高中英语 公开课Book6 Unit2 poem课件 新人教版选修6

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2、henIplainlycannotresisttheyearningYetpretendingyouhaveneverbeeninmyheartThefurthestdistanceintheworldIsnotstrugglingagainstthetidesButusingonesindifferentheartTodiganuncrossableriverfortheonewholovesyouThe Furthest Distance in the World Welcome to the Garden of poems !Unit 2 Poems韵韵, 压韵的词压韵的词 (n.)压韵

3、压韵 (v.)节奏节奏 (n.)诗人诗人诗歌诗歌诗歌(总称)诗歌(总称)poetpoempoetryrhymerhythmDu FuLi Bai ( romantic )Shakespeare(15641616 ) Shelley(17921822 ) BrainstormingDiscuss the reasons why people write poems.Why?totellastorytoexpressfeelingstomakeotherslaughtoplaywithwordstoexpressapointofviewtoencouragepeopletodescribesome

4、thingQuiz in Chinese traditional poemsRequests;1.Translation 2.The reasons why the poet wrote the poem.3.Pay attention to the words in another colours.Lets play a game !ToilingFarmersFarmersweedingatnoon,Sweatdownthefieldsoon.Whoknowsfoodonatray,Thankstotheirtoilingday?李坤悯农悯农锄禾日当午,锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。汗滴禾下土。


6、清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。凄凄惨惨戚戚。李清照李清照Coming Home(aTangpoem)I left home young and not till old do I come back,My accent is unchanged, my hair no longer black.The children dont know me,whom I meet on the wayWhere do you come from,revered sir?they smile and say.贺知章贺知章I look for her in vain.When all at once I turn my

7、 head,I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.众里寻他千百度,众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首,蓦然回首, 那人却在,那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。灯火阑珊处。青玉案青玉案. 元夕元夕- 辛弃疾辛弃疾How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high.水调歌头水调歌头明月几时有?把酒问青天明月几时有?把

8、酒问青天 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 苏轼苏轼If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, Just see the over-brimming river flowing east!问问君能有几多愁,恰是一江春水向东流。君能有几多愁,恰是一江春水向东流。 李煜李煜虞美人虞美人kindsofpoemsNarrativepoems叙事诗Didacticpoems说理诗Lyricpoems抒情诗Clerihews打油诗thetypesofthepoem!What is love Love is giving,Love i

9、s living,Love is taking someones load(负担负担),Love helps them along the road.Love is caring, Love is sharing,Love will seek the best for others,Love treats everyone as brothers.A large lady from Corfu,Wished to travel to Peru.But Whether buses or trainsOr boarding aero-planes,There wasnt a door shed g

10、et through.As we know, poems are mostly written to show peoples emotions. In Chinese , wehave “ 诗言志诗言志,诗言情诗言情,诗歌合为事而作诗歌合为事而作.”That is, people write poems for different reasons, then we have different kind of poems. CAN YOU SING SOME ENGLISH SONGS THAT ARE POEMS.RIGHT HERE WAITING 理查 马克斯Oceansapartda


12、unowOh,cantyouseeitbabyYouvegotmegoincrazyIwonderhowwecansurviveThisromanceButintheendifImwithyouIlltakethechancewaitingforyouRIGHT HERE WAITING 理查 马克斯OceansapartdayafterdayAndIslowlygoinsaneIhearyourvoiceonthelineButitdoesntstopthepainIfIseeyounexttoneverHowcanwesayforeverWhereveryougoWhateveryoudo

13、IwillberightherewaitingforyouWhateverittakesOrhowmyheartbreaksItookforgranted,allthetimesThatIthoughwouldlastsomehowIhearthelaughter,ItastethetearsButIcantgetnearyounowOh,cantyouseeitbabyYouvegotmegoincrazyIwonderhowwecansurviveThisromanceButintheendifImwithyouIlltakethechancewaitingforyouLITTLE STA

14、RTwinkle,twinklelittlestar,HowIwonderwhatyouare.Upabovetheworldsohigh,Likeadiamondinthesky.Twinkle,twinklelittlestar,HowIwonderwhatyouare.Whentheblazingsunisgone,Whenthenothingshinesupon.Thenyoushowyourlittlelight,Twinkle,twinkleallthenight.Rhyme & rhythm are essential to poetry. Twinkle twinkle lit

15、tle star How I wonder what you are,Up above the world so highLike a diamond in the sky. 强强弱弱强强弱弱强强弱弱强强ThefurthestdistanceintheworldIsnotbetweenlifeanddeathButwhenIstandinfrontofyouYetyoudontknowthatIloveyouThefurthestdistanceintheworldIsnotwhenIstandinfrontofyouYetyoucantseemyloveButwhenundoubtlykno


17、syouThe Furthest Distance in the World Strongrhythmandrhymealotofrepetition,easytolearnandtoreciteHaveaflexiblelinelengthandrepeatedphraseswhichgivebothapatternandarhythmtothepoemhaveafreeform. A Students PrayerNow I lie down to_I pray I pass tomorrows_resttestGood, better,_!Never have it rest!Till

18、good is_, And better,_!bestbetterbestremember: Its your time to create your own poems or just some poem lines!group work: 1. ToMy_,Thankyou You were always there To _me But most important You were always there To _me2.seasons(四季)(四季)(四季)(四季) 1.ToMyParents,Thankyou You were always there To _me You we

19、re always there To _me You were always there To _me But most important You were always there To _mehelpguidelaugh withcry withlove Homework1. Preview the reading Spring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is gold,Winter is white.Year in, year out,We work and fightFor a new world, of red sunlight.2.seasons(四季)(四季)(四季)(四季)



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