的注释错误的注释注释错误注释错误糖尿病糖尿病 (diabetic mellitus )糖尿病糖尿病 (diabetes mellitus)注释错误注释错误腺病毒(腺病毒(adenoviral)腺病毒(腺病毒(adenovirus)注释错误注释错误单纯疱疹病毒单纯疱疹病毒 (herpes simple virus)单纯疱疹病毒单纯疱疹病毒 (herpes simplex virus)错误注释错误注释无特定病原体无特定病原体 (special pathogen

10、free,SPF)无特定病原体无特定病原体 (specific pathogen free,SPF) 注释错误注释错误独立通风笼具独立通风笼具(Individually wentilate cagesdul,IVC)(Individually ventilated cages,IVC) 注释错误注释错误集落形成抑制法集落形成抑制法 (human tumor cell cloning assay , HTCA ) (colony formation inhibition assay )注释错误注释错误自然杀伤细胞自然杀伤细胞 (natural kill cell,NK) 自然杀伤细胞自然杀伤细胞

11、 (natural killer cell,NK)注释错误注释错误神经生长因子神经生长因子(never growth factor,NGF) 神经生长因子神经生长因子(nerve growth factor,NGF) 全文多处,全都错用这个单词参考文献的参考文献的书写错误书写错误参考文献参考文献作者作者丢失第一作者、姓与名颠倒丢失第一作者、姓与名颠倒Jeongmi An, Hee-Jin Y, Kimoon Park,et al. (原原杂杂志志) Jeoum Lee, Jeongmi An, Hee-Jin Yang, Byung-Woo Kim, Kimoon Park. Lee J, A

12、n J, Yang HJ,et al. 参考文献参考文献作者作者姓名拼写错误、标点符号姓名拼写错误、标点符号Gordon MN,K ing DL,D iam ond DM et al. Gordon MN, King DL, Diamond DM, et al. 参考文献参考文献作者作者姓与名颠倒、标点符号姓与名颠倒、标点符号Maria WW,Edward P,Dennis L,et al . Werner-Wasik M, Pequinot E, Leeper D, 原文:原文:Maria Werner-Wasik, Edward Pequinot, Dennis Leeper, et al

13、. 参考文献参考文献作者作者不可用怪异的写法不可用怪异的写法Giuseppe VerdileSamuel E Gandy Ralph N. Martins. Giuseppe Verdile G, Gandy SE, Martins RN. 参考文献参考文献作者作者etc./et al.Tyler KL, Barton ES, Ibach ML,ETC. Tyler KL, Barton ES, Ibach ML, et al. 拉丁文:etc. 是指物,例如 apple, banana, etc.et al. 是指人,例如 Gordon MN, King DL, Diamond DM, et

14、 al. 不可混淆。参考文献参考文献不可出现两批作者不可出现两批作者Vanini G, Wathen BL, Lydic R, et al. Baghdoyan,et al.Endogenous GABA Levels in the potine Vanini G, Wathen BL, Lydic R, et al. Endogenous GABA Levels in the potine 参考文献参考文献作者作者不可用数字不可用数字11代替文字母代替文字母ll、姓与名颠倒、大小写、姓与名颠倒、大小写、etc.Wi11iam Luyties, Peter J. Bredenbeek, Ans

15、 F.H. noten etc. Luytjes W, Bredenbeek PJ, Noten AF, et al. 参考文献参考文献错写中国作者、标点错写中国作者、标点Yuhuan W,Xinming T,Charles H,et al.Wang YH, Tu XM, Humphrey C, et al. 原文:原文:Yuhuan Wang, Xinming Tu, Charles Humphrey, 参考文献参考文献引错作者、文题拼写错误、杂志拼写错误引错作者、文题拼写错误、杂志拼写错误Schmitt CA, Lowe SW. Apoptosis cell death following

16、 exposure to fluoride in rat alveolar macrophage. Arch Toxical, 1996, 70: 249-251Hirano S, Ando M. Apoptotic cell death following exposure to fluoride in rat alveolar macrophages. Arch Toxicol, 1996, 70: 249-251参考文献参考文献缺杂志、缺标点缺杂志、缺标点Age-related increase inducible atrial fibrillation 201021(1):88-93.

17、 Age-related increase inducible atrial fibrillation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2010,21(1): 88-93. 参考文献参考文献文题首词丢失文题首词丢失Campylobacter jejuni infection in different mice strains Primary Campylobacter jejuni infection in different mice strains 参考文献参考文献丢了作者、写了单位丢了作者、写了单位Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cle

18、veland, OH, USA. The global epidemiology of heart failure. Med Clin N Am 2004, 88: 1135-1143. Young JB. The global epidemiology of heart failure. Med Clin N Am 2004, 88: 1135-1143. 参考文献参考文献文题脱漏文题脱漏Fossella FV, DeVore R, Kerr RN, et al. Randomized phase III trial of docetaxel versus vinorelbine or if

19、osfamide in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer previously treated with platinum-containing chemotherapy regimens. The TAX 320 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Study Group. J Clin Oncol, 2000,18: 2354-2362. 滥用缩写滥用缩写滥用缩写滥用缩写Ca.C 中中survivn阳性阳性 “Ca.C”是什么?是什么?(一张照片的说明)(文内根本就没有见到过“Ca.C” )(猜想是癌细胞的

