陕西省汉中市陕飞二中高二英语《Foreign Food》课件 外研版选修8

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1、Module 3 Foreign Food 编读互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。的内容。“知识网络知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中出现的词汇都属于高考常习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中出现的词汇都属于高考常见考点,例如,见考点,例如,fixfix,oweowe,mannermanner的词义活用,的词义活用,makemake,go

2、 go 短语短语的灵活运用,以及的灵活运用,以及no wonderno wonder句型。句型。 建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共一课时,共计两个课时。计两个课时。 美文佳句诵美文诵美文Directions: Write an English composition according Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.to the instructions given bel

3、ow in Chinese.你校校长打算你校校长打算改进食堂的设施改进食堂的设施(facilities)(facilities)和服务和服务(service)(service),请你给校长写封信,谈谈你的建议。请你给校长写封信,谈谈你的建议。 词数在词数在120120左右。左右。Dear Mr. PresidentDear Mr. President, My classmates and I _ very glad to know that My classmates and I _ very glad to know that you are determined to improve ou

4、r canteen facilities you are determined to improve our canteen facilities and service. I would like to give _ opinions.Firstly, and service. I would like to give _ opinions.Firstly, the quality of the dishes should be improved. the quality of the dishes should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a l

5、ot of delicious dishes, _ Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, _ all the year round, they are the same. More and more all the year round, they are the same. More and more students are complaining about _ the same food students are complaining about _ the same food each day.Apart _ the q

6、uality, the price is supposed each day.Apart _ the quality, the price is supposed to be adjusted, too. to be adjusted, too. aremyfromeatingbutSome food which is delicious has been priced Some food which is delicious has been priced dramatically _ that most of us candramatically _ that most of us can

7、t afford.t afford. What Whats more, the environment is _s more, the environment is _ noisy that we noisy that we cancant enjoy our meals in a good mood. I _ that t enjoy our meals in a good mood. I _ that there be some soft music to help us relax. From bad to there be some soft music to help us rela

8、x. From bad to worse, the lights are so dull.We will appreciate _ worse, the lights are so dull.We will appreciate _ from the bottom of our hearts if you will _ action from the bottom of our hearts if you will _ action immediately.immediately. Yours, David Yours, Davidhighitsuggesttakeso背佳句背佳句1 1Wha

9、tWhats more, the environment is so noisy that we s more, the environment is so noisy that we cancant enjoy our meals a in good mood. t enjoy our meals a in good mood. 更何况,环境如更何况,环境如此嘈杂,以致我们没有心情吃饭。此嘈杂,以致我们没有心情吃饭。 赏析赏析 该句使用了一个该句使用了一个“sosothatthat”结构,结构,thatthat引导一个结引导一个结果状语从句。果状语从句。WhatWhats mores mor

10、e和和FirstlyFirstly,Apart fromApart from三个短三个短语,把自己的建议层次分明地表达了出来。语,把自己的建议层次分明地表达了出来。2 2I suggest that there be some soft music to help us I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax. relax. 我建议播放一些轻音乐使我们我建议播放一些轻音乐使我们( (吃饭的时候吃饭的时候) )放松一下。放松一下。 赏析赏析 suggest suggest 后跟了一个由后跟了一个由there bethere

11、 be句型充当的宾语从句,句型充当的宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气委婉地提出了自己的建议。从句用虚拟语气委婉地提出了自己的建议。3 3We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts if you will take action immediately. if you will take action immediately. 如果您愿意马上采如果您愿意马上采取行动,我们将万分感激。取行动,我们将万分感激。 赏析赏析 该句使用了该句使用了“a

12、ppreciateappreciateititif (if (从句从句) )”结构。结构。 课前热身.单词拼写单词拼写1 1Many believe that poverty is a direct_Many believe that poverty is a direct_ ( (后果后果) of overpopulation. ) of overpopulation. 2 2A waiter offered him the m_ and he began to take A waiter offered him the m_ and he began to take his order.

