高一英语课件:3.3 Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》(山东专用外研版必修1)

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《高一英语课件:3.3 Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》(山东专用外研版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语课件:3.3 Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》(山东专用外研版必修1)(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Function,Vocabulary,Reading and Speaking,Everyday English & Cultural CornerStep One:Fast readingScan the text (P29) and choose the best answer.1How long does it take the Transrapid Maglev to travel from Shanghais Pudong Airport to Longyang Station?AAbout one and a half minutes.BAbout three a

2、nd a half minutes.CWithin five minutes.DWithin eight minutes.答案:答案:D2From the text we can know that_.Amany people are not interested in the Transrapid MaglevBit is difficult to make magnetically levitated trainsCmagnetically levitated trains can run wherever people likeDthe Transrapid Maglev results

3、 from technology答案:答案:DStep Two:Detail reading.Read the text (P29) and answer the following questions.1What technology does the Transrapid Maglev use?_答案:答案:Maglev levitation technology.2When did the Transrapid Maglev begin to run between Shanghais Pudong Airport and Longyang Station?_答案:答案:On Decem

4、ber 31,2002.Read the passage on P29 and tell the following statements True (T) or False (F)1When the Transrapid Maglev travels,there are no rails and no noise.()2The Transrapid Maglev is the worlds first highspeed train using gas.()3The Transrapid Maglev travels very fast and uses no energy.()4On De

5、cember 31,2002,Premier Zhu Rongji got on the Maglev at Pudong Airport.()5Magnetically levitated trains are very light,so they travel fast.()答案:答案:1.T2.F3.F4.F5.FStep Three:SummaryTravelling 1._over 400 kilometres per hour,the Maglevthe 2._train in the worldcan complete the 30kilometre journey 3._eig

6、ht minutes.It travels in a 4._between two magnets and use 5._.The opening 6._of the train service was held on Dec.31,2002,and about one year later,the Maglev 7._a new world record speed for a train at a speed of 501 km/h.答案:答案:1.at a speed of2.fastest3.in4.vacuum5.less energy6.ceremony7.setfrighten

7、vt.使吃惊;惊吓,吓唬使吃惊;惊吓,吓唬(课文原句课文原句P26)The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.那只鹰突然飞上天空,吓了我一跳。那只鹰突然飞上天空,吓了我一跳。Dont frighten her.She is just a little girl.别吓唬她,她只是个小女孩。别吓唬她,她只是个小女孩。frightened adj.受惊的,害怕的受惊的,害怕的frightening adj.令人害怕的令人害怕的frighten sb.to death使某人吓得半死使某人吓得半死Ill be frightened to l

8、ook out of the airplane window.我从飞机的舷窗往外看会害怕的。我从飞机的舷窗往外看会害怕的。Thats a frightening thought.那是个可怕的想法。那是个可怕的想法。1.The wolf howled in a_voice and the scholar felt_.Afrightening;frightenedBfrightened;frightenedCfrightened;frightening Dfrightening;frightening解析:解析:frightening adj.令人害怕的;令人害怕的;frightened可怕的,选

9、可怕的,选A。答案:答案:Ainterview n面试,面谈;接见;会见面试,面谈;接见;会见give an interview to sb.接见某人,接受某人接见某人,接受某人采访采访have an interview with sb.采访某人采访某人 (课文原句课文原句P27)Listen to part of an interview with a 90yearold silent movie actress called Mary Lennon.听一段对一位听一段对一位90岁名叫玛丽岁名叫玛丽列列农的无声电影女演员的采访。农的无声电影女演员的采访。The magazine has an

10、 interview with the couple.这本杂志有这对夫妇的专访。这本杂志有这对夫妇的专访。He doesnt give interviews to the press.他没有接受新闻界的采访。他没有接受新闻界的采访。interview v采访;对采访;对进行面试,与进行面试,与面谈面谈interviewer n主考官,面谈者主考官,面谈者interviewee n被面试者被面试者The reporter interviewed the actor.The reporter had an interview with the actor.记者采访了这位演员。记者采访了这位演员。2

11、.His manager always refuses to _an interview to him.Agive BhaveCoffer Ddo解析:解析:考查固定短语。考查固定短语。have an interview表示表示“采采访访”;give an interview表示表示“接见接见”。句意为:他。句意为:他的经理总是拒绝接见他。的经理总是拒绝接见他。答案:答案:Aexhausted adj.疲备不堪的疲备不堪的(课文原句课文原句P28)We were exhausted.We had to get up at 4 am and we didnt go to bed until mi

