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1、考研作文高分词汇及句型1 普通词汇高分词汇According to me / I think I believe In my personal sense, for my part /to my mind/ to the best knowledge of me Affect / stop Hinderfrom age era Aim objective And Coupled with/ as well as and so on and the like Appear mushroom / spring up /arise Apply to. put into practice Ask Co

2、nsult / enquire Aspect Sphere/respect Attach enclose Attract Tempt/appeal to Audience viewers Basis foundation be able to be capable of/ be in a position to be good at be expert at /be skillful at/ excel in be helpful be of help be important be of importance/significance come near be around the corn

3、er be obvious it goes without saying thatbe rising be on the rise be sure to be bound to be surprised at be shocked /amazed at be useless be of no use/ be in vain bear /shoulder/ be loaded with because of thanks to / as a result of/ on the grounds of become fashionable come into a fashion become hap

4、py cheer up/ be in high spirits before originally buy afford by oneself all alone/ on one s own careful attentive / cautious cause v.contribute to / render/ prompt 考研作文高分词汇及句型2 change shift / fluctuate / swing change with vary from to cheating deception choose from make an alternative to clear evide

5、nt / self-evident/apparent come from Stem / derive from/ arise from / originate from come out come forth complain place a complaint against sth consider Take into account /figure out / give thought to consider important attach significance to continue go ahead control bring under control cooperate j

6、oin hands in decide on determine deep profound depend on rest upon depend on oneself live on one s own develop cultivate / build up difficulty hardship /barrier/obstacle diligent industrious do go in for / carry out do good to be beneficial to/ in favor of drop decline eat less go on a diet emphasiz

7、e attach emphasis to enable to facilitate encourage motivate / stimulate endanger jeopardize enforce strengthen engage in major in Enjoy be crazy about Enlarge broaden Enough adequate evaluate speak highly of 考研作文高分词汇及句型3 Explain account for/ give an account of Face be faced with / stand up to Failu

8、re frustration Fame Prestige/reputation Famous Prominent /distinguished outstanding Famous people Personalities/ celebrities Feeling passion / Find locate find out sort out Finish accomplish Fire lay off focus on center on For this purpose/ for the purpose of To this end/ to the end of /with the int

9、ention of for example a good case in point / Take sth for instance Forever permanently Future prospective Get acquire / regain get rid of eliminate Give grant / issue give / supply provide with give attention to give priority to Global universal go on bring forward goal ideal Good beneficial good st

10、udents top students Goods necessities Great enormous/ dramatic/prime/utmost Greatly overwhelmingly/ predominantly/substantially greetings regards Grow flourish 考研作文高分词汇及句型4 happiness well-being /welfare Have Possess/harbor Have a relationship with be on good terms with Hope to look forward to hope t

11、o do sth. be eager to so sth./ long to do sth. hopeful promising Ignore Neglect/pay no attention to Illness disease important essential / vital/ significant improve enhance / boost / upgrade improvement advances in groups in twos and threes include make up/ involve increase Soar influence mold Inten

12、d to target to do sth. Interested in Crazy about interestingly with great interest introduction prospectus investigation Survey/poll Job occupation / employment Join in connect / participate in / take part in Keep maintain / hold onto kill oneself commit suicide Know Recognize / be aware of / knowle

13、dge Command Leave for depart from Like Be fond of /be keen on / be attached to Limit Be confined to Load burden look around examine look for run into / hunt for look up in refer to 考研作文高分词汇及句型5 Lower Be inferior to make nervous place strain on make progress make leaps in / press forward make sure gu

14、arantee make sure thatSee to it thatMany be abundant in / countless Meet run into / come across/encounter Mess chaos necessary indispensable Need be in need of not hesitate feel free to do sth. not know be ignorant of number data / statistics obvious striking occupation Career/profession Offer prese

15、nt sth to sb. Only no more than / sole outcome consequence overcome Conquer Pass go by pay attention to be concerned about / give weight to people Individuals perform carry out / enforce Period era / phase periods times Place site Poor needy Press click produce Generate/create progress breakthrough

16、pronounce Claim Public publicity punishment Penalty purpose motive 考研作文高分词汇及句型6 rapidly at a rapid pace/speedily Reduce minimize remember Recall/remind sb. of sth. 基本句型训练1. People should realize the dreadful result of developing the smoking habit. There should be a general awareness of the dreadful

17、consequences of taking up the smoking habit. 2. Because energy is becoming less and less, we have to find a way to solve this problem. Energy becoming less and less, we have to find a solution to this problem. 3. If there is enough money in your pocket, you can do everything desired.(改为独立主格句)There b

18、eing enough money in your pocket, you can do everything desired.4. With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people s living standard, the new media Internet has come into our life. With science and technology highly developed and the people s living standard greatly impr

19、oved, the Internet, as a new media, has come into our life.5. It brings students intensive p ressure. Some students cant endure this pressure. (用定语从句)It brings intensive pressure, which students cant put up with.6. In order to get a comprehensive development for all students, school authorities shou

20、ld design a new educational program. (用定语从句)School authorities should design a new educational program which can enable all students to get a comprehensive development. 7. We are making great efforts to improve our living environment. (改为无人称句)Great efforts are being made to improve our living enviro

21、nment. 8. We should carry out effective measures to solve this problem.(改为无人称句)It is necessary for us to carry out effective measures to solve this problem.9. They are famous and wealthy just because they are lucky. (名词化)Their fame and wealth have just resulted from their good luck. 10. If we are wa

22、tching too much TV, our reading ability will be seriously affected. (名词化)Too much exposure to TV will seriously affect our reading ability . 11. If we dont recognize the serious problem of growing population, we will make a big mistake. Failure to recognize the serious problem of growing population

23、will lead to a big mistake. 12. In order to prevent the problem becoming too serious to solve, we must take an immediate step. An immediate measure must be taken to prevent the problem from becoming too 考研作文高分词汇及句型7 serious to . 13. We did not realize the problem of energy crisis until the end of la

