《Unit 1 Living well》课件十(24张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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1、Unit 1 warming up How many different types of disabilities do you know?disability: the state of being disabled / unable to use his body properly How many different types of disabilities do you know?A .physical disability B .mental disabilitydeaf, dumb/mute, blind, lame, near-sighted, six fingers, co

2、lor blindness, paralyzeddepression, learning difficulty brain injury phobias (恐惧症恐惧症) Discussionbeliefwilldeterminationconfidencepatienceoptimismindependencethe disabled peopleDo you know ?1 Do you know anyone who is disabled around you? How does he or she deal with the disabilities?2 Do you know an

3、y famous people who are disabled? What do they do? Steven Hawking 1942 England Speech impaired, can only move one of his fingers Physicist / mathematician made a research in the beginning of space, matter and time.Helen Keller18821968United States blind and dumb learn to read Braille (盲文) , to speak

4、 and write .Finished the studies in Radcliff College. Became famous writer - “Three days To See.”Franklin Roosevelt 1882- 1945, America .the 32nd, 33rd and 34th president, and was selected the 35th a year before he died. The only one who was selected the president four times in American history.a di

5、sease in legs and had to use wheel chairVincent Van Gogh 凡高凡高Epilepsy癫痫症癫痫症painterZhang Haidi1955 China paralyzed Famous writer Hu yizhou ( 胡一舟)胡一舟) 1978- ,China some problems in his brain. His IQ is only 30. A famous conductor (指挥家)Sanglan(桑兰) 1981 -, China. a famous gymnast (体操运动员).She hurt hersel

6、f seriously in a competition and cant stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics (残疾人运动会) 1.What do you learn from these disabled?Theyrebrokeninbodybutfirminspirit.(身残志坚)2. Should disabled students be allowed to go to college? Should they get any extra help? Why

7、or why not?Yes, they should. Because there are many gifted disabled students, they can make a contribution to the society.They should get some extra help in their everyday activities.No, they shouldnt. Because they need recognition, more than sympathy and help.Discussion :Please look at textbook on

8、p 1 Ex 3 The students in the pictures each have a disability . With a partner , discuss what their disability might be . The following list might help you .mental disability learning difficultyhearing problem difficulty with eye sight brain injury loss of an arm or leg severe illness deafness walkin

9、g difficulty1.What do you do to overcome difficulties in your everyday life?2. Besides the problems in physic, are there any mental problems ?3. What kind of help would you want ? How would you want others to treat you?4. Do you want to get further study as other students? It is impossible for us to

10、 guess what disability the students might have from just looking at the pictures of them. 1. Rada is mentally disabled. 2. Barry is vision impaired. 3. Sally was born with spina bifida and relies on a wheel chair to get around. 4. Gao Qiang has diabetes.视力损伤脊柱裂糖尿病Pre-reading Read about the website “

11、Family village”. Discuss with a partner what kind of things you think people write about.Welcome to the Family Village! There is a website called “Family Village” on the internet. Lets see what can we see in it.Pre-readingThe Family Village is a web site for children and adults with disabilities, th

12、eir families, and their friends. 难句翻译 These stories are very positive and describe the satisfying lives young people live even though they have some difficulties. 这些故事都是积极乐观的,描述了这些生活中虽有困难但仍过着满意人生的人们的生活。 1. 并列句 2. 定语从句 3. 让步状语从句 OR1.The family village website gives successful young people the chance to tell their personal stories.2. Only disabled people find the website beneficial.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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