20、意思)英文摘要英文摘要滥用缩写滥用缩写To screen the genes differentially expressed in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines using SSH.To screen the genes differentially expressed in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH).(摘要首句)滥用缩写滥用缩写英文摘要英文摘要IHC analysis on

21、 TMA revealed that Immunohistochemical analysis on tissue microarray revealed that 滥用缩写滥用缩写英文摘要英文摘要Objective: To observe the affect of RGZ and ATRA on the growth of myeloma xenograft in nude mice and RGZ rosiglitazone ATRA all-trans-retinoic acid affect effect用错词用错词错词错词大鼠给予药液灌胃大鼠给予药液灌胃All rats were

22、lavaged with KFL solution. All rats were gavaged with KFL solution.错词错词神经上皮移植神经上皮移植Neuralepithelial transplantationNeuroepithelial transplantation错词错词巴马小型猪巴马小型猪12只只12 Obama mini-pigs were randomly divided into 12 Bama mini-pigs were randomly divided into 错词错词Low doesLow doseHigh doesHigh dose通篇如此错词错

23、词RT-PCR was used to amplification the full-length sequence of RT-PCR was used to amplify the full-length sequence of 错词错词GeneBank GenBank 错词错词用词颠倒了用词颠倒了正常、特异抗原正常、特异抗原批内批内变异系数分别为变异系数分别为8.3%和和6.4%,批间批间平均变异系数分别平均变异系数分别为为9.7%和和11.5%.The inter-assay coefficient of variation of normal antigen and special

24、antigen was 8.3% and 6.4%, and the intra-assay average coefficient of variation was 9.7% and 11.5%, respectively 错词错词评价其抗癌作用评价其抗癌作用To access the anti-tumor effect To assess the anti-tumor effect 错词错词 探讨其作用机理探讨其作用机理To explicit the molecular mechanism of To explore the molecular mechanism of 英文摘要首句错词错

25、词系统性感染系统性感染Systematic infectionSystemic infection单复数单复数The level of P24 antigen in the supernatant were tested continuously. The level of P24 antigen in the supernatant was tested continuously. 其他其他不好的文章首句不好的文章首句MG患者通常有眼肌受累,患者通常有眼肌受累,重症肌无力(重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)患者通常有眼肌受累,患者通常有眼肌受累, 不好的摘要首句不好的摘要

26、首句To Investigate the mechanism of NAFLD in gerbilsTo Investigate the mechanism of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in gerbils 中英文的语气应该一致中英文的语气应该一致结论结论 Ezrin、E-cadherin和和CD44V6在在NSCLC的生长和转移的生长和转移过程中发挥着重要的调控作用,过程中发挥着重要的调控作用, Ezrin, E-cadherin and CD44V6 probably play an important role in the

27、regulation ofgrowth and meastasis of lung cancer. 材料与方法材料与方法 Methods Rats were divided randomly into 2 groups.Methods One hundred and twenty healthy adult male rats were randomly divided into two groups.英文无顿号英文无顿号 The values of Ri, Re, Cl, MVV, FVC, Fev0.2, Fev0.2/FVC, FEF25-75%, PEF were 1.81 (0.94

28、-4.10) cm H2O/mLs、1.83 (0.71-3.57) cm H2O/mLs、0.15(0.05-0.29)mL/cm H2O、144.65 (77.28-256.20) mL/min、8.49 (5.82-12.70) mL、5.72 (3.62-7.01)mL、68.12 (39.14-85.28)%、34.11 (28.25-46.87) mL/min、38.28 (30.75-50.25) mL/min, respectively.(9个参数)英文无顿号拼写错误拼写错误主要组织相容性复合体主要组织相容性复合体II类类 (majorhistocompatibilitycom

29、plex II, MHC II)主要组织相容性复合体主要组织相容性复合体II类类 (major histocompatibility complex II, MHC II)大小写错误大小写错误20 mg/Kg20 mg/kg 1 KDa100 KDa分子量分子量 1 kDa100 kDa分子量分子量ALT( u/l) ALT ( U/l) 讨讨 论论SCI拒稿十大原因拒稿十大原因1. 可读性差,英文书写太差、与杂志内容或格式不符可读性差,英文书写太差、与杂志内容或格式不符2. 原创性不足,证据和逻辑不清原创性不足,证据和逻辑不清3. 摘要与正文不一致摘要与正文不一致4. 文体杂乱,序言太长,缺

30、乏完整性文体杂乱,序言太长,缺乏完整性5. 应按照应按照CONSORT指南书写,不可缺项指南书写,不可缺项6. 结果凌乱结果凌乱7. 统计学处理错误统计学处理错误8. 讨论离开正题,进行无关的议论讨论离开正题,进行无关的议论9. 结论未充分结合观察结果结论未充分结合观察结果10. 未引用最新进展的文献,过时了未引用最新进展的文献,过时了20120425 亚洲环宇 MEDCOM ASIA国际期刊的录用标准国际期刊的录用标准一流:思路新颖一流:思路新颖 70%,实验,实验25%,写作,写作5%二流:二流: 40% 40% 20%三流:三流: 20% 50% 30%说明在一篇论文中,英文的撰写很重要




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