24、st century.Not until the end of the last century were we aware of the problem of energy crisis.14. Teenagers are pressured by school work. They are also encouraged by their peers. Under such circumstances, they resort to smoking. But sometimes they feel a little guilty. Pressured by school work and

25、encouraged by their peers, teenagers often resort to smoking, though they feel a little guilty sometimes. (同主语)15. College students now are primarily interested in grades and economic success. They are expected to cheat on exams more frequently. This is not like those who graduated 10 years ago. The

26、y are only concerned with their own personal future. They seldom consider problems of society . All these are reported by a recent study .A recent study reports that college students, primarily interested in grades and economic success, are expected to cheat on exams more frequently than those who g

27、raduated 10 years ago. And that they are only concerned with their own personal future, considering little problems of society .(同主语)作文经典句型练习一. It + 被动语态+ that 1人们普遍认为,广泛的文化交流在许多方面对各国人民有好处。It is universally acknowledged (recognized) that extensive cultural exchange does good to people form various n

28、ations in many ways. 2人们通常认为,一个人如果没有在现实生活中经历逆境和困难,他意志就决不能变得足够坚强。 It is generally accepted that without experiencing hardships and difficulties in real life one can never become strong-minded enough. 3人们必须承认,就青少年来说,一个充满竞争的环境对于生活技能的锻炼来说是必要的。It must be admitted that a competitive environment is necessa

29、ry for the practice of life skills on the side of teenagers. 4不可否认的是,旅游业的过度发展可能会破坏某些风景区的生态平衡。It cannot be denied that the overgrowth of tourism may disturb the ecological balance of some scenic resorts. 5众所周知,体育锻炼能够提高和增进我们的身心健康。It is well known to all that physical exercises can improve and enrich o

30、ur physical and mental well-being. 二. It is + 形容词 + that 6 显而易见 /不言而喻 /毫无疑问,这种情况是直接由于过度的紧张和压力而造成的。It is obvious (self-evident, clear, undeniable, apparent) that the situation is caused directly by excessive tension as well as stress. 7人们对这个有争议的问题持不同的态度,这是可以理解的/不可避免的。It is comprehensible / understand

31、able (inevitable) that people s attitudes are divergent/different on this controversial issue. 8很难想象 /相信我们年轻人竟然如此沉溺于这个虚拟的网络世界里。考研作文高分词汇及句型8 It is unimaginable (incredible/unbelievable) that we youngsters should be much addicted to the virtual net world. 三. It is + 形容词 + for sb ( sth. ) to do sth 9大家

32、积极参加体育锻炼非常重要。因为体育锻炼不仅我们的身体有好处,而且对我们的心理和性格也有好处。It is important (vital) for everyone to participate actively in physical exercises, for they will do good not only to our body but also to our mind and personality . 10现在大学生毕业时很难找到一个理想的工作,特别是那些学基础课程专业的学生,比如历史和数学。It is currently difficult for a university

33、 student to find an ideal job upon his graduation, especially those majoring in fundamental courses such as history and mathematics. 11现在非常迫切需要采取紧急措施来控制非法毒品在青少年中大幅度蔓延。It is highly imperative that urgent measures should be done to control the widespread use of illegal drugs among teenagers. 四. as /al

34、ong with/Coupled with “随着 ” 句型12随着经济的快速发展, 中国人民的生活标准已经大大提高,许多家庭能够买得起房子和汽车。 Along with the rapid growth of economy, the living standards of the Chinese people have been greatly improved. Houses and cars are within easy reach of (买得起) many families. 13随着每年培养的大学生越来越多,求职市场的情况正变得愈加严峻。Coupled with a growi

35、ng number of college graduates being turned out each year, the situation in the job market is getting tighter and tighter. 14随着工业和农业的不断进步,缺水的问题也将越严重。As industry and agriculture advances, the problem of water shortage will be the more serious. 15随着中国进一步开放和扩大与其它国家的教育交流,出国留学在中学生中正越来越流行。As China opens f

36、urther to the outside world and increases its educational exchange with other countries, going abroad to study is increasingly fashionable among middle school students. 五. There be句型16在过去十年里,年轻已婚夫妇想生孩子的数量已出现了明显的下降趋势。In the past ten years there has been a marked decline in the number of young married

37、 couples who want to have children. 17近来,关于是否要克隆人类出现了热烈的讨论/辩论。In recent years, there has been a heated /spirited debate/controversy concerning whether human beings should be cloned. 18现在仍然有许多孩子因为贫困而不能上学。There are still quite a number of children who cannot afford to go to school because of poverty .

38、 19随着因特网业的发展,越来越多的人会上网冲浪。As the Internet industry develops, there will be an increasing number of folks surfing on the web. 20 现在人们对孩子不得不要承受的学习和心理上的沉重负担表现出越来越多的担忧。Currently there is a growing concern over the heavy burden, both academic and 考研作文高分词汇及句型9 psychological, which our children have to bear

39、. 六. 表示 “ 使变得 ” 的句型make 宾语形容词make 形容词 for sb to do sth. 21信息技术的广泛引用会使我们的工作和生活更加方便和丰富。The widespread introduction of modern information technology will make our work and life more convenient and colorful. 22最重要的是, 我们应该不断地加强我们的环保意识,使我们的世界成为适合人类居住的美好家园。 Most importantly, we should increasingly heighten

40、 our environmental awareness and make our world a beautiful homeland suitable for us to live in. 23现代交通意味着让人们出门旅行更加快捷、方便和舒适。Modern transportation means making it highly fast, convenient and comfortable for people to travel far away from home. 24先进的医学科技使得人类的寿命更长,遭受各种疾病越少。Advanced medical science has