13、his order. 3 3He has a _(He has a _(固定的固定的) pattern of behavior. ) pattern of behavior. 4 4The Greens e_us to dinner last night. The Greens e_us to dinner last night. 5 5The sentences all have the same grammatical_. The sentences all have the same grammatical_. consequenceconsequenceenuenufixedfixed

14、ntertainedntertainedpatternpattern6 6It will offer a wider choice of goods for the It will offer a wider choice of goods for the _ (_ (消费者消费者). ). 7 7I dont like c_dressed people. I dont like c_dressed people. 8 8The refugees main _(The refugees main _(需求需求) are food and ) are food and shelter. shel

15、ter. 9. We aim to offer good value and service to all our 9. We aim to offer good value and service to all our _(_(顾客顾客). ). 10. As the weeks passed10. As the weeks passed,I _ (I _ (逐渐地逐渐地) accepted ) accepted the idea of his leaving. the idea of his leaving. consumersconsumersasuallyasuallyrequirem

16、entsrequirementscustomerscustomersgraduallygradually.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1难怪难怪_ 2 2使某人非常恐惧的是使某人非常恐惧的是 _ 3 3结束结束 _ 4 4看出;理解看出;理解 _ 5 5根据根据 _ 6 6违反;违背违反;违背 _ 7 7与与有共同之处有共同之处 _ 8 8通常;一贯通常;一贯 _ 9 9不用说;显而易见不用说;显而易见 _ 10. 10. 与某人关系密切与某人关系密切 _nono wonderwonder muchmuch toto oneone s s horrorhorrorendend upup makema

17、ke outoutaccordingaccording toto gogo againstagainsthavehaveinin commoncommonasas a a rulerulegogo withoutwithout sayingsayingbebe onon closeclose termsterms withwith sbsb11. 11. 挽救,拯救,使免于挽救,拯救,使免于 _12. 12. 总之;简而言之总之;简而言之 _13. 13. 效仿某人效仿某人 _14. 14. 以以的方式的方式 _15. 15. 的趋势的趋势 _16. 16. 把把称为称为 _17. 17. 以

18、以命名命名 _18. 18. 以以为基础为基础 _19. 19. 放火烧放火烧 _20. 20. 把把转变为转变为 _ _savesave sbsb fromfrominin shortshortfollowfollow oneone s s exampleexampleinin a amannermannera a trendtrend towardstowards referrefer totoasasnamename afterafter bebe basedbased onon setset firefire toto transformtransformintointo.完成句子完成

19、句子1 1第一道上来的六七个菜好像就已经占满了整个桌子,盘子很第一道上来的六七个菜好像就已经占满了整个桌子,盘子很危险地一个摞着一个。危险地一个摞着一个。 The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the tabletable,_ plates _one on _ plates _one on top of another. top of another. 2 2我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站在那里对他们的食我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站

20、在那里对他们的食物有些茫然。物有些茫然。 I _their easy and graceful manner while I _their easy and graceful manner while I stood there _by the food. I stood there _by the food. withwithdangerouslydangerously balancedbalancedwaswas amazedamazed atatfeelingfeeling somewhatsomewhat confusedconfused3 3最完美的主人不管付出什么代价都会设法避免他

21、的客人尴尬。最完美的主人不管付出什么代价都会设法避免他的客人尴尬。 The perfect host is the one who _his guest The perfect host is the one who _his guest _embarrassment_embarrassment_4 4不久以后,大家都效仿他,很随意地把芦笋扔到地上,谈话不久以后,大家都效仿他,很随意地把芦笋扔到地上,谈话在友好和放松的气氛中继续。在友好和放松的气氛中继续。 Before longBefore long,everybody was _everybody was _,casually _the a

22、sparagus onto the floorcasually _the asparagus onto the floor,while the conversation continued inwhile the conversation continued in _. _. savessavesfromfromwhateverwhatever thethe costcost( (maymay bebe).).followingfollowing hishis exampleexamplethrowingthrowinga a friendlyfriendly andand relaxedre

23、laxed mannermanner5 5他一定以为我在开玩笑。他一定以为我在开玩笑。 He _I was joking. He _I was joking. mustmust havehave thoughtthought单词点睛单词点睛1 1tastetasten n. . 味道;味觉;品味,鉴赏力;爱好,志趣味道;味觉;品味,鉴赏力;爱好,志趣v v. . 有有味道;品尝;体验,领略味道;品尝;体验,领略 to ones taste to ones taste 合合口味,合口味,合的意;称的意;称的心的心 have good taste (in sth) have good taste

24、(in sth) 有很好的鉴赏力有很好的鉴赏力 have a taste for have a taste for 喜欢喜欢 taste of taste of 有有的味道的味道 tasteful tasteful adjadj. . 高雅的,雅致的,精美的高雅的,雅致的,精美的 tasteless tasteless adjadj. . 无味的,不可口的;粗俗的无味的,不可口的;粗俗的 tasty tasty adjadj. . 好吃的好吃的 【易错警示易错警示】 taste taste 表示表示“尝起来有尝起来有的味道的味道”,是系动词,后面要加,是系动词,后面要加形容词作表语,且不能用被

