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1、Business NegotiationUnit FiveObjectivesPractices.Words and phrases.ContentSentence structures.ReviewWords and PhrasesOntario(加拿大)安大略省(加拿大)安大略省Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布尼亚加拉瀑布Goat Island山羊岛山羊岛Horseshoe Falls加拿大瀑布加拿大瀑布=马蹄瀑布马蹄瀑布Lake Erie(加拿大)伊利湖(加拿大)伊利湖curve弧度弧度世界五大湖:世界五大湖:苏必利尔湖苏必利尔湖 Lake Superior 休伦湖休伦湖Lake

2、Huron 密歇根湖密歇根湖Lake Michigan 伊利湖伊利湖安大略湖安大略湖 Lake Ontario Buffalo(纽约州)水牛城(纽约州)水牛城/布法罗城布法罗城Business Negotiation (1)1. Words and Phrases进出口商品交易会出口商品交易会Import and Export Commodities Fair销售部售部经理理Sales Managersupply department采采购部部brochure(宣(宣传)小册子)小册子scope of business经营范围经营范围 machine tool机床机床workmanship/

3、craftsmanship工艺工艺make an inquiry询价询价quotation报价报价C. I. F. Seattle西雅图到岸价西雅图到岸价调整价格调整价格adjust the pricecompetitive竞争力的竞争力的bulk大批大批substantially大量的(强调程度)大量的(强调程度)2. Difficult Sentences不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们产产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。的展品。 However, the brochure shows just a

4、 fraction of our machine tools. Please come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show room.这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价目单。我们还可以根据您所想要的数量调整目单。我们还可以根据您所想要的数量调整价格。价格。Heres my C.I.F. U.S. Pacific Coastal City price list. We may adjust the prices according to the quantity you want.如果使您不安的只

5、有我方的报价,那么您可以如果使您不安的只有我方的报价,那么您可以到其他展台去看一看,然后我们还可以再坐下到其他展台去看一看,然后我们还可以再坐下来讨论我方的报价。来讨论我方的报价。If our offer is the only thing that bothers you, you can look around and call again for again for another discussion of your quotations.Business Negotiation (2)1. Words and Phrases经营的新品的新品new line of business汽汽

6、车零部件零部件auto partat the cost of以以为代价代价报盘报盘/发盘发盘offer折扣折扣discountsupplies供货供货free sample免费样品免费样品inspection检验检验floor offer底盘底盘counter-offer还盘还盘合同的格式合同的格式the format of the contract规格规格specifications单价单价unit prices2. Difficult SentencesLately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East

7、 Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. 近来我们扩大了业务范围来更好地为远东亚近来我们扩大了业务范围来更好地为远东亚洲客户服务,特别是中国客户。洲客户服务,特别是中国客户。As usual, wed like to quote the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part. 按照我们的惯例,为了推动我们将来的业务按照我们的惯例

8、,为了推动我们将来的业务关系的发展,我们会给我们的新客户一个合关系的发展,我们会给我们的新客户一个合理的价格,即使这样做会使我方蒙受相当大理的价格,即使这样做会使我方蒙受相当大的损失,我们也在所不惜。的损失,我们也在所不惜。此外我还需要时间来树立对贵公司产品质量此外我还需要时间来树立对贵公司产品质量的信心。如果您不愿给我方一些合理折扣,的信心。如果您不愿给我方一些合理折扣,我还是打算等一下,先到别处看看再说。我还是打算等一下,先到别处看看再说。Besides, I need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff.

9、 In any case, Id rather wait and hunt around, if you were unable to include any reasonable discount. This is our floor offer and youll have to excuse me, were not prepared for any counter-offer. 这是我方的底盘,对不起,我们不准备这是我方的底盘,对不起,我们不准备接受还盘。接受还盘。 我与您有同感,我现在这样做是着眼于我我与您有同感,我现在这样做是着眼于我们将来业务关系的发展。们将来业务关系的发展。 I

10、 like what you said, I am doing this for the development of our future business relations. But Im not sure if you are happy with the terms in the contact.不知道你们对合同的条款满意吗?不知道你们对合同的条款满意吗?有几处还不是很明确,需要讲清楚。还有合同有几处还不是很明确,需要讲清楚。还有合同的格式问题。我们希望用我公司自己准备、自的格式问题。我们希望用我公司自己准备、自己打印的合同副本。己打印的合同副本。I think a few plac

11、es are not clearly spelt out; they need further clarification. And the format of the contract. Wed like to use copies prepared and printed by our own company.从品名、规格、数量、单价、总额、货运,全从品名、规格、数量、单价、总额、货运,全都以双语写明。还有,我们希望货品在都以双语写明。还有,我们希望货品在6月底之月底之前发出,我们不能接受货运的耽搁。前发出,我们不能接受货运的耽搁。The names of the commodities,

12、 specifications, quantity, unit prices, the total payment, and the shipment, all to be written bilingually. By the way, we hope the shipment will be made before the end of June. We cannot accept any delay, you know.我们付的是到岸价,所以保险费由贵方负我们付的是到岸价,所以保险费由贵方负担。担。Its C.I.F., and therefore the insurance premi

13、um should be borne by your side.Business Negotiation (3)1. Words and Phrases需求量上升的市场需求量上升的市场 rising market档次档次 (n) quality; level; grade名牌产品名牌产品famousbrand products合情合理的合情合理的 well-grounded hang on to the listed quotations坚持原来的报价坚持原来的报价 come to terms成交成交 in line with符合符合counter-offer还盘还盘这是我方在原价的基础上削减

14、了这是我方在原价的基础上削减了 3.5%以后以后的报价单。的报价单。 This is our list of quotations with a recent reduction on the original prices by 3.5%. 2. Difficult SentencesWhat do you have in your mind? 那您减多少呢?那您减多少呢?In any case it is by no means the most competitive one to the best of my knowledge 据我所知,这无论如何还算不上是最有竞争据我所知,这无论如

15、何还算不上是最有竞争力的价格。力的价格。 实话对您说,我们的老客户,我相信也包括实话对您说,我们的老客户,我相信也包括您在内,没有谁转到其他广商那儿去。您在内,没有谁转到其他广商那儿去。To be frank with you, none of our old customers, including you I believe, has ever turned to any other suppliers. 为了庆祝我们为了庆祝我们 10年来在生意上的合作,也为年来在生意上的合作,也为了继续推进我们的商务关系,我乐意给您破了继续推进我们的商务关系,我乐意给您破例追加例追加 1.5%的特别折扣

16、。的特别折扣。 Im willing to grant you a special reduction of an additional 1.5% discount in honor of our ten years business cooperation and to promote our business relation into the future. 我希望您理解我的处境,我可不想丢了自己我希望您理解我的处境,我可不想丢了自己的饭碗啊!的饭碗啊! I hope you understand my situation. I dont want to lose my job, you know. 我们可以在下午解决合同文本方面的事情。我们可以在下午解决合同文本方面的事情。 Well take care of the paper work this afternoon.



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