41、made it possible for human beings to lead a much .七. so that (以便) /so that (如此 以致)句型25青少年是如此喜欢时装以至他们花大量钱来买时髦的衣服。Teenagers are so keen about fashions that they spend large amounts of money on fashionable clothes. 26 我们青年人应该学会以恰当的方式来减轻压力以便我们能够更好地适应这个竞争社会。We youths should learn to reduce pressure in pr

42、oper ways so that we can better adapt to the competitive society . 八. 非限制性定语从句27有些人可能沉溺于网上冲浪,这会危害他们的身心健康。Some people may be addicted to netsurfing, which impairs their physical and mental health. 28越来越高的离婚率将引发一系列的问题,这受到大众的极大关注。The increasingly high divorce rate will cause a series of problems, which

43、 deserves great public attention. 九. 用分词结构扩展内容29由于人们没有意识到地球上的水资源是有限的,因此人们每天浪费了大量的水。People, not realizing that water resources on the earth are limited, waste a great amount of water every day . 30公民有权利知道真相和约束名人,从而形成一种公众舆论。Citizens have the right to know the truth and supervise the celebrity, thus fo

44、rming a kind of public opinion. 31由于父母亲对孩子寄予极大希望,所以当他们得知其孩子考试不及格时,他们再也抑制不住自己极度的失望和生气了。Having placed great expectations on their son, they couldn t hold back huge disappointment and anger when they learnt their sons failure to pass the test.32随着生活水平的提高, 越来越多的人们开始购买汽车来满足工作和生活的需要,也就恶化了交通问题。考研作文高分词汇及句型1

45、0 With the improvement of living standards, a growing number of folks begin to buy cars to meet the needs of work and life, thereby worsening the traffic problems.十. 结论句型33只要我们马上明智地采取行动,我们一定能够解决当前的这个紧迫的问题。As long as we act intelligently and promptly, we are bound to solve the present severe problem.

46、 34 只要我们采取有效的措施, 由老龄化社会所引发的问题将会减少到最小程度。As long as we take effective measures, the problems caused by the aged society will be reduced to the smallest extent. 35只要政府和个人做出努力, 就一定能找到一个解决这个问题的方法。As long as the government and individuals strive hard, there will certainly be a way to solve this problem. 3

47、6从提供的所有证据来看, 我们可以稳妥地得出如下结论,体育锻炼对青少年的心理和智力的发展都有益。 Judging from all evidence offered, we can safely come to the conclusion that physical exercises are beneficial to the psychological and intellectual growth of teenagers. 37简而言之, 在优先考虑发展经济的时候,应该做出大的努力来加强伦理和道德教育。In short (In a word/All in all/To sum up)

48、, great efforts should be made to enhance ethic and moral education when high priority is given to the economic development.38只有当这些措施付诸实践的时候,缺水的问题才能得到解决。It is only when these measures are put into practice that the shortage of water can be solved. 39只有当这个问题得到很好的解决时,我们才能维持一个稳定和谐的社会。Only when the old

49、age problem is well coped with can we maintain a stable and harmonious society . 40如果各行各业的人们足够关注这个问题,我们城市的生活将一定更加美好。If folks from all walks of life pay enough attention to this problem, our life in the city will certainly be more enjoyable. 写作基本功 30 句一主语1找到问题出现的原因将会大大地帮助你减少压力和紧张。Finding the causes o

50、f your problems will greatly help you reduce stress as well as tension. 2很难想象没有因特网我们的生活会是什么样子。It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without the internet. 3鼓励大学毕业生去西部工作是一个明智的决策。It is a wise decision to encourage college students to work in west China.4从他的行为中可以清楚看到,他不讲道德。It is obvious fro

51、m his behavior that he has no morality. 5最重要的是我们应该意识到这个问题的严重性。What counts/matters most is that we should be aware of the seriousness of this problem. 考研作文高分词汇及句型11 6越来越多的国家欢迎不同的文化证明了我的观点。The fact proves our opinion that an increasing number of countries welcome different cultures. 7. 大学生是否应该参加商业活动是个

52、有争议的话题。It is a controversial issue whether college students should participate in b usiness activities. 二、谓语8我们年轻人应该行为举止恰当,有礼貌。We youths should conduct ourselves properly and have good manners. 9这些行为应该受到道德和舆论的谴责。These behaviors should be condemned by morality and public opinions. 10应该采取有效的措施来阻止这种不良现

53、象的发生。Effective measures should be carried out to prevent this bad phenomenon. 三、宾语11政府应该在这个问题的解决中扮演重要的角色。The government should play an important role in solving this problem. 12人们深信,学校应该减轻压力,家庭应该重建和谐,政府应该加大投入。Folks are convinced that schools should reduce pressure, that families should rebuild harmo

54、ny and that the administration should increase financial investment.13这对于开阔人们的眼界是很有好处的。It is beneficial for broadening peoples horizon/vision.14现在许多人无视公共规章,我们应向公众呼吁树立公德心。Currently an increasing number of folks disregard public rules/regulations. 四、表语15我认为这个事实是不言而喻的。I hold this fact to be self-eviden

55、t. 16这些措施似乎很合理。These measures seem to be highly feasible/rational. 五、定语17有很多因素导致了这个问题。There are a couple of factors that give rise to this problem. 18良好的社会风气能促进家庭的和谐及社会的进步。Favorable public moral climate can enhance the harmony of families as well as the social advance. 19大学应该提供实践课程,这对社会有利。Colleges o

56、ught to provide practical courses, which is conducive to the whole society . 20性别歧视是现代社会的耻辱,我们每个人都有责任解决它。Sex discrimination is a shame for modern society , which all of us are duty-bound to eliminate. 六、状语21有了坚定的决心,人就能够克服他所遇到的任何困境和危险。With a strong determination, one is able to overcome whatever hard