25、动语态。如:形容词作表语,且不能用被动语态。如:The meat tastes The meat tastes delicious. delicious. 【活学活用活学活用】(1) _(1) _,the food was soon sold out. the food was soon sold out. 尝起来味道不错,这种食物很快就被卖光了。尝起来味道不错,这种食物很快就被卖光了。(2) He has never_. (2) He has never_. 他从未尝过失败的滋味。他从未尝过失败的滋味。 TastingTasting goodgoodtastedtasted defeatde

26、feat(3)My brother _music. (3)My brother _music. 我哥哥对艺术很有鉴赏力。我哥哥对艺术很有鉴赏力。(4)It isnt_. (4)It isnt_. 它并不合每个人的口味。它并不合每个人的口味。hashas excellentexcellent tastetaste inintoto everyoneeveryone s s tastetaste2 2fixfixv v. . 固定,安装;确定,决定固定,安装;确定,决定( (约会、时间、数量等约会、时间、数量等) ); 找到,确定找到,确定( (位置、时间位置、时间) );修理,校准;修理,校准

27、fix ones attention/eyes on fix ones attention/eyes on 把注意力集中在把注意力集中在/ /盯着盯着 fix up fix up 安排,提供;修理,整理安排,提供;修理,整理 fixed fixed adjadj. . 固定的;不变的;确定的固定的;不变的;确定的【词语辨析词语辨析】 mend mend,fixfix和和repairrepair(1)mend(1)mend通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊工具。工具。mend mend 可以用来表示对打破、撕破、穿破等的物或衣服可以用


29、air这两个动词的一般含义,差别在于这两个动词的一般含义,差别在于fixfix是非正式用语。是非正式用语。fixfix多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装、固定性多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装、固定性质的修理。质的修理。【活学活用活学活用】(1)We have to _to meet. (1)We have to _to meet. 我们得安排一个见面的日期。我们得安排一个见面的日期。(2)Can you _with a bed for the night? (2)Can you _with a bed for the night? 你能提供一张床让我过夜吗?你能提供一张床让我过夜吗?(3)Her ey

30、es _the painting for long. (3)Her eyes _the painting for long. 她两眼紧盯着画很久。她两眼紧盯着画很久。 fixfix ( (upup) )a a datedatefixfix meme upupwerewere fixedfixed onon3 3oweowevtvt. . 欠欠( (债、情等债、情等) );把;把归功于归功于 owe sb sth/owe sth to sbowe sb sth/owe sth to sb owe it to sb that owe it to sb that 把把归功于;欠情归功于;欠情 owe

31、 sb a lot/a great deal owe sb a lot/a great deal 对某人很感激对某人很感激 owe sb an apology/a letter owe sb an apology/a letter 该向某人道歉该向某人道歉/ /该给某人写信该给某人写信 owing to owing to 由于由于 owing owing adjadj. . 欠着的,未付的欠着的,未付的【活学活用活学活用】 用用oweowe的适当形式完成句子的适当形式完成句子(1)I_. (1)I_. 我很感激我的老师。我很感激我的老师。 (2)He _luck than to ability

32、. (2)He _luck than to ability. 他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因为自己有能力。他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因为自己有能力。 (3)I _the doctor that I am alive. (3)I _the doctor that I am alive. 我仍活着这都归功于医生。我仍活着这都归功于医生。(4)_our joint efforts the task was fulfilled (4)_our joint efforts the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule. ahead of schedule. 由于我们

33、的共同努力,任务提前完成了。由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。 oweowe mymy teacherteacher a a lotlotowesowes hishis successsuccess moremore totooweowe itit totoOwingOwing toto4 4mannermannern n. . 方式,方法;态度,举止;方式,方法;态度,举止;( (plpl) )礼貌,礼仪礼貌,礼仪 in ain amannermanner以以的方式的方式 manner of doing sth manner of doing sth 做某事的方式做某事的方式 table

34、manners table manners 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 wellwell mannered mannered 有礼貌的有礼貌的【经典句式经典句式】 It is good/bad manners to do sth. It is good/bad manners to do sth. 做某事有礼貌做某事有礼貌/ /没有礼貌。没有礼貌。【活学活用活学活用】(1)One thing I do admire is the polite manner (1)One thing I do admire is the polite manner _British people eat_British

