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1、Words 算盘-pl.计算-n.计算器笔记本共有的共有据.认为分析的-v.-n.简单的-adv.头脑简单的.笨的 abacus-abacuses/abaci calculate-calculation calculator notebook common in common in ones opinion analytical-analyse-analysis simple-simplysimple-minded科技技术科技的革命-v.宇宙的普遍的-n.数学的-n.人造的假的智力聪明-adj.无论如何走过顺道访问晶体管 technology technological revolution-

2、revolute universal-universe mathematical-mathematics artificial intelligence-intelligent anyway go by transistor 完全地-adj.如此.以至于网络处理对付真实地-adj.-n.种族-adj.人类出生优点有利条件缺点不利条件 totally-total so .that network deal with truly-true-truth race-racial human race birth advantage disadvantage 类型打字不同意不一致-anti.-n.选择-

3、v.材料机器人同伴亲自地就本人而论n.adj.程序师创造-n.在某种程度上教练 type disagree-agree-agreement choice-choose have no choice but to do material android teammate personally-person-personal programmer create-creation in a way coach出现发生弥补整理毕竟在.帮助下头脑损坏看守监视拖把 arise make up after all with the help of brain spoil watch over mop Phr

4、ases 有.共同共有作出决定在某种程度上毕竟照料依看而且逝去走过对付处理检查复习have .in commonmake a decision in a way after all watch over in ones opinion whats more go by deal with go over 轮流做某事挑选辨认出尽管编造化妆组成弥补在世纪年代充分利用同时自那时起采取行动在的帮助下用自己的话 take turns to do/in doing pick out in spite of make up in the 1960s make full use of at the same

5、timefrom then on take action with the help ofin ones own words随着时间的流逝有的有利条件在某人多岁时人类如此.以至于跟一样大越来越小更不用说大声说数十亿独自As time went by/With time going on have the advantage of in ones forties human race so that be the size of smaller and smaller let alone shout to sb billions of by oneself1.incommon:fororbyal



8、hetwoearthquakes_?(4)这游泳池由附近的孩子们共同使用这游泳池由附近的孩子们共同使用.Theswimmingpool_byallthechildrenintheneighbourhood.In common with many young coupleshave a lot in common withhave anything in commonis used in common4.simple-minded:showingverylittleintelligence头脑简单的头脑简单的;笨的笨的Richardissmartbuthehasalotofsimple-mind

9、edfriends理查德很聪明理查德很聪明,可是他有许多头脑简单的朋可是他有许多头脑简单的朋友。友。simple-minded是一个复合形容词是一个复合形容词,与它与它结构相同的复合形容词还有:结构相同的复合形容词还有:absent-minded心不在焉的心不在焉的open-minded虚心的虚心的,没有偏见的没有偏见的narrow-minded心胸狭窄的心胸狭窄的single-minded一心一意的一心一意的strong-minded意志坚强的意志坚强的weak-minded低能的低能的,愚蠢的愚蠢的5. artificial adj. 人工的人工的,人造的人造的 artificial fl

10、owers/limbs/pearls 假花假花/假肢假肢/假珍珠假珍珠 artificial intelligence 人工智人工智能能8. totally adv. 整个地整个地;完全地完全地 totally blind 全盲全盲 total adj. 完全的完全的; 整个的整个的 total silence 寂静无声寂静无声 in total 总共总共9.Andmymemorybecameso largethat Icouldntbelieveit!句型:句型:sothat如此如此以致于以致于与与tooto句型的相互转换句型的相互转换Andmymemorybecametoolargefor

11、metobelieveit.egHeissoold thathecantcarrythebox.Heistoooldtocarrythebox. 此结构中的此结构中的that从句表示结果。从句表示结果。 The stone is so heavy that no one can lift it. 比较比较: so that 既可以表结果既可以表结果,也可以表目的。也可以表目的。 so.that.结构的结构的so+形容词形容词/副词位于副词位于句首时句首时,句子用倒装结构。句子用倒装结构。 So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.10. deal with 1) 对待对待(人、事人、事) 同同get along/on with, do with2) 论及论及.,同同 refer to 3) 与与.交易交易 deal in sth. 买卖买卖/交易交易 deal sth. out 分发分发;分配分配比比较较:dealwith/dowith两者都可以表示两者都可以表示“处处理理”,但在特殊疑但在特殊疑问问句中句中,dowith也也what连连用用,dealwith与与how连连用。用。WhatdoyoudowithHowdoyoudealwiththewounded?同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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