57、ships and dangers he may encounter. 考研作文高分词汇及句型12 22没有他无私的帮助,她不可能度过这次难关。Without his selfless assistance, she wouldnt have pulled through this difficulty.23远离亲人朋友,人会觉得孤独。Living far from relatives and friends, people will feel lonely. 24面对这个问题,我们应该努力找到解决它的办法。Confronted with this problem, we should str

58、ive to find a solution to it. 七、补语25观念的不同使他很难理解他父母亲。Different views make it difficult for him to understand his parents. 26我们发现树立正确的人生观对大学生来说是非常重要的。We find it highly significant for college students to develop a correct outlook on life. 27大家的无私照顾和关心使她的生活充满了阳光。Everyone s selfless care and attention m

59、akes her life full of sunlight.八、情态动词28我们应该努力维护公共道德,改进社会风气。We should strive to safeguard public morals and improve social climate. 29我们必须努力抓住和充分利用生活中的每一个机会来提高自己。We must strive to seize and make full use of every opportunity to improve ourselves. 30我们应教育公众树立正确的时间观念。We should educate the public in est

60、ablishing correct time-awareness/consciousness. Revision Exercises: 1. People all know that reading is very important. But people have different opinions towards how to read. Some people say we d better read selectively , and other people believe that we should read extensively . Currently it is uni

61、versally acknowledged that reading is highly significant. But when it comes to how to read, there has sprung up a heated discussion with regard to whether we should read selectively or extensively . 2. They are very selfish. They tend to earn lots of money but they dislike and avoid their parents. =

62、They are so selfish that they care about nothing but earning money and shirk the responsibility of supporting parents. 附录 1 9. We need love. We should offer love. We should not only need love but also offer love to others who are in need. 10. So, we can conclude that . From the above discussion/anal

63、ysis, we can safely come to the conclusion that .15. We can see from the picture that the runner reaches the finishing line and starts towards a new goal again. As can be seen from the picture /is depicted in the drawing, the runner line and 考研作文高分词汇及句型13 strives for the next goal once more. 16. The

64、 society is developing. So there are many changes. With the rapid development of society , many great changes have taken place.17. Nowadays, the trend of becoming old appears to be the biggest problem. Currently, an aging population has become a harsh /severe problem in China.18. We cant deny that E

65、-economy has great potentials and advantages in many aspects. There is no denying the fact that .19. Very often, there are two main reasons leading to the appearance of cheating in exams. In general, there are a couple of reasons contributing to the prevalence of cheating in exams. 20. So I am full

66、of thanks for your timely help. Consequently I am deeply obliged to you for your timely help. 21. In our society , some people think supporting old men is not as important as before.In our fast-developing community, some individuals contend that supporting the old is no longer regarded as momentous

67、as before. 22. They think they dont want to look after their parents for having no time.The youngsters maintain that they are unwilling to look after their parents for lack of time. 23. There were no our parents. Then, we have no chance to live in this world. But for/Without our parents, we would ha

68、ve no chance to come to the world.24. Fewer and fewer citizens like to see films or read books. Films/books are losing their appeal to an decreasing number of citizens.25. Many people often complain of our bad environment and heavy traffic. Bad environment and heavy traffic have become the sources o

69、f great complaint.考研作文常用八大句式:1主动句和被动句之间的转换It can be easily seen from the picture that Due attention should be paid to.2There be结构的采用;There are an increasing number of folks who are confrinted with different 3It is 放在句首的形式It is most likely that the drawer intends not only to inform us of the obvious

70、fact but also to set us thinking what is implied in this cartoon. There are an increasing number of + N. + clause .4同位语的设置Courage, an indispensable quality for a person, can help us overcome any trouble on the way to success. 5疑问句形式Why is there such a trend? Why is there such a phenomenon? 6倒装句形式考研作

71、文高分词汇及句型14 Simply drawn as this cartoon appears to be, yet it conveys a profound implication. 7强调句形式It is this thought-provoking drawing that makes me aware of its realistic significance to our daily life and work. 8从句形式No matter who you are, no matter what you are doing, no matter where you are goi

72、ng, you must be self-confident. 9 高分词汇与固定句型It is of considerable interest to observe in this vivid cartoon that .How impressive the cartoon is in describing one of the most widespread/ prevalent social phenomenon concerning .It is hardly inconceivable that one cant be in a position to .without .Ever

73、y life has its roses and thorns. 作文经典句型练习一. It + 被动语态+ that 1人们普遍认为,广泛的文化交流在许多方面对各国人民有好处。It is universally acknowledged (recognized) that extensive cultural exchange does good to people form various nations in many ways. 二. It is + 形容词 + that 6显而易见 /不言而喻 /毫无疑问,这种情况是直接由于过度的紧张和压力而造成的。It is obvious (se

74、lf-evident, clear, undeniable, apparent) that the situation is caused directly by excessive tension as well as stress. 三. It is + 形容词 + for sb ( sth. ) to do sth 9大家积极参加体育锻炼非常重要。因为体育锻炼不仅我们的身体有好处,而且对我们的心理和性格也有好处。It is important (vital) for everyone to participate actively in physical exercises, for t

75、hey will do good not only to our body but also to our mind and personality . 10现在大学生毕业时很难找到一个理想的工作,特别是那些学基础课程专业的学生,比如历史和数学。It is currently difficult for a university student to find an ideal job upon his graduation, especially those majoring in fundamental courses such as history and mathematics. 11

76、现在非常迫切需要采取紧急措施来控制非法毒品在青少年中大幅度蔓延。It is highly imperative that urgent measures should be done to control the widespread use of illegal drugs among teenagers. 四. as /along with/Coupled with “随着 ” 句型13随着每年培养的大学生越来越多,求职市场的情况正变得愈加严峻。Coupled with a growing number of college graduates being turned out each