35、people eat,even if it is just a even if it is just a potato. potato. 让我非常敬佩的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,让我非常敬佩的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也吃得斯斯文文。他们也吃得斯斯文文。(2)_to interrupt. (2)_to interrupt. 打断别人说话是不礼貌的。打断别人说话是不礼貌的。 inin whichwhichItIt isis badbad mannersmanners5 5altogetheraltogetheradvadv. . 完全;总之;合计,总共完全;总之;

36、合计,总共 togethertogether在一起,共同;一齐在一起,共同;一齐( (常构成短语常构成短语together with)together with)【易错警示易错警示】 altogether altogether与与togethertogether极易混淆,极易混淆, togethertogether意思是:在一意思是:在一起,共同,一齐;常构成短语起,共同,一齐;常构成短语together withtogether with。【活学活用活学活用】 判断下列句中判断下列句中altogetheraltogether的含义,写出它对应的英语近义词的含义,写出它对应的英语近义词( (组

37、组) )(1)I dont altogether agree with you. _(1)I dont altogether agree with you. _(2)You owe me 20 dollars altogether. _(2)You owe me 20 dollars altogether. _(3)Altogether(3)Altogether,what you said cant convince me. what you said cant convince me. _completelycompletely/ /entirelyentirelyin all/in tot

38、alin all/in totalconsidering everything/on the whole/all in allconsidering everything/on the whole/all in all6 6remarkremarkn n. . 谈话,言辞;评论;注意,看,察觉谈话,言辞;评论;注意,看,察觉 v v. . 说起,谈论,评论说起,谈论,评论 remarkable remarkable adjadj. . 非凡的,奇异的,引人注目的非凡的,奇异的,引人注目的 remark on/uponremark on/upon 谈论,议论,评论谈论,议论,评论 make a

39、remark onmake a remark on 就就发表意见,对发表意见,对品头论足品头论足【活学活用活学活用】(1)My _were not aimed at you. (1)My _were not aimed at you. 我的话不是针对你的。我的话不是针对你的。(2)The editor _that the article was well (2)The editor _that the article was well written. written. 编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。 remarksremarksremarkedremarked7 7

40、entertainentertainvtvt. . 娱乐;招待,款待娱乐;招待,款待 entertain sb with sth entertain sb with sth 使快乐使快乐 entertainment entertainment n n. . 娱乐节目娱乐节目/ /活动;招待,款待活动;招待,款待 entertaining entertaining adjadj. . 有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的 【词语辨析词语辨析】entertainentertain和和treattreatentertainentertain和和treattreat都有都有“请客,招待

41、请客,招待”的意思。的意思。entertainentertain多多指在自己家中宴请客人指在自己家中宴请客人(receive sb as a guest(receive sb as a guest;provide provide food and drink for sbfood and drink for sb,esp in ones home)esp in ones home);treattreat指一般指一般请客吃饭、看戏、看电影和球赛等请客吃饭、看戏、看电影和球赛等(to buy or do something (to buy or do something special for s

42、omeone that you know they will enjoy)special for someone that you know they will enjoy),还可以指使自己获得某种享受。常用搭配还可以指使自己获得某种享受。常用搭配treat sb to sthtreat sb to sth。如:如:They often entertained their friends at weekends. They often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末招待朋友。他们常在周末招待朋友。Im going to treat m

43、yself to a new pair of shoes. Im going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes. 我要给自己买双新鞋子。我要给自己买双新鞋子。Lets go out for lunchLets go out for lunch(this is) my treat. (this is) my treat. 咱们出去吃饭吧咱们出去吃饭吧我请客。我请客。【活学活用活学活用】(1)He _us for hours with his stories and (1)He _us for hours with his stories and jok

44、es. jokes. 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 (2)Barbecue is a good way to _friends. (2)Barbecue is a good way to _friends. 烧烤是招待朋友的一种好方式。烧烤是招待朋友的一种好方式。(3)He used to _films often. (3)He used to _films often. 他过去经常请她看电影。他过去经常请她看电影。 entertainedentertainedentertainentertaintreattreat herh

45、er toto8 8trendtrendn n. &. &vivi. . 趋向,趋势,倾向趋向,趋势,倾向(towards)(towards) current/present/latest/recent trend current/present/latest/recent trend目前的趋势,最近的趋势目前的趋势,最近的趋势 general trend general trend 总的趋势总的趋势 tend tend vivi. . 易于;趋向,倾向易于;趋向,倾向 tend to tend to 往往,趋向于往往,趋向于 tendency tendency n n. . 趋向,趋势趋向,