12、dnight.我们我们疲惫不堪。我们凌晨疲惫不堪。我们凌晨4点钟就得起床,一直忙到半夜点钟就得起床,一直忙到半夜才能上床睡觉。才能上床睡觉。Tom lay on the grass,exhausted after his long run.汤姆躺在草地上,长跑后他筋疲力尽。汤姆躺在草地上,长跑后他筋疲力尽。exhaust v使使筋疲力尽筋疲力尽exhausting adj.令人筋疲力尽的令人筋疲力尽的be exhausted from/by/with由于某事而筋疲力尽由于某事而筋疲力尽 We were/felt quite exhausted with the hard job.我们因那份辛苦

13、的工作而感到十分疲惫。我们因那份辛苦的工作而感到十分疲惫。I find her exhaustingshe never stops talking.我发现她真累人我发现她真累人她总是不停地说话。她总是不停地说话。3.Though the policemen got_after looking for the murder in the city for a whole day,they felt excited when finding the_knife by the lake.Aexhausting;abandoning Bexhausted;abandonedCexhausted;aba

14、ndoning Dexhausting;abandoned解析:解析:exhausted形容词作表语表示人的感觉,形容词作表语表示人的感觉,the abandoned knife一把被遗弃的刀,此处过去分词作一把被遗弃的刀,此处过去分词作定语,与被修饰词定语,与被修饰词knife构成逻辑上的动宾关系。构成逻辑上的动宾关系。答案:答案:Bout of date过期的;失效的;过时的过期的;失效的;过时的(课文原句课文原句P24)Its out of date.Its a month old.(车票车票)过期了,已经有一个月了。过期了,已经有一个月了。Your shoes are out of d

15、ate.I suggest you throw them away.你的鞋子过时了,我建议你扔掉它们。你的鞋子过时了,我建议你扔掉它们。Our computer is out of date.我们的电脑过时了。我们的电脑过时了。(1)up to date最新的,时新的最新的,时新的(2)out of表示表示“由于由于”“脱离脱离”“缺乏缺乏”等,常等,常构成以下短语:构成以下短语:out of order出故障出故障out of danger脱险脱险out of work失业失业This book is up to date.这本书有最新资料。这本书有最新资料。4.完成句子完成句子现在越来越多

16、的人失业。现在越来越多的人失业。At present there are more and more people_ _ _.这台机器出故障了。这台机器出故障了。The machine is_ _ _.答案:答案:out of workout of order5Isnt it better that you wear this dress to attend the party?No,its_.Aup to date Bout of dateCfashionable Dof date解析:解析:out of date过时,符合题意。过时,符合题意。答案:答案:Bat a speed of以以的

17、速度的速度(课文原句课文原句P29)Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour,the train can complete the 30kilometre journey in eight minutes.火车以每小时火车以每小时400多公里的时速前进,在多公里的时速前进,在8分钟之内就完成了分钟之内就完成了30公公里的路程。里的路程。Please drive at a safe speed.请以安全速度驾驶。请以安全速度驾驶。(1)at full speed全速全速with great speed以很快的速度以很快的速度 (2

18、)speed v快行,疾驰而去快行,疾驰而去speed up加速加速My roommate got caught speeding at the crossing yesterday.昨天我的室友在十字路口超速驾驶被截住了。昨天我的室友在十字路口超速驾驶被截住了。6.完成句子完成句子这辆车以每小时这辆车以每小时120公里的速度行驶。公里的速度行驶。The car is running_ _ _120 kilometers per hour.你最好别加速,因为这很危险。你最好别加速,因为这很危险。Youd better_ _ _,for it is very dangerous.答案:答案:at

19、 a speed ofnot speed up7He drove_what I thought was a dangerous speed.Aat BinCof Dwith解析:解析:该句意为:该句意为:“他以我认为危险的速度开车。他以我认为危险的速度开车。”at a dangerous speed以危险的速度。以危险的速度。答案:答案:AWould you mind showing me your ticket?检下票可以吗?检下票可以吗?该句也可写为:该句也可写为:Would you mind if I saw your ticket?Would you mind.?后面接名词、动名?后面

20、接名词、动名词以及词以及if引导的从句。引导的从句。if从句中要用一般过去时从句中要用一般过去时表示虚拟语气。但表示虚拟语气。但Do you mind后的后的if从句不用从句不用过去时态。过去时态。Do you mind if I smoke here?你介意我在这儿抽?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?烟吗?Would you mind if I opened the window?我打开?我打开窗子你介意吗?窗子你介意吗?Do you mind me smoking here?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?Do you mind turning down your radio?你是否介意

21、把收音机关小一点?你是否介意把收音机关小一点?Of course not.当然不。当然不。8.句型转换句型转换Do you mind my turning up the radio?Do you mind_the radio?Would you mind_the radio?答案:答案:if I turn up;if I turned upI remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle.我记得我父亲教我学自行车的那一天。我记得我父亲教我学自行车的那一天。how to ride a bicycle是特殊不定