77、year, the situation in the job market is getting tighter and tighter. 五. There be句型20现在人们对孩子不得不要承受的学习和心理上的沉重负担表现出越来越多的担忧。考研作文高分词汇及句型15 Currently there is a growing concern over the heavy burden, both academic and psychological, which our children have to bear. 六. 表示 “ 使变得 ” 的句型make 宾语形容词make 形容词 for

78、 sb to do sth. 22最重要的是,我们应该不断地加强我们的环保意识,使我们的世界成为适合人类居住的美好家园。Most importantly, we should increasingly heighten our environmental awareness and make our world a beautiful homeland suitable for us to live in. 七. so that (以便) /so that (如此 以致)句型26 我们青年人应该学会以恰当的方式来减轻压力以便我们能够更好地适应这个竞争社会。We youths should le

79、arn to reduce pressure in proper ways so that we can better adapt to the competitive society . 八. 非限制性定语从句27有些人可能沉溺于网上冲浪,这会危害他们的身心健康。Some people may be addicted to netsurfing, which impairs their physical and mental health. 28越来越高的离婚率将引发一系列的问题,这受到大众的极大关注。The increasingly high divorce rate will cause

80、 a series of problems, which deserves great public attention. 九. 用分词结构扩展内容29由于人们没有意识到地球上的水资源是有限的,因此人们每天浪费了大量的水。People, not realizing that water resources on the earth are limited, waste a great amount of water every day . 30公民有权利知道真相和约束名人,从而形成一种公众舆论。Citizens have the right to know the truth and supe

81、rvise the celebrity , thus forming a kind of public opinion. 31由于父母亲对孩子寄予极大希望,所以当他们得知其孩子考试不及格时,他们再也抑制不住自己极度的失望和生气了。Having placed great expectations on their son, they couldn t hold back huge disappointment and anger when they learnt their sons failure to pass the test. 32随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人们开始购买汽车来满足工作

82、和生活的需要,也就恶化了交通问题。With the improvement of living standards, a growing number of folks begin to buy cars to meet the needs of work and life, thereby worsening the traffic problems.十. 结论句型34只要我们马上明智地采取行动,我们一定能够解决当前的这个紧迫的问题。As long as we act intelligently and promptly, we are bound to solve the present

83、severe problem. 40如果各行各业的人们足够关注这个问题,我们城市的生活将一定更加美好。If folks from all walks of life pay enough attention to this problem, our life in the city will certainly be more enjoyable. 考研作文高分词汇及句型16 写作基本功 30 句二、谓语8我们年轻人应该行为举止恰当,有礼貌。We youths should conduct ourselves properly and have good manners. 9这些行为应该受到道

84、德和舆论的谴责。These behaviors should be condemned by morality and public opinions. 10应该采取有效的措施来阻止这种不良现象的发生。Effective measures should be carried out to prevent this bad phenomenon.三、宾语11政府应该在这个问题的解决中扮演重要的角色。The government should play an important role in solving this problem. 四、表语15我认为这个事实是不言而喻的。I hold thi

85、s fact to be self-evident. 16 这些措施似乎很合理。These measures seem to be highly feasible/rational. 五、定语17有很多因素导致了这个问题。There are a couple of factors that give rise to this problem. 20性别歧视是现代社会的耻辱,我们每个人都有责任解决它。Sex discrimination is a shame for modern society , which all of us are duty-bound to eliminate. 六、状

86、语23远离亲人朋友,人会觉得孤独。Living far from relatives and friends, people will feel lonely. 24面对这个问题,我们应该努力找到解决它的办法。Confronted with this problem, we should strive to find a solution to it. 七、补语25观念的不同使他很难理解他父母亲。Different views make it difficult for him to understand his parents. 26我们发现树立正确的人生观对大学生来说是非常重要的。We f

87、ind it highly significant for college students to develop a correct outlook on life. 27大家的无私照顾和关心使她的生活充满了阳光。Everyone s selfless care and attention makes her life full of sunlight. 八、情态动词28我们应该努力维护公共道德,改进社会风气。We should strive to safeguard public morals and improve social climate. 29我们必须努力抓住和充分利用生活中的每

88、一个机会来提高自己。We must strive to seize and make full use of every opportunity to improve ourselves. 30我们应教育公众树立正确的时间观念。We should educate the public in establishing correct time-awareness/consciousness. 考研作文 12 大原则考研作文高分词汇及句型17 一名言名句原则经典句型: As a proverb says, It is love that makes the world go around. (适用

89、于已记住的名言) There is no denying the fact that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:如2003年考题: Shakespeare has ever stated that I came, I suffered and I survived, which gives us much for thought about our life and development. 二数字统计原则经典句型: According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college s

90、tudents wanted to further their study after their graduation. 更多句型: Recent statistics show that . A recent opinion poll indicates that三主题句原则主题句应具有如下特征:1. 应是个判断性的句子,如:It is safe to draw the conclusion that our life is a course that requires constant pursuit of greater goals.(2004)2. 应具有概括性,如: For my

91、part, love is best understood when given to people who need it most. 3. 应包含自己明确态度。不能用模棱两可的句型来做主题句。4. 应简洁、吸引人。主题句是全文的精华,是阅卷老师所关注的,所以应努力把它写成全文的经典句。5. 应统领全文,但不能超出全文内容。不必写得惊天动地,忘掉了全文的一致性。特别提示:隐藏主体句可是要冒险的!四顺序原则1)first, second, third, last (不推荐,原因:俗)2)firstly, secondly , thirdly, finally (不推荐,原因:俗)3)the f

92、irst, the second, the third, the last (不推荐,原因:俗)4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly (不推荐)5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐)6)to start with, next, in addition, finally (强烈推荐)7)first and foremost, besides, last but not the least(强烈推荐)8)most important of

93、 all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况)10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况)五多实少虚原则写文章还是应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。 这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。我这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospitable 之类的形容词。考