46、趋势(towards)(towards)【经典句式经典句式】 There is a (growing) trend towards There is a (growing) trend towards有有的趋势。的趋势。 There is a tendency (for sb) to do sth/towardsThere is a tendency (for sb) to do sth/towards 有有的趋势。的趋势。【例句例句】 There is a growing trend towards smaller families. There is a growing trend tow

47、ards smaller families. 现在家庭有日益小型化的趋势。现在家庭有日益小型化的趋势。 Old people tend to get fat. Old people tend to get fat. 老年人容易发胖。老年人容易发胖。 There is an increasing tendency for women to have There is an increasing tendency for women to have children later in life. children later in life. 现在妇女有晚生育的趋势。现在妇女有晚生育的趋势。【活学

48、活用活学活用】(1)Lately there has been a _hiring (1)Lately there has been a _hiring more partmore part time employees. time employees. 最近有雇用更多兼职员工的趋势。最近有雇用更多兼职员工的趋势。(2)Women _live longer than men. (2)Women _live longer than men. 女人往往比男人长寿。女人往往比男人长寿。 trendtrend/ /tendencytendency towardstowardstendtend toto

49、短语储存短语储存1 1make outmake out书写,填写;明白,理解;辨认出,设法应付书写,填写;明白,理解;辨认出,设法应付 make the most/best ofmake the most/best of充分利用充分利用 make formake for走向,朝走向,朝前进;促成;有助于前进;促成;有助于 make upmake up编造;组成;补足;弥补;化妆;和解编造;组成;补足;弥补;化妆;和解 make itmake it 完成某事;赶上;取得成功;出席,到场完成某事;赶上;取得成功;出席,到场【活学活用活学活用】 根据语境选择合适的短语填空根据语境选择合适的短语填空(

50、1)He is such a man that I can hardly (1)He is such a man that I can hardly makemake him_. him_. 他这人有些怪,我几乎理解不了他。他这人有些怪,我几乎理解不了他。outout(2)Can you _what that sign says? (2)Can you _what that sign says? 你能辨认出牌子上写的是什么吗?你能辨认出牌子上写的是什么吗? (3)You are always _excuses. I wont believe in (3)You are always _excu

51、ses. I wont believe in you. you. 你总是在编造借口,我不再相信你了。你总是在编造借口,我不再相信你了。(4)I think its time we _school. (4)I think its time we _school. 我想我们该去上学了。我想我们该去上学了。 mademade forformakingmaking upupmakemake outout2 2go againstgo against违反;不利于违反;不利于 go down withgo down with 感染感染( (疾病疾病) ) go ahead go ahead 前进;前进;(

52、 (口语口语) ) 随便用随便用 go with go with 伴随,与伴随,与相配相配 get going get going 开始行动开始行动 go all out for sth/to do go all out for sth/to do 全力以赴做某事全力以赴做某事 go without go without 没有没有也行也行 go in for go in for 参加,从事参加,从事 go for it go for it 尽力争取尽力争取 go by (go by (时间时间) )过去,依照过去,依照go overgo over 仔细审查,仔细审查, 仔细搜查;复习仔细搜查;

53、复习go off go off 熄灭;变质,变坏熄灭;变质,变坏go through go through 经历;通过;仔细检查,仔细寻找经历;通过;仔细检查,仔细寻找go hungry/bad/mad/wildgo hungry/bad/mad/wild 挨饿挨饿/ /变质变质/ /发疯发疯/ /疯狂疯狂go down go down 下去,下沉;下降下去,下沉;下降go against nature go against nature 违背自然违背自然( (的规律的规律) )go against sb go against sb 对某人不利对某人不利【活学活用活学活用】用用gogo短语的适

54、当形式填空短语的适当形式填空(1)(1)Do you mind if I open the window?Do you mind if I open the window? NoNo,_. _. (2)Its late! I must_. (2)Its late! I must_. (3)Do you think this shirt will _my trousers?(3)Do you think this shirt will _my trousers?(4)The company will _to improve on last (4)The company will _to impr

55、ove on last years sales. years sales. (5) This case may _you. Youd better get (5) This case may _you. Youd better get prepared for the worst. prepared for the worst. (6)She was scared to _her fathers wishes. (6)She was scared to _her fathers wishes. (7)It is possible to _food for a few days. (7)It i