22、式,其构成为:是特殊不定式,其构成为:wh/howto do,相当于,相当于wh/howsb.can/could/should do。由此可知,在该结构中,。由此可知,在该结构中,to do为主动语态。为主动语态。此结构常作主语、表语和宾语,相当于相应的主语从句、此结构常作主语、表语和宾语,相当于相应的主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句。表语从句和宾语从句。I didnt know what to say (what I should say)我不知道说什么。我不知道说什么。(作宾语作宾语)How to solve the problem (How we should solve the probl

23、em) is very important.如何解决这个问题非常重要。如何解决这个问题非常重要。(作主语作主语)Our question is when to start (when we can start)我们的问题是何时开始。我们的问题是何时开始。(作表语作表语)9.Ive worked with children before,so I know what_in my new job.Aexpected Bto expectCto be expecting Dexpects解析:解析:此题考查此题考查“特殊疑问词特殊疑问词to do sth.”。答案:答案:B10He told us

24、whether_a picnic was still under discussion.Ato have BhavingChave Dhad解析:解析:考查非谓语动词考查非谓语动词不定式结构作不定式结构作主语。主语。whether to have a picnic作宾语从句的作宾语从句的主语。句意为:他告诉我们是否出去野餐还主语。句意为:他告诉我们是否出去野餐还在讨论中。在讨论中。答案:答案:ATravelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour,the train can complete the 30kilometre journey

25、in eight minutes.火车以每小时火车以每小时400多公多公里的时速前进,在里的时速前进,在8分钟之内就完成了分钟之内就完成了30公里公里的路程。的路程。Travelling at a speed.是现在分词在句中作状是现在分词在句中作状语,其逻辑主语即主句的主语语,其逻辑主语即主句的主语the train。现在。现在分词作状语与句子的主语存在逻辑上的主动关分词作状语与句子的主语存在逻辑上的主动关系,即现在分词表主动。分词作状语,可表时系,即现在分词表主动。分词作状语,可表时间、原因、条件、伴随,方式以及结果等。间、原因、条件、伴随,方式以及结果等。Hearing the bad

26、news,they couldnt help crying.听到这个不幸的消息,他们情不自禁地哭了听到这个不幸的消息,他们情不自禁地哭了起来。起来。(时间时间)The boy ran away,shouting loudly.男孩大喊着跑了。男孩大喊着跑了。(伴随伴随)Being poor,he couldnt go to school.(原因原因)因为贫穷,他不能上学。因为贫穷,他不能上学。 11.He called the police for help,_that the problem was more than he could deal with.Ahaving been real

27、ized Bto realizedCrealizing Drealized解析:解析:此题考查动词此题考查动词ing形式作状语。该句形式作状语。该句意为:意为:“意识到无法处理这个问题,他向警察意识到无法处理这个问题,他向警察求助。求助。”答案:答案:C.单词拼写单词拼写1Mary is too e_to wake easily when asleep because she always has much work to do.答案:答案:exhausted2It was a pity that his father couldnt attend his wedding c_.答案:答案:c

28、eremony3His grandparents dont like to live in the d_area and have decided to live in the countryside.答案:答案:downtown4We moved to a smaller a_near the school for our children.答案:答案:apartment5This ancient city saw many important_(事件事件) in history.答案:答案:events6My mother works in a_(幼儿园幼儿园)答案:答案:kinderga

29、rten7Many people enjoy watching_(卡通卡通) plays.答案:答案:cartoon8The_(体育场体育场) was full of people because of the final baseball game.答案:答案: stadium.选词填空选词填空out of date;would you mind;frighten;at a speed of;downtown;exhaust 1I went_to do some shopping today.答案:答案: downtown2. In PE lesson yesterday,we were_b

30、y the 3,000 metres race.答案:答案: exhausted3Its_to think it could happen again.答案:答案: frightening4This type of computer_.Youd better not buy it.答案:答案: is out of date5The train is travelling _sixty miles an hour.答案:答案: at a speed of6_helping me when I am in trouble?答案:答案: Would you mind.完成句子完成句子1小华听从了老师

31、的建议,再也不单独去游泳了。小华听从了老师的建议,再也不单独去游泳了。Following the teachers advice,Xiao Hua_ _ _ _ _ _.答案:答案: doesnt go swimming alone any more2这是一个六层的建筑物,大约这是一个六层的建筑物,大约18米高。米高。This is a sixstoreyed building,which is about 18_ _.答案:答案: meters high3读这篇小说花了我四天时间。读这篇小说花了我四天时间。_ _me four days_ _ the novel.答案:答案:It took;to read4这个女孩认为她的有些衣服过时了。这个女孩认为她的有些衣服过时了。The girl thinks some of her clothers are _ _ _.答案:答案: out of date5你介意我把门关上吗?你介意我把门关上吗?一点儿也不介意,请便。一点儿也不介意,请便。_you_my_the door?_ _not.Please_ahead.答案:答案: Would;mind;closing;Of course;go同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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