94、研作文高分词汇及句型18 六附加句式原则就是在主谓中间插入一个名词短语,起到一个同位语之类的补充成分。In my memory , Mr. Jiang, my Chemistry teacher in the high school, impressed me most in my past school years. Mr. Jiang, a considerate and patient teacher, did not have any bias against me who lagged far behind the others. 七排比句式原则The fact that peopl

95、e from different countries are attracted to the mysterious Chinese culture, indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated, and shared internationally. Only in this manner can we promote cultural development positively, and make our world dimensional, colorful and vi

96、gorous. 八挑战极限原则What seems to be a strong life is actually weak, all due to overprotection and care. (2003) China first launching its rockets into the sky, the scientists have been working on the project to send human beings to the outer space, which resulted in the accomplished flight of Shenzhou VI

97、 spaceship. (2004) 九实例原则The truth applies to our life: nearly every success is a result of unremitting endeavor. The necessity of heading for the next step is well illustrated in the space flight projects of our country. For instance, since we first launched our rockets into the sky, our scientists

98、have been working on the project to send human beings to the outer space. (2004)更多句型: To take as an example, One example is , Another example is , for example. A good case in point (一个好的恰当的例子) 。十比较原则经典套话: 相似的比较: in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner 。相反的比较: on the other hand, conver

99、sely , whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary , compared with, 。十一换句原则没话说了, 可以换一句话再说, 让你的文章再多一些字, 或是让读者更充分地理解你的观点。 实际就是重复重复再重复! 下面的句子实际上就三个字: I love you!, I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I am crazy about you. I am wild about you. In other words, I have falle

100、n in love with you. 或者上面我们举过的例子:I cannot bear it. 可以用短语表达: I cannot put up with it. 因此可以这样说: I cannot bear it. That is to say , I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it.经典套话: in more difficult language, in simpler words, to put it more simply。总之,写作中句子应根据表达需要,有话则长, 无话则短。 简洁是一个原则,不管长句还是短句,都不能罗嗦。

101、看下面的句子能否写得简洁些:考研作文高分词汇及句型19 十二建议原则经典套话: Apparently, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 更多句型: Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken. Consequently , to solve the problem, some measures should be taken. 考研作文冲刺方法考研英语的复习进入了最后的倒计时。As is known to us all, 英语写作、阅读

102、两项是能在冲刺阶段短期得以提高的重要环节,因此也应在最后两个月中倾注更多精力,来实现英语高分梦想。因此建议考生在考前写作复习冲刺中应把握好以下三点,来达到考前胸有成竹、临场不惧的完美境界。第一:通读教材,整理、消化笔记把之前复习用的写作书籍和教材,包括辅导班的讲义, 再通读一遍。 另外要把笔记整理好,消化掉。每年都有很多同学在暑期参加强化班时记了很多笔记,但是之后却不看, 那是没用的。 其实,不管是老师课堂笔记还是你们自己平时记录、归纳的文字都是考研的精华,要消化掉。每一个单词,应该掌握拼写;每一个句子,应该至少把它背下来。这个问题要在12 月中旬之前给解决掉。第二:背诵、默写、仿写20 大必

103、备范文1. 背诵建议大家在冲刺阶段要背诵20 篇高分必背范文,其中大小作文各10 篇。如果你还没有背下来, 应该在 1 月 1 号之前,把它们都背下来。 而且要背到滚瓜烂熟,多多益善。为什么要这么做呢?因为如果背得不熟,上了考场什么都想不到。有同学反映, 20 篇文章全都背完了,但上了考场头脑一片空白,这就是因为背得不够熟练。 判卷老师是根据你现场发挥的句子打分的,如果全部用模板去写,那是零分。要怎么现场发挥呢?就是要靠平时所背的这些文章。上了考场,看到考题, 如果你背过相关的表达, 把它写上就可以了。 所以如果背得不熟根本就没法用。2. 默写光背是不够的。 有些同学基础不太好, 好多单词自己

104、觉得会了, 其实还是不会拼写。所以一篇文章背熟了之后, 把书合上, 把它默写下来。 默写下来之后对照一下范文,会发现,如果和范文的意思一致,但有些错误,比如语法、拼写、标点的错误。 文章背得滚瓜烂熟还是写错了,那么上了考场更不可能写对了。这就是你写作的弱点。 然后对照范文, 寻找差距。哪些地方写错了, 把它纠正过来。20 篇必背范文中的每一个单词,都要掌握拼写。尤其是一些基础不太好的同学,比如还没有通过四级的同学。我们这20 篇文章已经囊括了考研写作最常用的词汇,核心词汇大概要3000 个。掌握了,考研基本就够用了。3. 仿写模仿进行写作。 背完一篇文章之后, 要有意识地积累表达。 比方说,这

105、篇文章中有没有万能词汇, 或者常用的句型。 背完每篇文章之后, 使用这篇文章的表达,去写另一道题目。 比如背完 07 年的作文, 用它去练 08 年的作文。 换一道题目,这些表达尽可能多的去使用。如果平时不用,上了考场是想不到的。考研作文高分词汇及句型20 第三:总结框架,考前模考。建议考生将这个阶段放在考前一周,把作文的框架总结一下。1. 小作文框架总结:小作文一般考书信,写7 句话左右。小作文100个词,框架最多50 个词,另外一半的字数,一定要上了考场现场发挥。第一段:自我介绍,写作目的;第二段:改写提纲内容。 第三段:表示感谢,期待回信。这四个句子就是万能句型。可以占大约四五十个词。下

106、面就帮大家整理了一些小作文最常用的经典套句,希望大家在考场上能够信手拈来,发挥作用。1. 一般开头句型I m writing to 开门见山的开头模式I m writing to inform you that (通知类型)I m writing to seek your assistance in (请求类型)I m writing in response to your advertisement in (回应类型)I m writing to express my views on (建议类型)I m writing to apply for the scholarship that y