56、s possible to _food for a few days. (8)Dave _his pockets looking for the keys. (8)Dave _his pockets looking for the keys. (9)Since you set a goal,you should _ it.(9)Since you set a goal,you should _ it.gogo aheadaheadgetget goinggoinggogo withwithgogo allall outoutgogo againstagainstgogo againstagai

57、nstgogo withoutwithoutwentwent throughthroughgogo forfor句型透视句型透视No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each disheach dish;they knew what was still to come. they knew what was still to come. 难怪我的同难怪我的同伴们每种菜只吃了一点点,他们知道后面还要上什么。伴们每种菜

58、只吃了一点点,他们知道后面还要上什么。【要点解读要点解读】 no wonder no wonder 难怪,怪不得难怪,怪不得【相关拓展相关拓展】(Its) no wonder (that)(Its) no wonder (that)难怪难怪;不足为奇。不足为奇。It is a wonder (that)It is a wonder (that)奇怪的是奇怪的是(It is) small/little wonder (that)(It is) small/little wonder (that)没有什么奇怪没有什么奇怪/ /不足为怪。不足为怪。wonder at/aboutwonder at/a

59、bout 对对感到惊奇感到惊奇/ /惊叹惊叹/ /惊讶惊讶wonder why/how/what wonder why/how/what 疑惑,想知道疑惑,想知道【活学活用活学活用】(1)_ he didnt pass the exam. He didnt work (1)_ he didnt pass the exam. He didnt work hard at all.hard at all. 难怪他考试不及格,他根本不努力学习。难怪他考试不及格,他根本不努力学习。NoNo wonderwonder(2)_ no one got hurt. (2)_ no one got hurt. 没

60、有人受伤,这真是个奇迹。没有人受伤,这真是个奇迹。(3)I _they will arrive on time. (3)I _they will arrive on time. 我也不知道他们能不能准时到。我也不知道他们能不能准时到。 wonderwonder whetherwhetherItIt s s a a wonderwonder跟踪训练1 120092009浙江卷浙江卷 In the good care of the nurses In the good care of the nurses,the the boy is _ recovering from his heart ope

61、ration. boy is _ recovering from his heart operation. A Aquietly Bquietly Bactually actually C Cpractically Dpractically DgraduallygraduallyD D2 2The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted_ if it had been put in the fridge for a tasted_ i

62、f it had been put in the fridge for a little while. little while. A Agood Bgood Bbetter Cbetter Cbest Dbest Dwell well B B3 3John was dismissed last week because of his _ John was dismissed last week because of his _ attitude towards his job. attitude towards his job. A Ainformal Binformal Bcasualca

63、sual C Cdetermined Ddetermined Dearnest earnest 【解析解析】 本题考查形容词辨析。本题考查形容词辨析。casualcasual不认真的,马虎的;不认真的,马虎的;informalinformal不正式的;不正式的;earnestearnest认真的,热心的;认真的,热心的;determineddetermined意志意志坚强的,坚决的。这几个词中只有坚强的,坚决的。这几个词中只有“不认真的不认真的”工作态度才可工作态度才可能导致被解雇。能导致被解雇。 4 4Its _ that he has left out _ Its _ that he ha

64、s left out _ “n n” in in the word the word “governmentgovernment”. . A Aobvious; an Bobvious; an Bobviously; aobviously; a C Cclear; the Dclear; the Dclearly; a clearly; a A AB B5 5Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she had to_without. had t

65、o_without. A Acome Bcome Bgogo C Cstruggle Dstruggle Dmanage manage 【解析解析】 B B本题考查固定搭配。本题考查固定搭配。go withoutgo without相当于相当于do do withoutwithout,意思是,意思是“没有没有也能凑合也能凑合”,符合语意。,符合语意。 6 6I _ you an apology for what I said this I _ you an apology for what I said this morning. Anywaymorning. Anyway,I meant n

66、o offence. I meant no offence. A AOwe BOwe Bmake make C Cdemand Ddemand DacceptacceptA A7 7I cant thank you enough for the gift you sent me. I cant thank you enough for the gift you sent me. _. _. A AWith pleasure BWith pleasure BNoNo,thanksthanks C CPlease dont say so DPlease dont say so DMy pleasure My pleasure D D8 8This problem may lead to more serious ones if This problem may lead to more serious ones if _ unsolved. _ unsolved. A Amaking Bmaking Bremainedremained C Ckeeping Dkeeping Dleft left D D同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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