八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots(第8课时)Self Check课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、第八课时第八课时 Self CheckUnit 7 Will people have robots?一、词汇运用。一、词汇运用。A)根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。1Please write down your name on this piece of _2There is more air _ than before.3The astronaut will go to the _ station next month.4My father works in a _He is a worker.5Nothing is _ in the world if y

2、ou try your best to do it.paperpollutionspacefactoryimpossibleB)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6Everyone in the world should play a part in _ (save) the earth.7I want to be a _ (science) in the future.8Tim _ (keep) a pet bird in his house last year.9She _ (go) and live in Hong Kong in two years.10I

3、 dont enjoy the movie,so I get _ (boring) quickly.savingscientistkeptwill_goboredC)根据句意根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。填空。hundreds of,look for,look like,in danger,take a holiday11I think a snake robot could help _ people under buildings.12Now more and more animals are _ 13I will _ in the UK wi

4、th my father this summer.14_ _ people came to visit our school yesterday.15It _ a chicken.But I dont think chickens can swim.look_forin_dangertake_a_holidayHundreds_oflooks_like二、根据汉语提示完成短文。二、根据汉语提示完成短文。What will the world be like in the 16._ (将将来来)? In my opinion,a lot of what we see in science fic

5、tion films will come 17._ (真真的的)I think there will be 18._ (更更多多的的) flying cars parking on the top of 19._ (建建筑筑物物) for people. If this happens,there wont be any more traffic jams! I 20._ (相相信信) that most houses will be green,as well only use the energy like wind and solar power(太太阳阳能能) 21._ (再一次再一次

6、). futuretruemorebuildingsbelieveagainIn the future,I think its possible for 22._ (机机器器人人) to do most of our housework,so life will be 23._ (更更容容易易的的). There will be robot teachers,too. Children will take laptop computers (笔笔记记本本电电脑脑) to school 24._ (代代替替) of books. No one really knows what the futu

7、re holds for our life on earth. All we need to do is to believe in ourselves. After all,as the 25._ (科科学学家家)Albert Einstein once said,“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”robotseasierinsteadscientist三、语法填空。三、语法填空。Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look 26._ people.For

8、 example,there are already robots 27._ (work) in factories.These robots look more like huge arms.They do simple jobs 28._ and over again.People would not like to do such jobs and would get 29._ (bore)But robots wont.30. _ the future,there will be more robots,and humans will have 31._ (little) work t

9、o do.likeworking overboredInlessNew robots will have many different shapes.32._ will look like humans,and others might look like animals.After 33._ earthquake,a snake robot could help us look for people under 34._ (build)That may not seem possible now,but computers,space rockets and even electric to

10、othbrushes seemed 35._ (possible) a hundred years ago.We never know what will happen in the future.Someanbuildingsimpossible四、完形填空。四、完形填空。Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050.“What will the world _36_ in the year 2050?”“Well,_37_ knows.But it is _38_ to guess,”said Tom.“In the year 2050 ever

11、ybody will _39_ a pocket (袖袖珍珍型型的的) computer.The computer will give people the _40_ to all their problems.We will have telephones in our pockets,_41_And well _42_ talk to our friends all over the world.Maybe well be able to _43_ them _44_ the same time.Machines will do _45_ of the work,and people wi

12、ll have more _46_Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week.They will be able to fly to the moon _47_ spaceship and spend _48_ holidays there.”“Im very _49_ to hear that.I _50_ to fly to the moon.And I hope Ill be able to live under the sea,”said Fred.“Wont that be interesting?Just like a

13、fish.”( )36.A.like Blook Clook like Dbe like( )37.A.somebody Banyone Cnobody Deveryone( )38.A.probably Buseful Cinteresting Ddangerous( )39.A.have Bbe Cgive Dsend( )40.A.news Bways Cthings Danswers( )41.A.either BAgain Ctoo Dalso( )42.A.can Bbe able to Cshould DmustDCCADCB( )43.A.call Bsee Clook Dhe

14、ar( )44.A.at Bin Con Dwith( )45.A.most Bmany Clot Devery( )46.A.work Bside Cholidays Dtimes( )47.A.with Bin Con Dby( )48.A.them Btheir Chis Dhim( )49.A.sorry Bhappy Csure Dafraid( )50.A.think Bhope Cwant DsayBAACDBBB五、阅读理解。五、阅读理解。What do you think the future will be like?Here are some answers from s

15、ome students.Mary:If we dont take good care of the earth now,our children and grandchildren will be born in a world with much pollution.There will be fewer trees and more buildings,because there will be more people.Jack:I agree with Mary.Things will be worse.The weather in the future will be much ho

16、tter.Humans wont be able to live on the earth.We will have to look for another planet to live on.Linda:I think the life in the future will be better.Most people in the world will use “green cars” by 2020,so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 200 years old.For space travel,I woul

17、d say,we will visit Mars (火星火星) in about fifty years.51They are talking about _Apollution Bweather in the futureCthe moon Dlife in the future52What does Mary think life will be like in the future?_AThere will be fewer trees.BEverybody will have a car.CPeople will live longer.DPeople will have to liv

18、e on space stations.DA53What does the underlined word “planet” mean in Chinese?_A飞船飞船 B宇宙宇宙 C星球星球 D岛屿岛屿54Why does Jack think humans will have to look for another place to live on?_AThere will be too many buildings.BThe earth will be too hot to live on.CThere will be too many people.DThere will be to

19、o much pollution on the earth.CB六、任务型阅读。六、任务型阅读。从短文内容后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。从短文内容后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。What will the future life be like?55._Maybe one day we can work in Beijing,sleep in Chengdu and visit the moon for holidays.56_ Possibly,people will find ways to use cleaner things,such as sea water,to ma

20、ke energy without polluting the earth.EAWe will have machines that can copy everything in the future. 57._ If the machine is like a fax machine(传传真真机机),we can send food and gifts to our friends easily.We will have clever robots that work for us,and the robots can bring us useful things and take away

21、 our rubbish(垃垃圾圾).58._ But in the future,if we think of something,the machine can make it for us.We will be able to go into computer games and films and everything will feel real.59._Perhaps,one day we will be able to collect our dreams and put them on DVDs.DBCAWe will have new energy that doesnt make pollution.BNow we have to press a button (按按钮按按钮) to make a machine work.CWe will be able to make our homes seem like sunny beaches or anything we want.DPut a cake on the machine and it will make a new one.EI think we will be able to travel faster and safer around the world.



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