107、our department offers to students from other countries. (申请类型)I m writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding (咨询类型)I m writing to express my disappointment/ dissatisfaction about (投诉类型)2. 感谢类句型thank-gratitude-grateful-appreciate 的多种变体I m most grateful to you fo

108、r yourI m writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude forI would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks forI feel greatly indebted to you forI m writing to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for meBut for your kind assistance, I would have I must thank you again f

109、or your generous help. Please accept my deepest gratitude. 3. 道歉类句型sorry-apologize-apology的多种变体I feel really sorry to you forI must apologize to you forI would like to express my deepest apology / regret for not being able to Had I , I wouldhave.Please accept my sincere apology forI want you to know

110、 how badly I feel about 4. 一般结尾句型Any favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated. (申请/求职)We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence. (邀请函)Best wishes for your greater success in your career. (祝愿)Thank you for your patience and concern in reading this

111、letter. I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. (套话组合)考研作文高分词汇及句型21 虽然信函的套用句型还有很多的变化,但上面选取的这些句子在考试中都是非常实用的, 无论什么样的话题, 开头结尾加上表示感谢和道歉的礼貌客气话总是必不可少的。在考研英语小作文写作中,除了保持一般的议论文风格,还需要在三段中穿插信函相关的套句模板,来适应书信文体的要求。二. 大作文框架总结大作文主要是准备图画

112、作文。 大作文的框架字数不要太多, 最多占一半的字数。大作文 160 个词,框架最多 80 个词。第一段:图画描述段,怎么去描述一幅图画。挖掘细节词,串连成句。细节挖掘的越多越好。把图画的细节词一网打尽。第二段:意义阐释段,去分析这个图画的意义。第二段一般写 5 句话左右。第一部分的第一句就是主题句,再次点出图画的象征寓意,像 08 年的作文,象征寓意是合作。第二部分是论证,第三部分是小结:概括论证,总结本段。其中第二部分的论证部分写3 句话,有很多种论证手段,任何问题可以从5个角度展开论证,可以使用6 种论证手段。而判卷老师喜欢看到3 种论证手段:第 1 种,因果论证。第 2种论证手段是举例

113、论证。举一到两个例子。可以举自己的例子,也可以举社会热点例子。第 3 种论证手段是联系现实,把图画和现实进行联系。第三段:建议措施段, 去发表评论, 总结。写 4 句话:第一句话就是结论句,也就是整篇文章的结论句, 也是第三段的主题句。 第二个部分就是针对双方, 提建议。提两点建议。最后一部分是结尾,展望未来。使用几种句型,如倒装句、虚拟语气等。给老师最后来一个好的印象。摘要写作秘诀小作文摘要的写法秘诀摘要就是要求考生阅读一篇中文,然后让你用英文写出该篇文章的中心内容。摘要要求对原始文献 (或文章) 的基本内容进行浓缩概括并写成语义上连贯的英语短文。 因此考生应该先用中文归纳出每段的中心内容,

114、然后再用英语表达翻译出来。 难点就在第二步英语翻译表达。该题测试点在于考查词汇用法,句子表达等翻译能力。归纳为两点就是:汉语的简要归纳和英语的清楚表达摘要由于范围太大, 没法押题,而且没法用模板句子。 所以难度比书信大点。这次英语一考摘要的几率大于英语二。当然命题中心可能会反押题, 也可能不出该题。因此在准备小作文的摘要时, 应该以能够迅速掌握原文主要内容为目的,不需加入任何主观评论和解释,但必须简明、 确切地表述原文的重要内容。摘要写作要求简明扼要,用词准确。一、写作要点:(1)边读边归纳段落大意,提炼出关键词和要点信息。(2)逐渐把中心内容一一压缩成100 字上下的短文。 删掉无关紧要的细

115、节单词。(3)尽量不要照搬原文的内容。(4)观点、写作顺序与原文要保持一致。(5)关键的一步是不断思考翻译出正确的英语,汉语写得再好也没用,关键是英语表达要正确,全面,不考研作文高分词汇及句型22 能漏掉关键的信息。同时注意关联词和连接词的使用。 比如 : However, Finally等。二、必背词组 : 1. 本篇文章 /短文或论文: This paper/article/essay/thesis 2. 主要讨论了 / 涉及到 / 描述了 / 分析了 / 综述了 / 总结了 / Mainly/briefly/primarily/in a large part discusses/invo

116、lves/describes/analyzes/summerizes/dwells on/focuses on 3. 作者最后指出 /提出/归纳出这样一个观点、事实或结论The writer of this paper finally points out/sums up such a view/fact/conclusion that 三句型举例 : 4. This article focuses on the topics of + 主题名词或用句子概括文章的中心. 这篇文章的强调的主题是 5. This essay mainly presents the knowledge of + 主

117、题名词或从句 that. 这篇短文主要是讲关于 的知识。6. This paper provides an overview of. 这篇文章综述了 7. This article compares or contrasts.and summarizes some key findings. 这篇文章比较了或对比了 并总结了一些重要的发现结果。8. This article not only describes.but also suggests some feasible ways to solve the problem. 这篇文章不仅描述了 而且建议了一些可行的解决问题的方法。9. Th

118、is paper is devoted to examining the role of. 这篇论文致力于研究 的作用。10. The writer of this essay tries to explore the question of . 本文作者试图探讨 这一问题。11. The aim/purpose/objective of this paper is to determine. 本文的目的 /目标是为了决定 12. The writer of this essay mainly gives a detailed description/account of +主题名词本文作者主

119、要具体描述或论述了.四. 注意事项 : 英文摘要写作时要求: 句子结构严谨, 意思表达简明, 语义确切恰当。 按逻辑顺序来安排。 具体一点来说: 句子之间要上下连贯, 互相呼应。 应尽量使用短句,少用长句,因为长句容易造成结构含混、 语义不清。摘要的句型应力求简单,每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词。摘要不分段。英文摘要应采用第三人称表达方式,谓语动词用一般现在时、 现在完成时或一般过去时。 进行时态和其他时态基本不用。一般现在时用于说明研究目的、叙述研究内容、 描述实验结果、 得出研究结论、 提出可行建议或讨论等。 一般过去时用于叙述在过去某一时刻 (时间)的发现、某一研究过程 (实验

