Unit 1《Getting along with others》-Welcome to the unit课件1(11张PPT)(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 1《Getting along with others》-Welcome to the unit课件1(11张PPT)(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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《Unit 1《Getting along with others》-Welcome to the unit课件1(11张PPT)(牛津译林版必修5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1《Getting along with others》-Welcome to the unit课件1(11张PPT)(牛津译林版必修5)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、gkxx精品课件Unit 1Getting along with othersWelcome to the unitgkxx精品课件ProverbsCheck out the following pictures concerning certain proverbs.Try to work out which words are missing, but keep your books closed.gkxx精品课件Picture oneFriends are thieves How to understand it? What can they steal?of time.Friends

2、enjoy the t_ spent together so much that dont notice the most precious thing is p_ by.imeassing_gkxx精品课件Picture twoThe best mirror is1. What do you use a mirror for? reflect, look into, tell something about somebody2. What is the girl on the left doing? She is looking into _ or _.3. Is there anythin

3、g that the mirror cant tell you ? What are they? likes & dislikes, hobbies, personalities.Old friends tell you what the mirror _.cantthe mirrorher friend_an old friend.gkxx精品课件Picture three If you can buy a persons _, its not worth having. There are two boys in the picture. The tallerboy is giving _

4、 to the other boy and trying to p_ him to be his f_. The shorter boy looks p_. He is not sure _ he should take the money or not. moneyersuaderienduzzledwhetherfriendshiporthlessTrue friendship is w_.gkxx精品课件Picture fourTrue friends have _ that beat as one.A Your true friends heart beats as fast as y

5、ours.B Friends can share one heart.C Friends understand each other from the bottom of their hearts.What does this proverb mean?heartsgkxx精品课件Discussion I Attention: One in the group of three should listen to the other two and then give a report and make comments on what he/she hears. (Pay attention

6、that the reporter should first listen carefully and prepare to report to the class.)Attention: lets read out the following common qualities of friends.What do you think are the most important characteristics in a friend?Good friends should _.gkxx精品课件1. Good friends listen to each other.2. Good frien

7、ds dont put each other down or hurt each others feelings.3. Good friends try to understand each others feelings and moods.4. Good friends help each other solve problems.5. Good friends give each other compliments.6. Good friends can disagree without hurting each other.7. Good friends are dependable.

8、8. Good friends respect each other.9. Good friends are trustworthy.10. Good friends give each other room to change.11. Good friends care about each other.gkxx精品课件Discussion IIHow do you get on with your friends? How do you help each other when you have problems?1. Choose one situation given below an

9、d put these questions in your discussion: How would this make you feel? What is a positive way to deal with it? What is a harmful way to deal with it?2. Please talk to your partner about it. And prepare yourselves to present your discussion in dialogue to the class. (Pay attention that each speaker

10、should have more than three sentences to say.) gkxx精品课件 Situations1. Your friend starts acting in ways that you think are wrong (drugs, being rude, etc.)2. You find out your friend has been telling stories about you that arent true. 3. Your friend is on the brink of failing a class and begs you to h

11、elp him/her cheat on the final exam.4. You and your best friend have romantic feelings toward the same person. gkxx精品课件Homework1. Read Part B on page 95 in workbook.2. Writing Preview page 2,3 and find out the difficult situations that happened to Sarah and Andrew. Then write a short passage of more than 100 words on how to deal with them in a positive way.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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