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1、 中考是人生的第一个十字路口,车中考是人生的第一个十字路口,车辆很多,但要勇敢地穿过去。辆很多,但要勇敢地穿过去。 名词名词( (一一) ) 可数名词单复数专题复习可数名词单复数专题复习制作制作: :侯孝静侯孝静09.03.15名词部分考查重点名词部分考查重点: :可数名词与不可数名词可数名词与不可数名词, ,可数名词单复数可数名词单复数的变化规则,名词所有格,及主谓一致的变化规则,名词所有格,及主谓一致. . 本课重点本课重点: : 可数名词的变化规则可数名词的变化规则一一回顾 : 可数名词与不可数名词可数名词是指表示某人或某物,可以用数来计量的词, 有单复数之分如: teachers,de

2、sks , books,maps,cars,balls等2. 不可数名词是指所表示的事物不能用数来计量的名词.如: paper,water, rice, milk, tea.等. 如果表示一定的数量, 则可用量词或某种容器来表示; 如: a piece of paper , a glass of water, two bowls of rice , three cups of tea 等.3. 既可修饰 可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词的词有: some (any),a lot of ,lots of , plenty of 等.4.只修饰可数名词的词有: many , a number of ,

3、 a few , few .等.5.只修饰不可数名词的词有: much , a little ,little.等.6.有些名次既可做可数名词有可做不可数名词,如;room , light 等. All the lights are on . ( lights是可数名词是可数名词)Light tavels faster than sound . ( light 是不可数名词是不可数名词)The big table takes too much room. (room 是不可数名词是不可数名词)There are sevral rooms in the house .( rooms是可数名词是可数

4、名词) 二二. .专题专题 : : 可数名词的单复数形式可数名词的单复数形式. .可数名词单复数变化有规则变化和不规则变化两种可数名词单复数变化有规则变化和不规则变化两种.1.1.规则变化规则变化: :(1).一般情况直接加一般情况直接加 s, 例如例如:book-books, desk-desks, tree-trees, map-maps.(2).以以 s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的直接加结尾的直接加-es , 例如例如:class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches, brush-brushes,(3).以辅音字母加以辅音字母加 y, 结尾的结尾的,把

5、把 y 变为变为 i ,再加再加 es, 例如例如: city-cities, country-countries, family-families, dictionary-dictionaries,(5).以以 o, 结尾的结尾的有生命的直接加有生命的直接加 es, 例如例如:tomato-tomatoes, hero-heroes, potato-potatoes无生命的直接加无生命的直接加 s, 例如例如:photo-photos, raido-radios, zoo-zoos(4).以以 f, 或或 fe, 结尾的结尾的, 把把 f 或或 fe 变为变为 v , 再加再加 es, 例如

6、例如: knife-knives, leaf-leaves, life-lives, wife- wives, wolf-wolves, (其中其中roof 直接加直接加s, roof-roofs.)2 .少数可数名词的不规则变化:少数可数名词的不规则变化:()()man -men ,woman -women , policeman - policemen , policewoman -policewomen , tooth -teeth ,foot feet , child -children ,German -Germans , mouse -mice 等等()()sheep - shee

7、p , Chinese -Chinese , deer -deer , fish -fish , Japanese -Japanese ,people -people.同学们请注意:必须熟记以上的规则同学们请注意:必须熟记以上的规则三三巩固练习巩固练习写出下列名词的复数写出下列名词的复数pencil-box, wife, Saturday, city , dress , Chinese , match , exam , zoo , Englishman , dictionary , library , house , kilo ,mouse, tooth , fish , roof ,hous

8、e,答案答案 : pencial-boxes, wives, Saturdays, cities, dresses, Chinese, matches, exams, zoos, Englishmen, dictionaries, libraries,houses, kilos, mice, teeth, fish, roofs, houses,2 . 将下列句子变为复数形式将下列句子变为复数形式(1) Whats that? Its a glass.(2)Its a good dictionary. (3) Is this man an American or a Japanese? (4)

9、 What a nice child he is ! (5) The policeman cauhgt a thief with a sheep yesterdayWhat are those? They are glasses.They are good dictionaries.Are these men Americans or Japanese? What nice children they are! The policemen caught thieves with sheep yesterday.3. 单项选择单项选择(1) we bought _ for my mothers

10、birthday. A. some meats. B. some pieces meat. C. a piece of meat . D. piece of meats. (2) Would you like _coffe? No, thanks I ve drunk two _. A . Any, bottles of orange. B. little, bottle of oranges. C. some , bottles of orange. D. a few , bottle of orange.CC (3) What can do for you? I d like two _.

11、 A .box of apple . B.boxes of apples. C. box of apples. D. box of apple.(4) These _ want to have some _ for lunch, so they decide to catch many. A, Germen , fish , B , Germans, fish , C , Germany, fish , D .Germans, fishesBB.(7) . How many _ are there in your family? A, people, B, a people C, the pe

12、ople, D, The peoples(8) , there are some _ and _in the _. A, women , child , photos , B, womans , children, photoes , C, women, children , photos, D, women, childs, photoes, AC(5) . There are many _ in this village . They eat a lot of _. A, Sheeps, leafs, B, sheep , leafs, C, sheeps .leaves, D. Shee

13、p . Leaves.(6) , Im thisty , I think Ill buy some _. A, Bread , B, water , C, cakes, D, eggs ,DB 四、小结四、小结(1).一般情况直接加一般情况直接加 s(2).以以 s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的直接加结尾的直接加-es(3).以辅音字母加以辅音字母加 y, 结尾的结尾的,把把 y 变为变为 i ,再加再加 es(4).以以 f, 或或 fe, 结尾的结尾的, 把把 f 或或 fe 变为变为 v , 再加再加 es(5).以以 o, 结尾的结尾的有生命的直接加有生命的直接加 es, 无生命的直接加无生命的直接加 s, 可可数数名名词词单单复复数数规规则则变变化化不不规规则则变变化化1,1,寒假作业名词部分寒假作业名词部分(P1)(P1)2,2,中考解读名词部分中考解读名词部分(P42)(P42)五五. .课后作业课后作业



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