120、、观察、调查、医疗等过程)。现在完成时把过去发生的或过去已完成的事情与现在联系起来。英文摘要的语态既可采用主动,也可采用被动。 如果要强调动作承受者, 则采用被动语态;如果被动者无关紧要,则可以采用主动语态。总而言之,摘要就是先读懂汉语文章,归纳出文章大意,最后用英语正确地考研作文高分词汇及句型23 表达出来。五. 摘要大纲实例:经济类Directions: Read the following Chinese text and write an abstract of it in 80-100 English words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) 经济全球

121、化的主要原因20 世纪 50年代初以来,经济全球化获得迅猛发展。简单归纳,其原因主要包括以下几个方面:全球化的技术基础。科技进步为全球化快速发展提供了物质基础和技术手段。科技革命是经济全球化发展的最根本的物质基础和动力,历史上历次科技革命都促进了社会生产力的飞跃发展,同时也促进了整个世界的融合。20 世纪 50年代以电子技术和信息技术等为主要标志的新的科技革命的兴起,使科技日益成为社会生产力发展的先导, 成为影响生产力发展的至关重要的因素。科技知识在社会生产的各个领域中得到广泛传播和运用,劳动者的智能和技能得到进一步的开发,创造出越来越多的物质和精神财富,极大地促进了世界生产力的发展,生产社会

122、化程度日益提高,国际分工日益深化,各国经济以此为基础紧密相联,世界经济进入一个全新的繁荣时期。同时,新科技革命使得科技成果积累的速度大大加快,新材料、新产品不断涌现, 大量高技术产业不断产生,在世界范围内促进了产业结构的调整和转移,新的产业布局开始形成 ,以信息技术和产业为主导,以高新技术为基础的新兴产业部门也蓬勃兴起并迅速发展,快速取代了传统产业而逐渐成为经济的主导部门推进的重要动力源。全球化的经济基础。 市场经济体制的强势地位不断增强,跨国公司的突飞发展,国际经济组织的不断完善为经济全球化奠定了坚实的经济基础。首先,市场经济体制成为世界各国发展经济的首选。20 世纪 80 年代末至90 年

123、代初,世界形势发生了重大变化, 东欧剧变, 苏联解体 , 40 多年的冷战格局最终结束。 冷战结束后, 国际形势总体上走向缓和。 各国纷纷把发展经济列为首要目标,普遍扩大了对外开放, 和平与发展成为当今时代的两大主题。前苏联和东欧国家先后走上了向市场经济过渡的轨道,改行自由市场经济, 并积极致力于融入西方经济体系。 中国在长期的实践中, 也逐渐认识到计划经济的不足和弊端,自 1978 年起开始实行以市场为导向的、全面的经济改革,大力推行对外开放,努力实现同世界经济的接轨, 目前已成为世界经济的重要组成部分。这一切都说明,市场经济体制已成为不同制度、不同发展层次国家的共同选择,市场经济已基本实现

124、了全球化, 经济全球化是以市场为基础的,没有市场经济就没有生产要素在国际间的自由流动,就谈不上经济全球化。其次,力量不断壮大的跨国公司成为经济全球化的中坚力量。跨国公司是以本国作为基地, 通过对外直接投资, 在世界各地设立分支机构和子公司,从事国际化生产和经营的企业。 跨国公司凭借其雄厚的经济实力和灵活的经营战略,以全球为工厂, 以它所在的各个国家为车间, 在全球范围内充分利用各地的优势组织生产和流通, 通过自己广泛的经营活动, 实现了商品和资本等生产要素在全球范围内的整合, 促进了生产在国家间的水平分工和垂直分工,使之密切联系在一起,从而为经济全球化的发展打下了坚实的微观基础,并成为经济全球

125、化的主要推动力量和主要载体。最后,国际经济组织是经济全球化发展的组织保障。二战结束以后, 生产力的不断提高,生产力的国际化使得越来越多的商品、资本、劳动进入国际交流.各国的国际分工和相互依赖性不断增强。这种日益增强的经济联系要求突破原有考研作文高分词汇及句型24 的国家间的障碍, 实现全球范围内的更高层次的经济合作,这就要求有超脱于国家之外的国际经济组织发挥重要作用。战后,国际经济日益明显, 国际经济协作不断加强。 在当今国际经济关系中, 世行、世贸组织、 国际货币基金组织等世界性经济组织的调节作用越来越大,而且还出现出进一步增强的趋势。世贸组织(WTO)所制定的关于贸易、投资等方面的制度和规

126、则,成为规范全球经济运行,创造自由、公平竞争环境的统一制度和规则,作为世界金融领域的重要国际组织,即国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行(WB)也在国际金融全球化进程中扮演了重要的角色。 这些国际经济组织的成立使得国际贸易和国际金融运行有了统一的规则, 对成员国的经贸活动和经济行为起着协调和规范作用。这些都为经济全球化的发展起着制度保障作用。 (1590 字)参考范文:Fundamental Causes of Economic Globalization Economic globalization has been progressing rapidly since the beginni

127、ng of the 1950s. Several factors have contributed to such development. Firstly, advancements in science and technology have offered a technical foundation by providing the material basis and the technical means. Meanwhile, a solid economic foundation for such a globalization has been laid by the mar

128、ket economy which is prevailing all over the world. Others factors include the pillaring and propelling role of multinationals in micro-economic operations, the ever- growing coordinating and controlling power and function exercised by such international economic organizations as WTO, IMF and WB in the international trade and finance.(100 words)



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